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By Robert Himler & Amy Sangster

To our parents, who have always

supported us in our journeys. Thanks
for making all of this possible.

Table of Contents

Who They Are

Finding Your Passion

Passion First, Profits To Follow

Goal Setting
Aim Higher
Ill Be Happy When...
Be Specific
How To Make A Million Dollars In A Year

Societal Norms
Being Realistic
The Corporate Ladder
Corporate Image
The One Percent

Its Not For Everyone
Starting In A Hole
Not The Badge Of Honor It Used To Be





An Open Mind, The Most Valuable Asset
You Are Your Environment
Law Of Attraction

Giving Back
Create Your Own Luck
Being Your Own Boss

An App For Groceries, A Website For Gas
Itll Never Be Perfect, Or Complete
Just Do It
Dont Put All Your Eggs In One Basket
Overnight Success

F*ck Your NDA
Be An Executioner
The BIG Competition
The Startup Lottery
Takes Money To Make Money

Under Promise And Over Deliver
Building A Following

Roberts Story
Growing Up
Introduction To The Internet







MySpace Days
Buying My First Real Website
Introduced To The Secret
How Was I Going To Get There?
Homepage Theme
Other Web Projects
YouTube Channel
Senior Year Of High School
Buying My First Lamborghini
Moving To Florida
Razzi Was Born
Launching Razzi
Meeting Amy
The Future

Amys Story
Growing Up
My First Real Job
Time To Change Things Up
My First Business
Harsh Realities
Introduced To Trading
Infinite Prosperity Was Born
Meeting Robert
Buying My First Lamborghini



Your Questions




The Next Step


Keep In Touch!


Were constantly being asked what we do, how weve gotten where we are, and
if we have any advice for those trying to build similar lifestyles. We love being
able to inspire and help others on their journey, so weve finally taken the time
to organize our thoughts on some of the more popular questions.

Initially we wrote wrote this book with the simple intention of answering the
questions we frequently receive to help others on their way. Now, its far more
than that. Far From It is not just a book, its a culture. One were creating to
empower those that are not content to live amongst it, but that dream of being
Far From It. Were redefining entrepreneurs and creating an environment to
inspire, motivate and support those that dream. Its been missing in society for
far too long, but its here now- embrace it!

We both have first hand experience of how hard it can be attempting to do one
thing in a world where everyone else is doing another. That is why were
creating a completely new environment, one that is free of societys views and
negativity. An environment in which we can all share our ideas freely. A place
we can all go for motivation, inspiration and advice.

Were doing this a number of ways, all of which are online, as it allows everyone
the opportunity to participate. By reading this book, youve already completed
the first step to becoming Far From It. Why do we want everyone to read this
before joining our community? By making it a requirement, it clears up common
misconceptions, ensures that were all on the same page, and prevents questions
being asked that have been answered in this book. It filters out those who oppose
the views put forth, and makes room for those who are like-minded.

The following are simply our opinions about the world as we see it, and the way
weve approached situations in our lives. There are a million ways to become
successful, so firstly we need to discuss what exactly success is. Success
means vastly different things to different people. To one person it may be that
they do not have to answer to a boss, while to another it may be climbing to the
top of the corporate ladder. To us it means having the ability to do what we
want, when we want to do it. Success cannot be defined in terms of a monetary

If youre approaching this book with a closed mind, do not bother. Put it down
and continue living how youve always lived. For those who are prepared to
have everything theyve ever been taught challenged- lets get into it!

Who They Are

Amy is a 22 year old currency trader from Australia who takes pride
in speaking her mind, challenging societys norms, and being
everything her stereotype deems her incapable of.
Robert is a 21 year old American web programmer with
multiple businesses to his name. While you could term him a
businessman, he does not own a suit, has never printed business
cards, and certainly doesnt work in an office 9-5.

We come from opposite ends of the earth and were brought together by our
similar mindsets. We never would have met if we held the same beliefs as the
majority of the world. Were both free from the rat race and have peace of mind
that we will never have to work for someone else. We believe that anything we
want is attainable, which is probably why we both drive Lamborghinis, and flew
around the globe to see each other just because.

Different beliefs cause different actions which achieve different results- were
both examples of how true this statement holds. We frequently face opposition
from those that believe our youth renders our stories irrelevant, but given that

weve achieved our definition of success in our early twenties, something that
most people never achieve in a lifetime, we beg to differ.

Finding Your Passion

Yours, Not Your Friends Or The Guys Down The Road

Have you ever met one of those people that have a new life plan every time you
speak to them? While its great that these people are willing to adapt, they also
need to remember that achieving any goal requires focus, time and
commitment. Without these elements, goals tend to fall by the wayside
whenever something bigger and better comes along.

A lot of people we encounter chop and change between goals depending on

who they look up to at the time. Mentors are essential, but just because your
mentor is an app developer doesnt mean you should set out to be one too.
Sure, you can learn from them and employ their techniques, however there is
no need to model your whole life upon theirs. I guarantee they did not become
successful by chasing someone elses dream, so its important to keep this in
mind and think hard about what really gets you out of bed in the morning when
deciding upon yours.


Passion First, Prots To Follow

Often we hear from people that are interested in changing their life, but that
tell us they simply dont know what they want to do. This is because they are
thinking within the boundaries of the jobs or opportunities they perceive as
being available to them. Creativity breeds creativity, so without any exposure to
alternate ways of living, we understand it can be hard to think outside of the
box and challenge your perception. We recommend that people with this
problem try to disregard any limiting thoughts they encounter when pondering
the topic by simply asking themselves, What is it that I truly love to do? You
must understand that this is a very different question to What job would I like
to have.

By finding out what you really love doing it creates instant motivation and
allows you to become genuinely passionate about your work. Some people
may be thinking, I love driving sure, but thats not a job. How could I make a
decent living from driving? Robert asked himself the same question when he
was 16 years old, and hes certainly not a cab driver today. With a little
creativity, literally anything can be made profitable.

Discover your passion, then find a way to make it profitable.


We know that on your own it can be tough to be creative and monetize your
interests, which is one of the reasons the Far From It community was built. We
strongly encourage you to share your questions with other members so that
together we can collaborate and help one another out. In short, if you dont
know how to profit from something you love- ask us and the community!


Goal Setting

Once youve uncovered what you really love doing, along with a way to make it
profitable, you must muster up the vital component in any successful endeavor:
commitment. Commitment means different things to different people, so wed
like to share what it means to us.

Commitment = Passion + Motivation + Belief

Lets explain. Passion on its own will not get a task done. You could be
passionate about riding horses, but have absolutely no motivation to create a
business that monetizes the activity. People are passionate about many things;
that doesnt necessarily mean they would be capable of completing a project on
each and every one of them. This is why weve included motivation as another
essential ingredient. Not one thought in the world would have ever become a
reality if someone, somewhere was not motivated to make it so. Motivation is


so important that weve dedicated a whole section to it later in the book. For
now all you need to be aware of is that its a characteristic every Far From It
possess by the bucketload, and its essential for commitment.

There's a difference between interest and commitment. When

you're interested in doing something, you do it only when
circumstance permit. When you're committed to something,
you accept no excuses, only results.

At this point youre passionate about the project, youre motivated to do it, but
youre missing the last thing that will get it over the line- belief. Lets say I have
a great idea to create an iPhone app about horse riding events in the users area,
I am passionate about horses, yet a part of me just isnt sure if the app will sell.
If doubt or disbelief resides in any part of your mind, you may as well not
bother as by harboring these thoughts, youre ensuring the project will fail.
Regardless of how insignificant you consider a thought to be, the fact remains
that our thoughts dictate our actions. So if theres disbelief in your mind, your
body is sure to convey it at some point.

Losers make promises they often break. Winners make

commitments they always keep.


Aim Higher

People dont fail in life because they aim too high and miss, they fail because
they aim too low and hit. People aim low for several reasons, the main being
their social conditioning. Throughout our entire education our ambition is
suppressed while were conditioned to become workers. While this is great for
society, it teaches you to aim low and set goals that you believe are achievable.
For example, as a child you may have had dreams of becoming a millionaire
and driving supercars everywhere. Throughout your schooling youre taught
that this simply isnt possible or doesnt happen to people like you. This
causes you to set more realistic but far less exciting or ambitious goals. So
you set small goals, achieve them, pat yourself on the back, and repeat the
unfortunate cycle that takes you nowhere. Its not your fault, its societys.

To break free from this you need to remind yourself on a daily basis that
anything is possible; the only limitation is your mind. Set big goals and
remember that aiming high and not quite getting there will take you much
further than aiming low and achieving. Aim for what you really want, not simply
what you think is possible. Aim to be Far From It.



As we both work on the internet, our work is free for almost anyone worldwide
to comment on. While its public nature gives us the privilege of being able to
reach and inspire people from all walks of life, unfortunately we also see a lot
(and I mean a lot) of comments exhibiting peoples negative attitudes. One of
the most saddening things we witness is those that make excuses as to why
they too cannot achieve the same results or live a a similar lifestyle to us. For
example, They must have had everything handed to them by their parents,
This isnt possible for someone average like me and so on.

These people argue that background and upbringing limits ones ability to
become successful. There are countless examples of people with the most
unfortunate of backgrounds, that have overcome all obstacles to create an
amazing life for themselves. A perfect example of this is Oprah. At the time she
did not have race in her favor, was adopted and even raped, yet her mindset
and determination ensured that despite all this, she became the worlds first
black lady billionaire. Using your background as a justification for failure is a
cop out and invalid.


By making excuses for yourself you guarantee your own failure. Do you think
Donald Trump made excuses as to why he couldnt become a billionaire? No,
not for a second. Far From Its know that making excuses is a sure way to fail in

I ll Be Happy When...

The reason most strive to become successful is that they believe it will bring
them happiness. Although the chase acts as a good source of motivation, it also
causes people to live with an attitude I like to call Ill be happy when. You hear
examples of this everyday. Ill be happy when I quit my job, Ill be happy
when my exams are over, Ill be happy when I get my new car and so on.
What people fail to realize is that by harboring this attitude, theyre ensuring
that theyre never be truly fulfilled, as this attitude remains regardless of their
circumstances. This means that no matter what you achieve, youll be
constantly telling yourself that youll be happy when you achieve the next goal.
This creates a never ending pursuit of happiness- one that youll never be able
to satisfy.


Although we all need to set goals and work towards them, telling yourself Ill
be happy when is a sure way to live an unhappy life. Enjoy the journey, make
the most of every minute and be happy regardless of external circumstances.
Weve come across far too many people whove achieved everything they
dreamt of, but are still unsatisfied as theyve become accustomed to their
lifestyle. It seems hard to envision as Im sure a lot of people are thinking I
would be forever appreciative if I achieved my dream of buying a Ferrari. The
sad fact is that after a while, the Ferrari becomes a norm, and appreciation can
plateau. This is why we both make a conscious effort every day to appreciate
the life we live and strongly recommend others do also.

Be Specic

How much money do you actually want to make? Saying "a lot" is not going to
cut it. In fact saying anything is not going to cut it. Did you know that those
who physically write down their clear and concise goals have a 200% higher
chance of actually achieving them.

Written goals clarify thinking, objectify their potential, and reinforce

commitment. In 1953 there was a famous study from Yale which found that the


3% of Yale graduates who had written goals had more wealth years later than
the other 97% of the class combined. To reinforce the study conducted by Yale,
there is a novel called "Look within or Do without" by Tom Bay which talks
about how the Harvard Business School did a study on the financial status of its
students 10 years after graduation and found that:

As many as 27% of them needed financial assistance.

A whopping 60% of them were living paycheck to paycheck.
A mere 10% of them were living comfortably.
And only 3% of them were financially independent.

The study also looked at goal setting and found these interesting correlations.

The 27% that needed financial assistance had absolutely no goal setting
process in their lives.
The 60% that were living paycheck to paycheck had basic survival goals;
such as managing to live paycheck to paycheck.
The 10% that were living comfortably had general goals. They thought they
knew where they were going to be in the next five years.
The 3% that were financially independent had written out their goals and the
steps required to reach them.


