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Dear Colleagues,

Following my message to all staff on 18 November, and our

subsequent Town Hall meeting, I wanted to share with you
further details of our 2017 budget. The attached note aims
to set out the financial context in which we developed the
2017 budget; the strategic rationale behind the choices
made; and details on how the 2017 budget has affected our
field and Headquarters operations. I have also attached the
final 2017 budget by costplan.
Throughout this tough process, OCHAs senior management
has been acutely aware of the impact this budget will have
on our staff. For this reason, we did everything we could to
try to prevent job losses, reduce spending in areas that
would minimize the negative impact on our staff, while still
ensuring that our 2017 budget aligned with our strategic
vision for the organization. This meant that we sought to
reduce our non-staff costs and froze or cut as many vacant
posts as possible. Although we applied this principle as
widely as possible, we sadly could not prevent some job
losses in the organization. The level of financial
retrenchment required to reach a $260m programme budget
has meant that the loss of jobs was an inevitable
consequence of this budget-setting process. In 2017, a
total of approximately 173 staff on Fixed Term,
Continuing or Permanent appointments are being
notified that their current position is to be abolished.
All senior managers are anxious to ensure that those
affected by these budget cuts receive the support they
require. Although we cannot make any guarantees of future
employment, OCHA is committed to doing what we can to
provide support. National and international staff directly
impacted by the downsizing should discuss with the
manager of their section, branch or office potential
alternative employment opportunities, either within OCHA or
with other Organizations that may be hiring. If there are
vacancies advertised within OCHA, I would strongly
encourage impacted staff to apply if they meet the posts
requirements, and I am requesting hiring managers to duly
take into consideration staff on abolished positions for any

vacancy arising
For national staff affected by the cuts,
OCHA senior managers in your respective offices will actively
work with other UN entities in-country to identify potential
alternative career opportunities. For OCHA staff (national
and international) applying for UN Secretariat positions
through Inspira, ASB Human Resources will activate the
downsizing indicator, which will 'flag' your candidacy and
draw the attention of the Hiring Manager to those candidates
who are currently placed against positions to be downsized.
ASB Staff Welfare Unit is available for counselling to support
anyone dealing with stress created during this time of
uncertainty. Additionally, ASB Staff Development and
Learning Unit is ready to provide staff with career advice or
guidance on training opportunities for upgrading skills,
including CV writing and preparing for interviews. I have
attached a list of the ASB focal points from whom further
information can be obtained.
I am extremely grateful to you all for your constructive and
positive approach during this difficult period for OCHA. I am
convinced that we can emerge from this stronger, more
focused and ready to meet the challenges of the future. I
know how highly committed you all are to helping those
affected by conflict and disasters across the world. This is
our ultimate objective and we must never lose sight of it.
Now is the time that we must come together as one OCHA to
support one another to deliver the highest quality products
and services to the humanitarian community.
Warm wishes,

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