Lesson Plan: I've Got Two Sisters

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Lesson plan

Teacher : Amalia-Ionela SOCELEANU

Date: the 18th of November 2016
Grade: 5th B
Number of students: 15
Time of lesson: 50 minutes
Level: Starter
Lesson: Ive got two sisters
Type of lesson: MIXED
Classroom management: student-centered
Types of interaction: teacher - student, student-teacher, student-student
Skills covered: integrated skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing)
Vocabulary area: family members, personal appearance
Teaching aids: blackboard, pictures, worksheets, textbook, video-projector, PPT
presentation, flipchart
Types of activity: whole class, individual work, pair work
Strategies: brainstorming, question-answer exercises, dialogues
Bibliography: the course book:

Snapshot Starter, Ed. Longman;

ISLCollective.com (worksheets)


By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
assimilate new words;
improve their pronunciation and their ability of speaking in English freely;
feel more positive when expressing their ideas in English, even though they make
to complete some tasks based on the topic.

Subsidiary aims:

Making students activate their vocabulary;

Practicing in speaking, listening and reading;
Encouraging students to take part in the discussions;
Providing students the opportunity to show what they have learned during the
Provoking students to use words and phrases they have learned recently;

The pupils are not familiar with many of the words due to the fact that this is their
first year of study;
It is possible to not understand all the requirements and the teacher will explain
conversation, explanation, exercises, reading
Snapshot Starter, Students Book, Longman
Anticipated problems:
the students may not understand all the requirements and the teacher will explain
the students might find it difficult to express their own ideas in English


1.WARM UP (1 min.)
Subsidiary aim:
To create a good atmosphere;
To create willingness to participate in the new lesson;
To stir the Ss`interest in the new lesson.
T asks informal questions about the missing students, the weather and their state of mind
and health.
Subsidiary aims:
To make Ss check their homework;
To make Ss become aware of their own mistakes.


Subsidiary aims:
To make Ss practice what they have learned in the previous lesson
T asks Ss questions like: How do we say in English to the Romanian word:
Strategies: conversation
Skills: speaking, listening.
Ss activity: Ss. answer
Classroom management: whole class
4.LEAD-IN (2 min.)
Subsidiary aim:
To stir Ss interest in the new lesson
The Teacher presents to the Students the objectives of the lesson and asks them to pay
attention to what will follow. After that, T writes the date, the title and elicits from the
students the meaning of the title.
Ss activity: Ss read and say what the title means.
Classroom management: whole class

5.ACTIVITY 1 (7 min.)
Subsidiary aims:
To activate Ss prior knowledge about their family members
The teacher presents Ss a family tree on the flipchart and sticks on the blackboard some
cards with the family members. She explains them that they have to decide the place of
each member on the family tree. T asks who wants to come in front of the classroom and
stick the first card on the blank space. In turns Ss will come and do the task.
Classroom management: whole class

6.ACTIVITY 2 (6 min.)- ANNEX 1

. Subsidiary aims:
To activate Ss prior knowledge about their family members and to show what
they have learned

T hands Ss a worksheet with the family tree. They have to complete the spaces with the
names of their family members. For example: Grandmother: Ioana, Mother: Maria, and
so on. T will choose two/three Ss to read about their family members.
Classroom management: individual work

7.ACTIVITY 3 (6 min.)- ANNEX 2

Ss receive a handout related to the topic. They have to complete the phrases with the
appropriate words. Ss will have to work in pairs with their deskmate. T verifies the
answer and helps those who have troubles solving the task.
Classroom management: pair work

8.ACTIVITY 4 (15 min.)

Subsidiary aims: to teach new vocabulary
T presents Ss a PowerPoint presentation about physical appearance. Ss watch the PPT,
and repeat the new adjectives. Then, T shows them a picture and asks them questions
such as: What color are his eyes? How is his hair? Do you think he is tall or short?
Classroom management: whole class

9.FEEDBACK (3min.) :T asks Ss about the lesson and if they have other questions. She
appreciates them orally and gives them some stickers.
10.HOMEWORK (2min): The students will have to describe their best friend by
making simple phrases, such as: My friends name is Danny. He is 11. He is tall and slim.
His eyes are blue and his hair is short and brown.

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