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Tree planting

To be poor and be without trees is to be the most starved human being in the
world. To be poor and have trees is to be completely rich in ways that money can never buy.
Trees gives us life and really very important for the survival on the earth.
Many people are dependent on the tree for their survival economically for example paper
industries, timber industries, match industries, and fuel woods industry are totally dependent on
trees. The main role of trees is giving fresh and oxygenated air to us and consumption of CO2
however they also give protection, shadow, food, and source of money, home and medicines to
the people.
Trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by
30%. A mature tree removes almost 70 times more pollution than a newly planted tree. A healthy
tree can have a value of up to $10,000. These are only some of the interesting facts about trees
and still theres more, theres more reason for us to plant trees. There are 25-30 million people in
the Philippines who are directly dependent on forests resource. In fact we are the fourth country
who is directly dependent on trees in Asia. By planting 20 million trees, the earth and its people
will be provided with 260 million more tons of oxygen. Those same 20 million trees will remove
10 million tons of CO2. It may not concern other people but I hope that someday, someday
planting trees will be one of the most concerned issues in our country because the best time to
plant trees is twenty years ago but the second best time is now. So let someday be today.

Jane D. Limboy G10-STE

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