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Topic & Break-up

Page No.

Global Steel Scenario & Indian Steel Industry


Historical background

Indian History

Global scenario

Growth of Indian Steel Sector

Outlook for Indian Economy

Steel Demand in India

An Overview of National Steel Policy

Industry Structure

Critical Inputs to Steel Production


NINL An Overview

Major Equipments and Facilities


History of Plant


Process Flow and Description


Major Production Units and their Role

Coke Oven & By-Product Plant


Sinter Plant


Blast Furnace


Power Plant


Raw Material Handling Plant


Major Services and their Role

Infrastructure Facility


Repair Facility


QC Laboratory







Other Functions and their Roles

Production Planning and Control


Total Quality Process


Total Quality Management


Awareness of ISO Standard


Quality Circle


Steel Zone Expansion



Major Technological Facilities


Estimated Volume of Work


Breif Description of the Units


Captive Iron Ore Mines



Present Raw Material Procurement




Chapter - 1
Global Steel Scenario & Indian Steel Industry


Though Iron and steel have been used by men for almost 6000 years, yet the modern
form of iron and steel industry came into being only during the 19th century. The
growth and development of iron and steel industry in the world until the Second World
War was comparatively slower. But the industry has grown very rapidly after the
Second World War. World production of steel, which was only 28.3 million tonnes (MT)
in 1900, rose to 695 MT by 1992. The oil crisis of the seventies affected the entire
economy of the world including the steel industry. The position started improving after
1983 and peaked at 780 MT in 1989. World Steel production was around 1414MT in


Historical Background
There are evidences that man knew the use of iron since the ancient civilization of
Babylon, Mexico, Egypt, China, India, Greece and Rome. Archeological findings in
Mesopotamia and Egypt have proved that iron or steel has been in the service of
mankind for nearly 6000 years. The origin of the methods used by early man for
extracting iron from its ores is unknown.
In early days the product probably was so relatively soft and unpredictable, that bronze
continued to be preferred for many tools and weapons. Eventually iron replaced the
nonferrous metal for these purposes when man learned how to master the difficult arts
of smelting, forging, hardening and tempering iron.
Iron, in the beginning was smelted by charcoal made from wood. Later coal was
discovered as a great source of heat. Subsequently, it was converted into coke, which
was found to be ideal for smelting of iron. Iron kept its dominant place for 200 or more
years after the Saugas works that was the first successful Iron Works in America
founded in 1646. With the advance of Industrial Revolution, iron formed the rails for
the newly invented railroad trains. It was also used to armour the sides of the fighting
ships. About the mid-19th century the new age of steel began with the invention of
Bessemer process (1856) making steel available in large quantities at reasonable cost.


Indian History
Indian history is also replete with references to the usage of iron and steel. Some of the
ancient monuments like the famous iron pillar near New Delhi or the massive beams
used in the Sun Temple at Konark bear ample testimony to the technological excellence
of the Indian metallurgists.

The history of iron in India goes back to the ancient era. Our ancient literary sources
like Rig Veda, the Atharva Veda, the Puranas and other Epics are full of references to
iron and to its uses in peace and war. According to one of the studies, iron has been
produced in India for over 3000 years, in primitive, small scale facilities.


Global Scenario
International steel sector is reflecting the global trends in business environment. The
early years of the 21st century have set the pattern for the future. Asia has increased
its share of production. Although consumption of steel is likely to increase in most
regions of the world in the medium term, growth in industrialized nations is likely to be
much slower than the average growth in demand across the world. Developing countries
and the emerging economies are likely to have the fastest rate of growth in steel
demand in the future.
In the developed world, the EU is expected to experience stagnant demand in the
medium term, while the NAFTA block is likely to see low positive growth in
consumption. In Japan, demand for steel has steadily declined in recent years due to
restrictions on Government spending in construction projects as well as weak consumer
demand. A modest growth is anticipated in the manufacturing and building sectors as
the economic performance improves. However, the medium term projection is for a
reduction in overall steel consumption in Japan.
Amongst the developing economies, China requires special mention. Chinas apparent
consumption of finished steel during 1996 was 97 million tonnes, which amounted to
around 15% of world finished steel consumption. However, by the year 2007, Chinas
consumption figure reached a staggering 310 million tonnes, accounting for around
30% of the total world finished steel consumption. Chinas steel consumption is still
growing at a fast pace and as per IISI estimates. The steel production of China during
2010 was 626 million tones which is 44% of the total steel production of the world.
Finished steel consumption in the world has crossed a billion tonnes in 2005. However,
despite the growth in consumption there are apprehensions of excess production as
compared to global demand. As per the estimates by the WSD, world finished steel
production, which stands today at more than 1.4 billion tonnes a year, is expected to
cross 1.5 billion tonnes by 2012.
As the trend in the world is towards producing low cost steel by using more
environmental friendly means, steel producers worldwide are adopting new
technologies like Corex and Compact Strip Casting, adopting alternate routes like
Electric Arc Furnace instead of the traditional Blast Furnace-Basic Oxygen Furnace
route, as well as importing raw materials like coke.


