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Course Information

Congratulations on your wise decision to enroll in Religion 225 - Foundations of the
Restoration! As you may already know this class is part of the new effort to create "cornerstone"
courses that will prepare students to understand some of the essential elements of the religion
of the Latter-day Saints. This course comes from a direct mandate from the leaders of the
Church gain a deeper understanding of the Doctrine & Covenants and the history of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The scope of the class is ambitious - we will attempt to
understand the most important themes of the Doctrine & Covenants, and the most vital events
in the history of the Church. As you come to understand testimonies of the early leaders of the
Church, the revelations given to Joseph Smith, and the sacrifices made by those who came
before us, it is my hope that you will gain a deeper testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel,
and the role of the Living Christ in our time.

No materials

Learning Outcomes
Foundations of the Restoration
1. Spirit: To teach and learn by the Spirit.
2. Environment: Cultivate a learning environment of love, respect, and purpose.
3. Read: Read the assigned sections of the Doctrine & Covenants and other assigned resources
prior to each class.
4. Context/Content: Understand the context and content of assigned revelations in the Doctrine
& Covenants and key historical events.
5. Doctrines and Principles: Identify, understand, and feel the truth and importance of, and
apply gospel doctrines and principles found in the revelations of the Doctrine & Covenants,
inherent in key historical events, and in the teachings of modern prophets.
6. Participation: Explain, share, and testify of related gospel doctrines and principles by actively
participating in class discussions and thoughtfully preparing papers and assignments.
7. Mastery: Mastering key passages and the basic doctrines found in the Doctrine & Covenants
and in the teachings of the modern prophets.

Grading Scale






















Grading Policy
Grading is based on a 500 point scale. The class is designed to reward consistency and mastery
of material. Make sure to take all of the reading quizzes and plan ahead to finish assignments
on time. Assignments can be submitted after deadlines but with a serious point reduction.
Exams will be evaluated for difficulty throughout the semester and adjusted accordingly.
Any requests to adjust the grading scale should be made early in the semester and include
proper justification. The best way to get a good grade in class is to consistently complete
assignments during the semester, take good notes in class, and study hard for exams. That
sounds fairly simplistic, but there isn't a magic strategy to getting a high grade, just hard work
and responsibility.

Attendance Policy
Attendance is filled out as part of your reading quizzes on an "on your honor" basis. Students
should take into account their attendance in class, along with their alertness and participation.
If a student misses class for a personal emergency or university excused reason, they should
notify the professor and will not miss points for their absence.

Classroom Procedures
Before each class, students are expected to read (1) the assigned sections of the Doctrine &
Covenants, (2) the assigned supporting material listed in the course schedule, which will be
accessible from Learning Suite, on, on other supported websites. There is no course
packet - all supplemental readings are located on the internet with the web address for each
found in the class schedule located on Learning Suite. If you do not have access to the internet,
please notify the professor early in the course, so an alternative may be found.
Reading Reports:

To aid preparation, students will be asked to report their reading weekly. To do this you must
sign on to Learning Suite before each class period (beginning August 31) and report your
completion of the readings. These reports will be used to report attendance. Reading reports
will close before the beginning of class. To encourage personal responsibility, missed
reading or reporting cannot be made up.
Section Analysis Paper:
To increase doctrinal and historical understanding, students will prepare a written analysis of a
section from the Doctrine and Covenants. Papers (3-4 pages, double-spaced typed) are due by
November 9th. Additional instructions can be found on the accompanying grading rubric.
Enrichment Opportunities:
These experiences are designed to allow students to demonstrate a practical application of the
principles of this class. Each activity is reported with a 1-2 page paper, which may be turned in
at any point during the semester. All reports on these activities should be submitted via
Learning Suite. These papers are due on the last day of the semester and should be uploaded
through Learning Suite.
Online Student Evaluations:
Religious Education supports the use of online evaluations. Students are expected to complete
them as directed by their course instructor. In addition a midterm evaluation will be given to
students who wish to take it. Points from the mid-term evaluation will count for extra credit, but
the final course evaluation is part of the total points required for the class.

Term Paper
Section Analysis Paper (50 points possible)
Purpose: To analyze and interpret a section from the Doctrine and Covenants.
Instructions: Select a section from the Doctrine and Covenants and explain the following:
Historical Context: Discuss the setting for the revelation. Explain what was going on in the
Church at the time and how that context helps explain the Lords message in the revelation.
Where and when did the revelation take place? What individuals (if any) were involved in the
revelation and how does knowing about them contribute to our understanding of the
section? What caused the Prophet to inquire, what did he ask, and how did the Lord answer his
Doctrinal Discussion: Explain the revelation, the doctrine that is revealed, and how it connects
to or expands understanding from previous scripture. Dont simply summarize the
verses. Connect them throughout the section and with other references to completely explain
the topic. How is this doctrine better understood because of the revelations in the Doctrine and
Prophetic Commentary: It is the responsibility of prophets to interpret doctrine. Include in your
paper two prophetic quotes related to the doctrine in your chosen section. Connect these
citations to your doctrinal analysis. Quotations from the Doctrine & Covenants Institute Student
Manual are unacceptable. Original sources must be cited and properly referenced. You are
encouraged to draw from current sources on and other Church-sponsored websites.

