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Mighty Michigan

District of Key Club


Hello fellow Michigan Key Clubbers! You
hold in your very hands (or computer) the one
and only Michigan Key Club Service
Directory. This directory contains 50+ pages
full of information on the district and
international projects, Key Clubs honorable
partners in service, and dozens (!) of service
projects anyone and everyone can participate
in. This directory took weeks and months of
hard work to prepare and we all hope you use
it to indulge yourselves in weeks and months
of service as well.
Yours in friendship, love, and service,
The 2016-2017 Projects Committee

Table of Contents
Key Club Service Partners...............................3
International Project.......................................5
District Project................................................6
Brief Guide to Planning Projects.....................7
Youth Opportunities Fund..............................8
Club Meeting Projects.................................9-19
School Projects.......................................20-31
Community Projects.................................32-52
Kiwanis Family Projects............................52-56
Closing Remarks............................................57

Service Partners

(These are the organiza1ons that Key Club Interna1onal works with)

An organization dedicated to helping children

UNICEF works with governments and organizations across the
globe to assist in childrens needs in more than 150 developing
countries. Key Club participates in Trick-or-Treating for
UNICEF and The Eliminate Project to help UNICEF provide
nutrition, education, and other necessities to those in need of

Improving the health of mothers and their

March of Dimes has remained committed to preventing
birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. Key
Club has supported March of Dimes by hosting service
projects, raising funds, and educating about the crisis of
preterm birth. Participate in March for Babies in the Spring
to support this great cause!

Running service projects and programs across the

Rustic Pathways has spent decades bringing students to those in need.
Along with broadening the global perspective of members, they
perform meaningful service projects in communities around the world.

Getting kids active and energized

Nickelodeons Big Help initiative addresses issues in service,
education, the environment, and health. Every Oct. 6, Nickelodeon
hosts its Worldwide Day of Play to get kids to go outside and play.

Providing medical miracles to kids who

cant afford it
Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals work to
ensure all children receive the medical
treatment that they need. Donations help
purchase up-to-date equipment, train staff, and
much more. Key Club can contribute by
hosting fundraisers and donating any proceeds.

International Project

(Chosen by Key Club Interna1onal for all districts to par1cipate in)

Neonatal tetanus kills one baby

every 11 minutes, equating to
49,000 child deaths annually. In
an effort to rid the world of this
terrible sickness, Kiwanis and
UNICEF joined forces to raise
money to support immunization
of all babies and mothers at risk.
Since 2010, we have raised over
$110 million, thus completing our
fundraising goal, but not yet
finishing what we started.

Countries Left:
q Afghanistan
q Angola
q Central African
q Chad
q Democratic Republic of
the Congo
q Equatorial Guinea
q Ethiopia
q Guinea
q Haiti
q Kenya
q Mali
q Nigeria
q Pakistan
q Papua New Guinea
q Philippines
q Somalia
q South Sudan
q Sudan
q Yemen

Quick Facts:
$1.80 buys a vaccine that
protects both the mother and
her future children
MNT is common in places
with poor hygiene and kills
newborns within days
There are only 19 countries
left to be immunized

District Project

(Chosen by the MI District Board for Michigan Key Clubbers to par1cipate in)

663 million people on our planet do not have

access to safe, clean drinking water. Dirty
drinking water impacts the lives of more people
than you realize, from our neighbors in Flint, to
our friends in India and Kenya. The Michigan
District has teamed up with Thirst Project in an
effort to bring clean and safe drinking water to

Ways to get involved:

Host fundraisers- Thirst Project relies on donations from
you and I to carry out their agenda. Host a fundraiser and
donate the proceeds to Thirst Project. Need a fundraising
idea? See the fundraising sections of this directory located on

Participate in the Dirty Little Secret campaignEvery March, Thirst Project hosts this campaign to let the
secret out that millions of people do not have access to clean
drinking water
Spread the Word- It is true that many people are not aware
of this issue. Post on social media, tell your friends, and alert
the presses! Let it be known that 663 million people do not
have access to safe, clean drinking water

A Brief Guide to Planning Projects

(A few quick steps that will help you have a successful project)
1. Ideas

So you have an idea for a service project.
Here are a few questions that you
should consider before you get started:

2. Planning

What is the purpose of the project, and

whom will it benefit?
When will it be, and how long will it
take to plan?
Approximately how much money will it

When you are planning, make sure you

consider these things:

3. Execution

A Planning timeline would also be

useful during this stage

Its the big day! Here are some things

that will make your service project run

Just before your event, contact all the

volunteers, check your materials, know
what the jobs are, and determine where
youre meeting
The day of the event, you should keep
your volunteers busy, take lots of
pictures, and have fun!

4. Wrap-Up and Publicity

Make sure that at the end of your
service project, you document what
occurred there, including quotes,
statistics, pictures, or anything that
shows your impact on your community.
These documents will serve as future
reference and a great way to publicize

5. Evaluation
This final step is important for the
success of future service projects. A few
things that you should consider:

Was the project successful?

If it wasnt successful, what couldve been
Did the volunteers like the event?
Could the publicity of the event be

Contacting Important People
Delegation of Tasks

Youth Opportunities Fund

Do you have an idea for a great service project but need a liLle
nancial help? YOFs can help you out!

What is it?
The Youth Opportunities Fund is a grant from Key club
International to help clubs and their members execute their
service projects. You can apply for grants ranging anywhere from
$100 to $2000

How to Apply
More information, including instructions on how to apply can
be found on under Serve > Fundraising > Youth
Opportunities Fund
Be sure to have the following things:
The Problem your project addresses
The Solution you propose
The Budget you request

Keep in Mind:
Grants are typically given to clubs that are working with other
organizations to complete their project
The grant usually pays for just a portion of the projects total cost

Remember: The deadline to apply is October 15

Club Meeting Projects

These projects are
short, sweet and can
be done in the
convenience of a

Club Meeting Anytime projects

1. Little Dresses for Africa
Estimated planning time: 1-2 Weeks
All you need is a simple pillowcase to make a dress for a child
in need! Have your club members collect and bring in
pillowcases to your next club meeting The Little Dresses for
Africa website includes a step by step tutorial and more important
information on how to ship and handle your homemade
pillowcase dresses.

