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The Western Mysteries

(White, Red and Green).

The Platonic Solids

The Western tradition has certain building blocks. The platonic solids of which the cube
is one and the Platonic Archetypes. Platonic Archetypes differ from Jungian ones in that

they are templates or building blocks of reality. As opposed to aspects of your psyche!
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The Western Mysteries

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Platonic Archetypes, from now on just Archetypes, are far more profound than Jungian


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The Western Mysteries

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The cube is associated with Kingdom for several reasons. The cube is of course a three
dimensional form of the square, the square being a four sided polygon. n, the macro
cosmos and microcosmos. This is of course as basis of Hermeticism and most familiarly
the emerald tablet of Hermes Trismegistus.

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The Western Mysteries

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In traditional Rome for example, coinage was not minted by the secular rulers (if
they can truly have been called secular in the modern sense), but by the religious
It was the goddess Juno Moneta who governed minting and currency, and her
temple WAS the mint. Currency thus existed, only by the Will of Heaven, and the true
value of things, was not in terms of price, and cost, but to the extent that they (or
the results they produced), mirrored or reflected the Will of Heaven that sanctioned the
very existence of the currency.
The name Moneta incidentally, is where the contemporary term money is
derived. The goddess Moneta had roles other than just overseeing coinage. She also
provided warnings about instability. That is to say, instability in the form of
economics, and related governmental and social events. Her message was that the way
to economic and social stability was following the Will of Heaven. Lastly, Juno Moneta
promised Rome, that as long as they restricted themselves to just wars, Rome would not
suffer monetary lack.
One could likewise investigate the history of coinage among the Celts, Hindus,
and many other civilizations up through Medieval Europe, and find similar situations. It
is also important to stress, that the more ancient the coinage, the more likely it is that
one will find symbols of a traditional, or more specifically, esoteric character. It isnt too
far fetched to say that the most traditional coinage, minted under the authority of the
priestly castes, and only according to certain rites, was more than moneyinstead, this
coinage possessed a talismanic nature. The very basic shape and form of coinage, which
originated with the ancient priesthoods, itself contains a doctrinal lesson.
Why are coins (generally) circular, when they could just as well easily be
square, triangul

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The Western Mysteries

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heaven and earth meet. Regarding this inner world, the Talmud states: 'This is the world where
heaven and earth kiss'."

Nilton Bonder (Kabbalah of Food)

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One of the earliest Christian symbols of course is the Chi Rho.

''Anastasis'', symbolic representation of the resurrection of Christ. Panel from a Roman lidless
sarcophagus of the Passion type, ca. 350 CE. From the excavations of the Duchess of
Chablais at Tor Marancia,

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The Western Mysteries

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This symbol of course shows the six directions or faces of the cube. This common
symbolism is found in many traditions. These directions form the manifest universe:


The Chi Rho symbol can be seen to show this.


Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and
became four [river] heads.

The first is named Pishon; it is the one flowing around the whole land of Havilah,
where there is gold.

The gold of that land is of high quality; bdellium (pearl?) and onyx stone are there.


The second river is named Gihon; it is the one flowing around the whole land of

The third river is named Hiddekel [the Tigris]; it is the one flowing east of Assyria.
And the fourth river is the Euphrates.
--Genesis 2

From the book of Genesis we see the symbolism of the four rivers, if we imagine this
with a central tree we have our Chi Rho symbol.

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The Rosarium Philosophorum, 1550:

During the reformation and the age of reason/enlightenment of course we see these themes

explored in Alchemy and esoteric movements such as Rosicrucianism . The imagery of the
Red King and White Queen from the Rosarium Philosophorium we see carrying the

same six directional imagery. The symbolic imagery of Red and White of course leads
us back to the Macro and Microcosm, white being Macro and Red being Micro. This of
course is explored further in the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz: .

