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My name is Mariana-Alina Mica, I am a student in my first year at the Media Communication

Masters Program at the College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences. I am
writing this letter to apply for the two semesters scholarship at Dongguk University.
My interest in Korea as a country as well as its language and culture started a few years ago after
watching a particularly interesting TV series on the TV. I did not leave this interest as a hobby
but developed it and studied Korean Language and Literature as a minor during my
undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Letters. The three years of study culminated in a
dissertation paper regarding the use of literature in North Korea as a means of propaganda.
I consider that this educational background gives me an advantage in regards to the scholarship. I
am familiar up to a certain point with Korean culture and language. Not only would I be able to
continue my studies in relation to Media Culture and Communication, but I think it would be a
great opportunity for me to improve my Korean language skills and also gain more insight into
what Korean culture is like and experience by myself all those things that I have heard of during
my courses.
I think it would also be a chance for me to continue the research I have started for my
dissertation paper and maybe expand it into other areas. I have been thinking, as part of my
current studies, about the way media is used in North Korea as well as the way Western media
portrays North Korean society and politics. There are so many things we Westerners do not
understand when it comes to North Korea, its society and politics and even as to why this state
has survived as such for more than 70 years while so many communist societies have fallen or
have had to rethink their strategy and policies. I think that being a student at Dongguk
University, which now has the only department dedicated entirely to North Korean studies in the
country, would be of a great help for me to continue my studies in this field.
This is very much connected with my current object of study for the MA program, Media
Communication. After looking up information regarding similar courses at Dongguk University I
have found out that this particular area of research is also well developed and I would be able to
select from quite a wide range of topics and courses to attend. What would be even more
interesting for me to see is how media is used and how it develops and grows in South Korea, as
opposed to what happens in our country, Romania, and even in Europe, places I am more
familiar with.
I firmly believe that this opportunity would not only help me with my academic studies, but also
grow and develop myself as a person. It would be an experience like no other; it will take me out
of my comfort zone and make take advantage and apply in real day-to-day life all the knowledge

I have gathered throughout my life and also while being a student at the department of Korean
Language and Literature. I would be delighted to be offered such a scholarship that would impact
my academic studies, myself as a person, and quite possibly my entire future.

Yours sincerely,
Mariana-Alina Mica

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