Growth of Indian Steel Sector

India is amongst the cheapest producers of hot metal in the world. The cost advantage
mainly arises from the abundant availability of cheap and good quality iron ore.
Besides, overall manpower cost is also low. However, these advantages are nullified to
some extent due to low labour productivity, high energy & power costs and high finance
charges. The expansion plans of steel majors are likely to put tremendous pressure on
the availability of inputs and infrastructure resources within the country. The nation is
endowed with large iron ore reserves, but their development and exploitation would
require huge resources. Besides, the effects on the environment where virgin areas are
being exploited needs to be addressed. Availability of coking coal is expected to remain a
serious constraint. Coking coal supplies from public sector coal companies have been
declining over the years, leading to higher imports. Traditional coking coal and coke
suppliers such as China have also curtailed exports in order to feed their expanding
iron & steel industry.
The steel industry needs to remain competitive by improving efficiency across the entire
value chain in an integrated manner. Hence, logistics would be an important area of
concern for the steel industry. This involves development of ports, smoother
transportation to and from ports, rationalization of inland freight charges as well as
better road movement facilities. During the early 90s, the Sponge Iron industry was
especially promoted to provide an alternative material to steel melting scrap, which at
that time was increasingly becoming scarce. Since then India has emerged as one of the
largest producers of Sponge Iron. This provides good opportunities to steel industry as a
substitute of scrap.
Considering the erratic power supply position in the country as well as high power
tariffs, rising scrap prices and plentiful indigenous iron ore reserves would mean that
the most suitable steel making technology for India would be the integrated route.


Outlook for Indian Economy

After witnessing rapid strides during the years after the liberalization process was set
in motion, Indias GDP grew at an average rate of 5.2 % during the period 1998-99 to
2002- 03. However, there was a break from the trend in 2003-04, during which the
economy is estimated to have grown at more than 8 %. Baring the recent slowdown due
to global meltdown, economy is expected to continue on a high growth path with
continued macroeconomic stability.
Over the years there has been a downward trend in interest rates accompanied by
moderate inflation and adequate liquidity in the economy. Infrastructure development
has been a focus area for the Govt. in recent years. In the road and highway network,
India is witnessing development of multiple-lane, safe and well designed inter state
highways. Recently the Govt. has announced a planned outlay for the rural road and
highway network development.

The Golden Quadrilateral Project is an ambitious project that would connect the four
major metros via state of the art highways. The East-West and North-South corridors
would link up the remotest parts of the country. The Govt. is also planning to facilitate
investments in sea-ports and airports in a major way.
Concessions in the form of tax rebates etc. to boost investment in the housing sector, as
well as falling interest rates have made available cheap home finance loans and have
given a thrust to the housing sector. A rise in depreciation rates for vehicles, excise duty
reduction and low interest rates has given a major boost to the automobile sector. From
a negative production growth rate of 2% during 2000-01, the automobile sector has
recorded a growth of 18% during 2002-03 and 15% during 2003-04. The capital Goods
sector which had shown a declining trend from the year 1998-99, came back strongly
during 2002-03, growing at the rate of 10.6%. The strong growth of the capital goods
sector has continued since 2003-04. Given the strong fundamentals and stability in key
macro economic aggregates, the average GDP growth during the year 2004- 05 to 200708 is about 8%. GDP growth during 2010-11is expected to be around 8.5%.


Steel Demand in India

The Steel Industry in India is poised for faster growth in the decade ahead as the
industrial and economic development of the country gains pace. What however cannot
be ignored is that increasing emphasis on globalization and liberalization will closely
link the fortunes of the Indian steel industry to the global market. The domestic outlook
for finished steel has been estimated as follows:

1.7.1 Domestic Demand: The present steel consumption per capita per annum is about 45
kg in 2009 in India, compared to 150 kg in the world, and 350 kg in the developed
world. The estimated urban consumption per capita per annum is around 77 kg in the
country, expected to reach approximately 165 kg in 2019-20. The rural consumption of
steel in India remains at around 2 kg per capita per annum. In the policy a target has
been set for raising the per capita rural consumption of steel to 4 kg per annum by
1.7.2 Domestic Market Growth Outlook
GDP @ 6.5%

(million tonnes)
39.5 - 40.7

(million tonnes)
57.8 - 59.9

(Source : CPR)

The total steel consumption of finished steel in India has been estimated to touch 60
million tonnes during 2011-12. It is important to note that despite the near doubling of
the consumption level in the country, per capita domestic consumption (at 45 kg/year)
would continue to be substantially below the world average, which is about 150 kg.
Amongst the steel consuming segments, transportation of petroleum products,

household appliances, and automobiles are expected to have the fast growth. However,
even a modest growth of 4.4% growth in the construction sector will translate into a
large increase in actual consumption volumes. Thus, construction will contribute
towards a high proportion of incremental demand in future.
1.7.3 Projected Consumption Growth of Finished Steel in Major Domestic Segments
Transportation of Petroleum Products
Tube making
Household Appliances



(Source : CPR)

While the overall growth in domestic steel consumption is expected to be in the vicinity
of 8%, the demand for flat products is expected to rise more sharply as compared to
longs. A broad category-wise projection of growth in finished steel projection, with the
year 1999-00 as base depicts the following picture:
1.7.4 Category wise Growth in Domestic Steel Consumption



Total non-Flat



Total Flats



Total Finished



(Source : CPR)

Looking into individual product categories, Bars & Rods, HR Coils and Pipes appear to
have a good prospect in the medium term. Given the anticipated growth in construction,
cold reducing and transportation of oil and gas segments, about 20 million tonnes of
incremental demand or about 2/3rd of the total increase in finished steel production will
be accounted by these segments alone.
Exports: The growth of exports of steel from India has been around 10 percent per
annum over the past decade. A growth rate of around 13 percent per annum is
envisaged up to 2019-20.


An Overview of National Steel Policy 2005

The National Steel Policy has been announced by Govt. of India, Ministry of Steel with
an objective to achieve the strategic goal that India should have a modern and efficient
steel industry of world standards, catering to diversified steel demand. The focus of the
policy is to achieve global competitiveness not only in terms of cost, quality and product
mix but also in terms of global benchmarks of efficiency and productivity. This will
require indigenous production of over 100 million tonnes (MT) per annum by 2019-20
from the 2004-05 level of 38 MT. This implies a compounded annual growth of 7.3
percent per annum.

