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- Special Report-

Omega 3s
by Kevin Gianni &
Frederic Patenaude

The Omega 3 Report Top Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimal Omega 3 Levels

The Benefits of Omega 3 Fats

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Is the hype about omega-3 oils enough to actually warrant the amount of attention it
gets in the media?
The answer is a resounding yes.
Natural fatty acids like omega-3 oils are one of the most important nutrients that our
body needs.
Unfortunately, we cant produce omega-3s so we have to get them from the foods we
eat (and then supplements, if you cant keep your levels up.)
There are many plant and animal sources of essential omegas and its important to
note than in plant sources our body needs to convert them into long chain fatty acids
this means you may need to eat more plant sources of omega 3s if you dont eat
the animal ones.
Regardless of how you get them, getting them is a must.
Heres a quick list of 7 reasons why you may want to choose building up your omega 3
stores as a focus for your health in the next few months

1. Bye, Bye Depression

Studies have confirmed that omega 3 oils can decrease the symptoms of depression.
Most research points to the EPA and DHA as the factors that contribute to getting you
in a better mood.
Omega 3 oils have also been effective for helping new moms with postpartum
depression. The process of pregnancy can leave a mom pretty depleted of many
nutrients and omega 3 oils is one that can help once the baby is born.
Some studies show that up to 90%+ are deficient in omega 3 oils.

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The Omega 3 Report Top Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimal Omega 3 Levels

2. Smooth, Supple Skin.

Omega 3 oils are essential for healthy skin. Using these oils internally can help build
strong and plump skin cells that give you a glow that no cosmetic can match.
You can use these oils externally as well to protect and feed your skin, since this
massive organ loves to feed itself with healthy oils.
Annmarie, Kevins wife, has seen a significant change in her dry skin after she started
taking omega 3 oils. She used to get bumps on the back of her legs and arms that are
associated with low omegas these are now completely gone. Her skin is also softer
and not as dry as it used to be. (She also uses her beyond natural skin care line

3. Lift Brain Fog.

60% of your brain is fat. The majority of that are essential fatty acids. So if youre
deficient, then youre brain just wont work properly. Think of your omegas as cash in
and cash out.
If you dont have enough cash to pay the rent, then your living conditions change
dramatically. With your essential fatty acids, if you dont give your brain enough, then
your thinking conditions change just as dramatically.

4. Ease joint pain.

I cant tell you how many stories Ive heard about omega 3 oils improving joint pain. It
even worked for Kevin.
Before Kevin started experimenting with omega 3 oils, his knees would ache badly
after a run. It wasnt overuse pain, though. It was a deep aching inside his joints. He
thought maybe this was the start of a transition into older age, but he started to take
omega 3 oils based on a suggestion from a colleague and the pain went away in
It never came back. Try it for yourself and see.

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The Omega 3 Report Top Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimal Omega 3 Levels

5. Prevent Cancer Cell Growth

Your level of inflammation is one of the biggest factors you can use to predict your
chances of disease.
People with higher levels of inflammation are more likely to have heart issues,
diabetes, and cancer. Thermography is a screening tool that you can use to see if you
have excessive inflammation in the body and some preliminary data shows that its a
decent indicator of identifying the risk of cancer as well.
Lower your inflammation, lower your chances of disease.

6. Boost your immune system.

Just like above, if you can reduce inflammation, you also can boost your immune
By reducing the inflammation in the body, you also increase immune system
efficiency. Increasing omega-3 fatty acids will give you a higher amount of eicosanoids
which are responsible for regulating immune and inflammation responses.

7. Lower your risk of heart disease.

Omega 3 oils have been shown to lower triglycerides which are fats in the blood. This
is good news for anyone who has a high risk of heart disease.
Lower fat in the blood allows your hormones to function properly and keeps your
arteries safe from potential clogging.

What are the best sources of Omega 3 Oils?

There are many places to get your omega 3 oils and its up to you to find out which
one works best for you. Decisions that you need to make are if you want plant sources
or animal sources (or both) and if your body is actually able to absorb and use the kind
youre taking. (Plant sources many times require conversion in the body that some
people do better than others.)
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The Omega 3 Report Top Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimal Omega 3 Levels

Please note: Farm raised fish usually have little omega 3 oils due to a primarily corn
feed diet. This is the same for non-grass feed beef. Depending on your diet choice, be
sure to eat enough omega 3s daily from whole foods.

About Testing
We recommend that you get your blood tested for omega 3 levels rather than blindly
consuming fish oil and other omega 3 supplements. Often people with low levels of
omega 3 do not consume enough even in supplements, while people with adequate
levels consume too much.
Reaction to supplementation varies from one person to the next, because omega 3
levels, absorption and conversion (from plant sources to the sources the body uses)
depends on many variables, including genetics.
Getting tested for omega 3 levels is the best way to start optimizing your diet and
ultimately your health.

Note About Flax Seed Oil

Be sure that you dont have any existing hormone or thyroid issues before consuming
flax seed oil. Excess flax oil can interfere with hormone production in someone with an
existing condition.