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By us the Bridegroom offers you a choice between four ways, all of which, if you do not
sink down in the way, can bring you to his royal court. The first is short but dangerous,
and one which will lead you into rocky places, through which it will scarcely be possible
to pass. The second is longer, and takes you circuitously; it is plain and easy, if by the
help of the Magnet you turn neither to left nor right. The third is that truly royal way
which through various pleasures and pageants of our King, affords you a joyful journey;
but this so far has scarcely been allotted to one in a thousand. By the fourth no man
shall reach the place, because it is a consuming way, practicable only for incorruptible
bodies. Choose now which one you will of the three, and persevere constantly therein,
for know whichever you will enter, that is the one destined for you by immutable Fate,
nor can you go back in it save at great peril to life.

The seven directional symbolism of course yields a great deal in meditational practice.
In mathematics we see the seven directions in the three dimensional defining XYZ axis.

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If we return once again to the circled cross we can in turn see the seven directions.

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The Western Mysteries

(White, Red and Green).

Meditation is often thought of as something done in long periods of times, lit only by candle,
maybe in robes and perhaps with special tools. In fact mediation may be done at any time,
walking, singing even dancing.
While there are many ways to meditate this book will hopefully help you
Poses egyptian, chair, standing

The Circle
The Circle is a classical building block of the imagination. We can see circles everywhere.
The circle has several key symbols:
As a circle it represents a container, or vessel or womb. It is Feminine.
It is the Oroboros, the Serpent eating its own tail. The beginning, the end.
It is all things the meaning the Macrocosmos, the greater(God, typically).
As a symbol of totality in multi dimensional form, it demonstrates all directions.
The Square
The Square is another classical building block of the imagination. We can see squares
everywhere. The Square has several key symbols:
A represents the Earth. It is the Microcosmos, the lesser (This may be the self, our society, our
house etc). In three dimensional form it is the cube. The cube has 6 faces, but represents all
physical reality. We see this in the directions up, down, left, right, back, left. We can see this in
Sandalphons cube.
The Triangle
The triangle is our next building block.
It represents polarity. From One to Two. Or Monad to Duad.
It is the the divine trinity. Mother, Father, Child.
A Chemical wedding, thus two opposites unite to form a third whole.
Polarity. From One to two. Or from unity to diversity. Sun, Moon, night day. Polarity works in
harmony but it works in threes. In Gnosticism we see this in Cain, Abel and Seth. In Alchemy we
see the the sons of Noah, Shem, Japeth and Ham (mythically seen as three major branches of
Western path).
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Further consideration is provided through the use of these shapes.

Combined they form other symbols.
Such symbols may not only be ways of meditation,
these potent symbols may be tools of inner exchange.
A simple triangle or 5 / 6 pointed star may provide welcome
And friendly responses of exchange on the inner planes.

Typical meditation in the western traditions is done sitting down.

With back straight. Often on a chair.
This allows for breathing and visualising to occur.
Other typical poses may be standing or walking etc.
Meditation my typically last between 5 to 30 minutes. A simple rule is that short regular
mediation is better than long, sporadic meditation. Of course it may go on for far longer periods
of time during experienced meditators. Meditation is seen typically as a time set aside to be
done in a darkened room. It never be so though. With this book we will learn to meditate at any

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Circle triangle

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The Western Mysteries

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The Triangle
When it comes to the triangle we have a very powerful image. Here we see ONE become TWO.
Or Monad becomes Duad. This is the split of polarity from unity to diversity. From nothingness
to male (active) and female passive. The trinitarian aspect of the triangle has many potential
energies around it. Body, Spirit, Soul etc.
Let's work with the triangle.

