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Uroosa Ibrahim , Marium Tariq , Armeen Zakiuddin , Sana Mujib

Their concepts lead to the creation of an organization that would
help reduce the number of patients forgoing treatments that they
could not afford.

I was working as a security

watchman when my health
started deteriorating. I lost my
job and had no one I could
depend on and couldn't afford
treatment so I avoided coming
to the hospital. Two months
later, when I couldn't eat,
was barely
able to walk,
to rush me to the hospital. However, we couldn't afford
to pay for any of the treatment. I am very grateful to
the organization for helping me out in my time of
need. In a world where a man can't earn enough help
his own brothers, I am grateful to this organization
which went out of its way to help me in my time of
-Wali Muhammed, December 2011



Their continual encouragement and support are priceless, and

for that the entire team extends its immense gratitude.

When considering the cost of healthcare in our country,

and our limited resources, one is overwhelmed by the vast
number of people who require help and care. We are in
need of your cooperation in the form of financial assistance
and volunteer work to support our cause.
We accept donations in the form of charity and zakat.
The usage of zakat is strictly restricted to Muslims, in
accordance with the Islamic law.
Blood can also be donated to our account at any
branch of Hussaini Blood Bank. Our blood donation
account number is 208.
We accept certain drugs that are frequently in use.


Patron-In-Chief: Prof. Ejaz A. Vohra

Co-Patron: Dr. Sohail Akhtar
Late Dr. Arif Ali Zaidi , Dr. Kamran Hameed , Dr. Rubina
Hussain , Dr. Mukthiar , Dr. Hira Saleem
Many other faculty members, house officers, post-graduates
and students of Ziauddin Hospital are to be included in the list
of patrons for their efforts, enthusiasm and help.



"Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear
nor ignorance." - St. Francis of Assisi
The Welfare Association for the
Ill and Deprived was established
in March 2007, as a non-profit,
student run organization. It covers the financial obligations of
the non affording patients seeking healthcare.
Welfare AID has been primarily
operating from its base at Ziauddin University Hospital,
Kemari Campus, where it has supported patients in almost
all medical and surgical departments. It also covers patients
coming to Ziauddin Hospital, Clifton.
Over the course of its time, it has also managed to provide
assistance to patients in JPMC and Civil Hospital in Karachi
and continues to do so through the unrelenting dedication
of its members.


To replenish our NGO's account, a diverse calendar of fund
raising activities is planned throughout the year, in which all
of Welfare AIDs members truly come out with their creativity and enthusiasm!
The events are a platform for medical, intellectual and artistic thought as well as entertainment.
In addition we receive monthly donations from faculty members and voluntary donors.

The Welfare Association for the Ill and Deprived takes its roots in
the humanistic belief that every
human being has a duty towards his fellow human beings.
We believe in providing equal
health care opportunities to
everyone, disregarding any
social disparities: an equal chance at life for everyone.
Our organization strives to uphold the principles of empathy, medical ethics and efficiency. The goal is to provide a platform for
students entering medical university to channel their ambitions for
the betterment of the unfortunate and to instill, in our members, a
spirit of compassion.

Welfare AID is proud to have collaborated with some highly
recognized institutions in the recent past. It held a CME on hypertension with the Pakistan Hypertension League and has also
been working alongside Irtiqa Welfare Organization on the im-

Welfare AID has also established a drug bank at the campus while
a blood donation account with the Hussaini Blood Bank has also
been made to ensure immediate supply of blood to patients.
In line with tradition to stand with the nation during testing times,
Welfare AID launched a campaign to help the victims of the horrendous terrorist attack at Abbas Town, Karachi. In our trip to Abbas
Town we bought ration boxes and provided financial assistance to
the victims.

The primary source of funding remains charity events held
inside and outside Ziauddin University Campus. These events

Health conferences
Movie nights/Plays
Bake sales
Beach Trips

munization campaigns of Gadap Town. In the wake of the major

catastrophe that hit our nation, Welfare AID launched major flood
relief operations in 2010
and 2011 in association
with Pakistan Air Force and
other NGOs, setting up
medical camps at Risalpur
in Khyber Pakhtunkwa and
at PirPatho as well as other various districts of Sukker and Badin.
Owing to the number of drugs that are dispensed to the patients,

Between the period of 2009-2012, Welfare Aid successfully
managed to accommodate 418 Patients, paying for surgeries, diagnostic procedures, ventilator charges, medications,
biopsies and laboratory tests.

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