Practicality Debate

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In his own words, Peter Drucker, the Father of Modern Management promoted

building islands of strength, Madam chair and fellow contenders, good evening, with this
we the affirmative position practically reiterate our stand to legislate Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) in the Philippines. Learning from a concrete example with Indias
recent implementation in April 2014 as reported by Forbes (2014), being the first country
to enact a 294-page new CSR law mandating the establishment of a CSR board
committee in corporations, and allocate 2% of the corporations net profits of the last
three years to CSR activities/projects. Further supporting our claim in practicability in
this informal sector, increasing number of companies have already engaged in CSR
related activities geared toward environment and community based programs as
reported paragraph 1, p.6 in Business and Development research by the Asian Institute
of Management (AIM) which presented companies active after calamities, particularly
typhoon Sendong, Ondoy, etc. The increasing number of participating companies in
CSR related activities and evident exposure connote and encourage this informal
voluntary sector to be an established formal sector in need to be protected and
monitored. In the case of Belgica v. Ochoa, whereas according to the Commission on
Audit (CoA) released results of a 3 year audit investigation in its Report No. 2012-03
(CoA Report), which proved that Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) and
Various Infrastructures including Local Projects (VILP) funds were also transferred to 82
NGOs under Janet Lim Napoles (JLN) Corporation, which were either unregistered and
used multiple tax identification Number (TIN). Such report reaffirms our contention for
the first need for change whereas the use of CSR activities as loopholes for large scale
to medium scale corporations. In the case of Abe vs. Foster Wheeler Corp (110 Phil.
198 203 (1960)), as also cited in the case of Oposa vs. Factoran (GR 101083), in
paragraph 2, page 9, applied the Court ruling: the freedom of contract under our
system of government is not meant to be absolute, the same is understood to be
subject to reasonable legislative regulation aim at the promotion of public health, safety,
moral and general welfare. In other words, the constitutional guaranty of nonimpairment of obligations of contracts is limited by the exercise of police power of the
State and in the interest of the public health, safety, moral and general welfare. Which
provides an understanding our contention on a stare decis application of the Section 10,
Article 3, of the 1987 Constitution is limited, and when corporations engage in CSR
activities involving the general public is the diligent concern of the Republic. As cited in
published study entitled Comparative Perspective on Global Corporate Social
Responsibility by Jamali and Dima (2016), which described the Philippine mining policy
environment has too many layers of convoluted requirements and diffused mandates.
Complexity was described to have invited negotiation creating opportunities for
corruption and bribery. It was even recommended that the Philippine mining regulatory
environment needs to be simplified, lines of accountability streamlined, institutional

mandate and boundaries clarified (Jamali and Dima, 2016,p.200), which reaffirms our
3rd need for change due to complexity.
We in the affirmative position recognize the costs faced at hand when dealing
with CSR activities, as evident in our Private and Public Partnerships (PPPs) which
were implemented and flourished during the last Ninoy Aquino Administration, created
more infrastructure and investment and more job retention. Established partnership
offered sustainable and streamlined business services in building infrastructure and fast
service in the advent of technological adoption as evident in online government
registrations such as the agency of NBI. Sustainable CSR practices are practically
integrated by companies such as Ayala as a recent award recipient Asian CSR Awards

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