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The five elements of vocal variety are

1) Tone
2) Volume
3) Pitch
4) Rate
5) Quality
1) Tone- Match your tone to your message--humorous, serious, inspiring, or
2) Volume - The same volume, whether loud or soft, can become very
monotonous, and thus meaningless to the listeners. Focus their attention with
change in volume. Maintain adequate breath control so that your sentence endings
don't fade away. < I will reread my speech to random people using different
volume styles to see if they like it. >
3) Pitch- One of the easiest ways to make your voice expressive is to have pitch
variety. This is merely changes up and down your vocal range. If there's little
change of pitch in your voice, it's as though you're speaking to a mechanical
object. <Exercise your voice by reading the morning newspaper aloud. I will
make extreme changes up and down my vocal range. >
4) Rate- Rate is basically the speed in which you speak. Talk a little faster and
then change your pace by being slow and deliberate with a certain phrase--this
will give those words more importance.< I will reread my speech to random
people using different speeds to see if they like it. >
5) Quality- The quality of your voice reveals your emotional and physical state.
Fatigue, stress, irritation, anxiety and boredom can be recognized immediately in
the voice. <Running in place, doing knee bends, swinging your arms or stretching
will help me reenergize my voice quality. Lack of motion brings about lack of
emotion. Deep breathing to recharge my body will also help.>
B. There are five conflict styles
a. Competing
b. Accommodating
c. Avoidant
d. Collaborating
e. Compromising
a. This represents a high concern for content goals and a low concern for the
b. This represents a low concern for content goals and a high concern for the
c. This represents a low concern for both the content and relationship.

d. This represents a moderate concern for both the content goals and the
e. This style is very extreme in the fact that it has extreme concern for both
the relationship and for the content goal.
C. There are three parts of an interview.
I. Opening
II. Body
III. Closing

Credibility, orientation, and motivation.

Directive interview, nondirective interview.
Concluding, summarizing, and supporting.

D. Carl Rogers has 5 categories of interview responses.

a. Evaluative responses
b. Interpretive responses
c. Supportive responses
d. Probing responses
e. Understanding responses
a. These responses indicate that the interviewer has judged the relative
goodness, appropriateness, effectiveness, or rightness of the interviewees
b. These responses indicate the t the interviewers intent is to teach or tell the
interviewee what the response means, how the interviewee really feels.
c. These responses indicate that the interviewers intent is to reassure, pacify,
or reduce the interviewees intensity of feeling.
d. These indicate that the interviewers intent is to seek further information
or to provoke further discussion.
e. These responses indicate that the interviewers intent is only to find out
whether he correctly understands what the interviewee is saying.

E. There are six parts of a resume.

Identify your job objective
Specify education
State work experience
Include school projects or volunteer achievements
Do not cite personal characteristics


At the top of the resume, state your goal and the skills that directly
demonstrate your qualifications for the job.
Give names of institutions, major fields of study, and dates of attendance.
Begin with most recent educational experiences.
List in reverse chronological order your previous jobs (most recent first).
Concentration on full-time positions and leadership.
Especially for new graduates, skills and responsibilities will substitute for lack
of work experience.
Do not talk about your ability to lead people and the such.
A list of people who upon request will give a positive allusion of you to your
prospective employer.

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