Literatur A

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Primarna literatura

1. Roterdamski, Erazmo, Pohvala ludosti, , Beograd, 2012.

Sekundarna literatura

Kora, Veljko, predgovor za Pohvalu ludosti, , Beograd, 2012.

3. Huizinga, Johan, Erasmus and the age of reformation, HARPER & ROW, New
York, Evanston and London, 2007.
4. Zweig, Stefan, Erasmo de Rotterdam-Triunfo y tragedia, Soc, de Beip. Ltda.
Bartolom Mitre, Buenos Aires, 1944.
5. Levi, A.H.T., The importance of Praise of Folly,foreword to Praise of Folly,
Penguin Books, London, 1993.
6. Coy, Jason Philip, The brief history of Germany, Maple Press, York, PA, New
York, 2010.
Ilustracije na naslovnoj strani: gravire Hansa Holbajna Mlaeg

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