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The Equality of LGBT

LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. By definition, lesbian and
gay refer to people whose sexuality revolves around people of the same gender, while
bisexual refers to the people whose sexuality knows no gender boundaries. Transgender
refers to people who have undergone some type of gender change, from male to female or
vice versa.
For years, the LGBT community has been continuously, relentlessly struggling for the
rights of equality and acceptance. Public struggles for those, however, did not start under
quite recentlypeople of this community had been living in shame, both coming from
themselves and the people around them, before they had managed to find the courage to fight
for their rights by themselves.
In retrospect, society has responded with a two polarized viewpoints. Alternative one:
These people are seen as norm-breakers by the wider community, especially by people of
conservative ways of thinking. Alternative two: There are people who think that the rights of
equality and acceptance so painstakingly sought by the LGBT community should be given to
them, without a doubt made by their own personal faith and moral values.
Most people who stand with the second point of view believe that every human being,
without exception, deserves equal positions and chances in the society. People should not be
judged based on their sexuality. Look at it this way: People who are interested in others of the
same gender could still function normally within society, with relatively unchanged moral
compass and motivations. The only difference between the people of LGBT community and
members of society in general should not put a higher measuring standard in place in terms of
their capability and moral justness.
Freedom is one of the most crucial concepts when it comes to LGBT. After World
Wars I and II, the idea of freedom has been continuously gaining popularity in the global
community. By now, people have understood that the feeling of being restrained to a certain
point of view only to be accepted in society is a horrible thing, hence the fight of freedom
being fought to this day all over the world. The people of LGBT community, and the ones
standing by their side, believe that every human being deserves freedom to express who they
truly are without fearing any sort of negative feedback given by society, ranging from
physical to psychological abuse.
Another belief of the people standing in the positive area towards LGBT is that every
human being deserves to live without preemptive, constructed prejudice with in turn harms
their chances of self-development and general welfare. The number of people who are brave
enough to admit that they are part of this community has grown vastly over the years, and if
all of them are being irrationally belittled and discouraged from development everywhere
they go in their surrounding neighborhood, there is no saying that the quality of human
resources is going to be kept pristine and excellent.

In the meantime, some people of the opposing side believe that we, as Gods creation,
are destined to obey the rules that He had bestowed. Some people who belong in the LGBT
community are viewed as breaking the rules and fighting against their fate. They are not
abnormal. They do that as a habit, at first, and then it becomes a lifestyle. Because of the
point of LGBT incompatible with some peoples personal faith, LGBT is still being opposed
by several parties.
One of the main reasons why people consider that LGBT is harmful is LGBT does not
give the benefits of a normal family. Two individuals of the same sex, regardless of their
race, wealth, stature, erudition or fame, will never be able to marry because of an
insurmountable biological impossibility. If the spouses want a child, they must do artificial
means or employ surrogates. Children of same-sex marriages will always be deprived of
either their natural mother or father. They will be raised by one party who has no blood
relationship with him. They will always be deprived of either a mother or a father role model.
Existing rules are always hard to break. There has been a raising concern that the
freedom promoted by the LGBT community will lead to lesser amount of proper, civil
cultural interactions. The idea of freedom without responsibility is something hard to
conceive, because without people able to call for their own actions, the society will spiral out
of its metaphorical axis. Chaos will ensue. Such is what is believed by people standing in the
opposing side of this idea.
Both polar opposites have good reasons to come through. They are not the brainchild
of a sudden musing, but a product of a long, reasonable thought process, albeit resulting in
two completely different viewpoints. In the end, simple humanitarian rule must apply within
the well-reasoned confines of existing moral values, in the right amount of balance that will
satisfy both the LGBT community and the ones originally opposing it. Freedom must be
preserved, but so does order. The world is changing, and to find a good, solid footing within
this matter is important to keep the society from collapsing on itself.

Group 2, XII MIPA 1

Devina Rizkiyanti Salmania (06)
Dinda Putri Nadhifa (07)

Dwianti Manar Y. (09)

Dorothy Lorenzia (08)

Elvin Sasa (10)

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