1.8.1 Industry Structure

The iron and steel industry in India is organized in three categories viz. main
producers, other major producers and the secondary producers. The main producers and
other major producers have integrated steel making facility with plant capacities over
0.5 MT and utilize iron ore and coal/gas for production of steel. In 2004-05, the main
producers i.e. SAIL, TISCO and RINL had a combined capacity of around 19.3 MT and
capacity utilization was 104 percent. The other major producers comprising of ESSAR,
ISPAT and JSW had a capacity of 6.4 MT with capacity utilization of 97 percent. The
secondary sector includes sponge iron producers, mini blast furnaces, electric arc
furnaces, rerollers etc. This sector has a production capacity of 32.7 MT in 2004-05
1.8.2 SWOT Analysis of the Industry
The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the Indian steel industry have
been tabulated below. The national steel policy lays down the broad roadmap to deal
with all of them.
1. Unscientific mining
2. Low productivity
3. Coking coal import dependence
4. Low R&D investments
5. High cost of debt
6. Inadequate infrastructure
1. China becoming net exporter
2. Protectionism in the West
3. Dumping by competitors

1. Availability of iron ore and coal
2. Low labour wage rates
3. Abundance of quality manpower
4. Mature production base
1. Unexplored rural market
2. Growing domestic demand
3. Exports
4. Consolidation

1.8.3 Strategy
A multi-pronged strategy is envisaged to be adopted to move towards the long-term
policy goal. On the demand side, the strategy would be to create incremental demand
through promotional efforts, creation of awareness and strengthening the delivery
chain, particularly in rural areas. On the supply side, the strategy would be to facilitate
creation of additional capacity, remove procedural and policy bottlenecks in the
availability of inputs such as iron ore and coal, make higher investments in R&D and
HRD and encourage the creation of infrastructure such as roads, railways, and ports.
1.8.4 Critical Inputs to Steel Production
In order to support steel production of 110 MT by 2019-20, at 100 percent capacity
utilization, the required quantities of critical inputs such as iron ore, coking and
noncoking coal can be seen in Table below. The projected requirements are based on the
assumption that new capacities will be 60 percent through the Blast Furnace (BF)
route, 33 percent through the Sponge Iron Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) route and 7
percent through other routes.
Table : Critical Inputs for Steel Production (in million tonnes)

Iron Ore

Coking Coal

Non-Coking Coal

Iron ore: At present, reserves of relatively rich iron ore in India are 11.43 billion tones
of haematite and 10.68 billion tonnes of magnetite ores. Though the reserves of
haematite ore appear to be large, high-grade lumpy reserves constitute only 8.7 percent
of the total. Further, the present commercial mining capacity for iron ore is only 175
MTs. In order to ensure availability of 190 MT of iron ore for domestic production of
steel by 2019-20, Government would encourage investments in creation of an additional
modern mining and beneficiation capacity of 200 MT.
Coking coal: The proven reserves of prime coking coal are only 4.6 billion tonnes. The
quality of Indian coking coal is also not suitable for steel. Poor quality domestic prime
coking coal has to be blended with imported coal. Currently the steel industry imports
around 19 MT of coking coal annually, and procures 7.5 MT from indigenous sources
including captive mines. By 2019-20, about 70 MT of coking coal will be required, of
which 85 percent will have to be imported.
Refractories: Refractories are used to line various high temperature vessels used in
the steel manufacturing process. India has a refractory industry of 80 units with 1.6 MT
capacity, and utilization of around 55 percent in recent years. It needs modernizing and
upgrading. Other critical inputs for steel industry are natural gas, non coking coal &
sponge iron grade non coking coal.



1.9.1 Inland transportation: It is estimated that every tonne of steel production involves
transportation of 4 tonnes of material. The envisaged addition of 75 MT of steel
annually implies 300 MT of additional traffic. Based on the average lead distance over
which the freight needs to be computed for raw materials for steel making and finished
products, it is estimated that the total traffic generated for railways originating due to
the iron and steel industry would be around 120 billion tonne kilometer by 2020. The
Railway facilities, therefore, would need to be expanded substantially. Similarly, the
existing road network needs to be expanded and strengthened considerably for reducing
the transaction costs of the Indian producers. The steel plants and mines need to be
integrated with the on-going programmes of national highway development and also
with the proposed rural road schemes for expanding the delivery chain of steel across
the country, especially the rural areas.
1.9.2 Ports: After liberalization of the economy, the Indian steel industry has become highly
dependent on port infrastructure both in terms of imports of critical input materials like
coal and coke and export of saleable steel. Keeping in view the strategic goal of
achieving a production of 110 MT of steel per annum and an annual export level of 26
MT by 2019-2020, the port facilities would also have to be expanded substantially.
1.9.3 Power: The additional requirement of power for the steel industry would be 7,000 MW
by 2019-20, requiring an additional investment of Rs. 24,500 crore.
1.9.4 Financial Resources: In order to achieve the strategic goal of 110 MT of steel
production by 2019-20, the industry would need additional capital to the tune of Rs.
230,000 crore. In addition, funds would be required for technological upgrade of existing
facilities. However, the outstanding advances of the banking sector to the industry at
the end of 2003-04 were only Rs. 26,295 crore. The cost of capital in India is among the
highest. To mobilize such vast resources, direct foreign investment would be encouraged
& Suitable incentives would be devised for the steel industry.
1.9.5 Human Resources
The anticipated steel production of 110 MT by 2020 would require an additional
workforce of 220,000 after accounting for the expected productivity improvements.
Further the creation of 1 man-year of employment in the steel industry generates an
additional 3.5 man-years of employment elsewhere in the economy due to its strong
linkages with other sectors such as transport, mining, construction, machinery, and
steel fabrication. The total additional employment generated in the economy due to
expected production of 110 MT by 2020 would be around 1 million. The profile of the
required human resources will have a larger share of the skilled and semi-skilled labour

1.9.6 Technologies, Research and Development

Though the choice of technology will be determined by entrepreneurs based on technoeconomic considerations, the Government would encourage adoption of technologies,

Have synergy with the natural resource endowments of the country

Are conducive to production of high-end and special steel required for

sophisticated industrial and scientific applications.

