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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 14, 2017

How should we approach life with all its pain and tribulations? Bhagawan gives us a
Sankranti message on the need for transformation.
The Sankranti festival should be regarded as
the day on which you turn your vision towards
God. Your life can be compared to a stalk of
sugarcane. Like the cane, which is hard and
has many knots, life is full of difficulties. Never
allow yourself to be overwhelmed by
difficulties. Overcome the vicissitudes of life
with forbearance and enjoy the sweet bliss of
the Divine. Just as sugarcane is crushed and
its juice converted into jaggery to enjoy the
permanent sweetness of jaggery, enduring
bliss can be got only by overcoming trials and
tribulations. I address devotees
as Bangaru (Golden one), because I consider
you as very precious. Gold cannot be made
into an attractive jewel without its
transformation through the process of melting
in a crucible and being beaten into the
required shape. Develop self-confidence.
Have firm faith in God. With unshakeable faith,
dedicate yourself to the service of your fellowbeings and lead exemplary lives.
- Divine Discourse Jan 15, 1992.

Soft and sweet speech is the expression of genuine love. Baba

14 jnvrI, 2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: jIvn ivc,du`KW Aqy klySW leI,swfw kI nzrIAw hoxw cwhIdw hY? A`j,sMkRWqI vwly idn,Bgvwn swnUM AwpxyAwp ivc suDwr krn leI sMdyS idMdy hn[

au`qr: sMkRWqI dy iqauhwr dy idn nUM ies qrHW mnwau ik aus idn quhwfw iDAwn,Bgvwn dy ismrx ivc rhy[quhwfy
jIvn dI qulnw,iek g`ny dy nwl kIqI jw skdI hY[g`ny dI qrHW, ijhVw sKq Aqy gMfW vwlw huMdw hY quhwfw jIvn vI
, muSklW nwl BirAw hoieAw hY[kdy vI, muSklW nUM Awpxy au`qy hwvI nw hox dau[jIvn dy auqwr cVHwau nUM DIrj nwl
sihn kro Aqy Bgvwn v`loN id`qy AwnMd dw mzw auTwau[ijs qrHW iek g`ny nUM bylxy ivc pIV ky aus dy rs qoN guV(
irauVI) bxwieAw jWdw hY Aqy aus dy sQweI svwd dw mzw ilAw jWdw hY ausy qrHW du`K Aqy klySW nUM brdwSq kr ky
sQweI AwnMd ilAw jw skdw hY[mYN BgqW nUM bMgwrU(sony vrgy) kih ky sMboDq krdw hW ikauN jo mYN quhwnUM bhuq kImqI
smJdw hW[sony dy suMdr gihxy au`nI dyr nhIN bx skdy jd qweIN aus nUM B`TI ivc qpwieAw nhIN jWdw Aqy sWcy ivc
FwilAw nhIN jWdw[Awpxy ivc,Awqm-ivSvwS pYdw kro[Bgvwn ivc p`kw ivSvwS r`Ko[p`ky ivSvwS dy nwl, Awpxy
swQIAW dI syvw kro Aqy AwdrS jIvn bqIq kro[( 15 jnvrI,1992 dy idvX pRvcn)[
dieAw vwlw Aqy im`Tw BwSx, Su`D ipAwr dI inSwnI hY[(bwbw)[

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