Yes, the results of this study seem a little too perfect, but l'm not surprised at
the overall implication. Without goal setting, people tend to work more and get
less in return for their effort. Why? The answer is simple! Because they have no
direction and focus.

How To Make A Million Dollars In A Year

Most people have the goal of becoming a millionaire, but many set it on a
pedestal and have no plan about how to actually get there. Youll be surprised
to know, its not as hard as most people think. Like any problem youre trying
to solve, break it down into more manageable pieces. Lets take a look at a few
different scenarios.

Make $1,000, 1,000 times.

Make $100, 10,000 times.
Make a subscription service, sell it for $40 a month to ~2,000 customers, for
one year.
Charge $80 for an e-course, market and sell to ~35 people a day for one


You get the point. Visualize whatever seems the most attainable to you. Do any
of the above and youll be a millionaire in just a years time- simple as that.
Even if you dont quite make it, aiming high and breaking the goal down into
more attainable pieces will see you push yourself harder than aiming for what
you simply perceive to be achievable. Im sure you wont be complaining if you
only make $700,000 in a year instead of a million!


Societal Norms
Being Realistic

You always hear this term in life, "be realistic". Well realism and success are on
two opposite ends of the spectrum. You're always told in life that things of
grandaccomplishmentare unrealistic, but the few successful people that
actually act on their beliefs to prove those naysayers wrong is what determines
someone who is successful from someone who is not. It is unrealistic to think
that we could put people in a metal fixture and fly them from one point on the
earth to another. Fortunately, the Wright brothers didn't buy into the concept of
"being realistic". It's unrealistic to think that the idea of electricity could exist,
and that there could be light at any instant. Fortunately, Edison didn't believe in
the concept of "being realistic".

Most people wouldnt consider it realistic to buy your first Lamborghini at 18.
This was possible for Robert as he didnt buy into other peoples concepts of
realism. If you ever catch yourself thinking something you want to achieve is


unrealistic, stop thinking altogether. Were all capable of a lot more than our
minds tell us.

The Corporate Ladder

If you ask a child aged 5 what he wants to be when he is older he will most
likely tell you something like a race car driver or a ballerina. Ask a child age 17
and they will have most likely changed their answer to something more
realistic like being the national manager of a large corporation. Why is this? By
age 17, most children have been exposed to about 12 years of schooling, all of
which enforce the importance of getting a good education and subsequently a
good job. Theyre reminded everyday that they must do well in school to ensure
their resumes are up to par to climb to the top of the elusive corporate ladder.

People rarely stop to question the ideas that theyve been brought up with, and
why would they? Everyone else is doing the same thing, chasing that dream
job and climbing the ladder. It must be the only way right? Wrong.

This constant conditioning means that people dont even take a step back to
examine the lifestyle this will provide them with. They usually believe


something along the lines of, I will attend the best college I can, work hard at
the best company I can, so I can be on the best salary possible. Along with
these thoughts comes a sense of pride that they are working hard, contributing
to society and are respected in their professions.

They dont stop for a second to consider the following facts:

Even if youre on whats considered a good salary and are able to buy a nice
car and a few toys, you will have next to no time to enjoy the treasures
youve worked so hard for.
There is no pride spending 8+ hours each day helping someone else to
achieve their dreams, instead of your own.
In your lifetime, you will spend more hours with your boss, than with your
friends and family.
Responsibility increases with salary. So too does stress.
No one starts at the top, most spend decades having their actions, words,
holidays, lunchtime and even attire dictated by someone else with the so
called authority to do so.

At this point I know some people will be thinking, but I love my job?


Excellent! We fully support those whore lucky enough to have a job that makes
them happy and supports the way of life they truly desire. Were simply
addressing the fact that this situation is extremely rare. Most people work
purely for the money, and are unhappy in the process. The Far From It mindset
is not in line with doing anything that makes you unhappy, hence our issue with
those meaninglessly climbing the corporate ladder, whilst simultaneously
convincing themselves that it is their only option.

Corporate Image

One of our disagreements with the corporate world is its obsession with
professionalism. To better explain our stance on the issue, lets examine
exactly what this word means. The dictionary defines it as follows:
The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a
professional person.

Weve found that in majority of cases its more like this:

A social construct that encourages arrogance and social

stratification while being someone other than yourself.


While were all for fast, simple and efficient service, society has skewed the
meaning of professionalism to the point that it no longer represents these
characteristics. Nowadays, professional employees are those that wear suits to
work, give fake laughs about the office, and speak strictly in business terms, so
as not to offend anyone or show any spark of their true personality. It sounds
harsh, but think about it. How often have you gone to a lawyer or doctors
office, and met with a completely relaxed, down to earth person that speaks to
you in simple terms? Im sure people in these professions are lovely outside of
work, but because of their important job titles, they morph into someone
completely the opposite between the hours of 9-5. Were not saying this is true
in all cases, but certainly in most.

The funny thing about the concept of professionalism is that no one ever
questions it, they simply accept the socially manufactured construct and act
accordingly. Do you think people actually enjoy donning this robot-like
persona for 8 hours each day? Of course not. When were born, were all created
equal- so why give a job title the power to categorize and rank people? In fact,
why give anything or anyone the power to dictate how you can or cannot act,
speak or dress? The Far From Its of the world dont, and never will. Apart from
abiding by the law, were always, always true to ourselves and do things in our
own way, on our own terms.


The One Percent

For those who arent familiar with The One Percent, it refers to a documentary
released in 2006 about the growing wealth gap between America's wealthy elite
compared to the overall citizenry. Its release caused much controversy, and
consequently the title has become a common term for the wealthy.

Unfortunately, it has also created another excuse for those trying to justify their
lack of success. Im sure youve heard it before, Im just part of the ninety-nine
percent, I couldnt do that, etc. Making an excuse that lumps yourself in with
the percentage of the population that generally arent achieving their dreams is
not something that should ever make you feel better about your status, but
sadly, for some it does. Lets take a look at why.

When people fail or perform poorly, it is far easier to make an excuse justifying
why they never would have been able to succeed in the first place, than it is to
take responsibility, try again and work harder. Everyones done it at some point,
and why wouldn't we, weve been brought up doing it our whole lives. Think
back to your childhood. How often would yourself or someone else get a bad
grade in school and make the excuse, Its because I suck at math or Sorry,
Im horrible at sports. Society has conditioned us to belittle our ability, and


justify our failures. It is for this reason that people are presented with a
documentary like The One Percent, and instead of using it as motivation,
automatically jump to using it as an excuse for their current status. The reason
I am poor is because Im not part of the one percent.

Have you ever stopped to think why the ratio of underachievers is so large
compared to the number successful people? If you immediately made an excuse
while answering that question, slap yourself on the wrist. Self reflection is one
of the most uncomfortable things one can do, but its also one of the most
constructive. If youre reading this book youre obviously interested in self
development. So seriously stop and think. No excuses.

The answer: only one percent of the population learn to control their thoughts,
think outside the square and create a mindset conducive to achieving massive
success. The other ninety-nine percent live their lives on autopilot as victims to
their thoughts, make excuses and accept no as an answer.

Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, highlighted that fact that if all
the worlds wealth was evenly distributed, it would end up back in
the hands of the one percent after a short period of time. This is
because wealth is a mindset, not a circumstance. The one percent that
originally controlled the money would be capable of remaking their fortunes,


while the ninety- nine percent who inherited it would treat it the same way they
have always have, returning them to their intended financial status.

Another fact highlighted by the documentary is societys default response to

successful people. Unfortunately, when presented with someone doing better
than themselves, people tend to dislike them rather than admiring or learning
from them. This is again because it provides them with some sort of
justification as to why they arent in the same situation. They are under the
illusion that by hating this person they have somehow won the competition
manufactured by their minds.This isnt winning. Going through life hating
anyone doing better than yourself rids you of the opportunity to learn and grow
as a person. This is losing.

There is only one reason people put others down. In an

attempt to make themselves feel or appear better than the other



Stereotypes are defined as follows:

A 'stereotype' is a belief that can be held by anybody about specific types of

individuals or certain ways of doing things, but that belief may or may not
accurately reflect reality.

Unfortunately, most people tend to forget the last few words of the definitionstereotypes may or may not reflect reality. Instead, people let them influence
their judgements of others and themselves. This is detrimental for the following

1. By stereotyping someone you form an opinion about the person that may or
may not be accurate. Whether you realize it or not, this premature judgement
affects your interaction with them. For example, you may be in an area you
dont know and decide to ask for directions. When choosing who to ask, you
automatically filter out the people that you stereotype as foreign, as you
think they wouldn't be able to help you. This type of behavior limits the
amount of people available to help you, despite it being an inaccurate way to
make decisions. Amy is commonly stereotyped as a dumb blonde, simply


because of her hair color. Like many other blondes, she certainly doesnt fit
this mould. Unfortunately it doesnt stop people forming this opinion of her
and dismissing her as someone that may be of benefit them. These are just
two examples of stereotypes but unfortunately they exist in many forms.
Make conscious decisions rather than those based on flimsy generalizations.

2. Stereotypes also have an effect on they way some people view themselves.
When teaching someone to trade recently, Amy was faced with the response,
I cant do that Im just an average girl. This blonde ladys stereotype not
only fooled society, but fooled her into belittling her abilities and ensuring
her stereotype became a reality. Both Amy and I use stereotypes as
motivation. Never let anyone else's judgement affect your self image. Be
yourself, regardless of what people assume you should be.



Theyre rich? They must be running a scam.

No doubt some people approached this book expecting it to be another online

scam, lets take a look at why.

This is a prime example of how a closed minded person responds to success.

Sure, some people run scams and become rich that way, but these people
account for a very small percentage of the wealthy. So why do people jump to
this conclusion when presented with someone doing well for themselves?
Because they would rather discount the persons abilities and belittle their
success, than reflect on their own lives and learn how it can be improved. It
gives them an excuse to continue living the way theyre used to, and a
justification as to why they should. We see this excuse used frequently in
reference to those offering any kind of education.

If you google Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Tim Ferris or anyone proven to be
successful and offering their knowledge to others, youll no doubt see the word
scam in the search results. These people are all successful in their own right,
and make a living through teaching others how they can be too. Unfortunately,


instead of learning from them, some people label their seminars a scam, simply
because the companies who run them generally profit from them. Many argue
that if they really cared about people they would offer their products for free,
but why should they? They re people who have put a lot of time and effort into
compiling their knowledge, and just like any business, they too deserve to be
rewarded for it.

Think about it, isnt this the same concept as university? You pay a fee and in
return youre taught skills for your future. Why dont people question university
and label it a scam? After all, theyre not exactly not-for-profit organizations,
and youre not guaranteed a job or a bright future after obtaining a degree.
Keep this in mind next time you find yourself or anyone around you being
closed minded about the alternatives. Labeling something a scam may be
accurate in some cases, but in most its just another excuse.


It s Not For Everyone

While college is a logical option for those passionate about working in a field
where tertiary education is a prerequisite, its certainly not the right choice for
anyone seeking an alternative way of life. College was designed by society, for
society. What this means is that it educates people on the technical skills
needed to gain a job that helps society function. For example, a doctor studies
for several years, learning the skills needed to work in a hospital to diagnose
and heal sick people. A lawyer studies the law code. This is ideal for those who
are truly passionate about this field of work, however the downfall is that as an
employee your salary is capped to a certain level, and the hours you work are
predetermined. This is a fact many fail to consider when deciding upon their

If you want a job, go to college. If you want freedom, flexibility

and uncapped earnings, college is generally a waste of time,
money and effort.


We say generally, as there are some exceptions to this rule. These are covered
in later chapters.

A+ students make great employees for C- students

Starting In A Hole

One of the biggest downfalls of attending college straight from high school is
the immediate mountain of debt it exposes you to. For most, this means that
once you graduate, you must immediately find a job so you have the funds to
pay for your education. Having a job means youre constantly drained and have
very limited amounts of time or cash to work on the things youd really like to.

Lets use an example:

Johnny and Steve both want to be successful. Johnny takes the usual route,
studies hard, and is accepted to medical school. He spends tens of thousands
of dollars, and roughly 6 years learning the skills necessary. He then begins


working straight out of college to pay off his degree. He works until he retires
at 60.