2. Kids Against Hunger
Estimated Planning Time: 7-10 Weeks
This a complete hands-on service project, great for clubs. The
Kids Against Hunger Coalition brings in all food to be
packaged which is sent all around the world and even to local
food banks in your community. Invite your Kiwanis Family
and local members of the community to get involved and get
Helpful Hints
q Start fundraising at the beginning of the school year. To
host a KAH event can be expensive. Ask your Kiwanis Club
if they would like to donate to your cause.

3. Hugs for Soldiers
Estimated Planning Time: 3-5 Weeks
Your club could do so much with the Hugs for Soldiers
concept. This organization focuses on creating care
packages and sending love to soldiers on Christmas.
You can also hold a Thanksgiving food drive
or create Valentines Day cards for our troops and
veterans. Donations are accepted as well so hold a
fundraiser! For more ideas and information, check
out the Hugs for Soldiers Website.


Club Meeting Anytime Projects

4. Change for Change
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Did you know that there are $10B in spare coins lying
around in couch cushions, coat pockets, and desk
drawers in the US alone? Imagine the change you could
collect in one meeting! Ask your club members to bring
in their spare change from around the house. You can
donate your collected coins to Change for Change. This
organization donates the money to over 40 different
Helpful Hints
Make this a competition to see who can bring in the
most change for a prize!

5. Create Cards for the Elderly

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
Everyone loves to receive cards, especially handmade
ones! You can make cards all year for any season or
holiday or just to wish someone a good day! All you
need is some craft supplies, pens/pencils and paper.
Helpful Hints
Deliver your cards personally to really make someones

6. Miracle Minute
Estimated Planning Time: 1 week
This may be the shortest fundraiser known to man!
All you need is a few runners with containers and a
timer with one minute on the clock! The goal is to
raise as much money in one minute as possible. To
do this in a club meeting, have your club bring in
any money they would like to donate! Donate your
money to a charity of your choice.


Club Meeting Anytime Projects

7. Free Rice
Estimated Planning Time: None
Free Rice is a free website that feeds the
hungry. All you have to do is answer trivia
questions! For every correct answer you
choose, 10 grains of rice are raised to help
end world hunger through the World
Food Programme.

8. Super Hero Capes
Estimated Planning Time: 3-4 Weeks
Make a super hero cape for someone you find to be a hero or
for children in local hospitals. There are several ways to make
them with t-shirts or other fabric. Find the best way for your
club and gather your materials.

9. Beads of Courage
Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
Beads of Courage helps children RECORD, TELL and
OWN their stories of courage during treatment for
cancer and other serious illness. Check out their
website for the several programs you and your club can
get involved with.

10. Dog Toys
Estimated Planning Time: 1 week
This is such a fun, easy and cheap service project to do with v
your club. The easiest dog toy to create is with fleece, old tshirts or old sheets. Cut three pieces of fabric to a desired
length and width and braid them together to make a toy! Once
you have completed your toys, donate them to local animal
shelters or veterinaries!


Club Meeting Anytime Projects

11. Care Packages for Soldiers
Estimated Planning Time: 4-5 Weeks
Create your own care package for a soldier or
through an organization like Operation Gratitude.
Soldiers love to receive packages that remind them
of home and they feel appreciated! Make one with
your club.

12. Origami Flowers
Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
A handmade origami flower is a perfect gift of
appreciation for someone you love any time of
the year. Create your beautiful flowers with
your club and distribute them as a random act
of kindness!

13. Hats for Newborns
Estimated Planning Time: 1-3 Weeks
Your club can make hats for newborns with just
fabric glue and t-shirts! The link above shows you a
step by step tutorial on a DIY baby hat! Once you
have your hats completed, donate them to a local


Club Meeting Anytime Projects

14. Friendship Bracelets
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Whats better than making friendship bracelets that
remind you of summer camp? Check out the article above
for several designs you can make with your club this school
year. Make one for yourself and your friends!

15. Plarn
Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
Start saving your plastic bags! All you
need is to save grocery bags and a pair of
scissors to help make a mat for the
homeless. Check out the link above for
further details.
Helpful Hints
Get your school involved by having a
competition to see which grade can
bring in the most bags! Ask your
Kiwanis club to save and collect bags as

16. Start a Recycling Movement

Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
Create informational posters to be hung
around your school to teach and encourage
your fellow peers to recycle. Make sure you
first get permission to hang posters. Once
you have done this, set up recycling bins
around your school!


Club Meeting Anytime Projects

17. Tissue Paper Flowers
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Brighten someones day with these
colorful and fun tissue paper flowers!
Create them with your club and give the
to your parents, grandparents, teachers or
the elderly.

18. Pop Tab Drive
Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
Throughout the school year, collect pop tabs with your
club to donate to the Ronald McDonald House! Visit the
website above for more important details!

19. Non-Slip Socks
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Make non-slip socks for children in the hospital.
Unfortunately, hospital floors can be slippery but
these fun socks made with puffy paint can prevent

20. Project Linus
Estimated Planning Time: 3-5 Weeks
This is a great organization to donate fleece
blankets to! They donate the blankets to
children in need.


Club Meeting Anytime Projects

21. Care Kits

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
Prepare a kit full of essentials for someone in need.
You could fill a laundry basket with some nonperishable food, towels, socks, toothpaste, laundry
detergent, soap, shampoo, conditioner and anything
else you can thing of!
Helpful Hints
Try to get people from your school or community
involved to donate items you want to collect to prepare
at a club meeting!


Club Meeting Seasonal Projects

1. Answer a Letter to Santa from a Child
Estimated Planning Time: 8-10 Weeks
Help make a childs Christmas Season a little
brighter! Partner with your local post office to take on
Operation Santa. The Be an Elf website describes
how to pull off this task. Check out their website for
more details!