Minimize damage to the environment at various stages of steel making and


Optimize resource utilization.

Facilitate modernization of the steel industry so as to achieve global standards of

productivity and efficiency.

Development of front end and strategic steel based materials.

Indias expenditure on Research and Development has been negligible In the case of
steel industry, the ratio of expenditure on R&D as a percentage of turnover is only 0.26
percent. The low priority to indigenous R&D has given rise to adoption of technologies
that are more suited to conditions prevailing in the developed world. For example,
resource position of raw materials requires development of technologies, which can use
indigenous coking coals and non-coking coals and for improvement in quality of high
alumina Indian iron ore. But lack of innovation and adaptation to Indian conditions is
resulting in large-scale import of coking coal and low performance in iron making.
Aggressive R&D efforts are therefore required to create manufacturing capability for
special types of steel, substitute coking coal, enrichment and agglomeration of iron ore
fines, develop new products suited to rural needs, enhance material and energy
efficiency, utilize waste, and arrest environmental degradation.
1.9.7 Further Update
The National Steel Policy has envisaged steel production to reach 110 million tonnes by
2019-20. However, based on the assessment of the current ongoing projects, both in
greenfield and brownfield, Ministry of Steel has projected that the steel capacity in the
county is likely to be 124.06 million tonnes by 2011-12. Further, based on the status of
MOUs signed by the private producers with the various State Governments, it is
expected that Indias steel capacity would be nearly 293 million tonne by 2020.

Chapter 2


Neelachal Ispat Nigam ltd (NINL), a joint venture company promoted by MMTC and
Orissa Government, has set up a 1.1 Mt Integrated Steel Plant at Kalinga Nagar
Industrial Complex, Duburi, Jajpur District, Orissa. NINL is the first steel plant to
become operational at Kalinga Nagar Industrial Complex, Duburi. The first phase is
already commissioned and company is producing pig iron and BF coke as main products
& the by-products are Granulated slag, Crude tar, Ammonium sulphate, Nut coke, Coke
breeze& C.I. scrap. In its very first year (2004-05) of integrated operation of first phase,
NINL became the largest producer and exporter of pig iron in India and maintaining its
position since then. The products under Steel Melting Shop, which is under
construction, are billets, bars & wire rods of different quality and sizes. Company is
having its captive power plant of 62.5 MW capacity and is presently self sufficient in
power & also exporting substantial quantity of power to Orissa Govt.
The construction work of phase-II which consists of steel melting shop, billet caster, is
in advanced stages of completion. The facilities are slated for commissioning by second
half of 2011.Major equipments are placed in position and are getting ready for trial
Company is having its own captive mines at Koira in Sundargarh and Keonjhar district
having 874 hectors of mines area and an estimated reserve of 110 Mt of iron ore. The
formalities for obtaining lease are under progress & manual mining is expected to
commence in 2012. Company is having infrastructural facilities like water, power,
railway network, compressed air facilities, nitrogen facilities required to run an
Integrated Steel Plant.


The major equipments and facilities are





Annual Commissioning

Iron zone (already commissioned)

One battery of 67 ovens
Coke oven with
Oven volume of
41.6 cum & height of 7 m
With by - product plant

Gross coke
Crude tar
CO gas








One sinter machine of 180

Grate area
One furnace
Working volume 1670 cum
Useful volume 1915 cum
Total power generation
62.5 MW
STG - 2 Nos of 19.25 MW
GTG - 1 No of 24 MW
Boilers 3 Nos. of 65 t/hr





Gross sinter



Hot metal






Steel zone (Under completion)

Steel making and continuous casting shop
Basic oxygen furnace - 1 x
110 t
Ladle furnace
110 t
Continuous Billet caster- 1
x 6 strand
Wire rod


Bar and rod mill

Liquid steel


Liquid steel


Will be
917900 commissioned by
second half of

Bars/ rods


Being ordered

History of plant
Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited (NINL) was incorpated as a Central Govt. Company for
setting up an integrated Iron & Steel making complex at Duburi, Jajpur, and Orissa in
1982. In April 1994, this company was taken over by Govt. of Orissa to implement the
project in the assisted sector. Konark Met Coke Ltd.(KMCL), a joint venture project of
MMTC, IPICOL, & others was set up.
A team of engineers from MECON, OSIL (Orissa Sponge Iron Ltd.) and MMTC had
visited ILVA steel works ,Bagnoli, Italy in May 1992 and December 1994 to inspect a
used Blast furnace & to asses the condition of the equipment for their usability in India.
NINL assigned MECON in January 1996 to prepare an updated report for an Iron &
Steel making complex at Duburi, Jajpur, and Orissa. This is based on purchase of Blast
furnace of useful volume of 1915 cum. to be dismantled from ILVA steel works, Bagnoli,
Italy. Sinter plant of 180 sq, mtr grate area, 2x80 t BOF shop, and one no. of 6 strand
Billet caster, Continuous single strand wire rod mill, Power plant, Oxygen plant and

associated service facilities were envisaged. Coke & power requirement was to be met
through KMCL
Accordingly the BF was dismantled at Italy & brought in India and erected by
refurbishing of structures. New electrics and automation were provided. The Blast
furnace was commissioned on 2nd Feb 2002 along with part of power plant. Sinter plant
was commissioned on 5th March 2004 and Coke oven on 8th July 2004.
To have synergy of operations the two companies NINL and KMCL operating inside a
single boundary were merged on 8th Dec2004 to form a single company Neelachal Ispat
Nigam Limited. (NINL)
In re-engineering process the two numbers of converters (BOF) of 80 t capacity were
converted to single 110 t capacity converter (BOF) and turnkey project of SMS
DEMAG was amended .