Note About Chia Seeds

Chia is a good source of omega 3 oils on paper, but it may not give you what you
need. For about 2 years, Kevin ate a massive bowl of chia every day and his omega-3
levels were still low. Now this may mean he couldnt convert the shorter chain omega3s in his body to EPA and DHA or something else about his own chemistry but the
proof is in the pudding.
You cannot assume that if a spec sheet says X-amount of omega-3 oils that all those
nutrients are getting into your body. So I would recommend taking a more scientific
approach than just eating high omega-3 foods and actually test to see if what youre
doing is working.

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The Omega 3 Report Top Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimal Omega 3 Levels

It would be a shame to look back 20 years from now after eating lots of chia (whole
and ground) after youve just found out that your health issues are directly related
low omega-3 oils that you thought you were getting from your food.

Our Favorite Plant Source of Omega 3: Sacha Inchi Oil

Sacha inchi actually has more essential fatty acids than hemp oil or flax. Hemp comes
in around 70%, while sacha inchi is about 92%.Plus, sacha inchi tastes better in our
The Sacha Inchi is a plant that grows in the highlands of Peru.Though the nuts and oil
may be new to many of us here in North America, Sacha Inchi has been cultivated in
the Amazon rainforest and along the east slope of the lower Andes for 3,000 years.
The cold-pressed oil is said to contain about 45 percent omega-3 fatty acid, 36
percent omega 6, and 9 percent omega 9. Some experts are calling it the tasty
alternative to fish oil supplements.
The oil is used for cooking. It has a crisp, nutty flavor thats perfect for salads, meat,
fish, poultry, and sprinkled over vegetable dishes. You can use it like olive oil, though
its said to be lighter, better tasting, and easier for your body to absorb.
Vegans and raw foodists will be especially excited about this food as it provides a
plant-based way to get a good supply of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, the oil is
extracted by simple cold pressing, so no refining process is necessary. Because of the
antioxidants vitamin E and A, it may also help battle the free radical damage that can
lead to premature aging.
To order Sacha Inchi oil, go to:

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The Omega 3 Report Top Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimal Omega 3 Levels

The Guidelines
Basic Omega 3 Eat List
Eat a plant source of omega 3 daily: flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds
Eat clean, wild, sustainable fish high in omega 3 oils 2-4 times a week
Eat green leafy vegetables daily
Eat olive oil instead of other oils
Eat walnuts instead of other nuts

Basic Omega 3 Do Not Eat or Limit List

Avoid or limit the following vegetable oils: sunflower, safflower, cottonseed,
grapeseed, soybean, sesame, canola.
Avoid commercially raised animal products, especially beef

Advanced Omega 3 Guidelines

If blood levels of omega 3 are low, supplement with fish oil or a vegan algaebased supplement
Limit or eliminate the use of most extracted oils, including olive oil
Consume Sacha Inchi Oil, the highest plant source of omega 3
Favor hemp seeds and chia seeds over other nuts and seeds
Do not eat eggs labeled as Omega 3 Eggs. Theyre a marketing gimmick and
not organic.
If eating red meat, eat grass-fed beef or meat. Make sure it is 100% grass-fed,
meaning grass-fed and grass-finished (animal never consumed grains to fatten
Limit foods rich in Omega 6: chicken with skin, pork with fat, eggs
Limit nuts and seeds in general (including walnuts)to one ounce per day
Limit avocado intake (rich in omega 6)

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The Omega 3 Report Top Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimal Omega 3 Levels

Fish Rich in Omega 3 Fats

Mackerel (From Northern Europe)
Coho salmon (From Alaska)
Sockeye salmon (From Alaska or BC)
Rainbow Trout (Farmed, from UK or Europe)
Albacore tuna (From South Pacific)
Canned wild Alaskan salmon
Canned or fresh sardines (From Europe)
Canned skinless pink salmon (from Alaska)

Other Fish With Decent Amounts of Omega 3

Atlantic Halibut (Europe)

Prawn (organically-certified)
Swordfish (South Pacific)
Farmed Atlantic salmon (organic)

Notes on the fish recommended: the list is small because we made sure each fish recommended
meets the sustainable guidelines by the Marine Conservation Society. We listed the area the fish must
come from to be okay. For more information, go to:

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The Omega 3 Report Top Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimal Omega 3 Levels

About Omega 3 Testing

We will be releasing a home-testing kit to determine your omega 3 levels. This home
test is the product of over 30 years of research by the lab we are partnering with. They
provide the most advanced Omega 3 testing tool available anywhere.
Youll know your Omega 3 Index, which is a percentage from 1 to 10%, which
indicates your levels of omega 3. The desired level is 8% but most Americans are at
about 4%.
Research indicates that an 8% level is associated with the lowest risk of death from
cardiovascular disease.
Youll also get a complete fatty acid profile covering 26 different fatty acids. For
example, youll know if your body hosts any nasty trans fats and what to do about it!
Youll get your ratio of omega 6 versus 3 and will know what modifications to your diet
you should make to optimize them.
Stay tuned for the announcement of this new test at:

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