Work with colors:

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Next form

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In the Western tradition the Pyramid is a well known vessel as a container of energy. Clearly
chosen by so many cultures for a reason. South America to Egypt and beyond. A perennial
mediation is to meditate within three dimensional figures. The pyramid is quite common,
although largely popularised by new age movement. You may construct a liter pyramid, made of
string or some construction in a room. Another way is to envision the pyramid within in totality. In
advanced training the shape of the floor may be as important as the triangles in the pyramid
structure itself.
The Rosicrucian tradition is one source of such combined glyphs such as the Hieroglyphic
Monad of John Dee, Man Cupped in God and many others.
Dimensional form you may find a merkabah image. The image itself is composed
of the six pointed star,the five pointed star and th

Work with each element and the combined Glyph.

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The Square

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The Western Mysteries

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The Western Mysteries

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The Western Mysteries

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The Western Mysteries

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The Western Mysteries

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The tree of life is by now a reasonably well known symbol of Western spirituality. As a symbol
that we can use in our meditation there are several ways to use it.
First we must remember whenever we are using the tree of life
We need to adjust depending on where we are. As above or Below.
But let us also consider Above Within and Below.

Shapes we have explored before Triangles are important. The tree is FULL of them.
There is much merit to using triangles.
Example CROWN(1), WISDOM(2), UNDERSTANDING(3) etc.

Circles. There are many. T

Others can be found in the traditional imagery of Jacob Boehme and the Rosicrucians. Although
this is far older.
Using tarot we can also add the tarot for the paths during each meditation.
Again, we can literally lay them out.
Mediation with Tarot:
This is done by

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The Western Mysteries

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Enter the card if you can with your vision, or just tr

There is a tendency in modern literature of course to clutter the tree with many attributes.
I would personally recommend keeping things simple.
In visualisation we can visualize each metal for each sphere
The metals also symbolise the planets as well (earth, moon, mercury, venus, sun, mars, jupiter,
uranus neptune pluto, some switch neptune and uranus) going up from 10 to 1, pluto at
knowledge or daat).
Colors once again are important, or easily used.
Beyond that I personally add very little else beyond angelic attributes.
But there are many ways to approach the tree.
Try working like this, before adding more.

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The Western Mysteries

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The Western Mysteries

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The Western Mysteries

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[The word] Adam (man) is derived from Adameh (i.e., I will imagine). After God made
everything beautiful and glorious He wanted to display His actions so that one would see
everything. But those who exist, apart from human beings, do not comprehend anything but
themselves. God created man and he is the power that is comprised of the upper and lower
realities, which all can be imagined in the soul of a person. This is the essence of man that he
sees, comprehends, and imagines, like no one else. This is [the import of] Let us make man in
our image, after our likeness (ki-demutenu), by the power of imagination (kaf ha-dimyon).
Simchah Bunem of Przysucha ( Kol Simchah)

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The Western Mysteries

(White, Red and Green).

Tarot is a well known tool in Western Medi

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The Lord of the Animals.

How to use:
Read entire text like fiction, beginning to end.
Set time aside for yourself, friends, family pets..
Learn memorize text.
Or record it. Or use accompanied mp3.
It may be custom to bathe before hand.
To wear comfortable clothes or to be undressed.
Please try this at least 3 times, if you can, preferably more.

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The Western Mysteries

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The Column of Fire

It seems that as late as the second half of the eighteenth century, the ascent on high in spiritu
was not just the patrimony of the founder of Hasidism. This topic recurs in at least two
contemporary texts from Eastern Europe. Rabbi Yehiel Mikhal, the Maggidor the preacherof
Zlotchov, an acquaintance of
the Besht, was reported to sleep only for a few reasons, one of which was to create the
opportunity to ascend to the firmament.
This technique was known and reportedly practiced, though not very highly appreciated, by the
great opponent of Hasidism, Rabbi Elijah, the Gaon of Vilnius. It seems that in matters of
religion, there are both changes and continuities in the emergence of similar phenomena in both
the eighteenth-century Carpathian region and the Lithuanian town of Vilnius, and late antiquity
Israel. In an early nineteenth-century legend describing the final teachings of the Besht, a
mysterious pillar is mentionedquite a natural topic to be discussed in a contemplatio morti.
According to this legend, the pillar is a column that Psychanodia and Metamorphoses of Pillars
connects the lower and the higher paradises, and by means of it, souls of the dead ascend from
one to the other.
ed the Messiah. In the Epistle of the Ascent of the Soul, in a passage already quoted above in a
more extensive manner, he writes:
When I returned to the lower Paradise, I saw the souls of living and of dead persons, both of
those with whom I was acquainted and of those with whom I was not acquainted...numberless,
in a to-and-fro movement, ascending from one world to the other through the pillar known to
adepts in esoteric matters.
Ascensions on High in Jewish Mysticism: Pillars, Lines, Ladders

