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Notes from January 11 Small Group Reflections on Land, Work, & Freedom

Janss steps revealed [Janss was responsible for Westwood restrictive covenants]
Scarcity manufactured through racial rules
Land and black wealth
Shifting face of homelessness
Gerrymandering [as another face of] restrictive covenants
Restricting black people from living in certain areas
White flight/now gentrification
Black and brown people withheld access to land
Generational trauma
How hard to break the cycle lack of acknowledgement
To have housing, there are various things like pay stubs you need to get it if youre not
working you might not get housing
Mortgage crisis black people who did buy, but now have lost wealth
Catch One [club] owned by black lesbian who started many community benefits out of
the club. She no longer owns it. Huge loss.
[Owning] False sense of security
o predatory loans
Credit scores
Financial crisis
o Largest loss of black wealth since there was such a thing
OaklandLong Beach/LA
o Pushed out
o Priced out
Expansion of police
o $1 billion in funding to LAPD
Surveillance neighborhood vigilantism
Links between gentrification and policy shootings/brutality
Ethnic cleansing urban banishment

Informal economy
American Revolution
Building wealth still within capitalism?
Criminalization of conditions: relationship between work and criminalization?
Relationship between space and expectations of security
Relationship between work and expectations of security
How are state institutions constructed to maintain black precarity? How does that affect
how we envision liberation and autonomy/access?
Pay attention to credit; gendered access to it

Tyranny, islamophobia what others experience all around the world
Similarities and differences
Oppression and freedom is not the same everywhere
Racism in the U.S.
o get over it because youve been free
o why cant you just get over it?
We want freedom to determine our destiny
Capitalism has tricks to internalize our condition and assume post-racial
Capitalism keeps us questioning whether we deserve freedom
Survival ways communities of color resist every day to live
Hard to see where urban planning has done it right
Power of imagining solutions
What is Cedric Robinson responding to?
o Capitalists control everything they won; but it hasnt won because we will always
be fighting
Movements create change
o As capitalism is in motion, so are movements

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