Process flow and description

NINL is having four major units namely coke oven, sinter plant, blast furnace and
power plant . The overall process is described below.
After carbonisation of coking coal in coke ovens, Low ash BF grade coke along with nut
coke, coke breeze and coke dust is produced. Crude Tar and Ammonium sulphate is
taken out while cleaning coke oven gas. BF coke and nut coke are used in blast furnace
while breeze coke and coke dust are used in sinter plant. The balance quantity of coke
fractions is sold out. The clean coke oven gas is used for battery heating and the balance
gas is sent to sinter plant and power plant. H.P. steam generated during coke cooling is
sent to power plant for power generation.
In sinter plant, sinter is produced using raw materials like iron ore fines, coke breeze,
limestone, dolomite and quartzite/sand. All metallurgical wastes generated at different
units of the plant are also utilised in sinter plant. The sinter produced after screening is
sent directly to blast furnace and the balance quantity is stored in the yards.
In Blast furnace coke from coke oven, sinter from sinter plant and purchased iron ore
lumps (Later on it will come from NINLs captive iron ore mines) is used as raw
materials for iron making. Hot metal is tapped into the ladles and taken to Pig casting
machines by rail locomotives. In Pig casting machines the hot metal is poured on a
running belt having moulds and water-cooling. Pig iron produced is stored in yard for
sale. After completion of steel melting shop, 85% of hot metal will be sent to Steel
melting shop.
Power plant is having three boilers, which use surplus BF and Coke oven gas as a fuel
for steam generation with minimum support of LDO. The steam generated along with
the steam received from Coke oven is used for


running Steam Turbo blower to feed cold blast to Blast furnace,

to generate power with the help of 19.25 MW Gas turbo generators

as a process steam to all units of plant. Power plant is having a 24 MW Gas

turbo generator where in coke oven gas is used as a fuel for power generation.
During the process steam is also recovered and is used as above.

Chapter 3


Coke oven and By-Product Plant

3.1.1 The major facilities consist of a coke oven battery with annual capacity of 0.8 million
tons of BF grade coke with coke dry cooling plant and byproduct plant. Coal the major
raw material is received in yards through wagon tippler and conveyors. After crushing
to less than 3 mm size it is fed to ovens through conveyors, coal tower and coal charging
car. After carbonization in ovens it is pushed into the coke bucket via pusher
mechanism in pusher car. Hot coke bucket through automated system carries it to coke
dry cooling plant having three chambers (CDCP). In CDCP coke is cooled by nitrogen
gas and sent to coke cutting and sorting plant where it is separated to different sizes.
The 25- 80 mm size coke is fed to Blast furnace directly and the surplus quantity is
stored in yards for selling. The other coke fractions i.e. nut coke, breeze coke and coke
dust are used in Blast furnace and Sinter plant and surplus are sold out. Hot gases
coming out of CDCP are passed through boilers and steam is generated which is sent to
power plant for power generation.
The coke oven gas generated during carbonization process is processed and cleaned in
by-product plant. Clean CO gas is used for under firing of battery and balance gas is
sent to power plant for boilers and for Sinter plant ignition furnace. Balance gas if any
is flared. Crude tar and ammonium sulphate is taken out in by-product plant from coke
oven gas during cleaning and is sold out.
The coke oven plant is having, coal preparation plant, coke oven battery, coke dry
cooling plant, coke sorting plant, By products plant and BOD plant. Brief description of
these facilities is given below.
3.1.2 Coal preparation plant (CPP)
The facilities/major equipment of coal preparation plant include a rotary wagon tippler
with side arm charger (1 no.), an open storage yard with tripper conveyor and two
ground hoppers, RCC blending bunkers each of 1,250 tons capacity (5 nos.), final
crushing station with reversible hammer crusher each of 350 tons/hr (2 nos.), a

suspended electro magnet (1 no.), conveyor galleries & junction houses and a coal tower
of 4,000 tons capacity.
The conveyor stream capacity from the wagon tippler to storage yard is 750 tons/hr and
from the storage yard to coal tower is 600 tons/hr.
3.1.3 Coke oven battery (COB)
A modern 7m tall coke oven battery is under operation of GIPROKOKS-MECON design.
The coke oven battery has 67 ovens with a chamber volume of 41.6 cum and a capacity
of 31.6 tons dry coal charge. The carbonization time is around 16 hours. The battery is
under-jet, compound type, having twin heating flues with re-circulation of waste gases.
Temperature in heating flues is around 1,330oC and the final temperature of coke mass
through the axis of carbonization is between 1,000o 1,050oC.
3.1.4 Coke dry cooling plant (CDCP)
The coke dry cooling plant is of GIPROKOKS-MECON design with level II automation.
The technical know-how & equipment from are M/s. Routarukki, Finland. It consists of
three cooling chambers with individual hoist, lifting shaft, waste heat boiler, dust
catching arrangement and smoke fan. The CDCP provides a 100% coke dry quenching
facility. It has three chambers, each having a capacity of 52-56 tons/hr
3.1.5 Coke sorting plant (CSP)
Coke sorting plant is provided with two streams of conveyors with a capacity of 250
tons/hr from the CDCP to coke crushing & screening unit. The coke sorting plant
consists of coke crushing station of 200 tons/hr (2 nos.), coke screening station with
single deck grizzly (2 sets), screens of 80 mm/25 mm with single vibrating screens of 25
mm/10 mm (2 sets) and coke conveyor galleries, sampler, chute jamming detector (1 lot).


