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BAHAN KECEMERLANGAN 2016 pentaksiran UPSR BK 11 BAHASA INGGERIS SK PEMAHAMAN SECTION A [20 MARKS } Choose the best word to complete the sentence Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1. Hazig jogs the lake in the park every morning. A. along B. across C. against D. through 2. Humaira Jong, shiny black hair which she likes to tie in a pony tail A. had B. has C. have D. having 3. Damia and will be attending the party tomorrow. A. mnyself B. mine Come DA 4, The bus delayed as the road was flooded last night. . is are was were pow> 5. Your cousin enjoys piaying badminton, she? A. do B. don't C. does D. doesn't BK 11/BAHASA INGGERIS/KERTAS 1/TAHUN 6 SK 2016 Choose the most suitable proverb, Pilih peribahasa yang paling sesuai 6. 1 always quarrel with my brother but when he is away to further his studies, 1 miss hhim. | guess itis true when they say, A. don't ery over split milk out of sight, out of mind B. C. absence makes the heart grow fonder D. the grass is always greener on the other side Choose the best answer for each blank, Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong, Syazwan and his family to have breakfast together. He usually has a glass of hot milk Jam and bread. All of them enjoy eating bread made by Syazwan’s mother and they think it is the most delicious bread ever. 7. Alike 8. A. so 9 Aa B. likes BL but B. an C. liked C. with C. the D. liking D. along D. some Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word. Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkalaan yang bergaris, 10. The man showed the king an ordinary stone. odd usta unusual . elegant pow> BK 11/BAHASA INGGERIS/KERTAS 1/TAHUN 6 SK 2016 ‘Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. Pilih ayat yang mempuyai tandabaea yang betul. 11. A. The Prime Minister will make an official B. The prime minister will make an official visit C. The prime minister will make an official visit to set D. The Prime Minister will make an official visit to Setiu, Look at the picture and choose the best answer. Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik. Lugman followed his mother to the market. There were many __12. which ‘were mostly selling fresh food. There was lot of__13___in the market. Lugman’s mother was buying fish from the fishmonger. Lugman was standing 4 his mother. He was carrying a basket full__15. vegetables. 12. A. tents 13. A. clients B. stalls B. patients C. shops C. customers D. stores, D. owners 14. A. beside 15, Ain B. behind B.of C. next to D. opposite D. with BK 11/BAHASA INGGERIS/KERTAS 1/TAHUN 6 SK 2016 Questions 16-20 Read the speech below carefully and answer the questions that follow. Baca ucapan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya. Good morning to all teachers and pupils. Today I am going to talk about time management, Arranging your time is very important. it can help you to complete your tasks. It can also make your life more orderly. You will know when to do what. You will not be confused. You will also not waste your time doing unproductive things. One of the ways to arrange your time is by having a daily schedule. In a schedule, there should be time allocated for exercising, relaxing, and studying. Too much studying will dull your mind. At the same time, relaxing for too long will make you lazy. Ask your parents or teachers to give you suggestions on your schedule. Once you have a schedule, you can go by the plan and focus on your work. However, we should also remember that we should not stick to the schedule too much and be too rigid. Thope all of you will start to manage your time wisely. Thank you. 16, The first paragraph of the speech explains th... _of time management. A. ways C. pros and cons B. importance D. negative effects 17. The phrase dull your mind means . ‘A. lazier in thinking . slower in thinking B! faster in thinking D. creative in thinking 18. One of the benefits in arranging our time is ... to make our lives dull to focus on our work, to stick on our schedule only to waste our time doing unproductive things, gom> 19. What is the purpose of having a daily schedule? A. To save time B. To focus on studying C. To allocate time wisely D. To have more time relaxing 20. From the speech, we know that we should .... . plan and manage our time use all our time in studying stick to our schedule rigidly ask our teachers to plan our schedule cop> BK 11/BAHASA INGGERIS/KERTAS 1/TAHUN 6 SK 2016 SECTION B. QUESTIONS 21-25 ‘Question 21 Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. ‘Write your answer in