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An-Najah National University

Faculty of Medicine
Psychiatry Course
4th year 2015 2016


Answer the following questions as either True (T) or

False (F):
Note: All questions should be attempted.
1. Autistic child:
a. Social class one more than by chance.
b. Parents blame themselves.
c. Expecting achievement.
d. Reasonably well at school.

2. In schizophrenia the characteristic features are:

a. Grandiose delusions.
b. Visual hallucination.
c. Thought block.
d. Early morning waking.
e. Incongruity between mood and thoughts.

3. Symptoms of depression may include:

a. Hypersomnia.

b. Fugue.
c. Ideas of reference.
d. Facial pain.
e. Obsessional-compulsive symptoms.

4. Compulsive rituals are effectively treated by:

a. Anxiolytics
b. Exposure in vivo with response prevention.
c. Unilateral ECT.
d. Biofeedback.

5. Characteristic symptoms of mania:

a. Irritability.
b. Disinhibition.
c. Primary delusions.
d. Brief episodes of depression.
e. Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.
6. Typical features of endogenous depression include:
a. Psychomotor retardation.
b. Hypersomnia.
c. Forgetfulness for recent events.
d. Feelings of unworthiness.
e. Constipation.

7. In post-traumatic stress disorder the following is (are) seen:

a. Delusion.
b. Guilt.
c. Flashbacks.
d. Irritability.

8. A 16-year-old who quarrels with her mother over food and

has lost about 16 Kg in the last 3 months is likely to be
suffering from anorexia nervosa if she:
a. Takes a laxative everyday.
b. Cycles 10 miles a day.
c. Enjoys cooking and serving others.
d. Is never tired.

9. The following antidepressants is (are) selective inhibitors of

5HT uptake:
a. Fluoxetin.
b. Citalopram.
c. Trazodone.
d. Salbutomol.

10. Characteristic features of A.D.H.D(hyperkinetic syndrome)

a. Hyper activity.

b. Excitability.
c. Short attention span.
d. Impulsivity.
e. Distractibility.

11. Regarding atypical anti psychotics:

a. Olanzapine has a good safety profile in diabetics.
b. Risperidone is safe in the elderly demented patients.
c. Risperidone is more rapidly bioavailable than olanzapine orally

12. Regarding panic attacks:

a. May present with carpopedal spasm.
b. Hyperventilation can cause T wave changes on ECG.
c. SpO2 will be normal to make this diagnosis.
d. There is no associated suicide risk with recurrent episodes.

13. The following disorders are more likely to be diagnosed in

lower social classes than in upper ones:
a. Schizophrenia.
b. Organic psychosis.
c. Bipolar mood disorder.
d. Depressive episodes in women.
e. Parasuicide.

14. Characteristic features of neuroleptic malignant syndrome

a. Hyperthermia.
b. Tachycardia.
c. Leucopenia.
d. Muscle flaccidity.
e. Fluctuating level of consciousness.

15. Long-term treatment with lithium may give rise to:

a. Goiter.
b. Nephrotoxicity.
c. T-wave flattening on the ECG.
d. Cardiac arrhythmias.
e. Memory impairment.

16. The neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia accounts

a. The earlier onset in men than in women.
b. The higher concordance rate for monozygotic than for dizygotic
c. The winter excess of birth in schizophrenia.
d. The increased relapse rate in those schizophrenic patients who
reside with relatives who demonstrate high expressed emotion.
e. The excess of minor physical abnormalities reported in

17. The following statements concerning anorexia nervosa are

a. The female to male ratio is around 10:1.
b. The peak incidence occurs between 15 and 19 years of age.
c. The prevalence is 10-20 per 1000 women.
d. There is a reduced prevalence in higher socioeconomic classes.
e. There is an increased prevalence in ballet and modeling schools.

18. Generalized anxiety disorder:

a. Is also called anxiety neurosis.
b. Late insomnia is a feature.
c. Hyperthyroidism should be excluded.
d. Can be associated with obsessional thoughts.
e. Is usually treated by chlorpromazine.

19. Social Phobia:

a. It is a type of anxiety disorders.
b. In some patients it leads to alcohol abuse.
c. Avoidant personality disorder may coexist.
d. Agoraphobia is a differential diagnosis.
e. Propranalol is indicated.

20. Agoraphobia:

a. Is associated with panic attacks in some patients.

b. is also called house bound syndrome.
c. Is associated with a stable family back ground.
d. The most effective treatment is benzodiazepine.
e. Common in children.

21. Obsessive compulsive disorder:

a. Patient usually has good insight.
b. Most of patients do not come early to psychiatric clinic.
c. It is considered an anxiety disorder.
d. Obsessional phobia is a feature.
e. may be the early presentation of schizophrenia in some patients.

22. First rank symptoms:

a. Are pathognomonic of schizophrenia.
b. Include thought echo.
c. Include delusional mood.
d. May occur in mood disorders.
e. Respond to antipsychotic medications.

23. Treatment of schizophrenia:

a. Oral haloperidol.
b. Haloperidol injections.
c. Long acting depot injections.

d. Clozapine for resistant cases.

e. Resperidone is a new drug with good results.

24. Delusions are:

a. Misinterpretation of external stimuli.
b. Out of the cultural background of the patient.
c. Invariably occur in schizophrenia.
d. Considered as cognitive disturbances.
e. Diagnostic of delusional disorders.

25. Hallucinations:
a. Disturbances of thought process.
b. Visual type are common in schizophrenia.
c. Can be secondary to mood disorders.
d. Best treated by antipsychotic treatment.