2. Decorate Cookies
Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
You and your club can decorate cookies for people that you
appreciate like parents, Kiwanis Family, the elderly or teachers.
Have fun doing it too and be sure to bring lots of frosting!

3. Fleece Mittens
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Gather some fleece to make mittens for those in need! You
can donate them to a local homeless shelter or take them
to a soup kitchen.


Club Meeting Seasonal Projects

4. Stocking Stuffers
Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
Collect Stockings and Stocking Stuffers from your
school, Kiwanis Family and the community. Fill
stockings and give them to kids in need. Your club
could collect toys, candy, gift cards, books and so
much more!

5. Decorate and Sell Mugs for Holidays

Estimated Planning Time: 4-6 Weeks
Invest in some blank mugs for the holidays and
charge buyers to decorate one. Set out the mugs
and decorating supplies at lunch at your school
or sporting events. The money you collect could
be donated to a charity of choice!

6. Holiday Hope Chest

Estimated Planning Time: 4-6 Weeks
Have you and your club establish a chest
or bin that toys, blankets, clothes, food and
other things could be donated to. Give
away these items to people in need during
the holiday seasons.


Club Meeting Seasonal Projects

7. Christmas Tree Donations

Estimated Planning Time
With your club, go to or contact local
Christmas Tree Farms. Ask if they would
like to donate trees to be given to nursing
homes, hospitals or families in need.
Helpful Hints
Decorate the tree with your club before you
deliver it!

8. New Teacher/Student Survival Kit

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
A new school can be scary! When a new school year
approaches, create survival kits with your club for any new
students or teachers. You could include a map of the
school, candy, pens, pencils, paper and other school
supplies. Invite new students to Key Club meetings!

9. Teacher Thank You Cards

Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
There is no bad time to thank your teachers!
It only takes a few minutes to write a short
little note to show your appreciation. This
makes a great club service project!


School Projects
These projects are
slightly larger in scale
and can easily be
geared towards your
classmates and


School Anytime Projects

1. After School Tutoring

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks

Gather up some friends and start a tutoring program at your school!

Members can help teach other students who are struggling or dont
understand certain subjects. This is a great way to demonstrate the
impact you can have on your peers!

Helpful Hints:

Find an available room for your sessions such as the library or

the cafeteria
Publicize your new program! Make sure students know when and
where they can get the help they need

2. Clothing Drive

Estimated Planning Time: 4-6 Weeks

Hold a clothing drive at your school (or even your community!) and
help those in need. Support families in homeless shelters or children in

of new clothes. You can always find a cause for a clothing drive!

Helpful Hints:
Create competition between schools to see who can donate the
most clothing. Not only does this connect the community, it will
also bring in more clothes!

3. Dance Marathon
Estimated Planning Time: 4-6 Weeks
Dust off your dancing shoes! Plan a fun school dance while
helping out Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals. As long as you
organize this a few weeks ahead of time and promote it within
your school and community, this project is sure to be a favorite!


School Anytime Projects

4. Donate and Collect Used Cell Phones

Estimated Planning Time: 4-6 Weeks

Just got the latest cell phone and dont know what to do with your

old one? Donate it! Places such as Staples will gladly take these however,

can also donate used cell phones to troops out in the field.

Helpful Hints:

Start a drive at your school to bring in more phones! Make sure

you let them know where these phones are going, whether it be
troops or Habitat for Humanity

5. Help a Teacher Set Up

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Days

Our teachers help us out each and every day by teaching us

and making sure we understand to the best of our abilities.
Ask your teachers if you can lend a hand by helping them set
up, especially on days where there is a special project or lab.

*This project is good for small groups or clubs

6. Help Out the Janitors

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Days

Janitors clean up the students messes and try to keep our

halls and classrooms spotless. Each janitor could use a little
bit of help every once and a while, so why not offer yours? Get
a small group together and clean whiteboards or wash desks.

*This project is good for small groups or clubs

7. Host a Blood Drive with American Red Cross
Estimated Planning Time: 4-6 Weeks
Hospitals are constantly in need of blood and many people are
willing to donate. Just talk to your school, promote, and dont
forget the cookies!


School Anytime Projects

8. Locker Full of Smiles

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Days

This project is a sure way to put a smile on your

classmates faces. Just gather up some friends or fellow
Key Clubbers and put sticky notes with positive messages
on lockers. These can
say things like, Have a great day!
or Dont forget to smile, anything thats uplifting.

*This project is good for small groups or clubs

9. Perform Music During Lunch

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks

Each school has musicians and singers. Students can use

this project as an opportunity to demonstrate their skills, as
well as have a livelier lunchroom! All you need to do is set
up a microphone and promote, promote, promote!

Helpful Hints:

Start promoting to choir, band, and orchestra,

however dont stop there! Be sure to tell all of your
friends and maybe even sign up yourself!

10. Photo booth

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks

A photo booth is a great addition to a

memorable event, and always a crowd pleaser. Be
sure to add some fun props such as a cardboard
hat, feather scarves, and funky glasses! All you need
to do is ask someone to take pictures and put the
pictures on Facebook to be able to download.
Helpful Hints:
Plan this for homecoming, prom, or another
school dance
Charge a $1 photo fee and donate the
proceeds to a charity of choice


School Anytime Projects

11. Random Acts of Kindness

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Days

Everybody has bad days sometimes, but even small

can cheer someone up. Decide a day for your club
or a group of friends to do random acts of kindness
around your school. This can be as easy as putting sticky
notes on lockers, or complimenting strangers.

*This project is good for small groups or clubs

12. School Garden

Estimated Planning Time: 7-9 Weeks

Do you have a green thumb? Then this project is for

you! Brighten up the school grounds by planting colorful
flowers and other plants. You can even plant a vegetable
garden and donate the produce to a local soup kitchen or
food bank. Dont forget to ask permission first!

Helpful Hints:

Ask local garden stores
if they would be willing to
donate seeds, fertilizer, and any tools you might
Make sure you have volunteers for every step of the
process and no one gets stuck doing the same job!