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The Sun at Midnight

Philosophia Reformata (Johann Daniel Mylius).

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Heigh ho! Who is there?

No one but me, my dear.
Please come say, How do?
The things I'll give to you.
A stroke as gentle as a feather
I'll catch a rainbow from the sky
And tie the ends together.
Heigh ho! I am here
Am I not young and fair?
Please come say, How do?
The things I'll show to you.
Would you have a wond'rous sight
The midday sun at midnight?
Fair maid, white and red,
Comb you smooth and stroke your head
How a maid can milk a bull!
And every stroke a bucketful.
--Paul Giovanni (Willows Song)

the deaths head, or as some alchemical illustrations show, the alchemist dying within a flask.
Thus in the symbol of the Black Crow we have the stepping out in consciousness from the
world of the physical senses the restrictions that bind us to the physical body.
What does this mean if we remove the veil and actually discuss what this means?
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The mysteries of the Stars or Zeus from below.

To understand the black sun we must understand the hermetic axiom

In th we c
The Sun Above
The Sun Within
The S
But what is the Sun at Midnight?

This Sun at Midnight is found in the mysteries in the guise of familiar symbols. In popular myth
we have the Oriental, Alchemical tale of Aladdin, originally set in China. The cave, the Lamp..
deep within the earth, guarded by faeries (Genies). The mysteries themselves point to thing we
have explored already, perhaps without you even knowing. Well known examples:
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes trismegistus, (master of three worlds, perhaps?)
Green, found originally in Arabic (Alchemically rich) lands deep within the earth, according to
traditional legends. This is a fount of divine Wisdom describing the forces and interplay of the 3
realms, as above, within and below. The Stars are White, milk, tears, Semen. The Red then is
off the Earth beneath your feet. Blood, terrestrial fire, the Red rose.
The Grail. Also found deep Within the Earth. Example the myths of the Chthonic Cauldrons,
Cups, Vessels, Tombs within the earth and associated sleeping or dying kings etc. There is
Much Merit to

Grail at point
3 gralow

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The Western Mysteries

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These Grails may be Cups or Chalices, or Cauldrons, or whatever feels natural to your or your
tradition. This is not only european, it is traditional in Kabbalah. Where we find the idea that ALL
reality is composed of VESSELS and LIGHT. LIGHT gives, VESSELS receive. All reality is thus
an interplay between the two. Anything else, is thought to be a short circuit.

Together People and other beings, together

May do unique things.

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Note the metals in the tree.

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It is not only when the sea is dark and chill and desolate
I hear the singing of the queen who lives beneath the ocean:
Oft have I heard her chanting voice when moon o'erfloods his golden gate,
Or when the moonshine fills the wave with snowwhite mazy motion.
And some day will it hap to me, when the black waves are leaping,
Or when within the breathless green I see her shell-strewn door,
That singing voice will lure me where my sea-drown'd love lies sleeping
Beneath the slow white hands of her who rules the sunken shore.
For in my heart I hear the bells that ring their fatal beauty.
The wild, remote, uncertain bells that chant their lonely sorrow:
The lonely bells of sorrow, the bells of fatal beauty,
Oft in my heart I hear the bells, who soon shall know no morrow.
Fiona Macleod

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The Western Mysteries

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The Chthonic Christ Mysteries of Britain

