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Revitalization of Bankerohan Market

Catalysts for Opportunities on Commerce and Community

ARCH 234 - Community Architecture 3


1.1. Repair linkages of Bankerohan to Metro

1.2. Create wide and defined exclusive

pedestrian paths.


1.1.1. Widen pedestrian access to Bankerohan Market from
Pichon and Marfori Streets.
1.1.2. Extend Posadas Street towards Quirino Avenue and
make the new stretch an exclusively pedestrian path.
1.1.3. Make the site edges flanking Quirino Avenue and A.
Pichon St. pervious to human traffic.
1.1.4. Create a path that permeates from to the center of site
from the pedestrian overpass along Quirino Avenue.
1.1.5. Cater to Transport Terminals and Jeepney Stops within
proximity of site nodes
1.2.1. Pedestrianize the stretch of Marfori Street that bisects
the site from the corner of San Pedro St. to Datu Bago St.
This will be a hybrid of a public park/activity area and a
circulation space, and will feature a bike lane, and overhead
semi-opaque canopy across it's length.
1.2.2. Extend Posadas Street towards Quirino Avenue andwill
be the first of two pedestrian arteries perpendicular to the
Marfori pedestrian artery. This will follow the existing width of
Posadas street and will feature a median garden bike paths.
1.2.3. Introduce new path connecting the existing overhead
pedestrian walkway crossing Quirino Avenue to Rasay St.
This will be the second minor artery perpendicular to the
Marfori pedestrian artery.

1.3. Promote bicycles as integral part of the

network system.

1.3.1. Introduce bikeways on all main networks. The major

arteries of A. Pichon St., Rasay St., and Dato Bago St. will be
provided with a buffered bike lane 1800mm wide with
600mm buffers.
1.3.2. The designed main pedestrian arteries of Marfori and
Posadas Streets will have a prtected shared bike lane
1800mm wide with 600mm vegetative buffers on both sides.
1.3.3. The minor pedestrian artery created by ITEM 1.2.3.
shall allow bicycle use shared with pedestrians.
1.3.4. The minor veins (found in the inside of the markets)
shall accomodate at least 1800mm paths to allow shared
pedestrian and bicycle use.

1.4. Re-organize traffic circulation to prioritize

non-motorized and pedestrian modes from
motorized modes.

1.4.1. Allow jeepney stops on only the following key points A.)
Corner of Quirino Avenue and A. Pichon St., B.) Corner of
Marfori and A. Pichon Sts., C.) Corner of Rasay and A. Pichon
Sts., D.) Corner of Posadas and Rasay Sts., E.) Corner of
Rasay and Datu Bago Sts., F.) Corner of Datu Bago and
Marfori Sts., with a terminal at the end of Datu Bago Street.
1.4.2. Allow tricycle to hold terminal on only the following key
points: A.) Corner of A. Pichon St. and Quirino Avenue, B.)
Along Rasay St., and C.) Terminal at the end of Datu Bago St.
1.4.3. Allow market delivery trucks only along the main roads
of A. Pichon, Rasay and Datu Bago Sts., and with the service
alley in between Marfori St. and Quirino Avenue.
1.4.4. Allow private cars only along the main roads of A.
Pichon, Rasay and Datu Bago Sts., and with the service alley
in between Marfori St. and Quirino Avenue. Parking of private
vehicles limited to these roads.
1.4.5. Create a parking structure to accomodate to the
marketgoers at Rasay St. from the market that is no longer
being utilized.

2.1. Establish an intelligible site axis

2.1.1. Define Marfori Avenue as the main axis of the new

development, perpendicular to it are the arteries Posadas St.
and the new minor pedestrian path connected to the

Revitalization of Bankerohan Market

Catalysts for Opportunities on Commerce and Community
ARCH 234 - Community Architecture 3
2.2. Cultivate a new but familiar community
market experience thru the built environment

2.2.1. Color Code the Market Buildings with oversized

Signages Telling of what it sells. It is envisioned to look like
an oversized outdoor grocery with large legible letters.
2.2.2. Use symbols discretely embedded on the columns or
blank walls buildings and structures to indicate what it sells
and as a tool for wayfinding.
2.2.3. Open the existing food area and make it an al fresco
dining experience and use it as an extension to the main
node of the Posadas St. and Marfori St.
2.2.4. Use different floor materials per zone of development.
Pedestrian walkways would have pervious brown brick
paverss. Vehicular shared paths would have asphalt with it's
sidewalks in pervious grey brick pavers. Market interiors in

