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The tattoo can be defined as a permanent design on the skin that conveys
message or has a deep meaning for that individual. The tattoo is an
intrinsic part of a person`s physical appearance. We can trace the
presence of tattoos back in 6000 B.C.E in France and Portugal being
discovered in the caves pictures of human with tattoos. The main reasons
for wearing tattoos are aesthetical one (as adornment), as a mark of
mystical power, as a mark of status and since then the tattoo has become
a phenomenon and spread out in all Europe and North American society.
According to literature, in the late eighteenth century tattoos were
introduced in England by sailors returning wearing tattoos as souvenirs
from their expeditions in Tahiti. The tattoos convey messages, personal
meanings, collective representations, a sense of belonging to a tribe, a
group, or social category and throughout of history they were a personal
choice or a imposed by others (a punishment sign for criminals etc).
What are the main meanings of a tattoo and what lies behind this choice
of having imprinted on the body a permanent sign? Among the main
reasons we could mention: to identify themselves, to mark a meaningful
aspect of their life; to honour cherished people; to convey a personal
message to the world; for artistic, fashion, aesthetics reasons; to get
attention and to feel special or as a need to increase self-esteem; out of
rebellion, on a impulsiveness or purely imitation; due to addiction, etc.
My attention will focus now a brief analysis of Tattoo in Japan and the main
differences between the Japanese`s and Europeans` collective
representations. Over the centuries, tattooing has been used as a form of
punishment for crimes and a marker for the people that has been cast out
from the society. Japanese-style tattoos associated with Jakuza
distinguishes themselves by full-body coverage and represents part of the
initiation process before entering the yakuza, the irreversibility of entering
the group and a proof of dedication and endless loyalty due to the lengthy
and painful process one is willing to pass through offering his body as a
sign of his commitment and adherence.

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