Steve thinks outside the box and invests his time and money into self
education, which teaches him about his passion- music. He has an idea to
create ringtones by recording different car sounds and compiling them for
online sales. The money he saved on college he puts towards equipment,
marketing and the small overheads involved (e.g. web hosting accounts). He
begins marketing the site solo, but soon approaches and subsequently partners
with other niche automotive sites. Steve makes upwards of $600,000 each year
through automated sales at $1 per download. He has no employees, is not
trapped in an office and literally makes money in his sleep. By 26, Steve has
sold the business and is retired.

Both Steve and Johnny achieve their goal of being successful, however its
clear the paths they took differed immensely. This example proves that college
is certainly not the only path to success, and that you should consider its
implications thoroughly before blindly enrolling.


Not The Badge Of Honor It Used To Be

We receive countless emails from people looking to take an alternate route in

life, but are facing opposition from their parents who are pressuring them to
attend college because its the right thing to do. While were sure most
parents have good intentions in doing so, the reasoning behind their argument
is somewhat invalid in todays economy. Heres why.

In our parents generations and prior, going to college was viewed as the
responsible and respected path to take. This is because in their time,
entrepreneurial ventures were a lot harder to come by, so getting a job was
generally the only option. College back then provided a means to attaining a
higher paying job, so naturally parents instilled its importance in their children.
While in that era this was considered to be responsible parenting, times are
changing and so too should societys view on what constitutes good parenting.

Lets use Roberts journey as an example. While Robert did attend college for
his own interest, it was not necessary for him to make a living in the manner he
does. Lucky for him though, he was born into a generation that had appropriate
technology available to take advantage of. If he lived in the 1950s, the path he
took would not have been an option. The existence of the internet allowed him


not only to make a living, but also to self educate and connect with people all
over the world.

Nowadays, the internet has opened up a whole realm of new possibilities. The
millions of free or inexpensive self education resources that are available are
beginning to expose how little value for money college really is. You can learn
almost any skill online or independently, leaving your resume as almost the
only reason to obtain a degree. Some parents make the argument that college
is to further your knowledge, and that people without this education know far
less than those with it. You can see now that this too is a fallacy. People all
around the world are taking advantage of the self education options available
as they are often cheaper, more flexible and offer a broader spectrum of
subjects than traditional education.

On the last page of this book, weve outlined our recommendations of the best
self-education weve come across.

People are so attached to the idea of college that even when they have no idea
what they would use the degree for, or what they would like to do for a career,
they still feel compelled to go. Youve heard it before when asking someone
what theyre major is or what job they hope to gain from it, Oh Im still
undecided, I really dont know what I want to do, I just thought Id go then


figure it out. They spend years completing their course, thousands of dollars
on tuition, then decide they will never use their degree anyway. While society is
attached to the idea of college, it doesnt mean you have to be. Make your
decisions as an individual, and do not be pressured by mediocre attitudes of
the masses.

In this day and age, it can be harder to find a job than it is to

start your own business.


If someone says theyve dropped out of college, the assumption is usually that
theyre going no where in life. This is because of peoples attachment to the
outdated formula we discussed on earlier pages - good grades + college =
good job, respect and a secure future. You should be aware that this is no
longer the case. Nowadays grades are irrelevant, college isnt necessary, a good
job is not the best option and respect is no longer a byproduct of having a job.
If you were a college dropout 30 years ago, your chances of accessing self


education and making a good living were a lot slimmer than they are today. In
other words, being a dropout no longer means you must be a dropkick.

When Far From Its think of college drop outs, they certainly dont think of an
unemployed person living paycheck to paycheck. They think of Bill Gates, Steve
Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg and Ralph Lauren. People who had the courage to
pursue their passion, regardless of public opinion. Many people argue that
these people simply get lucky, and that this isnt possible for everyone. To an
extent, we agree. Sure, not everyone is going to create the next Facebook and
become a billionaire at 23, but everyone has the ability to take an alternate path
and make decent money in the process.

There is more pride in taking risks and pursuing your

passions, than there is in wasting years of your life for the
elusive piece of paper weve so fondly termed a degree.


An Open Mind, The Most Valuable Asset

Were constantly asked for secrets to success, and while we could name a
hundred technical skills that all contribute to it (e.g. programming or trading),
the one secret that encompasses EVERYTHING is having an open mind. Many
people view this type of advice as airy fairy, so lets explain.

Every action youve ever taken is influenced by a thought. If you go for a run,
its because you thought about running and decided to act on that thought. If
you buy someone a present, its because you thought it would be a nice thing
to do. If you begin crying, its because you had a thought that caused you to do
so. You get the point.

Now lets put this in context. The one thing all successful people have in
common is that at one time or another, theyve all thought that a) they want to
be successful and b) that they are capable of being so. This means that they
are open to new ideas, learning different skills and ultimately taking an


alternate path in life. Most importantly, they believe this is achievable. These
thoughts drive them to do things differently as theyre not limited by
mainstream views like the majority of the world.

Amys example:

If I never contemplated an alternate way of living, I would have never dropped

out of college, never been open to learn to trade, never started my own
business , never met Robert (and many other successful, like-minded
individuals) and certainly wouldnt have moved to America and bought a
Lamborghini. Id probably still be at university and working part time to make
ends meet. Every thought drives an action, which is why I believe its so
important to control your thoughts before they control you.

Roberts example:

I saw my first Lamborghini at age 15. Instantly, I knew I had to have one. This
isnt anything exceptional in itself, as a lot of people see cars and dream of
owning them. The thing that allowed me to actually achieve this dream, is the
fact that I knew I could. By having this belief, I was driven to look for ways of
making money at a young age that would allow it to become a reality. If I wasnt
open to learning about AdSense and making money online, I never would have


made my first website, taught myself how to program, moved away from my
hometown to further my education, started numerous businesses on the side,
and certainly wouldnt have a fleet of supercars at 21, that all make me money.
Id probably still be living at home, studying business and ultimately making
nothing of my life.

By having an open mind you ensure yourself a world of endless possibilities. Far
too many people shut doors for themselves by discounting advice from others.
Next time you find yourself being negative towards a new concept, remember
that living the Far From It lifestyle is impossible for the closed minded.

This was demonstrated a little too perfectly on a car forum Robert joined when
he was younger. A few years ago, he wrote a post about The Secret, a film that
ever since its release, has been the cause of much controversy. As with any hot
topic, people had strong opinions either for or against it, and werent afraid to
share them. The funny thing about this was that every person with a positive
comment was a Lamborghini owner, while every person expressing their
negativity was not. Coincidence? We think not.

If you knew the power of thoughts, youd never have another

negative thought again.


You Are Your Environment

You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will
best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its
environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success - or are
they holding you back?

While environment is not a vital component to success, its definitely a lot

easier to achieve your dreams if you surround yourself with positive,
supportive, like-minded people. Sometimes negativity is unavoidable (e.g. you
have a family member that does not support your ambition), but where possible
its best to limit your exposure to it. Youll find this happens naturally when you
begin thinking outside the square, as we gravitate towards those with similar
views and beliefs to ourself. Its a common saying that your income is the
average of your five closest friends- so choose your friends wisely!

We realize that for some its not that simple, and that finding a supportive
environment can be a difficult task. This is why weve created the Far From It
community. Each week we receive hundreds of emails from those with strict
parents and unambitious friends, who simply want some motivation, support
and a kick in the right direction. If this sounds like you, you now have a place to


go for all of this and more. We both monitor the forums daily and answer
everyones questions, while providing honest advice, support and direction.
Both of our journeys were aided by the environments we created around us, so
for those whore serious about making a change in their life, we strongly
recommend getting involved.

Law Of Attraction

By now, most people have heard of The Secret, a film which brought phrases
like "positive thinking" and "the law of attraction" to life. Although the The
Secret has become a fairly controversial topic, were both big believers in one of
its notions- the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is a theory, that "like attracts like, and that by focusing on
positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results.
It suggests that our thinking creates and brings to us whatever we think about.
It states that every time we think a thought, every time we speak a word, the
universe is listening and responding to us.


Negativity can keep you from obtaining the things you want in
life. We don't want to put ourselves down. We don't want to say,
'Oh, it will never work for me,' or 'I'm not good enough.'
Because that's what the universe hears and returns to you."

A lot of people dismiss this concept as wishful thinking, but there are examples
all around us of its viability. Have you ever been running late, rushing around
thinking about how late youre going to be, and find yourself facing every red
light? This is because you are attracting delays by thinking about them. This is
simply one example, but there are millions we could mention and that were
sure youve experienced.

Were not suggesting that by simply thinking about something you will achieve
it- certainly not. But by thinking positively you sure have a better chance of
attracting good things than if youre depressed all day. You're not going to see
results the first day, but if you plant a seed and you water it and you continue
with affirmations, things will start to shift and change in your life.

Amys example:

Whenever I want something, I always picture the item or event vividly, and
envision it coming into my life. There are a million things I have taken this
approach with, so I have a lot of examples. One of the most recent however,


occurred on new years eve, 2011. I decided literally at midnight, that in the
coming year I didnt want to spend much time in my home
country (Australia), and that I wanted to travel and find love
(as corny as it sounds, I wont lie, its what I thought at the
time). The next morning I woke up and sure enough, I was
still in Australia. No miracles yet. Fast forward 2 months
and I was in Florida, 1 month later I was on a beach in Sydney with Robert,
and sure enough a week after returning to Brisbane I was on a one way
flight back to the other side of the world. Coincidence? No way- I told the
universe what I wanted and it listened.

Whether you believe in the theory or not, wouldnt you rather be positive and
think about things you do want rather than those you dont? Give it a go, you
might be pleasantly surprised.



Communication- the human connection- is the key to personal

and career success.

One thing Robert and I have learnt is to connect with as many people as
possible, as you never know what they have to offer you. It could be friendship,
love, advice, knowledge or nothing. The fact is that you dont know until you
find out! Through connecting with all kinds of people, weve built networks with
different knowledge and skill sets. This means that if we ever need help, or
want to collaborate on a project, we have a group of people were easily able to
do this with.

Never be afraid to reach out to someone. The potential gain from doing so is
far greater than any negative effect that could ensue. While were lucky to be
contacted by hundreds of people each day, were sure many people who
contemplate reaching out dont bother, as they either think we wont respond
or that it will be of no benefit to them. Never assume. Robert and I would have
never met if I hadnt emailed him one night from the other side of the world.
Connecting with people brings infinite possibilities, so go for it!


As you become more successful, youll notice that people will begin contacting
you, and that opportunities grow. If youre still on your way, weve made it easy
for you to connect with like- minded people through the Far From It forum.
Your network is ready and waiting for you, so take advantage of it!



With our videos and work online in a public setting, weve both encountered our
fair share of haters. By haters, were talking about those who stop at nothing to
put you down or belittle your craft. If youre thinking of doing something
outside the box, becoming even slightly successful or expressing any sort of
opinion, get ready because theyre coming your way too! The more successful
you become, the more haters youll face, so its important we take a look at why
people behave this way.

Haters dont really hate you. They hate themselves because

youre a reflection of what they wish to be.

The number one reason someone will try and put you down is because they are
jealous of you. Why not envy you instead? Because its far easier to hate
someone than it is to learn from them. Weve discussed this concept before, but
its important you understand that people rarely take the mature, logical


approach. Instead they default to creating a justification as to why they arent in

the same situation. If a hater cant find a legitimate reason to put you down,
theyll make something up. There are examples of this all around us. Take a
look at Justin Bieber for example.

He receives hate more than almost any celebrity we could think of. So lets
check out his stats to see why. Hes worth $112 million dollars. Hes been
nominated for 107 music awards, and won 58 of them. Hes admired by girls all
over the world and has a beautiful celebrity girlfriend. He owns a 10,000 square
foot mansion in California, along with a Cadillac, Fisker Karma, customized
Range Rover, Lamborghini, Ferrari and Porsche Turbo. Oh, and hes 18 years

Of course people hate him! How do you think a 56 year old office worker living
paycheck to paycheck feels when confronted with an 18 year old kid who makes
100,000 times more than him in a year? My guess- not too crash hot! So it
stands to reason that the more successful (and different) you are, the more
people out there youll make uncomfortable, and the more hate youll receive.