13. Set Up a School Art Gallery

Estimated Planning Time: 4-6 Weeks

This project is a great way to show off your schools art

program and artists. Once you get the approval of the

principle and art teachers, set a date for an art show and

the community!


School Anytime Projects

14. Sponsor Your School Team or Band

Estimated Planning Time: 2-4 Weeks

Help out a school sports team by donating

equipment, cheering them on during a game, or
putting signs on athletes lockers for game day.
Practice might make perfect, but morale makes all
the difference!

15. Sports Equipment Drive

Estimated Planning Time: 4-6 Weeks

What better way to donate sports equipment than to

up a drive! Ask your school to donate used basketballs,

racquets, or baseballs gloves, then donate them to
middle or elementary schools.


16. Start an Anti-Smoking, Drug, Alcohol


Estimated Planning Time: 7-9 Weeks

Work with D.A.R.E or the local police to set up a

campaign at your school. You can even organize an
assembly and invite a special guest to speak. You could
even promote this in your community to emphasize
your campaign on a bigger scale.

17. Ushers For School Events

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks

Whether its for an orchestra, band, or choir

concert, or even for a talent show, your school will

probably need volunteers to help people find seats. All
you need to do is check if there are any upcoming
events and ask if you can help!


School Seasonal Projects

1. Caroling

Estimated Planning Time: 3-4 Weeks

Promote a caroling night during the holidays
open to students in your school. Go and sing
to your teachers, friends, family, Kiwanis
Family and the elderly in the nursing home.

2. Gift Wrapping
Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
At your school, offer to wrap gifts that the
students or teachers may have for the holiday
season. You could either do it for free or
charge to rise money as a fundraiser.

3. Holiday Hallway Decorating Contest

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
For any holiday, have your school compete to
see which hallway is best decorated for the
occasion. This gets people excited for the

4. Christmas Toy Drive

Estimated Planning Time: 4-6 Weeks
Set up a bin or box in your school for your peers to
donate new or gently used toys. Donate these toys to
children in need for the holiday season. Encourage
members of your community to come donate toys too!


School Seasonal Projects

5. Trunk
or Treat

Planning Time: 5-7 Weeks
your school, host a Halloween event
trick-or-treaters go around
to a

series of cars. In the trunk is a little game
they can complete to win candy!

6. Thanksgiving Food Drive

Estimated Planning Time: 4-5 Weeks
Before the Thanksgiving season, hold a school
wide food drive. Make sure the food you collect is
non-perishable. Donate the food to a local family
in need, a local food ban or take it to hand out at
a soup kitchen in your area!

7. Eliminate Week
Estimated Planning Time: 6-8 weeks
Work together with other Key Club members to raise funds and
awareness in your school for The Eliminate Project: Kiwanis
eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus. Host your week in
Mayideally, the week leading up to Mothers Day. Check out the
link above to learn how to make your week awesome.

8. School Supply Drive

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
The beginning and end of the school year are great b
times to collect school supplies for kids in need. At
the beginning of the school year, ask kids from your
school to donate. At the end of the year, collect any
gently used materials that could be used again by
someone else!


School Fundraisers

1. Bake Sale

Estimated Planning Time: 3-4 Weeks

Everyone loves delicious home-baked goods!

Whip up some cookies, cupcakes, brownies, or
anything else you can imagine and sell them to
raise some money. Just set up a stand at school
and sell away!
*This project is good for small groups or clubs

2. Concession Stand

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks

What better way to provide service and gain

for your club? Set up a concession stand and
musicals, and sporting
provide refreshments at plays,



project is good for small groups or clubs

3. Dash for Cash

Estimated Planning Time: 3-4 Weeks

Spread dollar bills around a gym floor and

have students pay a dollar to enter a raffle. The
raffle winner will have one minute to pick up as
much money as they can hold, and all leftover
money can be donated. Its a win-win!

4. Dodgeball Tournament

Estimated Planning Time: 3-5 Weeks

Create some friendly competition while raising money

planning a dodgeball tournament. Have students form
of about 5 or 6 and pay an entrance fee. Involve the

by inviting people to watch. Just make sure

you have a gym or another location set up well in advance!


School Fundraisers

5. Donate Change to Make a Change!

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks

One easy project to raise money for your favorite charity

is to hold a penny war at your school! Make it a competition
between classes, grades, or lunch periods. Silver change and
bills count for positive points for your team, while pennies
count for negative points for an opposing team.

7. Donut Mondays

Estimated Planning Time: 2-4 Weeks

Need a quick way to raise money? Sell donuts before

hour each Monday. Just remember to get permission

your school first!

project is good for small groups or clubs

6. Fundraiser Coupon Card

Estimated Planning Time: 4-6 Weeks

Sell discount cards for local supermarkets or

restaurants to friends and family. The recipients will save
money, you will gain money, and the restaurant can serve
more customers!

8. Grams
Estimated Planning Time: 2-4 Weeks

Sell candy or flowers as holiday gifts to people throughout

school. Dedicate one week where you ask students if they

would like to send something to their friends. Record the

name of the sender and recipient, and choose a day to

the grams. Try using candy for Halloween, candy
for winter, and roses for Valentines Day.


School Fundraisers

9. Halloween Costume Sale

Estimated Planning Time: 3-4 Weeks

Everyone has old Halloween costumes they arent

using, put them to good use by hosting a costume sale!
Start a costume drive before Halloween, and have
people donate their old costumes, then resell them for
some money. Pick a date for people to come visit your
costume store, and publicize!

10. Host Competitions

Estimated Planning Time: 3-7 Weeks

You can raise money by hosting a competition, such

as a dance-off or a cook-off, or even a sports game. Each

participant has to pay an entrance fee, and the winner

get a small prize or trophy. You can even involve
community by asking a few people to be judges!

