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By: Kathleen & Shenna

Our platform focuses on
international affairs, education,
health care and criminal law.

International Affairs
Peace - We will work to dampen conflicts to maintain
international peace and security.
Trading Resources - We will continue to develop the
trading system and exploiting their domestic resources
in an effective way.
Connection We will maintain positive connections and
communication with other countries to build respect
and trust, resolve differences and foster environments
where problem solving, caring, affection and creative
ideas can thrive.

Belonging - to create environments, structures, and programs where
every educator, learner, and their families feel they belong and are

Learning to provide quality education, effective educational

programs and practices that recognize the needs and special contexts
of diverse learners and their families are critical to student success.
Growing - to recognize and respond appropriately to the changing
needs of learners from different countries. To encompass some of
the most important stages of human personal and social

Health Care
Free Medical Service - to provide free emergency medical services
for those who are in need and eligible for health care services.
Effective Human Resources - We will make sure that we can provide
the most effective and excellent quality
equipments and resources for our patients.
Accessible Parking Space We will provide more parking space,
maintain and administering the parking facilities, and to support
operational costs related to patient care.

Law - We will keep our communities secure and safe from

crime by investing in a balanced, monitoring, make
changes, effective approach based on prevention and
Criminals/Offenders that are mentally ill - We will ensure
the appropriate treatment, care and interventions available
for mentally ill offenders in prison.
Justice - To promote unity and human rights in the society,
to enhance togetherness among people and development
in the society.

We are left wing because we look to the future,

aim to support those who cannot support themselves, we
are idealist and we believe in equality.

Position of the Freedom Party

Party Leader
The leader of the FP
is Chris Patterson

Name Chris Patterson
Gender Male
Age 25
Education University of Manitoba &
University of Winnipeg
Work Experience Computer
Science, Law, Media Arts, Finance
and Marketing.
Political Experience brother of
Manitobas Premier and elected as
Winnipeg's Mayor for 4 years.

Chris Speech
Ladies and gentleman. Our country has come to a
crossroad, and now you have the power to change the political
landscape of Canada. You can trust me to deliver a stronger
economy and a safer community. As I have said time and time
again, if you elect me to be your face in congress, I promise that
I can be an amazing, honest leader and to give my all to my
elected position and make sure your issues and concerns are
fully addressed. If elected, I will continue to fight for justice,
transparency, and equality for our country. The prime minister
ship of this country is not a prize or a plaything to be demanded.
It should be something which is earned by a vote of the
Canadian people. I firmly believe that our party is better than
this, that our government is better than this and, by God, that
our country is so much better than this. Thank you.

Vote for Chris!

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