The main thing to keep in mind is to never, ever let it affect you. If you do,
youre giving haters what they want. A sure way to beat them (and piss them off
in the process) is to ignore them, work harder than ever before and be happy in


the process. At the end of the day, they know who you are and you havent
heard of them. That right there says it all.

Giving Back

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what

we give.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being Far From It, is having the ability to
give back. Giving back helps us remain grounded and humble, while changing
the lives of those less fortunate. There are a million ways to make a difference,
and everyone has their own preference on exactly how and what they donate.
Personally, weve found it most fulfilling to physically see the difference were

Because of this, we recently created, a website that allowed us

to sell stickers and donate the proceeds to the Make A Wish Foundation. Along
with our donation, we also arranged a charity day for sick children to ride in
and experience supercars. Although this is arranged for a future date, were
amped for the day to come, and will be arranging more on a regular basis. Well


be filming the day, so those that supported the cause can also see their
donation in action.

Another way we like to give back is by helping entrepreneurs

indisadvantagedcountries to succeed in business by lending them money. This
is known as micro-financing. Were passionate about helping those who help
themselves, and there is no better example of this than the brave men and
woman who decide to start a business in a third world country. The great thing
about micro-financing is that you can watch as the business grows, and
eventually your loan is completely repaid! This means you can re-loan the
money or pull it out to help someone else in need.Although there are several
companies that facilitate this, we use and recommend Kiva.

Create Your Own Luck

People often put success down to luck. These people are half right and half
wrong- lets discuss why. In order to do so we firstly need to distinguish the
difference between chance and luck.


Chance events are like winning the lottery. They're events over which we have
no control, other than buying a ticket. They don't consistently happen to the
same person. When people say that they consistently experience good fortune,
we believe that by definition, it has to be because of something they are doing.

What were saying is that we have far more control over events than we think.
You might say, "Fifty percent of my life is due to chance events." No, it's not.
Maybe 10% is. The other 40% that you think you're having no influence over at
all is actually defined by the way you think.

By working hard, making connections and maintaining an open mind youre

creating your own luck. Keep this in mind next time youre chasing that lucky

Being Your Own Boss

Throughout life, most situations we find ourselves in provide some kind of

external structure where we have not had to create or rely on any form of
internal guidelines. For example, when you play a game of sport and break a
rule- there is an umpire there to monitor and call you out on your mistakes. In


school, if you fail a test or show up late, there is a teacher present to monitor
and reprimand you. Being Far From It is the exact opposite- there are no
external guidelines, no referee to call you out on your mistakes. When you live a
Far From It lifestyle you harness the power of unlimited freedom to do whatever
you want, therefore it is absolutely vital that you believe in, implement and
always adhere to a set of internal guidelines. Being Far From It means being
your own boss, so heres a few tips to help you be the best boss out there.

1. Be honest with your self.

2. Manage your time wisely.
3. Dont put off until tomorrow, what you can do today.
4. Allow yourself down time.
5. Work smarter, not harder.
6. Set Goals.
7. Reward yourself.
8. Eliminate distractions.
9. Evaluate your progress.
10. Always be open to receiving advice.


An App For Groceries, A Website For Gas

A common question were asked is how we decide on projects. It may sound

strange, but the title of this essay answers that question. Whenever we have a
need for funds, we create a project to finance whatever it is that we need or
want. For example, Roberts Nurburgring Live app pays for his groceries, while pays for his gas. These were both practically created overnight and
years later are still generating an income. Initially its best to create projects to
take care of your living expenses. This ensures youre not burdened by a 9-5,
and gives you unlimited time to work on more serious ventures in the future.


While we strongly recommend creating projects to take care of your living

expenses as soon as possible to free yourself from your 9-5, you also need to
maintain a manageable workload. With too much on your plate, youll quickly


become burnt out, lose motivation and see the quality of your work drop. We
know it can be tough putting off pursuing a new venture youre excited about,
but at the end of the day youre far better off doing this, than grinding yourself
to a pulp and making all-nighters a regular occurrence.

It ll Never Be Perfect, Or Complete

Its important to realize with any project, especially those on the web, that it
will never be perfect or complete. What we mean by this is that even after you
launch, youll be continuously finding things you can change, improve or
upgrade. As users interact with your product, theyll generally provide you with
feedback on features they would like you to alter. The business environment
also has an effect on the evolution of your product, as to survive, youll
generally need to adapt in order to remain competitive.

Upfront, focus on core functionality. In other words, dont be too concerned

with making sure all of your features are there. Do you think Mark Zuckerberg
was worried users couldnt tag people in posts upon Facebooks launch? We
highly doubt it.


There is no finish line, so love the journey.

Creating a website, app or business in general is like having a

child. Youll forever be nurturing it and watching it grow.

Just Do It

Were often contacted by people looking to alter the course of their lives, but
are hesitant to take action in order to do so. Our advice, like Nikes: Just do it.
There are far too many people who talk the talk but dont ever walk the walk.
You know the ones were talking about. Those who are always discussing
motivational books, surfing luxury forums and pasting motivational quotes all
over their social media accounts. While this is fine in conjunction with actually
working towards attaining the image theyre promoting, on its own its simply
time wasting. Dont hesitate, dont procrastinate. Take action and get
something out there. You might just surprise yourself with the response. Worst
case scenario is that you make mistakes and learn from them.


Don t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

An important thing to take note of when working under the regulations of a

larger program is to diversify and always have a back up strategy. What this
means is that when youre working under a program such as Google AdSense,
Apples App Store, an affiliate program or similar, you need to be aware that
regulations can change at any time and that you may not always be able to
work with them. Several of Roberts photo blogs have been banned from Google
AdSense through no fault of his own. His friend Allen has many successful apps
in Apples App Store, and was once pulled as a result of inappropriate
content. They went on to ban his entire account, leaving him with no apps in
the store. Because of the strict rules these companies often have, Robert now
looks to private ad networks as backups, and Allen has diversified his app
portfolio under different accounts.

This also to applies to projects and life in general. No matter how successful
you think a project will be, its crucial you always have a Plan B. Putting all your
time, effort, and capital into one project in the hopes of it succeeding is a big
risk, and one neither of us take. Ensure you always have a few (manageable)
projects on the go.


Overnight Success

Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually

make you look like an overnight success.

Everyday we hear stories of the latest overnight success. The media loves to
glamorize successful founders and make their paths seem much easier than
they actually were. This is because people grinding on their laptops while
drinking coffee for years on end doesnt generally make the news. What does
though, is the success these people have the first night of their launch. So the
success part may be overnight, but let us assure you the preparation took
years. Therefore, anyone approaching the Far From It lifestyle with the dream of
becoming an overnight success may need to reevaluate their goals.


F*ck Your NDA

Each day we receive numerous emails from entrepreneurs detailing their

newest ideas. Often these entrepreneurs think their idea is brand new and that
no one has ever thought of it before. Sometimes they request that we sign a
non-disclosure agreement to protect their idea. Occasionally the emails
mysteriously allude to the idea without really saying what it is. These people
think that their idea is incredible, when realistically, its just an idea- everyone
has them.

Google? Not the first search engine. Facebook? Not the first
social network. Groupon? Not the first deal site. Pandora? Not
the first music site. The list goes on. Even when you go back in
time to the origins of the software industry: MS-DOS not the
first operating system. Lotus 1-2-3 not the first spreadsheet.

The Far From Its of the world have moved past the idea and are already taking
action to implement it. Theyre in the process of creating their product and are


providing examples of it. Theyre not obsessed with the idea, and taking
stereotypical corporate actions to protect it. Majority of the time people request
NDAs, its not even to protect the idea, but more so to appear professional
and thus successful.

Its great that these people are passionate about their idea, were simply saying
that ideas mean nothing on their own, implementation is everything.


Be An Executioner
It's so funny when I hear people being so protective of ideas. (People who want
me to sign an NDA to tell me the simplest idea.)
To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier.
Execution is worth millions.
Awful idea = -1
Weak idea = 1
So-so idea = 5
Good idea = 10
Great idea = 15
Brilliant idea = 20
No execution = $1
Weak execution = $1000
So-so execution = $10,000
Good execution = $100,000
Great execution = $1,000,000
Brilliant execution = $10,000,000
To make a business, you need to multiply the two.
The most brilliant idea, with no execution, is worth $20. The most brilliant idea
takes great execution to be worth $20,000,000.
That's why I don't want to hear people's ideas. I'm not interested until I see their
Derek Sivers, president and programmer, CD Baby & Host Baby


The BIG Competition

Stop competing with everyone else, and start competing with


Whats societys obsession with being the best or the richest or the most
popular? Nowadays, it seems that every entrepreneur we come across is a
President, CEO or Founder. While these titles are valid when youre literally
the Chief Executive Officer of a corporation or the Founder of a profitable
company, they are completely inaccurate when youre a singular person who
happens to have an idea for a project. So why are people are so obsessed with
giving themselves these corporate titles? Its all about image. People think that
theyll be received better by society when terming themselves a CEO rather
than saying I run a blog, or I created XYZ app. What people need to realize is
that theyre not fooling anyone with their impressive job titles, rather, coming
across as pretentious fools.

Everybody starts somewhere, so were not in any way putting down those trying
to make something of themselves. Were simply saying that not every
entrepreneur has to be a CEO or Founder, and that its much more becoming
to be humble and title yourself appropriately. Concentrate on the quality of the


work youre putting out there, not how it makes you look. If youre producing
great products, youll be rewarded accordingly, and the image will follow.

The Startup Lottery

In recent years, theres been significant media attention given to the acquisition
of tech companies like Facebook and Instagram. Because of this, a lot of people
create websites or apps, strictly to be acquired. They have no revenue model in
place, meaning theyre simply focusing on remaining afloat until the day comes
when (if theyre lucky), theyre acquired. Although movies like The Social
Network make it appear easy, let us assure you have a higher chance of
winning the lottery than being acquired.

Focus on creating products that turn a profit, and make your users happy.

Takes Money To Make Money

One of the most common excuses we hear is it takes money to make money.
While this might be true for investing or a brick and mortar business, its


definitely not true of web businesses. When we say web businesses, were not
just referring to websites made by designers and programmers, were also
referring to eBay businesses, blogs or even a Youtube channel- things that can
be easily set up and run by the technically ignorant. These take nothing more
than your time and some creativity to get off the ground. Takes money to
make money is nothing more than an excuse used by those who arent open to
exploring their creativity and trying something new.

Amys example:

When I first started exploring ways to make money online I knew the basics and
not much else. At that point I wasnt capable of making my own website or
running my own blog. Despite having such little knowledge I was able to start
my own eBay business. eBay is designed so that anyone is able to jump online
and use it, so Id strongly recommend it as a simple way to get started.

Initially, I was reselling digital goods which didnt cost me a cent. How this
works is that I would place an ad on eBay for the product I was selling. When
someone purchased a product I was paid into my PayPal account. Using these
funds, I would then purchase the product for a cheaper price from a supplier.
The difference was kept as profit. The process is super simple, anyone can do


Roberts example:

We could use any of my projects as an example, but lets take a look at Razzi. I
developed it locally on my computer so upfront there was literally no expense
at all, other than my time. After a year of development, it was time to launch
and take the project live. At this point we started seeing our first expenses, as
we needed to pay for servers (Amazon EC2) and storage space (S3). As we grew,
costs rose, but so too did users and revenue, meaning the site not only paid for
itself but it was also able to turn a profit.

Even this book can be used as an example. eBooks are a simple and
inexpensive way to share your knowledge with others. You may think that you
dont have anything worth sharing, but youd be surprised at the abstract topics
people write about. Everything from Grandmas recipes, to knitting, to how to
reupholster your furniture. If you have specialized knowledge on a topic, are
particularly good at something, or simply want to write about a hobby, dont be
afraid to draft something up and get your work out there. You have nothing to
lose and everything to gain.