the space provided. ‘Berdasarkan gambar-gambar, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh. Tulisjawapan di tempat yang i fa) | Tnank you. They took cetlus. ‘am mee.) tend, Foon | cA (b) Se } (O Answer: (2 marks) Answer: ! (2 marks) Answer: (2 marks) BK 17/BAHASA INGGERIS/KERTAS 1/TAHUN 6 SK 2016 Question 22 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. fa) WIN A PROTON PERDANA COCOA CRUNCH CONTEST Win one of these fantastic prizes Ist Prive Proton Perelisia Proton Waja Proton Wira = Proton Iris 50 consolation prizes of Cocoa Crunch T-shirt ‘Answer the riddle inthe in the entry form and complete the slogan. Send your form together with cocoa crunch wrappers. Incomplete entries will not be entertained The closing date is on the 31” of August 2016. ‘The judges’ decision is final Winners will be notified through major newspapers and by post. This contest is open to all residents of Malaysia except the immediate families and employees of Cocoa Crunch (M) Sdn. Bhd. Tick (/} the correct answer. Which staternent is true? ‘a. All contestants must complete a slogan. ( ) b. Incomplete entries will be entertained. ( ) c. The first prize winner will get a Proton Waja. (i ) (1 mark) BK 11/BAHASA INGGERIS/KERTAS 1/TAHUN 6 SK 2016 (b) Who is the organizer of the contest? i eee ese ese Ue eee eS (2 marks) {c)_ How many prizes are offered? eee eee eeeeaeennes ee eee ' (2 marks) (2) Rajman sends his entry form on 2" September. Can he enter the competition? Why? Sener : (2 marks) Question 23 Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow. Fakri + Hello, tay 'help you? Nina: Yes, want a kilo of beef. How much is it? Frakri + Ibis RM32.00 per kilo. Nina: Ohl The beef does look good, but that’s expensive. Could you reduce the price a bit? Fakri : Well. I slaughtered the cow myself and the meat is fresh Nina: Allright then. A kilo would be fine. Fakri_: Here you are, Miss. Since you're my first customer today, I'll give you a discount of : RM2.00. The beef will only cost you RIM30.00. Nina : That's very nice of you. Thank you. Fakri : You're welcome. Have a nice day. Nina_: Same to you, Sir. BK 11/BAHASA INGGERIS/KERTAS 1/TAHUN 6 SK 2016 (2) Tick the correct answer. Which statement is false ? {a) Fakriis a butcher. esas (b) The normal price for akilo of beefisRM32.00 ( —} (c}]_ Nina paid RM2,00 more than the normal price. ( (1 mark) Write your answer in the space provided (b} Who slaughtered the cow and cut its meat? (2 marks) (c) Why did Nina get a discount? (2 marks) (@) Do you think Nina is lucky person, why? (2 marks) (e} Match the phrases in list A to the suitable phrases in list 8 to make meaningful sentences. Tita I te Fakriisa butcher while L Tor a Klogramme of meat Fat snugtered the cow tinea [| RMBZ00 peridopramme, ‘Nina paid RM30.00 fi before going to his stall Fakri sold fresh beef at ‘Nina is is customer. a (2 marks) BK 11/BAHASA INGGERIS/KERTAS 1/TAHUN 6 SK 2016 10 Read the following article and answer the questions that follow, Oil palm was planted in Malaysia in the 1960s. Since then, Malaysia has become one of the leading palm oil producers in the world. Paim oil is extracted from the fruits of the oil palm. The cil palm fruit is reddish-orange in colour. The fruits grow in bunches and there are about ten to fifteen bunches in a tree. Each bunch has about two hundred fruits, When they are ready to be harvested, the workers cut the bunches from the trees. Then, they take them to a factory in a truck. Here, the fruits are sterilized in a boiler and separated from the bunches. A ‘machine then crushes the fruits to obtain crude palm oll. The crude oils further processed until it ‘becomes refined oil The oll is used for cooking as welll as making other products such as margarine, soap, candles, and creamers. Questions 24 and 25 24, Tick the correct answer for (a) and (b) fa) Malaysia {a) planted oil palm in 1990s eee (b) is one of the leading palm oil producers in Asia (ee (6) produces cooking olf, margarine, soap, candles and creamers. ( (a mark) (b) In the factory, the fruits were (a) sterilized in a boiler Oo) (b) transported to 2 factory ) (c)_ cut from the bunches, oo (mark) BK 11/BAHASA INGGERIS/KERTAS 1/TAHUN 6 SK 2016 ul 25, Write you answer in the space provided. (a) How do oil palm fruits look like? (2 marks) {b) Name some of the products produced from oil palm. (2 marks) (c) In your opinion, is oil paim very important to Malaysia? Why? (2 marks) KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT BK T1/BAHASA INGGERIS/KERTAS 4/TAHUN 6 SK 2016

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