Sinter plant
The main equipment in respect of sinter plant has been procured from China Steel &
Trade Corporation; Anshan Engineering Research Institute of Metallurgical Industry
(AERIM) is the technology supplier of the sinter plant .The required raw material for
sintering is stored in different proportionate bins. The material then conveyed in
required proportion to MND (Mixing and Nodulising Drum) with a common conveyor.
The raw material is uniformly mixed and required amount of water is added in MND.
The raw mix is then stored in charging hopper in sinter plant main building.
Sinter machine is series of palettes rotating between charging hopper and sinter
breaker. The raw mix is charged in the palette and the top layer is ignited by using
mixed gas (CO/BF gas) at a temperature of 1000 deg C. Air is sucked through the bed .

Sintering is completed, as combustion layer travels from top to bottom and palette
moves to discharge end. At the discharge end the sinter cake is broken into pieces by
using hot sinter breaker. Then the sinter is sent to sinter cooler where it cools from
8500C to room temperature. For this three fans are provided. The cooled sinter is sent to
screens for screening and is screened in to different fractions. The required size for BF
(5 - 50 mm) is sent to BF and -5mm sinter returns are sent to charging hopper as base
material on the sinter palette.
3.2.1 Major technological units in Sinter plant are:

Raw Feed storage Bins & Proportionating system

Mixing & Nodulizing drum
Sintering & Cooling system
Sinter screening system
Waste gas Main/ Dedusting system ESP
Exhaust Fan

The sinter plant has a sintering area of 180 sqm with specific productivity of 1.2
tons/sqm/hr and designed capacity of 1.711 million tons/yr. It has the capacity to
produce 1.7 million tons/yr of sinter of 5 to 50 mm size.


Blast furnace (BF)

The blast furnace is having capacity to produce 1.1 million tons of hot metal per year.
The blast furnace has been erected with a new refractory lining and with bell-less top,
skip charging system, heating stoves (4 nos.), slag granulation unit, blowers, gas
cleaning plant with dust catcher, wet scrubber and venturi scrubber.
The raw materials like coke from coke oven, sinter from sinter plant, iron ore and
additives from RMHS yard are fed and stored in intermediate bunkers in Stock house.
The raw materials in a desired pattern are charged to blast furnace from stock house
with the help of skip car and paulworth bell less top charging system. Air blast supplied
from turbo blowers of power plant is preheated upto 10000 C in the stoves and induced
into the blast furnace through 24 tuyeres. With exothermic and endothermic reactions,
smelting of iron bearing material takes place inside the furnace and the hot metal is
produced. Hot metal is tapped into the ladles at regular intervals and taken to pig
casting machines to produce pig iron. Liquid slag produced during the process is sent to
slag granulation plant for granulation. BF gas generated during the smelting process is
cleaned through gas cleaning plant and is used for stove heating and balance quantity
is sent to power plant and sinter plant.
This furnace is having two tap holes and 1050 apart from each other. Both the tap
holes are independent of each other each and are having a cast house, which consists
of main runner, siphon pit, skimmer metal runner, slag runner and tilting runner,
which is driven by hydraulic drive.

Special features of this furnace are, hearth bottom is cooled by used water from tuyers,
bosh and stack is cooled by copper cantilever cooler inserted from outside the furnace
shell. Cast house is having critical equipments like one hydraulic drilling machine and
Mud-gun in each cast house and 15T (2 nos) of ring cranes for performing cast house
jobs and consumable material handling
The blast furnace is having a useful volume of 1,915 cum and working volume of 1,670
cum. The productivity on useful volume is 1.64 tons/cum/day and on working volume is
1.88 tons/cum/day. The sinter charge in the burden is 80%.
3.3.1 Slag granulation plant (SGP)
Liquid slag from the blast furnace is granulated in the slag granulation plant adjacent
to the two cast houses by direct impingement of water jet. Water is separated from
granulated slag by decanting into a tank from where it is recirculated. Granulated slag
is transferred from the pit with the help of an EOT crane equipped with a grab bucket.
Dewatered slag is stored in bunkers, conveyed to slag storage yard through a set of
conveyors for further disposal.
3.3.2 Gas cleaning plant (GCP)
The top gas from the blast furnace is led to a dust catcher, which separates out about
75% of the dust load. The gas coming out from the dust catcher is further cleaned in a
cleaning plant to bring down the dust content within 5 mg/N cum. The clean gas is
used as a fuel.
The gas cleaning plant comprises of two stage cleaning process. The first stage is a high
velocity hollow scrubber followed by a fixed throat venturi for cooling the gas and
removing the coarse dust particles. Partially cleaned gas is then passed through a highpressure drop variable throat venturi. On account of high-energy transfer, the fine dust
particles coalesce with mist and separates out from the gas stream. Water is sprayed
into the scrubber and venturies at both the stages.
3.3.3 Pig Casting Machine (PCM)
Liquid iron produced from Blast Furnace is casted in form of pigs in pig casting
machine having capacity 200 t/hr, which is sold to Foundry or used as coolent to
converter bath to regulate converter bath temperature. Pig Casting Machine is having
mould-mounted belt made of links, which moves over the rollers guided and driven by
two sprokets at pouring end and discharge end. Discharge end sprocket is attached
with electric motor drive with three stage gear box assembly.
Hot metal loaded ladle is tilted in the pouring end with the help of tilting winch hook
engaged to metal ladle tilting pin, in a controlled speed regulated through VVVF