Under Promise And Over Deliver

Youve heard this one a million times, but heres our take on it. When launching
a new business, its natural that youll want to speak the world of it. The
downfall of this however, is that people then expect the world of it. Even if you
speak the world of your product AND deliver, it leaves you with no room for
improvement. Stay humble, speak positively but not egotistically.

Just think, if your friend came to you and said Ive got the best idea ever, its
going to change the world! Were going to make a million the first day we
launch its that brilliant. Youd probably be expecting the next Facebook or
equivalent. Odds are, it wont be, and youll be disappointed. On the other
hand, if he or she came to you and said, Ive got a great idea, I cant wait to
work on it. It should be interesting! youd leave the conversation happy for
them and excited to see their product. When it launches, they have the ability to
exceed your expectations and leave a lasting impression.


Building A Following

This might not apply to everyone, as some like to fly under the radar, but its
not a bad idea to try and gain a following for yourself. By being unique and
taking a firm stance on what you believe in, others will tend to follow you if
theyre in agreement. For example, take a look at the two of us. Between us, we
have around 100,000+ followers through our social media profiles, and another
60,000+ on YouTube. By creating a following, people become passionate about
your work, and are always eager to see your next move. Chances are, thats
how youve heard about this book. By creating a following it makes it extremely
easy for you to get a project off the ground, as theres already an audience
waiting to hear what youre up to. Individuality, creativity and strong beliefs
tend to get people interested in you and what youre about.


Roberts Story
Growing Up

I grew up as an only child in rural Pennsylvania,

outside of Pittsburgh. My father owned an
independent car dealership which my mother
helped run. Neither of them attended college,
or have any type of formal education. After
working his way through high school with
several odd jobs, he decided to take a chance in sales after being laid off from
an industrial job. He started out in a car sales position, then was promoted to
sales manager, and before he knew it, he was managing all the new car
franchises that the dealer owned. The drive and determination he had for
success and sales was unheard of. Following his hard work there, he went on to
open his own store. To this day he operates the highest volume independently
owned dealership in the northeast.


Throughout the ups and downs of our family business, there was three things
my father always preached to me:

1) No employees
2) Time does not equal money
3) Low overhead

After a hard days work he would always remind me; aim for a business that
requires no employees, makes you money while you sleep, and keep your
overheads extremely low.

Being brought up in a business-minded family, I was

lucky that I was able to experience first hand what
success was like early in life. Nights at home always
consisted of my father working on something
business related. Whether he was working on the
previous days sales report, or creating next weeks newspaper ad, I was always
standing by watching him. This drove me to start many of my own businesses
early in life.

My first legitimate business was plowing driveways in the winter. We had a

Polaris ATV and I would go around the night of our first snowfall and pass out


flyers. The next morning I would receive dozens

of calls requesting my service around the
neighborhood. I would wake up extremely early
before school to get the job done. The first winter
I started I remember making almost $4,000 profit.
That was the time that I knew I wanted to be a business owner. Many other
neighborhood businesses followed, from mowing lawns to skateboard shops.

Introduction To The Internet

My introduction to the internet (and computers) came from my mother. She had
taken a class at the local YWCA about how to sell items on eBay. At the time I
was 9 years old and picking up everything I could about how to sell online. The
next day I scavenged all through the house to
find anything I could sell. First was all of my
bobble heads, then Pokemon cards, and by the
end of the night I had my entire wardrobe
listed for sale. Over the next week I raked in
over $1,000. After looking at competitor
listings and seeing their custom item


descriptions, I decided to learn how to do this. This is what sparked my love for
the web and fueled my desire to learn HTML & CSS.

Having gained basic knowledge on how to build a

website, I was looked for anything and everything I
could create a site about. My first published (still live to
this day) was a basketball site for our neighborhood
league. It was a place where I could publish game
schedules, rosters, and other information. As with all the
sites Ive built, it was conceived from need. It helped
keep us all on the same page and stored information in a
place where it could be viewed easily by everyone.

MySpace Days

Like many web developers Ive met, MySpace was what started it all! At that
point it was the early 2000s and the MySpace social media boom was going
crazy. Id often come across people who had really cool custom layouts
expressing their interests. Knowing a small amount of CSS, I began customizing


my own profile. This lead to learning Photoshop for graphics, basic JavaScript,
and other essential web skills.

Several months later I came across an article of a

17 year old girl creating MySpace layouts for
others- Ashley Qualls. Ashley was the founder of, which used to be the #1
MySpace layout site, receiving almost 100,000,000
page views per month and hundreds of thousands of teen visitors per day. In
the article it mentioned how she was using Google AdSense to generate over
$70,000 per month from the basement of her parents house. I was amazed.

Intrigued, I immediately began researching the program, and found it was

Googles advertising network that allowed website publishers to display ads on
their content and earn revenue. I also found that you had to be over 18 years of
age to register, so I made an account under my mothers name. Over the
following weeks, I spent all of my time finding the best tutorials and resources
for website design and development. From that point forward, I spent almost all
of my time creating static sites to target the highest paying advertising niches.


Buying My First Real Website

During my research, I came across a site called, which was a place
where people could buy and sell websites. This is where I found
for sale for $300. It was already established with traffic, included the domain,
and was fully programmed to pull gas prices from MSN Autos by zip code. The
reason this site caught my attention was that at that time, the war in the middle
east had caused gas prices to climb, and as a result there was a large market
for those looking to save on gas. After working on for some
time, I realized that users generally only saw two pages before leaving the site.
This was because it was so easy to simply enter your zip code on the
homepage, see who had the cheapest fuel and then leave. The Ads were
performing very poorly, so I knew I had to search for an alternate revenue

After searching for different options I found out about affiliate marketing. This
is where a person trying to sell a product, allows others to promote it for a
percentage of each sale they convert. It then became clear that it would be in
my best interest to find affiliate offers pertaining to my users interests (i.e.
saving on fuel). I found affiliate offers on gas cards and also credit cards with
gas savings and chose to promote them. After time, these yielded a good


conversion rate, which allowed me to run my first pay-per-click ad campaign to

drive even more traffic to the site. I had to tweak the ad campaign to suit who I
was targeting and after doing so, the site was earning decent money. At 15
years old I had my first $100 day. I realized I had learnt from what my father
always said to me as I had no employees, was making money while I slept and
hardly any overheads.

At this time I had the site to a point where traffic and revenue were steady, but
growth had plateaued (even after trying to ramp up the advertising budget). It
didnt require anymore work and I was becoming a little bored with the project,
so thought I may as well sell it while it was at its peak. I listed it back up on
Flippa and a week later sold it for forty times my initial investment. After four
months of work, I sold the project for $12,000. This proved to me that time
does not equal money. Because of this project I also gained real-world
knowledge on how AdSense and affiliate offers worked. I could have done all of
the reading in the world on these two topics, but nothing beats hands on


Introduced To The Secret

One day after coming home from school I found both my parents sitting on the
couch watching a rather interesting film called The Secret. This didnt surprise
me as my Dad was a huge believer in mindset and positive thinking. After
becoming curious, we restarted the DVD. Little did I know it would change my
life. The secret behind the film (and book) is the Law of Attraction. We discuss
the Law of Attraction later in this book, but in a nutshell it states that literally
everything you think about is attracted into your life. I really connected with the
film as it taught me the true power of the mind.

If you go there in the mind, you can go there in the body.

At about the same time, my Dad and I went golfing for the day. We pulled into
the golf course and OMG, there it was. A gloss white Lamborghini Gallardo.
Being from rural Pennsylvania, it was something youd be lucky to see once in a


It was my first time seeing a Lamborghini in person and I was speechless. I

knew next to nothing about the car, but I was certain I had to have one. Having
been recently introduced to The Secret and Ashley Qualls success, I knew,
even at 16 years old, I would own one very soon.

The next thing I did, which turned out to be one of the smartest moves of my
life, was join a Lamborghini forum. As odd as it sounds, there I saw people of
all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds enjoying these cars and living ridiculous
lifestyles. Some were extremely young (just a
few years older than myself) and owned
multiple supercars. After seeing the success of
others first-hand, I truly believed in my heart
that the same dream could, and would,
become a reality for me. There, I met my good
friend Christian. He was in his early 20s at the
time, owned multiple exotic cars, and was a
computer programmer that had graduated
from Full Sail University. I was very intrigued.


Amy, Robert, Christian

How Was I Going To Get There?

After my previous experience on the web, I knew it was going to take

something extraordinary to make my dream a reality. After reading about
Ashley Qualls (over and over and over again) and how she achieved her results,
I had that ah-ha! moment out-of-nowhere. At this point in time, you were
able to customize your MySpace layout, your YouTube channel, and basically
every other online account you had, yet you were forced to stare at your plain
white homepage (this was before iGoogle). Thats where I spotted a

Homepage Theme

Homepage Theme was inspired by Ashleys idea

of customizing pages to suit every users
interests. Essentially, heres how the site

Working On Homepage
Theme In High School

Users would browse until they found a category that interested them
They would set this as their browsers homepage


Now, every time they opened their browser, they would be greeted with this
The page background would randomly pull high resolution images pertaining
to the users chosen category. (for example, if they chose beaches, a new hires image of a beach would load every they launched their browser).
On page load, the search field was in focus so users could search without a
single mouse click. This encouraged a high number of searches.
Using AdSense for Search, I would submit the search query to Google and
they would return the search results to me with relevant ads attached. I
would then display these ads to the end user.
Given the search result page looked similar to itself, the click
through rate on the ads was very solid (10-12% CTR).

The beauty of this site was that I didnt have to win back my returning users, as
every time they opened their browser, there it was. The site performed
extremely well until iGoogle came along, which saw the sites expenses begin to
outweigh the profits, and caused me to take it offline. If youre interested to see
how the concept worked, check out


Other Web Projects

Between Homepage Theme and my latest project Razzi, I spent all of my time
building numerous other sites. Some failed, some took off with great success. I
could talk all day about each of them, but I wont bore those who arent web
oriented. Below are some general details about a selection of them. If youd like
more info please ask me on the Far From It forum, as Id be more than happy to
tell you more.

R8PL8Z - Rate Plates (

Created mainly as an SEO project to see if I could outrank all of the others
for the term funny license plates. I did, in just three months, I was page
1, number 1.
Site has seen over 750,000 visitors and 7,000,000 pageviews.


Beach Creeps (

Friend had an idea for a funny photo blog after seeing People of Walmart
take off.
Site has seen over 12,000,000 visitors and 75,000,000 pageviews.
Who Is Settling? (
Friend and I had the idea for people to upload photos of themselves and
their significant other for others to vote who was settling in the
relationship. haha.
Site has seen over 900,000 visitors and 10,000,000 pageviews.
Nurburgring Live Webcam (
Created because many people had to manually refresh the webcams at
Nurburgring to see what was going on- this site did it automatically for
you. Eventually made an iPhone app for it after high demand.
Site has seen over 800,000 visitors and 4,000,000 pageviews.
App has been purchased by over 30,000 people.
Car Videos (
Purchased this high-end domain from a friend. Built it as an extension
from my YouTube channel. I have big plans for it in the future, one being
to knock out


...and the list goes on. Again, Ill be sure to post more in the forum for those
who are interested. While these all played a part in my journey, theyre very
similar to my other projects and not worth mentioning in this environment.

YouTube Channel

On July 5, 2006 I registered for YouTube. I had no

plans for the account initially, but was always
passionate about film, media and cars. You can
guess where the channel went! I began taking
videos of my cars as a hobby, and posting them
online. Over the next year, the videos received a
fair bit of exposure, which happened to coincide with YouTube rolling out their
Partner Program. They were looking for people with original content, high view
counts within different niches and an active AdSense account. I received an
email inviting me to join, which I gladly accepted. This allowed me to earn
revenue from my videos and brand my channel with custom graphics. This is
another example of how I followed my passion, and profits resulted.


The channel has grown immensely from where it first

started. At the time of writing, it has over 45 million
views and over 60,000 subscribers. Prior to the
release of pre-roll commercials, the revenue
generated was simply a side source of income.
However, after these type of advertisements were
implemented, profits rose significantly, to the point
where I can drive almost any car I like, using YouTube
revenue alone.