Helpful Hints:

The preparations for this project vary based on

the type of competition, so make sure you plan

11. Kiss a Senior Goodbye

Estimated Planning Time: 3-4 Weeks

Sell Hershey Kisses during lunch or before school to

give to the senior class on their last day! This is a great
way to say goodbye to your friends, and brighten them
up before they leave. You can even ask if the sender
would like to add a personalized message!


School Fundraisers

12. Movie Night

Estimated Planning Time: 2-4 Weeks

Host a movie night in your school cafeteria, gym or

parking lot. You can sell popcorn and soda, and donate
the money to a preferred charity. Just make sure you
enough chairs!

13. Music in the Hallways

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks

Play an unpopular or annoying song in the hallways

throughout the school day. When students want the music
to stop, they can pay a small fee. Set a goal in the very
beginning that can easily be reached, and when your goal
is reached, shut off the music. If you do not complete your
goal by the end of the school day, continue playing it the
next day until you do!

14. Prom Dress Sale

Estimated Planning Time: 3-4 Weeks

Choosing the perfect dress for prom can be a long and

expensive process, and they are usually only worn a couple of

You can raise money for your club or a charity by asking
to donate gently used prom dresses, and reselling them

to students at a much cheaper price. This way, students can get
dresses with a much smaller hassle, and you can make money!

Helpful Hints:
Try to ask for prom dresses that arent too old, that way
the style will not be too outdated for the students

(unless its an 80s prom!)
Price the dresses accordingly. Think about the color,
quality, and age of the dress when pricing them.


Community Projects
Expand your horizons!
These projects can be
done within your
community and gets
everyone involved.


Community Anytime Projects

1. Donate Used Cell Phones
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Almost everyone has some type of old phone lying around
their house. Put it to good use! Some cant afford the privilege
of a new phone and would be so happy to have yours. It could
benefit troops, domestic violence victims, senior citizens and

2. Sports Equipment
Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
Kids absolutely love playing sports and being active,
but many families dont have the resources to buy
the equipment their kids need to stay safe while
theyre being active. With your Key Club or local
Kiwanis club, organize a sports and outdoor
activities equipment drive to give to community
teams, school teams or individuals in your
Helpful Hints
q While you are looking for equipment, also look
for volunteers to help support community sports
teams if they are in need of coaches.

3. Graffiti Eliminators
Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
Do you ever think how much better a community
could look if there was no graffiti everywhere? Well
get together with your club and do something
about it. Get out there and get rid of that graffiti
by buying a few different basic shades or colors of
paint form a local hardware store and put a nice
coat or two over the markings.
Heads up
Make sure the you have an adult chaperone at
all times during this particular project.


Community Anytime Projects

4. Make Care Kits
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Homeless shelter and other organizations are always
looking for donations. A great and somewhat simple
project you and your club could put together is making
Care Kits. These kits would include basic things that
would make life easier: shampoo, soap, toothbrushes
and toothpaste, combs, chapstick, deodorant, pens and
paper, tissues, snacks etc.

5. Become a Tutor
Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
Help your school and community out by becoming a
volunteer tutor. If you excel in a particular subject,
share that knowledge with other teens who are
struggling. Volunteer your services online non-profit
or let your Club advisor know that youre available
to other students.
Watch Out
q This service Project can create great friendships
with the people you help.

6. Love with Flowers

Estimated Planning Time: 4-5 Weeks
Do Flowers always seem to bring joy and peace.
Sometimes people cant get out to smell the roses
as much as they would like to. Help out hospital
patients and housebound individuals by growing
flowers either in or outside your school or house
then make their day by bringing them to them.


Community Anytime Projects

7. Forgotten Harvest

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 weeks

A classic service projects. Simple and effective, Forgotten
Harvest is a professional organization you can volunteer
with. Start a sign up sheet with your club and get as
many people as you can to go. You and your club
members go and pack food and its more fun than you
think it would be. They are always looking for help.

8. Recycling Competition
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Help Recycling is a very effective way to help save
our Earth. At your schools club, create a competition
either between classes or even specific hours to see
who can gather the most recyclables. Make sure you
mention it everyday on announcements and let
them know their reward you come up with.
Helpful Hints
q If your club is low on budget funds, try to get a
teacher or staff member to do something of the
winners choice.

9. Field Day
Estimated Planning Time: 2 Weeks
Another service project all about kids having
fun. With your fellow Key Club members, put
together a list of games and pick a date for a
field day. You could do it at your middle or
elementary school, or just for your
community. The kids will love you.


Community Anytime Projects

10. Community Meal
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Theres no better way to celebrate with your community than
to have a meal with them. Invite all, especially the families who
you think need help with buying groceries and making food. If
it works the first time and your club has the funds it would be
amazing to make it a once a week or a once a month event.
More families than you know out there need help.

11. Make Bird Feeders

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Animals need help too. Help out the birds in your
community by building bird feeders with your club.
Put them in the center of town or outside your
school so people can enjoy the birds as they enjoy
themselves. Also, building together is a lot of fun for
you and your club
Helpful Hints
q Have a student good at building create a basic
and easy to build design for everyone to use.

12. Organize a Job Fair

Estimated Planning Time: 3-4 Weeks
Unfortunately today there a lot of people out of
work, which means there is a lot of people looking
to find work. With your club and advisor, contact
businesses in your area looking for people to hire
and get them to come represent their business at a
job fair. Make sure to put posters up around your
city and get the word out as much as possible.
Helpful Hint
Always look at hosting it at your school first to
avoid any unnecessary costs.


Community Anytime Projects

13. Volunteer at a Nursing Home
Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
Nursing homes can be the sweetest places on
earth. They just need joyful people to help fill
them up. Take a poll at your next meeting to see
who would be interested in volunteering, if you
have an adequate number, do it. Make those
peoples day, they deserve it.

14. Adopt a Grandparent

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Not everyone who lives in a retirement community
gets visitors or at least enough visitors. For this
reason, you and your club should enter the idea of
the Adopt-a-Grandparent program, which pairs up
an elderly person with a college student or teenager
in the community who will visit and spend time with
Helpful Hints
q Check out this website for more help: http://

15. Volunteer at a Library

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Even though libraries are not as popular as they
once were, they are still very important and still
need help. With your club, organize a rotation of
volunteers to help organize books, check books in
and out and other general tasks.
Extra Perks
You get to read as many books as you want for
free and if its slow theres always time to study.


