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We use power everyday. Can you imagine not using the lights ora car? Power comes from
energy sources. Most of the power we use comes from limited sources. This means it can be
used up.What will happen then? Renewable energy sources can never be used up! Many think
we should use these other sources instead.
Non-renewable vs. Renewable
Energy comes from two types of sources. Some energy sources are non-renewable. They will
eventually be used up. This is true for fossil fuels, like coal and petroleum, and natural
gases.Renewable energy sources occur in nature. They cannot be used up. They include wind,
sunlight, water, and biomass.

Most of the energy used in the U.S. is non-renewable.

Benefits of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy resources are good for the environment. They do not make carbon
compounds that harm the Earth. Non-renewable resources make gases that warm our Earth.
This is not good! Renewable energy resources do not make these gases.They do not create
Wind Power
The wind has a lot of power! Wind turbines turn the winds power into electricity. Wind farms
can be set up areas where the wind is strong. A wind farm is a group of turbines put together.

Each turbine has blades that spin like a fan. As they spin, they power a generator. The
generator creates electricity.There are wind farms in Texas, Iowa, California, Minnesota, and

A wind turbine farm

Solar Power
The sunlight can also be made into electricity. Solar cells make electricity from the sun. It can
power a device connected to the solar cell. Smaller solar cells can power calculators. Larger
cells can be put together to make a lot of electricity. They can make power for a whole building!

Solar panels in Nevada

Power from Water

Water can also create electricity. There are two different forms of power using water. The first
is hydropower. It uses the energy inflowing water to create electricity. Water can spin a turbine
that powers a generator. Hydropower is the largest renewable energy source in the U.S.

Hydroelectric plants at Niagara Falls

Another way to create electricity with water is tidal power. It uses the oceans waves. Wave
energy devices collect the energy from waves. It turns it into electricity.
Geothermal Power
Geothermal means Earths heat. Geothermal power uses the heat in the Earth to create
energy. About 10 feet underground, it is 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Using a heat pump,
water can flow down to this level. It can be heated by the earth and then pumped back up. It
can then be used to heat or cool a home.Geothermal power is common in the western U.S.

A geothermal heat pump

Biomass can also be used to create energy. Biomass comes from plants and animals. Wood,
dried plants, crops, and even garbage can be made into electricity. How do we get energy from
biomass? One way is by burning it. When biomass is burned, its energy makes heat. It can be
used to warm homes. Biomass can also be decomposed to create energy. When it rots, it makes
methane gas. The gas can be used to power generators.Biomass can also be fermented to make

energy. Crops with a lot of sugar, like corn, are fermented to make ethanol. It can then be made
into biodiesel and be used to power cars. Biodiesel is one of the fastest growing fuel sources in
the U.S.

This bus runs completely on biodiesel.

Renewable Energy in the United States

The U.S. government has spent a lot of time and money on renewable energy. We are starting
to use more renewable energy. Still, only 9% of the energy used in the U.S. comes from
renewable sources. Most energy comes from burning fossil fuels and natural gas.
New and better technology will help more people use green energy. Renewable energy is good
for our planet. Renewable energy resources will never run out. This means we will have energy
to support people for many, many years.

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