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Sales & Distribution

SAP Boot Camp Training for Campus Recruits

Course Tile
CR Year

Lab Exercises
Backorder/Rescheduling/Factory Calendar

Pre requisites:
Ensure stock for material is available in the storage location.
Create a customer who is a prioritized customer for delivering goods.
Task 1:
Create a sales order for the normal customer & material. Ensure that the stock is
confirmed. Save the sales order.
Create one more sales order for a priority customer & for the same material. Ensure
that the availability of the material is not confirmed. The confirmed delivery date is
set in future. Save the sales order.
Task 3:
Execute transaction V_RA (Back order processing). On the screen enter the Plant,
Material & Execute.
Task 4:
From the screen select the order for which the changes needs to be made & click on
change confirmation. Change the quantity & save.
Task 5:
From the screen select another order for which the changes needs to be made &
click on change confirmation. Change the quantity & Save.
Task 6:
Go to VA03 Display sales order & see whether the changes have been incorporated
in the sales orders where the back order processing has been executed. Check
whether the available to promise quantities have been updated.
Task 7: From the Easy access screen follow the path:
LogisticsSales & Distribution SalesBackordersReschedulingExecute
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Sales & Distribution

SAP Boot Camp Training for Campus Recruits
Enter the Material & the plant.
Check whether you want to process Sales documents or Stock transfer orders at
item or sch. Line level.
Check whether you want to perform in simulation mode.
Sort item on document creation date or Delivery date of earliest sch. Line.
Choose the Delivery priority
Task 8:
Evaluation of Rescheduling of Sales & stock transfer documents:
Follow the path:
LogisticsSales & Distribution SalesBackordersReschedulingEvaluate
Input the required data & execute.
Note: when the fixed date & quantities are checked in the sales order, rescheduling
will not be applicable.
Task 9:
Create a Factory Calendar. Use T-code SCAL & click on Factory calendar. Click on
Create Icon & enter a two alpha numeric character Key & a description.
Give the validity dates for the calendar. Use an existing holiday calendar & input
the details. Uncheck the Workdays. Click on Special Rules & click on Create icon.
Enter the valid from & Valid to date (it could be every 15 days in a month or every
last day of a month) check the workday indicator. Enter the description in the Text
box provided.
Save the Calendar.
Go to the Customer master Sales area data Billing documents tab
In the Invoicing dates field, enter your created calendar id & save.
Create a sales order & create a billing through billing due list. Check whether the
special rules entered are working appropriately for the customer.

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