If you have something youre passionate about and would like to share with the
world, I highly recommend creating a Youtube channel. It costs absolutely
nothing to start and if youre unable to purchase a video camera, dont be
discouraged, as many YouTube celebrities film with nothing more than their
laptops or phones.

Creating a unique YouTube channel also helped me gain quite a following on

social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Razzi. Having a following is
great as it makes it extremely easy to promote future projects. Ive also been
able to put together some really fun events with my fans, such as our recent
go-karting event or the Lambo Contest where I flew in five people to ride in
my Twin Turbo Gallardo. On other projects weve also been able to raise money


for charity together. It feels amazing to give back to everyone that supports me
and what I do. So, if youre reading this book- thank you!

At Vidcon 2012, YouTube has announced that THOUSANDS of

partners are now making over six figures a year!

Senior Year Of High School

By my senior year of high school I had all my projects automated and working
for me which was bringing me closer and closer to my dream, but I had more
pressing issues to think about. It was time to decide what I was going to do
after high school; further my education through college or continue working for
myself? Even though neither of my parents attended college, they were adamant
I should. All of our family friends were seeing their children off to college, and
my parents, like many others, saw it as a requirement for a successful life. Our
differing views on the topic often led to heated discussions, but in the end, I
decided to go.


Initially I was going to be attending a small private university near my home just
outside of Pittsburgh, PA. I was planning to study business / finance for no
other reason than just to go. I knew this would be a waste of time and money,
as I had no desire to do anything that required a finance degree. So I began to
think of alternatives.

I met a friend on the Lamborghini forum I mentioned earlier, who was also very
young, extremely talented, and successful. Wed been chatting for weeks and
found many similarities between us both and what we do. College came up in
the conversation and he began telling me about his school, Full Sail University. I
began researching immediately.

Wow, this place was made for me! How it worked was as follows.

Full Sail University


I would be getting a Bachelors of Science in Web Design & Development in

the course of 21 months.
Unlike a traditional university, Id go to school 8 hours a day, 5 days a week,
and finish in half the time. In the end, you actually have more credit hours
than your typical 4 year degree.
They also reduced the general education where possible so I was able to
get fully accredited, while cutting out a fair chunk of the irrelevant
mainstream BS.
They operated on a monthly schedule so every month was like a new
I also got to move to Florida. Done!

This all happened within a week of orientation at the university I was initially
attending. The next day, Mom and I hopped on a flight to Florida for a tour of
Full Sail. It was amazing. There was so much technology and the atmosphere
was like no other. This was because the school was centered around the
entertainment industry, so everyone attending was chasing a dream and more
importantly, doing something they loved.

After returning to PA the next day, I cancelled my enrollment at the original

school and immediately began planning for Full Sail. There was no on-campus
housing, so looking for my own place was the next hurdle. I took multiple day


trips to Florida within a weeks time to look at different places. Finally found a
place I loved, but it was several weeks until I could move in, so for a few weeks I
ended up crashing with my buddy who referred me to Full Sail.

Buying My First Lamborghini

In between my senior year and choosing a college, I also bought my first

Lamborghini. March 16, 2009 marks one of the greatest days of my life. I
remember leaving high school early and flying home! Time never passed so
slowly that week, waiting for the truck driver to call. Ill never forget pulling
down the hill in my neighborhood to be greeted with this sight.

Oh. My. Gosh. Not only was it the second time Id seen a Lamborghini, but the
first time Id seen Verde Ithaca (lime green) in person. Wow! I was in shock at


this point. Years and years of hard work, project after project, dreaming, and
drooling over that poster that hangs on all of our bedroom walls as kids, had
paid off. The big moment was finally happening.

Off I went! My first time ever driving a Lamborghini. I had never test driven one,
so you can imagine how nerve-racking it was! Ill never forget the first time I
mashed the throttle down and heard the roar of the V10. Before the car was
shipped to me from Lamborghini St. Louis, I had them put a straight pipe
exhaust system on the car so it was extra loud.


Looking back now, it was absolutely the best thing I have ever done in my life. If
youre ever on the fence about purchasing an exotic car, do it! The relationships
and business opportunities this car (and other exotics) have presented to me
couldnt have been found elsewhere. You only live once.

Moving To Florida

I moved to Florida and began college. From day one I absolutely loved it as it
was so far from a typical college. It mainly consisted of hands-on web-based
exercises. No history classes, no electives, none of the unnecessary bullshit.
One thing that really separates Full Sail from other universities, is that they
push you to create your own business, instead of finding a job in one.

During school I was very busy completing projects and assignments, so I was
relying solely on my blogs, YouTube, and trading stock for income. I made
YouTube videos of my cars on the weekends, which is when my channel really
began to take off. I was profiting from my videos, but not my photos- I had
spotted another need.


Razzi Was Born

While I was earning a substantial amount from my videos on YouTube, my

photos on Flickr were an entirely different story. My Flickr account had racked
up over seven million views, yet I was paying them each year for a pro account.
After seeing how the YouTube Partner Program worked, that just didnt feel
right. I was sure I wasnt the only one feeling left out on photo sharing with
revenue sharing. At this point I knew I wasnt capable of building the entire site
with the programming knowledge I had, so I noted it on my idea list to revisit
after I had the necessary skills.

Fast forward a few weeks and I ran into my new neighbor arriving home one
evening. He introduced himself as Michael Fussy, a Ruby programmer. This was
my guy! I told him I was into web development as well, and that I had some
brief knowledge when it came to Ruby on Rails. He mentioned he was selfemployed and worked from home, but didnt have any projects he was currently
working on. We exchanged email addresses and later that night I pitched him
the idea of a site combining photo sharing with revenue sharing via Google
AdSense. He loved it, so without wasting any time, we created the basic Rails
application for it, and had it checked into GitHub one day later. Crazy how
things line up!


Over the next year, we worked nonstop

between my schoolwork and Michael
performing his fatherly duties. We were
always saying that we would launch next
week, but it never happened. Deciding
when youre ready to launch is always a
tough calI, because youre constantly thinking of new features that could be
added. You find however, that usually theyre just niceties that dont pertain to
the core idea, and arent essential to the sites launch. With this in mind, we
stripped down the scope of the project and got the essential features ready to
go live. We came up with the name Razzi, to be pronounced -raht-see,
reigning from the word paparazzi.

The next year my life consisted of school, blogging, creating videos, and
working on Razzi religiously. It also included many nights where Id get into
bed at sunrise!


Launching Razzi

Then came the hardest part of any project- getting it off the ground. Being that
we hadnt invested any money into Razzi just yet, we werent keen to do so
when launching either. So how did we go about getting it to where its at today?
First off, I knew it was going to appeal to YouTube partners more than anyone,
so initially they were my main target. Once a week Id visit the website,, so I could see the top 2,000 YouTubers in list format. Id start at
the top and take an entire day to get the whole way through the list. Because
they were accustomed to earning income through their videos, they loved the
idea of earning additional income from their photos. By reaching out to
YouTube celebrities, Razzi now hosts photos for people such as CharlesTrippy,
CTFxC, Tobuscus, Brittani Louise Taylor, OlgaKay,
AdorianDeck, We The Kings band members and
many others. The exposure this gave the site through
social media, along with the fact that these people
brought along their large fan bases, accounts for a
majority of traffic on Razzi today.

Robert & iJustine


The next step we took was reaching out to photography and tech blogs. Before
we knew it, we ended up on Killer Startups, Gizmodo, Secret Entourage, CNet,
Photography Blog, Fastlane Entrepreneurs and many more. All of this, combined
with promotion through my own followers, saw the sites active users reach
50,000+. Today, Razzi hosts close to one million photos and receives millions
of page views per month.

Part of building any user oriented site includes listening to requests for new or
different features. In this day and age, being able to upload photos from mobile
devices is critical, which is something our YouTubers made sure we were aware
of. Through another connection in the Lamborghini world, I met Allen Wong, an
extremely successful app developer. I approached him to create an app for
Razzi, which he was very excited to do. We exchanged a portion of the
company for him to create the app. Nowadays, the app receives anywhere
between 500 and 1,000 downloads per day.

Visit Razzi


Meeting Amy

While checking my emails one day, I came across an email from a girl named
Amy. She was from Australia, and basically reached out to tell me that she liked
that I was young and doing things differently (just like her). We talked for a
while, and several months later she came to see me for my 21st birthday. It was
awesome to finally meet a girl my age with the same drive and mindset as me.
As you can imagine, we got along really well! Fast forward a couple of months
and several trips back and forward between America and Australia, and now
were writing this book together.

The really crazy part of our story, is that several years ago after watching The
Secret I had a very clear vision of the significant other I wanted in my life. Shes
Amy to a T; foreign, blonde, driven, smart, and most importantly shares my
love for cars. Its funny how you really do get what you ask the universe for.
Here I was living my day to day life, and out of nowhere, my dream girl showed
up in my inbox.


The Future

Throughout my journey theres been many ups and downs, but Ive loved every
second of it. Currently Im enjoying my time between maintaining Razzi and
growing my YouTube channel, though I do have some new projects in the
works. I recently acquired a warehouse which not only acts a great place to
store my cars, but that Ill also be running an e-commerce business out of. Its
currently only in the development stages, but I cant begin to tell you how
excited I am to branch out and get into physical sales. Ill be sure to post about
its progress in the forum along the way! Once its set up and practically
running itself, Amy and I have plans to see as much of the world as we can. We
also have massive plans for Far From It, and hope to eventually run live events
so we can interact with people on a more personal basis. Until then, we hope to
see and chat with you all in the forum.


Amys Story
Growing Up

I grew up as the youngest of 3 children in

Brisbane, Australia. My mother was a primary
school teacher, and my father the manager of a
government organization. We all lived together,
until I was 15 and my parents divorced. The
effect this had on me, coupled with the fact that I
was a perfectionist and very into sport, saw me
become anorexic and depressed. I began to get

Michael, Amy, & Karlee Sangster

better when my mother, brother and I moved out, and was back to being myself
again after about a year. This was the first experience I remember that showed
me the massive part mindset plays in life.

I always did well in school. This was partly because I was a perfectionist, partly
because I had always been told that doing well in school was the key to a good
life, and partly because I hated being anything less than the best. I was sports


captain, and a straight A student, so naturally I graduated with a good O.P.

(Australian equivalent of GPA). I wish I knew at the time how little all this meant.

I had always been encouraged to go to university, as my parents, like most,

thought it was the best option. At that point I wanted to go, but wasnt quite
sure what to study. I had friends who were also up in the air about what they
wanted to do, who decided to enroll in a general course just for the sake of it.
Even back then I didnt see the point in wasting time or money doing the same,
so I took a year off.

My First Real Job

During that year I got a job flight attending for a private international
charter company. My logic was that I may as well earn some money
and see the world while I was still young. This job taught me a few
things, mainly that I was never going to be content conforming to my
stereotype, or taking orders from someone with the so called authority to give
them. One positive to come out of this experience was that while waitressing at
one of Virgin Blue's lavish parties, I was assigned to look after Richard
Branson's table. It had been a long day of waiting on the wealthy and wishing


the shoe was on the other foot when I

realized- there was absolutely no reason
why it couldn't be! This man was a picture
of prosperity- I knew I wanted in.

The universe must have known I wanted a change,

because around that time the company I was working
for collapsed in the GFC, and I was made redundant. I
witnessed people who had put everything into their
careers lose their jobs instantly, which was the first
time it dawned on me that jobs werent as secure as
everyone made out. I knew then that I never wanted
to end up like those I witnessed crying outside the
office that day. They were people who loved their
jobs and put everything into them, but regardless,
had them taken away in a split second.