Community Anytime Projects

16. Talent Show
Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
Everyone loves to see people show off their
talents. Whether its your whole community or
just at your school, have your club put together a
rockin talent show.
Helpful Hints
q If the talent show is community based, see if
it is appropriate to charge a small fee for
entry as a fundraiser.

17. Hersheys Track and Field

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Hersheys Track and Field is a professional
organization whos idea is to help kids stay active.
They have paired up with USA Track and Filed to
create RunJumpThrow and are looking for
volunteers to help assist with their events.
Helpful Hints
q Here is the website for more information:

18. Soup Kitchen

Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
A great and relatively easy service
project to be involved in is
volunteering at a soup kitchen. Look
for local soup kitchens near you, pick a
date, and bring as many people as
possible. You will be appreciated. Make
sure you have an adult organizer and
qualified drivers.


Community Anytime Projects

19. Food Pantry
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
A very simple yet very effective and helpful project is a
food drive in your community. Organize a group and
outline a specific location in your neighborhood and
go hand out flyers with information on it about your
clubs project. On a specified date, pick up the nonperishable food from the area you put out the flyers
and donate all the food.

20. Plant Trees/Flowers

Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
Another simple and fun project. The first step is
to get the trees or flowers, probably from Lowes
or Home Depot or a similar store. Next find
some open space or space that needs a little
pizazz and plant either trees or flowers.
Helpful Hints
q A lot of communities have a gardening club;
see if there is one near you and have your
club team up with them.

21. River Sweep

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Unfortunately today there a lot of people who
think it is okay to just throw their trash wherever.
A lot of trash ends up in rivers. You and your club
can be part of the solution. Choose a time and
location and do a sweep for all trash in the area.
Helpful Hint
Make sure to bring a lot of garbage bags and


Community Anytime Projects

22. Park/Beach Clean Up
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Along with the River Sweep, a sister project to it
would be a Park or Beach Clean Up. Everyone
enjoys parks and beaches and no one likes to see
trash on it. You and your club can help everyone
enjoy these community features as they should
be, clean. The more members you bring to help,
the faster and easier it will be.

23. Meals on Wheels

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Meals on Wheels is a long established, professional
organization looking for volunteers to help them. It
is very simple and very helpful, you will be helping
other people eat by making and serving food with
Helpful Hints
q Here is the website for Meals on Wheels:

24. Special Olympics

Estimated Planning Time: 3-4 Weeks
This is a complicated service project to plan, but
that does not mean it cant be done. Children
facing mental or physical disabilities cant
participate in the activates most other kids can.
Make them feel special and put together an event
for them to show their athletic abilities.
Helpful Hint
You will need a lot of adult help for this project
to make it the best it can possibly be.


Community Anytime Projects

25. Library and Nursing Home Read
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Everyone loves to hear a good story, young or
old. You and your club can help both groups by
volunteering to read aloud for all to enjoy either
at a nursing home or local school library. You
can also make this a regular scheduled event.

26. Hospital Visits

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Not everyone in the hospital gets the care and
attention they deserve. With your club, get
together a group and make a trip to the
hospital to make some peoples day.
Helpful Hints
q Have Make sure you check with the
Hospital youre visiting to see who is
available and appropriate to visit.

27. Adopt a Highway/Road Clean Up

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
Very basic, yet very effective and helpful. You know
unfortunately all roads have that stray trash lying
around, well do the community a favor and pick it
up. It will be appreciated more than you know.
Go Further
Make it a whole city clean up on all major roads
in your community


Community Anytime Projects

28. Little Free Library
Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
Its exactly what it sounds like. Its a little free
library. This is a professional organization which
you can register with to build a little wooden
library. It is a $40 fee but helps promote literacy
and reading throughout your community. You
simply take a book or leave a book.
Helpful Hints
q Here is the website for more info:

29. Make Bird Feeders

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Just Be Kind is a campaign launched in hopes of
bringing more kindness and love to both people and
the planet. We aim to accomplish this by performing
random acts of kindness whenever and wherever we
can. Please bring this service activity to your clubs so
you can implement JBK in your school as well!

30. Community Art Project

Estimated Planning Time: 3-4 Weeks
There are many talented artists out there who
dont get the attention they deserve. Help show off
your communities art and artists by putting
together a community art show. All are welcome
Helpful Hint
If possible, make it a fundraiser. Either auction
off the art or charge a small fee for viewing the


Community Anytime Projects

31. Safety Town
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2
I remember one of my favorite
things as a child was safety town. If
you dont know what this is its like
a mock town where they have small
children practice safety procedures.
It is recommended it is held at the
school and is a great idea if you
team up with the police and fire
department in your community.

32. Maintain a Trail

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Week
This may be hard work but its good for you and the
community. Most people like to enjoy nature, so
help them out by providing nice trails to view it on.
If any trails are looking a little run down around
your area, go in and fix them up. It will be
Go Further
q If theres no trails near you, dont hesitate to
make one!

33. Create Art at Nursing Homes

Estimated Planning Time: 2 Weeks
Another great nursing home project is to have
some fun and create some stuff. Draw, paint, and
most importantly have fun. Get to know the
seniors around you while spending quality time
together making something creative.
Helpful Hint
See if your art teacher is available to come and
organize a cool art project.


Community Anytime Projects

34. Senior Prom
Estimated Planning Time: 3-4 Weeks
Theres Prom is one of the most
memorable nights in most peoples life,
help the elderly remember it once again.
With your club, pick a date and have a
prom for the senior citizens in nursing
homes. Get some good music and have
some fun while you dance the night

35. Teach Technology

Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
Believe it or not, not everyone knows how to
use the internet or a smartphone. But it is
amazing the technology we have today, so help
someone realize it. You and the person you
teach will both have a great time almost
Helpful Hints
q Help your own grandparents too, they
would love it.