Application: Bridge the gap between the revelation, as it was given in the early days of the
Church, and today. Why does this section, doctrine, event, or message matter to you?
Style Guide / Format: The paper should be well organized and represent good, university-level
writing. It should be 3-4 pages in length, double-space typed Times New Roman size 12 font,
or Calibri size 11 font, one inch borders. Please put your name and section number on the top
right hand corner of the first page. The supplementary reading listed in the syllabus may be
helpful in writing the paper.
Assessment: The paper is due on November 9th and will be assessed according the rubric
found under the content tab on Learning Suite.

Enrichment Papers
Enrichment Opportunities (30 points possible)
Visit "The Heavens are Opened" exhibit at the Church History Museum at Temple Square.
The Church History Museum in Salt Lake City has recently undergone extensive renovation to
update its representation of the history of the Church. Experiencing this exhibit will allow you
to see and interact with many of the key artifacts and documents from Church History. The new
exhbity "The Heavens are Opened" will acquaint you with the the basic events and many of the
key figures of early Church History. For this assignment you should look at the display through
an analytical lens to see the way that the events we will be discussing in this class have been
presented. Identify and explain the items from the exhibit that most impressed you and what
you learned that you did not already know.
1-2 pages, double spaced, one, one-inch margins, Times New Roman size 12 font, or Calibri
size 11 font. Visit the webpage for Welfare Square for tour hours and availability. Paper should
be uploaded to Learning Suite before the last day of the semester. Check the website for the
Church History Museum to find out the hours and availability of the
exhibit. (Because of time and
travel, Church History Museum papers are worth double points).
Visit and Tour Welfare Square, Bishops Storehouse, and Humanitarian Center (30 points)
The Doctrine and Covenants contains several revelations in which the Lord gave
commandments and instructions to provide for the poor and needy. The genesis for the
fulfillment of those revelations occurred in Kirtland, Ohio. Visits to storehouses, humanitarian
centers, etc. give a a vivid experience in understanding and fulfilling the revelations in the
Doctrine and Covenants.
Describe in detail items you saw and learned about at Welfare Square, Bishops' Storehouse, or
Humanitarian Center that relate to our study of the Doctrine and Covenants; (i.e., introductory
film, tour specifics, production, testing, employment, DI, etc.) Include written-out, properlycited passages from the D&C in your explanation.
Identify and explain those items from your experience that were most insightful and impressive
to you.
Write a review of your experience as if writing for a newspaper in which you evaluate the
significance for someone else to visit Welfare Square, Bishops' Storehouse, or Humanitarian
Center in better understanding the revelations in the D&C.
1-2 pages, double spaced, one, one-inch margins, Times New Roman size 12 font, or Calibri
size 11 font. Visit the webpage for Welfare Square for tour hours and
(Welfare Square paper receives double points for time and travel)

"Education in Zion" Exhibit Essay (15 points)

Education has played an important role in the Church since the beginning of the
Restoration. As a student at Brigham Young University you are part of this ongoing story. This
exhibit, located in the Joseph F. Smith Building (JFSB) up the spiral staircase to the gallery,
includes arts, videos, documents, etc., that tell the story of Latter-day Saint Education. They will
also help you as a student to see the big picture as well as relate to education pioneers, male
and female, who were inspired to seek learning and then used that learned in the service of
others. You should visit at least those parts of the exhibit that present education in the Church
corresponding to our course (1805-1844). Write a summary of your experience, insights, and
impressions as they relate to Church history and you personally.
Describe the items in the exhibit that relate to our study of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Identify and explain those items that were most insightful and impressive to you.
Write a review of your experience as if writing for the Church News in which you evaluate for
someone else the "Education in Zion" exhibit.
1-2 pages, double spaced, one, one-inch margins, Times New Roman size 12 font, or Calibri
size 11 font. Paper should be uploaded to Learning Suite by the last day of the semester.
Baptism for the Dead Essay (15 points)
Baptism for the dead is a great blessing. At BYU we have a very unique opportunity to meld our
academic study with true service. Studying the Lord's instructions and then participating in
baptisms for the dead can enhance your experience. Participating in baptisms for the dead will
give you real life insights into the revelations addressing baptism for the dead.
Within appropriate bounds describe specific instructions and insights from the Doctrine &
Covenants that you observed in your experience. Write out the instructions from the D&C in
your explanation. Properly cite sections and verses of the D&C.
Within appropriate bounds describe elements of your experience that helped you to better
understand the revelations in the D&C.
Properly cite sections and verses of the D&C. Identify and explain those aspects of the doctrine
of baptism for the dead that are most meaningful to you. If you were baptized for family
members, include your feelings about that in your conclusion.
1-2 pages, double spaced, one, one-inch margins, Times New Roman size 12 font, or Calibri
size 11 font. Paper should be uploaded to Learning Suite by the last day of the semester.
Online Resources for Studying the Doctrine & Covenants and Church History (15 Points)
Many of the most exciting developments happening in the study of the Doctrine & Covenants
and Church History are happening online. In the last few years a number of professional and
useful sites have been created which can enrich your understanding of the revelations of the
Restoration. For credit on this project, do the following:
Go to, and on the homepage click "Scriptures and Study" then click "Church History."
Click on any four of the offerings given on the page.
Spend a few minutes visiting at least two of each of the sites, and exploring its resources.
Write a paper describing your experience, what you learned, and how it could be useful to
someone studying the Doctrine & Covenants or Church History.
1-2 pages, double spaced, one, one-inch margins, Times New Roman size 12 font, or Calibri
size 11 font, and include screen shots of some of the resources viewed. Paper should be
uploaded to Learning Suite by the last day of the semester.

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