Time To Change Things Up

I wanted my own business, but at that point I lacked the knowledge required to
achieve this. Like many others keen for the same information I enrolled in


university. Little did I know that this would be the biggest waste of time to date!
Given I had signed up for business majoring in finance, one would assume that
after 3 years and close to $20,000 tuition I'd be taught every detail necessary
for creating an empire of my own. Never assume! At the end of the day I was
being taught about business from an employee, and didn't learn much more
than irrelevant algebraic calculations. I learnt to memorize about 5 textbooks
per semester, yet couldn't tell you the first thing about personal investments.
Not only was I angered that I had wasted time enrolling in a course that
deceived me into believing I would be taught to live the life I wanted, but I
couldn't live with the fact that so many others had been conned into the same

Looking back, I understand the reasoning for this. The simple fact is that
society requires 9-5 office workers to continue to function. If every person who
went through university and studied business was taught how to manage their
own finances and be free of a typical job, there would be no one left to
physically work in businesses. So for those looking to do this, studying
business at university is a great option for you. For those looking to build their
own business and create passive income streams, self education is a much
better option.


Throughout university I was working part time at a well known Australian bank
and was on my way to making it in the mainstream world. Despite my boss
and people around me telling me I had a great job for my age, it certainly didnt
feel that great to me. I had next to no time to do anything other than work, had
my actions dictated by a meticulous set of rules and was performing mundane
tasks that wouldnt excite even the most easily pleased person on the planet, all
while being surrounded by negative robot-like people for the majority of each
day. I was stressed, unhappy and most unfortunately, was not making a positive
difference in the world. While I appreciate that some people would kill for an
office job, I learnt Im certainly not one of those people. I hated everything
about it, so I quit as soon as I could.

My First Business

At this point I knew I needed to change it up.

My good friend Lewis introduced me to eBay,
and after seeing how simple the process was,
I began reselling digital products. There was next to no
expense involved, and huge profit margins. In one of the first weeks I opened
my eBay store, I banked $4k with next to no effort on my part.This provided me


with proof that exchanging my time for money was not the best way to make a
living, and also the capital to finance future projects. After a short period of
time on eBay I definitely knew I wanted passive cash-flow rather than a 9-5, so
I dropped out of University.

Harsh Realities

The more differently I thought, the more I noticed old friends drift away, and
new ones come into my life. Initially I was upset by this, but after speaking to
other Far From Its, I realized this was a common occurrence. I learnt to accept
the fact that no matter what I was doing from that point on, if it was outside the
square or even slightly ambitious, there would always be those that would try
and bring me down because of it. Although its unfortunate, thats life. I dealt
with it and now use it as motivation. Its actually a good thing, as it teaches you
who to keep close, and who to disregard.
By that time, Id seen enough evidence of the part mindset plays in life to know
it would be advantageous to spend some time perfecting mine. Id read almost
every self improvement book around, and been to numerous seminars, but
nothing changed my life more than Landmark Education. It taught me how to
control my thoughts and understand my personality. It was a complete insight


into the human mind that no one in the room had ever comprehended before. It
was a 3 day, 36 hour course, so there was obviously a lot more to it than what
Ive mentioned here, but Id strongly encourage everyone to go if they have the
chance. Ive never looked at any situation (business or personal) the same since.

Introduced To Trading

Not long after this I was introduced to Foreign Exchange

(FX) trading by Lewis yet again. His father had been
trading successfully for almost 30 years, and passed his
knowledge onto Lewis, who then taught me. I was
extremely lucky that I was taught the right way the first
time. I learnt the mindset required before the strategies,
which ensured I didnt end up in the majority of traders who lose their
accounts. I demo traded for about 4-5 months, before putting real money into
the markets. By doing this, it allowed me to gain confidence, prove that I could
follow my strategies and become emotionally detached, all while profiting
consistently. At that point I was confident, and earning enough to allow me to
quit my job, so I did just that. It was one of the most liberating moment of my


After seeing the success Lewis and I were

having, friends and family quickly became
interested in learning. By popular demand, we
began running tutorials in our home offices
each night, which is when we discovered that
we loved teaching our strategies. At breakfast

Teaching Family & Friends

one morning, Lewis and I were discussing the massive rally in the Swiss Franc
and how one of our trading students had banked 9% on one trade. We were
juiced that our strategies were making a difference to the lives of those we
cared for most, but agreed that we needed to reach a wider audience.

Innite Prosperity Was Born

With this idea in the back of our minds, we attended a seminar

called the National Achievers Congress. At this seminar we
witnessed the best in their fields present their products to the
audience. We saw that not only were all trading related courses
only offered in person, but also that all of them lacked the vital
component to trading success- psychology. They were also fairly expensive,


with most coming in at $5k each course. At that

point Lewis and I both knew that together we could
offer a more comprehensive, more convenient,
more personalized package for a far lesser price. It
was then that Infinite Prosperity (IP) was born.

We worked on creating IP nearly everyday for approximately a year. Although

we faced several road blocks, the main of which being strict licensing in the
financial sector, we didnt give up and at the time of writing this book, are just
days away from launching. One night while taking a break from working on the


site, I was watching YouTube videos of my dream car at the time - Audi R8s.
After a few clicks, I found myself watching one of this young guy and his R8.
His name was Robert Himler. Given how rare it was to find other young people
doing well and thinking outside the square, Ill admit, I googled him.

Be careful what you wish for!

Meeting Robert

Initially I contacted him introducing myself, and told him

that I thought it would be great if we could work together
on something. Although at the time he said he was too
busy, we kept talking through emails, and eventually
began Skyping fairly regularly. One night while chatting, I
had an overwhelming urge to meet him, and on gut


instinct alone, booked flights to America. After

telling Lewis about the similarities between our
mindsets and Roberts, he too was keen to meet
him, so we both hopped on the 30 hour flight to
the other side of the world. The trip happened to
coincide with Roberts 21st birthday.

We hit it off, and three weeks after Id left, Robert flew to Australia to see me.
Three weeks after that, what do you know, I was on a plane back to America,
and have been here with him ever since. People make such a big deal out of
traveling and being in a different country, but at the end of the day, if
something were to happen, I could be back home again in under 30 hours.
That, coupled with the fact that I had nothing tying me to Australia and the
freedom to earn from anywhere in the world, saw me happily jump back on the

Buying My First Lamborghini

I also decided to buy my first Lamborghini during my time in America. I saw it

for sale, found a way to profit from it, and next thing you know I was getting a


call from the delivery truck saying it was on its way. The car was absolutely
stunning, although Ill admit that after being in
Roberts Twin Turbo Gallardo it did feel a little
lethargic. Itll be put back on a truck shortly to
fix this! Im definitely glad it wasnt TTd to
start with, as driving on the opposite side of
the road to what Im used to in a new Lambo
was daunting enough in itself! I gave Robert
a little scare one of the first mornings after
picking it up while driving the wrong way down a one-way street,
but we wont talk about that!

Buying the car was one of the biggest eye-openers Ive had to date about
mainstream societys mindset. Since buying the car and posting a video of
Robert and I picking it up on YouTube, the response has been crazy. Some
good, some bad. I receive hundreds of emails each week, simply because of
that video. While most are positive, and pertain to me inspiring other young
people, theres also a huge number of negative emails. Nowadays my mindset
is solid enough that it doesnt affect me in the slightest, however I look at them
to try and understand what could possibly be causing the senders reaction. In
most instances its related to jealousy or discomfort with their own lives. The
negativity was not only from strangers whod found me on the internet, but also


from supposed friends back in Australia. Lets not forget this was all because of
a car!

Im glad I experienced this early in life, as not only has it allowed me to

influence people for the better, but its also improved my mindset greatly. Its
all very well saying you understand that youll receive hate on the road to
success, but actually experiencing it is a different story, one that motivates you
to aim higher and never give up. I have big plans for the future, so Id actually


like to thank the haters for putting me in the best frame of mind to achieve

Although my life was nothing out of the ordinary to begin with, it turned
around at the exact same time my mindset did. This has instilled in me a
burning desire to teach and prove to others (especially today's youth), that it is
not your education, but your mindset that determines your journey. New
opportunities present themselves everyday, so its hard to say exactly what Ill
be up to next. One thing I am certain of is that each day Ill set aside 20
minutes to trade, and that Ill spend the other 23 hours and 40 minutes doing
something I love!


Your Questions
What is your motivation when things get hard or you feel down? What keeps you

Robert & Amy: Its rare that we get down as we both know the importance of staying
positive. On the rare occasion that we arent in the best frame of mind to work we go
for a drive, or do something that reminds us why were working in the first place. Its
better to take a break to clear your head than it is to push through and do half-assed

What is one action you consistently take, to keep you progressing in the direction
of your dreams and aspirations?

Robert & Amy: We couldnt name just one action that keeps us progressing. We think
progress is about taking small steps towards your goals every day.


When you were a kid, what was your ultimate goal in life?

Robert: Coming from a family with an automotive background I always had a love for
cars. I was forever playing with my car models as a kid and like many, my goal was to
own a supercar. I think we all grew up with that poster of our dream car on the

Amy: I didnt have one specific goal, but it hit me early on that I despised being told
what to do. I guess thats what pushed me in the direction of working for myself.

What's next for you guys? How do you pick your projects?

Robert: I couldnt even tell you what Im doing for dinner, let alone my next project. I
always have about 4 or 5 projects on the go which keeps me motivated and interested.

Amy: Most of our projects come about spontaneously. Well be out at dinner or grocery
shopping and think of something that could make the task better, easier or different.
In the time Robert and I have been together we could name probably about 100 things
weve thought of doing, but havent had the time to pursue yet. For example, take a
look at It came about because of a running joke we had about the way
I said GT-R (with my Australian accent). Our followers caught on and one day I jokingly
said that we should redesign the GT-R logo. We did it that afternoon, had stickers
made and have now donated thousands to charity through selling these online. As far


as whats next, youll have to wait and see which crazy idea we choose to work on after
FarFrom.It. The only thing I know for certain is that Ill always be trading.

What it's like to be a YouTube partner and what does it take to get the

Robert: For those that are unfamiliar , the YouTube Partner Program allows video
creators, such as myself, to share video ad revenue with YouTube, and further brand
your channel with custom graphics. You also receive priority access to new features
and much more.

Being a YouTube partner is fun! It allows you to create content you enjoy making, while
profiting from others enjoying it too. Its also fun collaborating with other YouTubers
and sharing one anothers audience. All in all, I really love doing it- its probably one
of my favorite hobbies. If youre one of my subscribers- thanks for the support!

Becoming a YouTube partner is quite difficult nowadays, as theyre looking for people
that already have a large engaged audience. In other words, they want to see
thousands of subscribers and hundreds of thousand of views on your account before
theyll even consider you. Your content needs to be 100% original, with no copyright
infringements. So make sure those tracks are royalty free!


I got partnership back in 2007 through an email invite, as the program was new and I
was one of the largest independent automotive channels.

If you woke up tomorrow as someone else, with a small amount of cash in your
pocket, what would you do to rebuild your empire?

Robert: Given my experience with the web Id obviously start there. Initially Id create
projects to take care of my living expenses. What I mean by this is projects that take a
day or two to kick out such as photo blogs or one page utility apps. They would easily
take care of my food, gas, rent etc. This would ensure that I wouldnt have to get a
9-5, and that I had all the time in the world to work on a more serious project.

Amy: Id go about it the same way I started- reselling goods on eBay. As I mentioned
before, the high profit margins on some products combined with the low overheads
make it a great place to start. With the capital this would produce Id begin trading
again, whilst working on other side projects.

I want to learn the way to be financially independent, but the world is so wide and
varied. Where should I start other than books?

Robert & Amy: As we discussed, we always recommend that people start with their
passions. Prior to reading this book you may have had no exposure to the Far From It
mindset, but you should now be familiar with the way we began our journeys.


Discover your passion, and find a way to make it profitable. Books are great for
mindset and general knowledge, but to become financially independent you actually
need to find a way to put this knowledge into practice. Everyone has the next big idea,
but its those that actually get out there and do something about it that are rewarded.
Its great that you expand your knowledge by reading, but make sure this isnt all
youre doing. Get out there and try something!

What does it feel like when people that never believed in you see you succeed?

Robert: Its the best feeling in the world! I cant even begin to tell you how many
people used to laugh at me in high school. Whether I was creating videos, or putting
together different web projects, someone always had something to say. Its funny how
even at a young age people have something to say on being different. Now its those
exact same people (I kid you not) that message me and ask for advice. You can bet
your ass they dont receive a reply. So if my answer wasnt convincing enough, it feels
great! And for the record, I did drive my Lamborghini to my high school prom.