Community Seasonal Projects

1. Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Estimated Planning Time: minimal planning
Call your local Salvation Army and schedule a date and
time for your Key Club to participate in a Bell Ringing to
raise money during the Christmas season.
Helpful Hints: Bring hot chocolate for the volunteers!
Consider singing Christmas Carols while collecting
donations to make it more fun!

2. Cookie Decorating
Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Have some people volunteer to bake cookies
and donate cookie decorating supplies. Go to a
local nursing home, homeless shelter, childrens
hospital, etc. and decorate cookies with them!

3. Toys for Tots/Gift Drive/Toy Dance

Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Previous to the holidays, ask for donations from your
school and community for Toys for Tots. If you want to
have you Key Clubbers more active in this project, you
can even do a fundraiser to raiser money which the
students can use to pick out and purchase specific toys
to donate. After the holidays, ask for people to donate
the gifts that they received but do not want. You could
also hold a Holiday Dance where the admission fee is a


Community Seasonal Projects

4. Community Holiday Decorations

Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Collect decoration donations for various
holidays (Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's
Day) and have students help decorate
nursing homes, libraries, schools, and other
buildings within your community. During
Christmas, you can decorate trees.
Helpful Hints: You can even hang Christmas
lights at an elderly neighbors home.

5. Nursing Home/Veteran Secret Santa & Dinner

Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Help organize a Secret Santa between the elderly at the
local nursing home or the local veterans. You can also help
fundraiser for and plan a holiday party and/or dinner for
the elderly or veterans.
Helpful Hints: You can also organize a Secret Santa within
your own Key Club and possibly even your sponsoring
Kiwanis club.

6. Adopt a Family
Estimated Planning Time: multiple weeks
Find a family or families in your community (perhaps a
family at your school or from a neighboring school) who
needs financial/emotional support for the holidays. You
can complete fundraisers to raise money to purchase
presents for the family. You can also help decorate their
home and/or spend time with the family doing holiday
activities (such as cookie or tree decorating). Your club can
decided how many families to adopt and how active you
want to be with the family during the holidays.


Community Seasonal Projects

7. Easter Egg Hunting/Decorating
Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Organize and run an Easter egg hunt within your
community for the local children. You can also
have people donate eggs and decorating supplies.
Go to a local nursing home, homeless shelter,
childrens hospital, etc. and decorate Easter eggs
with them!

8. Yard Work
Estimated Planning Time: minimal planning
Ask some of the elderly in nearby neighborhoods if
they would like help with their yard work. In the fall,
have some students rake yards. In the winter,
volunteer to shovel the snow. In the spring or
summer, volunteers can mow the lawns.

9. Trick or Treat for UNICEF

Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Contact someone from Trick or Treat UNICEF in
order to order the donation boxes. Hand them out
and have the Key Clubbers go trick-or-treating for
Helpful Hints: Gathering donations as a group can
make this fundraiser more fun!

10. Pumpkin Painting

Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Talk to a local farmers market or grocery store that
sells pumpkins and ask for donations or
discounted pumpkins. Paint the pumpkins and
deliver them to teachers, hospitals, nursing homes,


Community Fundraiser Projects

1. March of Dimes
Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Run a fundraiser to support March of Dimes!
Join the organization is their fight to prevent
premature births.

2. Key Club Garage Sale/Used Book Sale

Estimated Planning Time: multiple weeks
Ask for donations from Key Clubbers and
teachers to put in a Key Club sponsored Garage
Sale or book sale. Ask for volunteers to price.
Organize, and sell the donations.
Helpful Hints: Consider asking you K-family to
get involved!

3. Lemonade Stand/Bake Sale

Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Have students volunteer to make lemonade
and bake goods. Set up a booth at
conferences, school fairs, or other events
within your communities.


Community Fundraiser Projects

4. Runs/Relay for Life
Estimated Planning Time: a few months
Organize a run or create a team for a preexisting run
(such as Relay for Life) in order to raiser money and
awareness for a specific cause, including Project
Eliminate, the Thirst Project, etc.

5. Car/Bike/Pet Wash
Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Ask a local business or even your school to allow you to
host a car/bike/dog wash in their parking lot. Create
some posters and fliers to promote the event and get
the suds flowing!

6. Skate to Eliminate
Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Host a fundraiser for Eliminate at a local ice skating or roller
skating rink. Ask the owner of the rink to offer a bundle deal
that includes the skating fee and the skate rental.
Helpful Hints: At the fundraiser, you can sell food, beverages,
bake goods, and raffle tickets to raiser extra donations.

7. Restaurant Fundraisers
Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Ask local restaurants to host a fundraiser. They
may agree to donate a certain amount of a
customers total bill if the customer shows them
a specific fundraising flier. Or the business may
provide you with a fundraising card that offers
various coupons. You could then sell the
fundraising card to raise money.


Community Fundraiser Projects

8. Floral Fundraiser
Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Talk to a local floral store and see if they would be willing
to participate in a fundraiser. Send out flower orders
throughout your community during various holidays such
as Valentines Day, Mothers Day, etc. Have people
volunteer to deliver them.
Helpful Hints: You can offer to attach notes to the orders
for a small extra donation fee.

9. Car Smash
Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Go to an old car junk yard and see if any cars can be
donated. Charge people to smash up the car.

10. Coupons at Grocery Stores

Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Have members of your club collect and organize coupons
for a nearby grocery store. With the permission of the
grocery store, distribute the coupons throughout the store
with their corresponding items. Ask the grocery store if
they would be willing to donate a percentage of the extra
profits they make during the coupon fundraiser. Also, ask
the grocery store if they would be willing to honor
coupons from competing stores. If so, distribute those
coupons as well.

11. Bowling Fundraiser

Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Host a bowling fundraiser at a local bowling
ally. Try to arrange a bowling and shoe rental
combo. At the end of each round, everyone
can donate the value of their score or their
score can be plugged into an equation,
such as: score x $0.1 Ex. 122 x $0.1 = $12.20


Community Fundraiser Projects

12. Babysitting*
Estimated Planning Time: continuous
Babysitting is an easy way to earn some funds for your
Key Club! Your club can host a daycare during
conferences or other school events. Or individual Key
Clubbers can babysit in their neighborhood and
donate the profits to your club.