(variable voltage, variable frequency control), ladle rests over pouring stand of PCM
through the paws of ladle and the hot metal is poured to the belt with moulds properly
coated with lime solution through bifurcated launder, equally to both belts of machines.
During pouring both the belts are moving at an equal speed of 11.4m/mm. About 5 m
away from the pouring point cooling of the pigs takes place from the showers of water
from the pipelines just above the belts, which is fixed till the end of the belt. At the
discharge end solidified pigs are knocked by knocking hammer attachment at the
discharge end and dislodged pigs projected into the placed empty pig wagons through
fixed chute and tilting chute assembly. During pig discharge into the wagons, wagons
are uniformly filled to the effective capacity of wagons with the help of wagon shunting
winches engaged to one of the wagon coupled with other train of wagons placed over the
track of the discharge end. Hot pigs are further cooled in the cooling bay in the same
track ahead, before placing the loaded wagons to cold pig yard for further unloading
with the help of two EOT magnet cranes of 4T per magnet lifting capacity. After
emptying again wagons are placed back to Pig Casting Machine for further pouring.
The pig iron stored in pig storage yard is loaded into the trucks by magnet cranes for
selling outside. For loading through railways the pig iron is shifted to railway loading
yard with the help of dumpers.
3.3.4 Ladle Repair Shop
Company is having 14 nos open top refractory lined of 14 cum volume and carrying
capacity of 100 t. These ladles are mounted on ladle cars and are mounted and are
moved from one place to another with locomotives. Near PCM a ladle repair shop is
located where these ladles are repaired. Running repairs and complete lining change
after due lining life is carried out here. LRS shop is having 130/40 t and 80 t EOT crane
for these jobs. Regular cleaning of ladle in circulation is also carried out here in all
three shifts.


Power Plant (PP)

The power plant has a total capacity of generating 62.5 MW of power with a gas turbo
generator of 24 MW and two steam turbo generators of 19.25 MW each. It has 3 gas
fired boilers of 65 tons/hr capacity each of high pressure steam at 62 ata pressure and
492oC superheat temperature.
The power plant has been designed on the concept of full utilization of surplus fuel
gases such as blast furnace gas, converter gas and coke oven gas. The gas turbo
generator is to operate with coke oven gas as a combined cycle co-generation with heat
recovery steam generation, so as to achieve highest energy efficiency. Power plant is
having one steam turbo blower and one electric turbo blower for supplying cold blast to
blast furnace The details of the units are as follows:


01. 3 nos. of Boilers of 65 TPH MCR (Maximum Continuous Rating) with BF Gas,
BOF Gas, CO Gas and Light Diesel Oil Firing in combustion.
02. 2 nos. of steam turbine driven generators of 19.25 MW output electric power.
03. 1 no. of CO Gas/ LDO fired gas turbine driven Generator of 24 MW output
electric power with 1 no. of Heat Recovery Steam Generator of 45 TPH MCR to
common HP steam header.
04. Super heated steam admitted to steam turbine at 60 kg/cm2 and 485C.
05. 45 TPH super heated steam to common steam header shall be admitted from
Heat Recovery Boilers of CDCP Plant in Coke Ovens.
06. 1 no. of steam turbine driven Blower to consume 57 TPH HP steam and deliver
210,000 NM3/Hr of Cold Air Blast at a discharge pressure of 3.8 ata to Blast
furnace (equivalent to 13.2 MW power).
07. 1 no. of 11.8 MW Electric Motor driven Blower of capacity 195,000 NM3/Hr of
cold air at a discharge pressure of 3.5 ata as stand-bye blower to supply air to
Blast furnace
08. To supply 30 TPH process steam to the Plant at 10ata and 240C.


Raw Material Handling System (RMHS)

The raw material received from various sources through wagons and trucks is unloaded
through wagon tippler and truck tippler and is stored in RMHS yards and then fed to
BF and SP as per requirement. RMHS is having 5 beds for storing raw materials with
yard equipments and conveyors as listed below.
Area Of Operation
01. Wagon Tippler Complex

Rotary side Wagon Tippler
Side Arm Charger

02. Stacking & Reclaiming


Tipplings /hr.


tonnes(to pull 58 loaded


01. Twin Boom Stacker

1000 t/hr.

02. Bucket Wheel Stacker-CumReclaimer

1000 t/hr (stacking)

600 t/hr (reclaiming)

03. Bridge Type Multi-Bucket

Wheel Blender Reclaimer
04. Transfer


05. Front End Loader


600 t/hr

3.5 Cum (for Coke)
2.1 Cum (for sized Iron Ore)

03. Conveyors
04. Vibrating Feeders

05. Single Deck Vibrating Screens

Total no. of Conveyors


Total length of belting

22000 m (approx)

Capacity : 400 TPH



250 TPH



125 TPH


100 TPH


75 TPH


50 TPH


20 TPH


For Sized Iron Ore


For Sinter


For Coke




06. Weigh Hoppers

07. Belt Feeders

0 500 TPH


08. Samplers



09. Over Band Magnetic




01. 3 nos. of 4 Roll crushers for Coke Crushing of 16 TPH

capacity each.

10. Crushers

02. 3 nos. of Hammer Crushers for Flux Primary Crushing of 80

TPH capacity each.
03. 3 nos. of Rod Mills for Flux Secondary Crushing of 80 TPH
11. Fixed Hoppers

07 nos.

12. Truck Hoppers

01. For Plant Returns

01 nos.

02. For Sized Ore & Coke

01 no.

Chapter 4


Infrastructure facilities
The state government of Orissa has allocated 2500 acres of land for NINL at Kalinga
Nagar industrial complex in Duburi village, District Jajpur. The plant is well connected
by rail and road network. The plant is located at a distance of about 2 kms from the
Paradeep-Daitari expressway and well connected with Bhubaneswar, the state capital,
which is about 110 kms from the plant site. The plant site is located at a distance of
about 15 kms from Jajpur railway station, located on the main line connecting Chennai
and Howrah. Sukinda railway station, is about 4 kms from the plant site, located on

the Jakhapura-Daitari railway line. The company has constructed its own railway line
up to Sukinda railway station. The nearest sea-port is at Paradeep, about 125 kms from
the plant site. The nearest airport is in Bhubaneswar.