Amy: Im in the same boat as Robert. As soon as I began trading I faced massive
opposition from almost everyone, some of my family and friends included. It wasnt
because they didnt believe in me, I think it was more that the fact that it made them
uncomfortable about their own lives. Of course, as soon as they saw the success I was
having with it, they were lining up for lessons. Theyre still waiting.


What is the most money you ever spent or lost at once?

Robert: The most Ive spent is on luxury items such as watches or cars. Whenever I
spend a decent amount, I always calculate the return on investment or expected losses
first. For example, my Audemars has appreciated roughly 30% since I bought it. I didnt
hesitate writing a check for $100,000 to Underground Racing for a turbo kit on my
Lamborghini either, as I knew it would generate a ton of buzz and new viewers for my
YouTube channel. As far as losing goes, the most Ive ever lost was from getting
greedy on the stock market. Amys helping me to better my mindset and risk manage.

Amy: As I trader, I have to deal with large wins and losses on a daily basis. Ive trained
myself to always look at this as a percentage, rather than a dollar value. For example,
some people may be terrified to lose $50,000 on one trade, but if that amount only
represents 1% percent of your account it puts things into perspective. Im at the point
where Im emotionally detached from my account balance, which is ideal.

What routine or process do you go through each day that keeps you motivated
and your mind open? What do you do to channel away any negative energy that
might interfere with your creative thinking?

Robert: As dumb as it sounds, the reason I daily drive a supercar is because thats what
Im passionate about. Waking up and driving to my office puts me in a positive state of
mind, and inspires me to work hard towards my next goal. Ive learnt to ignore the


negative energy, as I know that no matter who you are, when you do something
different, there will always be haters.

Amy: Im motivated by the negativity. Waking up each day knowing that majority of
society thinks I cant or shouldnt be doing something is what gets me going. If I find
myself getting negative, I go for a drive or a run to clear my mind before getting back
into it.

What are your parent's jobs?

Robert & Amy: Were asked this question a lot, mainly because people want to use the
answer as some sort of justification for our success. We discussed this concept in the
essay on excuses, so you should be aware that upbringing has very little to do with
success. Weve already used Oprah as an example to demonstrate this. On the flip side
you could take a look at Paris Hilton. She was born into a successful family, had every
opportunity to make something of her life, yet if you google her youll find sex tapes
and mug shots. With that in mind:

Amy: Single mother who is a school teacher.

Robert: Parents own a car dealership.


Prior to the two of you coming together on this project, how did you go about
selecting partners to work with?

Robert & Amy: Depends on the project and the skills required. Trust and work ethic are
the main considerations. We both generally work with people we knew prior to the

What is your key to patience? When starting a new project at least a year or more
of hard work has to happen before anything happens. Most people want instant
gratification. How do you guys push yourselves everyday to keep going with no

Robert: Seeing progress no matter how small is what keeps me going. If youre
passionate about the project, youll naturally be excited to work on it each day.
Sometimes Ill spend the entire day working on something trivial like a sign up button,
because I know that every little piece contributes to the perfect experience for the
user. Although it may not be monetarily rewarding at that point, it keeps me satisfied
knowing that Im producing quality work.

Amy: Im extremely impatient- just ask my Mum! I think this is a good thing when you
work for yourself, as Im constantly pushing for things to be completed. Knowing
theres a light at the end of the tunnel and that eventually you will see the benefits of
your work is what keeps me going.


I graduated from a Top 20 University in California and I've been looking for a
decent job for the last two years to no avail. How is this possible? It seems like
the video from Infinite Prosperity is true, at least the college part.

Amy: Exactly. People think that by going to college they are guaranteeing themselves a
secure future. These days, the only way to secure your future is to take matters into
your own hands. People spend more time, money and effort attending interviews and
essentially begging for an income, than they would on creating their own. With the
knowledge youve gained from your degree, Im certain that with a little creativity you
could begin making money on your own accord.

You should explain what programming languages you need to know to get
started, and what to learn once you get the basics down. The advantages of using
Ruby on Rails compared to others, and how much it generally costs to get a
website up and running.

Robert: There is no such thing as a programming language you need to know. All
programming languages (Ruby, PHP, Java, .NET, etc) have the ability to do almost any
job. It comes down to personal preference in syntax and the requirements of your
server. Personally, I use Ruby (and the Rails framework) as its extremely easy to read
and pleasant on the eyes. In other words, I enjoy writing it. While the most common
programing language on the web is PHP, I personally dont find it to be the most
efficient language to write.


Is higher education necessary for entrepreneurship? Or is it better to just gain


Robert & Amy: As weve mentioned throughout the book, tertiary education in most
circumstances teaches you to join the mainstream workforce. We believe self education
is definitely a better option for those looking for something other than a 9-5 lifestyle.

Whats the biggest secret to success?

Amy: I think everything comes down to mindset. Of course its the actions you take
that count, but mindset is what drives every action. I always find it crazy looking back
on events in my life, how they were influenced by thoughts at the time, and the
circumstances they ultimately led to. For example, if I never contemplated an alternate
way of living, I would have never dropped out of college, never began trading, never
started my own business , never met Robert and certainly wouldnt have moved to
America. Id probably still be at university and working part time to make ends meet.
Every thought drives an action, which is why I believe its so important to control your
thoughts before they control you.

Robert: Wholeheartedly agree with Amy, but if there was one formula to follow I think
it would be this. Discover your passion, find a way to profit from it and be the best in
your field. Focus on the process rather than the profits. By doing this, youll find that
work is enjoyable rather than a chore.


Is it better to start early in creating a business, or is it better to wait until I am at

an older, more experienced age to take on something as big as creating a new

Robert & Amy: Why wait? The way youll gain experience is by getting in and giving it a
go- experience doesnt magically come with age. Youre always going to make
mistakes, but by making them early in life it gives you more time to learn from them.

How did you promote your projects without spending huge amounts of cash?

Robert: Leading up to the launch of your project, youre obviously going to market
through social media, but what you need to realize is that the world is much larger
than just your followers. To reach a much wider audience, its a good idea to reach out
to blogs in your niche. Companies and people that run these pages make a living from
posting stories about up and coming projects, so dont be afraid to contact them and
let them know about your work. Youd be surprised to see how willing they are to
share your creation, especially if youve made some great points in your pitch.

Another thing youll want to do is put up some sort of landing page, where you can
collect emails of those interested in your product. Hook them with a hint of what is to
come, either through text, pictures or videos. For example, when Amy and Lewis were
launching Infinite Prosperity, they created a very persuasive video, along with some
simple bullet points to generate interest. Below was an email form, which helped them
collect tens of thousands of potential customers details. This way, when you launch,


you already have a database full of people interested in your product that you can
market to. None of these ideas cost you a cent, and youll be surprised at how much
buzz they create!

Did you spend all your free time on projects? I sometimes take a break and play
some video games / take a drive, but always feel guilty, cause it's time that could
be spent better.

Robert & Amy: Were both guilty of this as well! Although you may want to spend every
second working on your idea, its important to force yourself to take a break every now
and then. This ensures you stay motivated and dont burn out.

How does it feel? Being financially independent, having a garage full of super
cars, living the life. I want to be able to imagine it better.

Robert & Amy: Honestly, while the toys are a lot of fun, at the end of the day theyre
just meaningless possessions. They dont change your personality, or make you a
different person. The thing that feels great, is working for ourselves, and being able to
do what we want, when we want. With this kind of freedom, the possibilities are


What was your biggest fear when starting your journey?

Robert: I really had no worries at all when starting out. I was in middle school, living at
home with nothing on the line and everything to gain. It began as a hobby, and turned
into a business, so at the time I didnt think of it as the start of my journey.

Amy: Prior to trading live I had been demo trading for almost 6 months. The results
proved that I was following my strategy, risk managing properly and seeing consistent
returns. Therefore, when it came time to put real money into the market, I had no

What was the feeling like getting handed your keys to your first Lamborghini.

Robert: March 16, 2009 probably marks one of the greatest days of my life. Taking
delivery of my first Lamborghini. Ill never forget the first time I mashed that throttle
down and heard the roar of that V10. Looking back now, this was the absolute best
thing I have ever done in my life. If youre ever on the fence about purchasing an exotic
car, DO IT! The relationships and business opportunities this car has presented to me
cannot be matched. Remember, you only live once.

Amy: Picking it up was a surreal feeling. I kept saying to Rob that it didnt feel like it
was really mine. It took a little while to sink in but after a while you realize that its just
a car. Dont get me wrong I absolutely love it, but it certainly made me realize that I
much prefer experiences to material things!


If you where to start from scratch what would you do differently?

Robert: Nothing.

Amy: I would have started earlier, youre never too young.

What did you do in high school (money wise). Did you borrow from your parents
or do something yourself?

Amy: Throughout high school I still had a fairly average mindset. I worked part- time
the whole way through. The one good thing about this was that it taught me how much
I despised working for someone else.

Robert: By high school I was making my own money online. My parents saw this, and
how passionate I was about the web, so never tried to make me get a real job. In fact,
my senior year of high school, I did work study where I could leave each day at 10am
to gain real job experience. Meanwhile, my parents were signing the hours off for me,
and allowing me to work on my web projects from home. It was great that I had their


How do you manage to stay so humble?

Robert & Amy: We both stay grounded by remembering to appreciate even the little
things. If one of us is acting spoilt, the other will generally call it out! We also love
giving back and seeing the effect it has on others. For example, we held a go kart day
for our followers recently, where we promised the 3 best time getters a ride in our
cars. After seeing how easy it was to make someones day, we ended up giving
everyone rides, including the staff. I think we loved it just as much them!

Who served as inspiration?

Robert: David Heinemeier Hansson (creator of Ruby on Rails), and Jason Fried. As the
partners behind 37signals, a bootstrapped and profitable company, these two promote
an attitude I fully agree with. Theyve proven that to be successful, its not necessary to
take the mainstream route through the corporate business world or reach out for
outside funding. Their simplistic approach to their products coupled with their
confidence to speak their mind, regardless of how brutal it appears, has made them
two people I really respect.

Amy: Timothy Ferris. Ferris promotes an attitude and way of life I completely relate to.
His disregard for social norms and thirst for excitement made his book, 4 Hour Work
Week, one of the best Ive ever read. Robert and I are both inspired by those who
refuse to settle, do things their own way and disregard societal norms in the process.


What was your number one goal when you were making Razzi? Getting wealthy,
or to create something you liked?

Robert: I created Razzi because I spotted a need for a photo sharing site with revenue
sharing (like YouTube does for videos). You should never begin a project, with your
number one goal being to make money. Sure, you should have a plan to turn a profit,
as thats how businesses survive, but your main focus should be creating a quality

If you have questions that youd like to be answered feel free to post them in the
forum! Were more than happy to answer any of your questions.


At this point you should be eager to get started on your own journey, but might
be a little fuzzy on where to start. Remember to start with your passions, and
find ways to make them profitable. To give you a push in the right direction,
weve compiled a list of the best online resources weve come across. You can
find our recommendations on the Far From It forum at this address below.
There youll find our favorite resources on the following topics:

Getting Started on the Web

Getting Started with Programming
Getting Started with App Development (iOS and Android)
Getting Started with FX Trading
Getting Started with E-commerce
Ebooks and Digital Products
General Self- Development

Click Here For Our Recommendations


The Next Step

Although this is the end of the book, its the beginning of your journey. As part of your
purchase, you now have access to the Far From It Forum. Our aim is to create an online
community full of like minded people, as we both know how important support and
collaboration is when attempting to live like a Far From It. It also provides us with a
place to personally connect with each and every person reading this book, should they
have any questions for us. Discussion includes topics such as Goal Setting, Motivation,
Idea Pitches, Marketing, Legal Issues, Failures & Mistakes, eCommerce, Web
Development/Programming, Find A Partner/Collaborate, Graphic Design and Regional
Chat. It also includes off topic chat on lifestyle, such as Cars, Sports, Music,
Technology, Travel and more. You can also have us or others review your website, app,
or project in general.

See you there!

Visit The Forum


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