13. Tutoring*
Estimated Planning Time: continuous
Have some Key Clubbers volunteer to tutor students
within your school or nearby schools. They can donate
the profits to your club.

14. Dog Daycare/Dog Walking*

Estimated Planning Time: continuous
Have some Key Clubbers volunteer to watch
and/or walk neighborhood dogs. They can
donate the profits to your club.

*Helpful Hints: All of these fundraiser projects could also be completed for free as
volunteer work for your school and community.


Kiwanis Family Projects

These projects are
specifically designed
for you to do with the
rest of the K-Family
clubs, including
Kiwanis International,
Circle K International,
Builders Club, K-Kids,
and Aktion Club.

Kiwanis Family Anytime Projects

1. Project Colab
Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
This can be anything that involves multiple branches of the
K-family. Reach out to the Kiwanis clubs in your area, and if
there are K-Kids, Builders Clubs, Circle-Ks, or Aktion Clubs
in your area, try to get them involved too!
Helpful Hints: Try hosting a social picnic, a fundraiser, or a
service project!

2. Celebrate a Kiwanian Birthday

Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
You can host a party at a local park for a Kiwanian. Or you can
celebrate his or her birthday at one of the Kiwanis or Key Club
Helpful Hints: Consider hosting a big celebration every few
for whoever has a birthday in those months.

3. Community Clean-Up with Kiwanis

Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Have some Key Club and Kiwanis volunteers
work together to clean up the local park, the
streets, a nursing home, etc.
Helpful Hints: Consider adopting a local park
with your Kiwanis club. Work together to
always keep it clean!

4. K-Family Ambassadors
Estimated Planning Time: continuous
Nominate some Key Club members to become K-Family
Ambassadors. These students would become responsible
for fostering strong relations between your Key Club and
your sponsoring Kiwanis.
Helpful Hints: These ambassadors can be responsible for
organizing various events that involve your K-family.


Kiwanis Family Anytime Projects

5. Kiwanian Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Organize and host a breakfast, lunch, or dinner with your
clubs sponsoring Kiwanis. You can host the meal at a local
restaurant or maybe even at your school. You can consider
writing cards of appreciation for each Kiwanian.
Helpful Hints: You can complete a service project with the
Kiwanians before or after your meal!

6. Tie-Dye with Kiwanians

Estimated Planning Time: a few weeks
Tie-Dying is an easy, fun, and inexpensive activity that your
club can do with your sponsoring Kiwanis in order to bond
with them. Ask for tie-dye supply donations from club
members or even from local crafting stores. Find a
location, invite the Kiwanians, and tie-dye away!
Helpful Hints: You can donate the tie-dyed clothing or
pillow cases to local childrens hospitals.

7. Pen Pals with a Kiwanian

Estimated Planning Time: continuous
Create a sign-up list for Key Clubbers and Kiwanians
who are interested in finding a pen pal. Encourage
the pen pals to contact each other a few times a
month and to possibly meet.
Helpful Hints: You can either randomly assign pen pals
or create a short survey that helps you match a Key
Clubber and a Kiwanian based on similar interests.
For example, you can pair up a Key Clubber and a
Kiwanian who both love soccer.


Kiwanis Family Seasonal Projects

1. Hot Coco Gatherings
Estimated Planning Time: 1 Week
During the holiday season or when it gets chilly out, make sure
you make time to join together as a Kiwanis family. Pick a nice
cold day to enjoy some hot chocolate and talk about the past
and current service years together. Also, just because hot
chocolate is delicious.

2. End of the Year Banquet

Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Weeks
It always feels so good to finish a service year
strong. To celebrate, hold a banquet with all of
the Kiwanis family members in your
community. Showcase shining stars of the year
in all age groups. Its a great way to celebrate an
accomplished year and to show the
appreciation of our service groups.
Helpful Hints
q Host the banquet at a familiar or place you
3. Flocking
have used in the past or make sure to
compare halls in your community for the Estimated Planning Time: 2 Weeks
An odd, unique and fun service project that
best price.
involves flamingos is flocking. Raise the
funds to buy a lot of lawn flamingos and
find someone to pay to put them on
someone else's yard, then have that person
either pay to get them removed or moved to
the next persons yard.
Helpful Hint
This is meant to be a fun, harmless
project with no malicious intent. Make sure
residents are oaky with the fundraiser in the


Kiwanis Family Seasonal Projects

1. Kiwanis One Day
Estimated Planning Time: 2-3 Week
During In October, there is a day called Kiwanis One day,
celebrated internationally by all of the Kiwanis Family. On that
day, either you or your Kiwanis Club plan a service project in
which you invite all of the Kiwanis groups (K-Kids, Builders
Club, Key Club, Aktion Club, and Kiwanis Club) to
collaborate. This year it is sometime in October.
Helpful Hints
q Try switching who hosts and plans Kiwanis One day each

2. K-Cards
Estimated Planning Time: 1-2 Weeks
During any holiday of the year, get together
with your club, relax and write some nice cards
about the current holiday. Your cards can
either be for K-Kids, Builders Club, Aktion
Club, or your local Kiwanis Club. Make sure to
deliver them in person for a nice personal
touch to show you how much you appreciate


Closing Remarks
Change will not come if we wait for some
other person or some other time. We are the
ones weve been waiting for. We are the change
that we seek Barack Obama
Change will not come to this world without
action. Let us, you and I, be the ones to
facilitate change on this Earth with dedicated
service and passionate leadership. We hope you
found this Directory helpful. If you have any
service projects this Directory failed to
acknowledge or would like to contact the
committee, email us at
Follow us on Twitter @MIKClProjects and send
us photos of you and your club participating in
the service projects that help us change the
Yours in friendship, love, and service,
The 2016-2017 Projects Committee

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