26. Behaviour therapy:

a. Is based on experimental psychology.
b. Include relaxation training.
c. Exposure is effective in agoraphobia.
d. Aims to change the maladaptive ways of thinking.
e. Could be used in schizophrenic patients.

27. Cognitive therapy:


a. Aim to correct maladaptive behavior then thinking.

b. Used in schizophrenia.
c. Gives good results with mildly depressed patients.
d. Depends on psychoanalysis.
e. Used in anxiety.

28. Somatization:
a. Usually starts after the age of 30 years.
b. It involves multiple systems.
c. SLE is a differential diagnosis.
d. Is sometimes intentionally produced by patients.
e. Patients usually consult many doctors demanding more

29. Hypochondriasis:
a. Preoccupation with serious illness.
b. Repeated investigations are not encouraged.
c. Depression should be excluded.
d. Occurs more in obsessional persons.
e. Tricyclic antidepressants help some patients.

30. Classification of personality disorders:

a. Cluster A includes paranoid, schizoid and antisocial.
b. Cluster B includes histrionic, borderline and avoidant.

c. Cluster C patients are emotional, dramatic and erratic.

d. ICD-10 system includes schizotypal personality disorder.

31. Diagnosis of bipolar mood disorder:

a. Requires manic and depressive episodes.
b. One manic episode is enough for diagnosis.
c. One major depressive episode is enough for diagnosis.
d. Schizoaffective disorder should be excluded.
e. Mixed episodes (mania and depression) are considered as bipolar
mood disorders.

32. Major depression:

a. One week period is required for diagnosis.
b. Auditory hallucinations occur in sever cases.
c. High risk of suicide.
d. Early morning wakening is a characteristic feature.
e. can resolve without treatment.

33. Organic causes of depression include:

a. SLE.
b. Hypothyroidism.
c. Addisons disease.
d. Parkinsonism.
e. Multiple sclerosis.

34. Delirium:
a. Cognitive impairment in clear consciousness occurs.
b. Is regarded as organic psychosis.
c. Alcohol withdrawal could be a cause.
d. Is a medical emergency.
e. IV diazepam 50mg is indicated.

35. Dementia:
a. The course is episodic.
b. Preservation of speech occurs.
c. Catastrophic reaction is a feature.
d. Confabulation occurs.
e. Depression is an important differential diagnosis to be excluded.

36. Antidepressant:
a. Imipramine has a good sedative effect.
b. Fluoxetine (Prozac) belongs to SSRI group.
c. Clomipramine has been used to treat obsessions.
d. May induce mania.
e. Usually lead to dependence due to tolerance.

37. Antipsychotics:
a. Are used in the treatment of manic episode.

b. Are used in the treatment of delirium.

c. Acute dystonia is a recognized side effect.
d. Clozapine is a subtype of antipsychotics.
e. They reduce the level of prolactine.

38. Mood stabilizers:

a. Induce sodium valproate.
b. Accepted carbamazepine blood level is 0.6 1.2 ml\L.
c. Fine Tremor is a sign of lithium toxicity.
d. Lithium may lead to hyperthyroidism.
e. Lithium is teratogenic.

39. Benzodiazepines:
a. Have a good sedative effect.
b. Risk of dependence is more with long acting benzodiazepines.
c. Withdrawal symptoms include seizures.
d. Ataxia is a side effect.
e. Are used in the treatment of delirium tremors.

40. ECT:
a. Usually done under local anesthesia.
b. Indicated for depressive stupor.
c. Indicated for resistant mania.
d. Cardiac infarction is an absolute contraindication.

e. It is a hazardous procedure.

41. Regarding kleptomania, it is characterized by:

a. Fear of heights.
b. Impulse control disorder.
c. Compulsive eating disorder.
d. Recurrent failure to resist urges to steal items.

42. Treatment of phobic disorders may include:

a. Psychotherapy.
b. Benzodiazepine.
c. Behavior therapy.
d. 5-HT reuptake inhibitor.

43. Claustrophobia characterized by:

a. Fear if lizards.
b. Fear of heights.
c. Fear of open spaces.
d. Fear of closed spaces.

44. Generally recognized as of primary aetiological importance

in schizophreniaare:
a. The double-bind.
b. An identifiable biochemical change that produces DMPE.

c. The need of a family for scapegoat.

d. Polygenic inheritance.

45. The following are poor prognostic features of

a. Sudden onset.
b. Later onset.
c. Family history of affective disorder.
d. Ventricular enlargement.
e. Positive symptoms.

46. The following drugs in standard dosage may cause acute

confusional states in the elderly:
a. Orphenadrine.
b. Paracetamol.
c. Diazepam.
d. Cimetidine.
e. Indomethacine.

47. In anxiety, beta blockers have been shown to improve:

a. Initial insomnia.
b. Tremor.
c. Diarrhoea.
d. Palpitaions.


e. Hyperhidrosis.

48. Compulsive rituals are effectively treated by:

a. Anxiolytics.
b. Exposure in vivo with response prevention.
c. Unilateral ECT.
d. Biofeedback.

49. Depressive psudodementia:

a. Responds favourably to antidepressant therapy.
b. Predicts earlier death.
c. Is a term for depressive symptoms in patients suffering from
d. Should not be treated with ECT.
e. Signifies poor prognosis.

50. A deficiency of the following occurs in dementia:

a. Choline acetyltransferase.
b. Dopamine.
c. Adrenaline.
d. Acetyl cholinesterase.
e. Serotonin.


51. The following features are suggestive of an organic rather

than a functionalpsychiatric disorder in a 55-year-old man
brought to the emergency psychiatricservice:
a. Mutism.
b. Loss of memory.
c. Disorientation for time and place.
d. Mannerisms.
e. Dystonia.

Good Luck
Best Wishes


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