Comprehension: 1. What Is The Right To Education Compared To?

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Answer these questions

1. What is the right to education compared to?

It is compared to the right to life, liberty and security of person.

It is compared to a gate for know ledge and innovation.

2. What are some advantages of Education?

the empow erment of w omen, the safety of children, the w ell-treatment of the disabled

3. How can civil society help in educating the kids?

It can assist poor families not to prevent their kids from school

B.What do the underlined words in the text refer to ?

1. " it " ( 1, line 2)
going to school

2. " them " ( 2, L 1)

other rights

3. " there " ( 3, L 2)


4. " their " ( 3, L 2)




Are these sentences True or False? Justify


1. Sustainable development is a result of education.


Without education there w ill be no sustainable development

2. Thanks to education the citizen can get a stable income.


Learning allow s people to ensure a descent livelihood in dignity

3. Only the government is responsible for the childrens right to education.


The family and civil society are also responsible


Find in the text words or phrases which mean almost the same as.
1. " essential " (. 1)

2. " handicapped " (. 2)


3. " respectable " (. 2)


4. " responsibility " (. 3)


Pick out 4 collocations used in the text:

equal opportunity

sustainable development

active citizenship

moral obligation

What are the most important school subjects that the students should studyWrite a paragraph
giving reason
The most important subjects the students should study at school are Human Sciences for
three major reasons. To begin with, History is a sort of a window through which the
students could form a broad idea about the past and where they came from to know
where they are heading. Secondly, philosophy is particularly an essential subject to study
in the sense that it teaches the students how to think logically and reasonably. It enables
them to ask questions wisely and argue with evidence. Finally, and most importantly, are
the foreign languages which are central in identifying with the world around them. As the
world has become a small village thanks to technology, it is imperative for the students to
learn several languages to interact, communicate and share experience with people from
other cultures for mutual understanding and respect. They are central for them to become
active global citizens. Moreover, foreign languages, and especially English, are needed for
the students future careers. All in all, they are these diverse reasons which make
Humanities the most vital for students to take at school nowadays.

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