Although the main focus of this book could be considered pagan. There is of course a deeper
mystery within Christianity. Of course I tend to think that everyone knows the mysteries of
Britain, I of course forget they do not. Legend and myth.
Legend and myth states Christ interacted with the Isle of Britain in several ways:
He came here with his uncle as a child to buy or trade for Tin. Cornwall was well known through
the ancient world as a source of Tin as the traditional myth goes.
After his death or maybe after the crucifixction, depending on your source, Joseph of
Arimathea, Christs uncle brought the Grail to Britain.
Lets examine this. Why come to Britain. Archaeologically we know that Britain was an
advanced civilisations at various points in the ancient world. Traditional myth, such as Geofrey
of Monmouth may point to this, but Archaeological digs such as those found in Scotland find
advanced societies with indoor plumbing 5000 years ago in Britain.
Metals such as Tin are very common in Cornwall are we mined until very recently.
Artifacts and signs from when Joseph came to Britain include the Glastonbury Thorn.
Legand goes Joseph came to the Island of Glastonbury, stopped on a hill and declared Weary
all are we. To this day this hill in the small town of Glastonbury is called Wearyall hill. Upon this
hill and in the local abbey grow a middle eastern thorn bush. This flowers around easter time.
Legend says it grew from Josephs staff as he thrust it into the ground.
Joseph founded the first christian church in britain

Turkish Orthodox
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The Western Mysteries

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Christs harrowing of hell is his journey to the Chthonic realms, to Hades.

The mysteries of Britain then tie in with the Chthonic realms. A

AND did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic Mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.

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This then actually becomes a way to activate the sigil or symbol of the sun or the 7 classical
planets/metal symbols..

Then he breaks down the 42 names cycle into 7 periods with 6 God names in each period.
Using the above then we can activate the 42 name cycle.

Comments Welcome

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The Western Mysteries

(White, Red and Green).

Path Working Introduction


I hope this will bring something different and new.

Summary and key ideas

As above so below. Sun above Sun Below.

Red Green and White. Red is of the Earth and d

There are many shapes on the tree of life. One key potent shape on the tree is the circle.
The 3 circles model give us a compacted version of th pre Judaic Kabbalah from the Axis
Mundi Tradition.

Tarot is not a set of cards but .

Path Working allows us to walk into other realms of being. This will bring subtle and
profound changes.

The "Seed of Life" is formed from seven circles being placed with sixfold symmetry, forming a
pattern of circles and lenses, which act as a basic component of the Flower of Life's

The Seed of Life is a symbol depicting the six days of creation in which the Judeo-Christian God
created life; Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 23:12, 31:16-17, Isaiah 56:6-8. The first day is believed to
be the creation of the Vesica Piscis, then the creation of the Tripod of Life on the second day,
followed by one sphere added for each subsequent day until all seven spheres construct the Seed
of Life on the sixth day of Creation. The seventh day is the day of rest, known as the "Sabbath"
or "Shabbat." [1][17]

In the 13th century, a Cabalist group from France succeeded, through geometric interpretation,
in dividing the entire Hebrew alphabet into an order using the Seed of Life. The resulting
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alphabet was remarkably similar to that of the Religious sage Rashi who wrote his commentaries
on the Old Testament at that time in France.[17]

Seed of Life

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Flower of Life

From the flower of life we can see the evolution and emergence of the tree of life. The circle or
more accurately the Sphere, is a wonderful symbol, in that through it we can see all directions.
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Thus a model of the 7 directions shows us how to define 3 dimensional space, the sphere shows
all each and every direction possible.

We can see the points of energy where things meet and join.

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Before the fall, we have the perfected tree. This tree is harmonious, balanced and beautiful.

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After the fall we see the tree has fallen, or changed. The emanation known as Daath or
knowledge has "fallen." Daath is spiritual knowledge as opposed to intellectual knowledge, as
epitomised by Hod.

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