2.3. Define and accentuate site gateways and


2.3.1. Provide gateways at known vehicular entrypoints at A.

Pichon St. and at the Quirino Avenue Southbound fork. These
could be Contemporary Madayao inspired worked on by local
artists such as Kublai.
2.3.2. Provide a sculptural installation within a garden feature
at the following main intersections: A.)Marfori - Posadas, B.)
Marfori - New Path, C.) Marfori - Dato Bago
2.3.3. Provide contemporary sculptural portals at both ends
of following pedestrian paths: A.) Posadas stretch B.) Marfori
Stretch and C ) New Path
2.4.1. The minor veins (found inside the building) create an
exciting and relatively more organic market experience
compared to the the structured organization of blocks
2.4.2. The existing geography and building syntax on site
particularly the changes in elevation from Rasay to Marfori
and bent main pedestrian paths create opportunities for
3.1.1. The intersection of Marfori and Posadas street will
house a plaza that will have an al fresco dining to its South,
and streetfood to its North.
3.1.2. Make the main pedestrianized paths of Marfori and
Posadas Street flexible to accommodate exhibitions, concerts,
temporary installations, gatherings and community sporting
or socio-political events.
3.1.3. The Marfori main artery will be lined with interactive
installations that encourages people to engage it like exercise
bars and musical art pieces.
3.1.4. Integration of transport modalities are encouraged
within the perimeter of the market, but is relativly limited in
the pedestrianized interiors with the exception of bicycles.

2.4. Yield avenues for chance experiences




3.1. Create open spaces that cater to multiple

activities and function

3.2 Lay paths that opens opportunities for

multiple uses

3.2.1. Defined walkways like that connected to the Quirino

overpass will be lined with a dry market goods a la Souq.
3.2.2. Pockets and Niches in the minor walkways will be able
to accomodate small performances and stands from street

3.3. Foster an ecosystem that is cohesively

diurnal and nocturnal

3.3.1. Provide high-character street lamps designed by local

artists at every 25 meters along the stretch of Marfori and
Posadas Sts.
3.3.2. Integrate diffused skylights for all market buildings and
covered walkways to allow natural light in during the day.
3.3.3. Integrate striplighting to covered walkways.
3.3.4. All planters found on building edges and corners will
have uplights so as to create a lit environment even after the
markets have closed.

4.1. Smoothen physical edges of place

4.1.1. Building and site edges will be designed with pocket

gardens to soften corners.
4.1.2. Vertical walls of old buildings facing the paths will be
covered with a green wall.
4.1.3. Elevate or conceal cars in the parking structure from
view inside the market. Create low plant hedges protected by
metal railings to obscure cars from view in roadside parking

Revitalization of Bankerohan Market

Catalysts for Opportunities on Commerce and Community
ARCH 234 - Community Architecture 3
4.2. Develop the district's gastro-tourism

4.3. Embed Local Artists and Their Works to

Enhance The Sensorial Landscape of the Site


5.1. Save existing and repair damaged living


5.2. Water recovery

5.3. Integration of off-grid power opportunities

5.4. Rehabilitation and re-use of old buildings


6.1. Retain and/or allow vegetation on free and

transition spaces

6.2. Integrate market's indoors outdoors

4.2.1. Organize a night food market at the created plaza

intersection of Marfori St. and Posadas St.
4.2.2. Food Trucks and carts will be allowed inside Marfori
St. to a vibrant gustatorial environment.
4.2.3. Streetfood establishments will be encouraged on the
northern portion of Posadas to extend the food market
4.3.1. Involve known local visual artists in creating the
environment of the new development. This will include
design of street posts, sculptural installations at nodes,
painting at blank walls, and pavement art pieces.
4.3.2. Involve the local art and music community in creating
an auditory and visual experiences along the open spaces. It
is envisioned that street artists and musicians will be playing
along the stretch of Marfori street.
4.3.3. Bas relief and different building textures will be
introduced in the market buildings to create an
somatosensorial experience.
5.1.1. Nurture and protect existing trees with half metal tree
guards. This are in wrough iron with embellishment to match
artwork as done by renowned Davao artists.
5.1.2. Clean natural water runoff path along Rasay and
Marfori Sts.
5.2.1. Use pervious brick pavers for defined major pedestrian
5.2.2. Use pervious concrete floors for minor pedestrian
5.3.1. Incorporate photovoltaic cells in existing market roof
systems that face South to maximize capture of solar power.
5.3.2. Accommodate small micro-turbines to assist in
providing power to the lights at night.Orient microturbines
along the stretch of Marfori street which is oriented Northeast
to Southwest. This, on top of a relatively elevation. would
allow it to take advantage of the Amihan and Habagat winds.
5.4.1. Identify underutilized buildings along Posadas and
Datu Bago Streets, and renovate them for new use or as
administrative (ie. Police/ Health/ Maintenance) to the new
5.4.2. Explore underutilized buildings for use as support
facilities to the the new development (ie. Material recovery
facility/ Toilets) and decorate them to assimilate to the new
community architecture
6.1.1. Provide a public park along the pedestrianized Marfori
and Posadas Streets
6.1.2. Introduce pocket parks to soften building edges
6.1.3. Allow for vertical gardens to be applied on bare vertical
surfaces of buildings.
6.1.4. Encourage garden roofs for buildings along Posadas
St. with roof decks and flat roofs.
6.2.1. Open market edges to the paths flanking it and allow
its interior corridors to integrate freely with them.
6.2.2. Border structures with plantboxes containing endemic
plants and flowers. These plantboxes must define edges but
should obstruct sight lines.
6.2.3. Create interior gardens for markets that is in aligned
with the new site morphology and axis.

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