How To Make Money in 2017

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The 2017 Business

Plan That Delivers


A Step By Step Plan for Today That

Delivers Freedom Tomorrow

90 Day blitz to Executive

If we fail to plan we are planning to fail

Leverageable NOT transactional

Work less and less and make more and more

Invest 10-12 hours a week for 90 days

10-12 people hours

Goal and Objective

Share the Vollara Opportunity weekly

Share Fresh Air weekly

Share RE:VIVE and/or RE:SULTS weekly

Work on yourself

Plan 5 4 3

Lets Look At The 5 In The 5-4-3 Plan

Share the Vollara Business 5 times a week

Use Indirect Approach And/or Leads

To the EcoBusiness VIP Opportunity Presentation

Your website is preferable, but use
Partners if necessary (coordinate with partner)

Sets the stage for new thinking Opportunity vs.

Leverageable NOT transactional

Send To The VIP Presentation 5 Times

Weekly and Get $80 for Each Presentation

1 in 5 average

$400.00/Week at L1 each time a prospect joins with a

pack (L6 gets $550)

13 Weeks X $400.00 during 90 days = $5,200

$5,200/65 approaches = $80/approach

Share the business opportunity equally with


Lets Look At 4 In The 5-4-3 Pan

Indirect Approach Proven for 20 Years

Make 4 Rejection Free Indirect Approaches Per Week.

Need your help, looking for, I dont know.
See STF retail

1 Placement/wk. out of 4 approaches/wk.

13 Placements over 90 days will average 6 sales = up to

$2,580 in profit

$2,580/13 placements = $199/placement or $49.61/ approach

Lets Look at the 3 in the 5-4-3-Plan

Share RE:Vive sample weekly

Give away 3 - 2 stick Samples w/card per week

Be proactive - Approach them in 2 days

Say, Im putting in order, do you want me to get you
some, I still think I can get it for you at wholesale?
Then say, Do you wan it at my cost or do you want to
get at my cost and have a shot at making money?
Sign up as wholesale buyer or distributor respectively
based upon answer.

Produces 13 new wholesale buyer or distributor over 90

days (Youll need 3 Re:Vive America Orders over 90 days)

Share RE:SULTS sample weekly

Commit this year to looking and feeling your best and

become a walking advertisement for Results!

Purchase samples in 18 pack ~ $119

3 samples per week

Proactive Follow up Ordering today. I can still get it

for your wholesale, want me to get your some?

Trade $20.00 bill for sample

Offer best value $140.00 retail - $109.00 wholesale $99.00 auto delivery


Add 12 or more new Auto Delivery accounts during

90 days
Teach 12 the same process
Adds automatically up to 144 or more new
Builds ongoing reliable residual income

Get 3 and Duplicate 3

Just For Fun Get 4 and Duplicate 4

Show Me The Money For The 5-4-3 Plan

Sharing the VIP 5 Times Wkly
$ 400.00
Do 4 Rejection-Free Indirect Approaches
$ 199.00
Share 3 Samples (Re:vive or Re:sults) Wkly $ 18.00

$/90 Days
$ 5,200.00
$ 2,580.00
$ 702.00

$ 617.00 $ 8,482.00

We can do anything for 90 days

Things that are easy to do are easy not to do

Think Leverageable NOT Transactional

Working the averages can create a lifetime of Freedom

Good at procrastinating? Heres how to stop

Put offputting things off!

Commit to at Least 1 Breakfast Call and/or Leadership Call


The Pay off is working less and less and making more and

Start today

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