Raging Infection Bol'Goreth

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Raging Infection BolGoreth *

1master 2 minnion
Poison & Diseased
1 weekened spirit, -
2 Weeknes whitin, for each failed attribute test, 1

Seeds Of Betrayal *
1master 1 minnion

Tangled Web**
1 open group
1 Entangling Weave, 1 additional move
1 Solitary Pray, hero not adjeacent another hero +2 and pierce 1
1 Hidden Predator, encounter if not los gains pierce 2

Goblin Uprising ***

1 master (Get them)
2 Raided Armory, Each monster in group gain
one round
1 Emergency Ration, roll 1 red +1 and recover
1 Dive Into Cover, add 1 black if not defeated move the affected monster 3 spaces

Burning Ambition ****

1 open group
2 Inferno, blast, gain equal to affected targets
1 Blazing rage, whit death frenzy additional attack if hot reroll
1 Shifting Earth, test or (0) move 2 space
0 Demons Bargain, reain hp and fatige for 3 threat tokens
1 Ynfernal Bonds, Measure range and los from another monster
1 Scorching Presence, encounter each space adjacent to hot 1 +

Unseen Legions ***

1 master (masterplan)
4 or less health
1 Initiation, monster whit 4 hp defeats hero, gains master stats
0 Mouths to feed, monster whit 4 hp defeats hero gain one threat
1 Infestation, when reinforcement place one minion extra 4 hp minion adjacent
0 In every shadow, disc a trap a hero test (0) if fail attack whit 4 hp monster
1 Ignoble Sacrifice, 1 monster suffer all damage from one attack
1 Always Watching, encounter, look at top overlord card can set it at bottom
1 Flee the light, move monster when hero suffer fatige to move
1 Envious Swarm, target one hero whit a relic +

Endless Thirst **
1 master
Dark monster trait
0 Bloodline, swap 2 hp to another monster
1 Nighttime Hount, (dark trait) add one yellow die or one black die to def
1 The Ladys Care, add one red +1 to life for every other in his group
1 The taste of suffering, (knock out hero) +1 hp per hero, move its speed
1 Endless thirst, when deal 1 recover 3
1 Scent of blood, 6 damage token then +3

Skulduggery **
1 master
1 Petty Theft, 2 movement to pick up search token
0 Concealment, when adjacent to search token, look 2 search cards
1 Slippery, move into hero spaces for one extra move
0 Guarded Treasure, each monster whit at least one search token add one
2 Bait and Switch, switch 1 smal monster and a search token

The Fallen Elite ****

1 master and 1 minion
Def (small group)
1 Vengeful Resolve, each attack that makes takes 1
1 Knight Training, reroll 1 armour die
1 Armour of Darkness, add 2 after attack
1 fight in Formation, add 1 for each monster in group, gain on threat if not damaged
1 Unkillable, when master is defeated, replace whit minion
1 Dark Champions, (encounter) 2 health 1 brown armour die +2 (master only)
2 Refuse to Die, (encounter) +2 health and 2 reg

Hybrid Loyalty *****

1 Master 1 minion
Basic overlord deck
0 Fight With Honor disc trap lower cast by 1 of other plot cards
1 Dual Training, (frenzy) +1 on each attack (group), (dash) +1 move on all other in group
0 Cut A Deal, 25 gold for 1 or 2 threat
1 Show of Force, exhaust when knock out hero, every time u get threat u get a overlord card
1 Make Our Own Luck, (dark fortune) choice rerolled result
1 End It, (critical blow) add
2 Bribery, (dark charm) return after use and cast on another hero
1,2,3,4 Hazard Pay additional monster on reinforcements

Silent Protector ***

1 master
Civilized (healing)
1 Curative Spirit, (master, civ) deal 1 all in 3 recover 2
1 Oath of Silence, (encounter) each monster in 3 recover 2 targeted monster can only move
2 Travelers Rest, cant suffer fatige to move
1 Pacify (before attack) if not miss target is stunned
1 Breathren, (civ) one lose a action one gain one
1 Pity the Week, (civ) hero suffer 1 fatige test if fail remove one
1 Share Burdens, divided

Dragons Greed ***

1 master 2 minion
Huge monsters
1 Terrifying Presence, within 3 of big monster 1 in all stats
1 Iron-Hard Scale, (before roll) +2 + 1 for each blank roll
0 Guardians of the hoard, +1 dam on huge have to loan more threat then large monster on map
2 Aurim Plating, (encounter, one group) +2 health and immune to pierce
2 Punish the Week, +for each space exceeds heroes
0 Mine all Mine, (one use) for each searh token gain one threat

Inner Corruption ****

1 master 1 minion (extra action for monsters)
1 Mages Guild, each hero test book -fatige +overlord, stun +fatige
0 Deceitful Scribe, (one use) gain one exp
2 One of us, test fail controlled
0 False Informant, (hero chose) test (0) if fail make the travel step again

1 Freiend of Foe, heroes cant target monster if another monster is within 3

Cursed by Power ****

1 Master
1 Cabal, +1 for each monster from group (max 4 and only master get it)
1 Masques, before roll hero miss one attack (one use/quest)
1 Greater Power, disc top overlord card get +2 (+3 if a magic)
0 The Dark Mark, hero chose one, can exhaust to give hero 2 instead (2 encounter)
1 The Grasping Grave, when a hero stands-up he only roll 1 red die
1 Mystic Might, when playing a magic,get +2 or +2

Dark Illusions ***

1 master 1 minnion
1 Misdirection, reroll attack and power (cursed) if damage move one space
1 Phantasm, (cursed) roll 3 more in range
1 Mirage, if not dealt any damage teleport monster 3 space and hero takes one fatige

Unstable Forces ****

1 master 1 minnion
0 Wild Energy, add if deal no discard one treath and the monster is defeated
0 Power and sacrifice, add up to 2 and then take same damage
2 Mortal Coil, when master is defeated, regain it next turn
2 Onslaught, ravage
0 pariah, activate master on other monsters turn

Alla inspent threat

4 hp units eller om man liger p 4 hp

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