4.2.1 In take water system

Company is drawing water from Kharasuan branch of Brahmani River which is nearly
17 kms away from the plant. A circular intake well of 9 meter diameter with
rectangular pump house at top has been constructed near village Marthapur on left
bank of river Kharasuan. The well is connected with the river by an open channel. The
depth of the well is 12.5 meters. 2 nos. of 1650 cum/hr vertical turbine pumps are
running at Marthapur pump house. The water is pumped through a 0.9 meter dia.,17
km long buried pipe line crossing several villages, main south-eastern railway line and
state highway to two reservoirs at NINL having storage capacity of 1,75,000 cum each.
4.2.2 Make-up water facilities (RWTP)
Raw water from the reservoir is pumped to the treatment plant by two nos vertical
turbine pumps each of 950-cum/hr capacity. Raw water is received in a stilling
chamber through a sump from where it flows to flash mixers & to clarifloculator. After
clarification the clear water is collected in a clear water sump. Two nos of make-up
water pumps each of capacity 900 cum/hr are provided to pump the clear make-up
water to different units of the plant through under ground pipeline network. The
individual units of the plant are having pump houses for utilisation of water & they
take make-up water from main system
4.2.3 Drinking water facilities
A drinking water pump house has been constructed near blast furnace. Make up water
as received from RWTP is filtered in pressure filters of 60 m3/hr capacity. Filtered
water is chlorinated for disinfection and to achieve the quality for drinking water. The
drinking water is collected in to sump from where it is pumped in to an over head tank
of 150 m3 capacity at a height of 40 mtr and is distributed to different parts of the
plant through a separate piping net work.
4.2.4 D.M. water plant.
A 2X35 m3/hr capacity demineralised water plant has been installed near power plant
to feed DM water as feed water to boilers of power plant and CDCP. Filtered water
from drinking water pump house is used for preparation of DM water by method of
anion and cation exchangers. DM water is produced and is stored in storage tank and
fed to power plant as per requirement.

4.2.5 Fire fighting water facilities.

Makeup water from make up water (RWTP) is received two static water tanks for fire
fighting. One electric driven and one diesel driven pump each of capacity 273 m3 /hr
are provided to distribute the water through separate water pipe line (Fire hydrant net
work) through out the plant.
Two jockey pumps each of capacity 25 m3/hr are provided to meet the fire water needs.
Fire hydrants from this net work are provided in various places with in the premises.
Apart from above, company is having two mobile fire tenders which are stationed at
BF site office.


NINL is having a Captive Power Plant of 62.5 MW capacity. The power requirement of
Iron zone is around 21 22 MW. NINL is generating average power at the rate of 37
38 MW with the help of 2 Nos. of STG of 19.25 MW capacity each and the Gas turbo
generator of 24 MW capacity depending on gas availability. At present NINL is having
surplus power and is exporting substantial quantity of power to GRIDCO.
Apart from own power plant NINL is having a dedicated 220 KV line from GRIDCO,
Orissa. NINL is drawing power through this line in case of emergencies and exporting
power to GRIDCO through the same line. NINL is having a Main Receiving Sub
Station (MRSS) near power plant, which controls the power flow of the entire plant
(Import and export). MRSS is having requisite step down transformers and circuits for
distribution of power.
NINL power plant is generating power at a voltage and frequency in synchronisation
with GRIDCO. In case of any fluctuation in GRIDCOs power supply NINLs Power
Plant isolates itself from the GRIDCO and uninterrupted Power supply to the plant is


Compressed air
A centralised compressed air station having 2 nos. of Cooper, USA make centrifugal
compressors of 50 cum/hr capacity have been installed near power plant. It caters the
compressed air requirement of BF complex, RMHS and Sinter plant. Dry air
(instrument quality) is also supplied to all units of the plant. Apart from above power
plant & coke oven are having their own compressors for their use.


Gas (BF & CO) distribution

During the Iron Making process, BF gas is generated in blast furnace which is having
calorific value of 750 kcal/Ncum. Also during the coking process coke oven gas is
generated which is having calorific value of 4200- 4300 kcal/Ncum.

The generated blast furnace gas after passing through Gas cleaning plant i.e. Dust
Catcher, Wet Scrubber, venturies is cleaned and used in blast furnace for stove
heating. The balance gas is used as a fuel in boilers of Power Plant and in Sinter Plant
(mixed with CO Gas). The gas pressure is maintained at 600 700 mm of water
column. The balance gas if any, is flared through a chimney near Power Plant.
The generated coke oven gas is also cooled and cleaned through primary coolers,
Electro tar precipator, Ammonia plant, final gas cooler, and naphthalene scrubber. The
clean gas is used for battery heating and the balance gas is supplied to power plant for
steam generation and for power generation in Gas turbo generator. It is also used in
Sinter Plant in mixed condition with BF Gas. The gas pressure is maintained at 300400 mm of water column. The balance gas is flared through a chimney near coke
sorting plant.
There is a network of gas lines along the plant with throttle valves, U seals etc. As
Sinter plant requires mixed gas there is a gas mixing station near RMHS office
wherein both the gases are mixed in required proportion and is supplied to Sinter
plant. There is also a provision of gas mixing station near Blast Furnace.


Steam is produced at three boilers (65 t/hr) and heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)
(45 t/hr) of Gas turbo generator in Power Plant. Also steam is generated through
boilers (3 Nos.) in CDCP while cooling coke (45 t/hr). The High Pressure (65 kg/cm2)
steam generated at various places is connected to main header at Power Plant. From
this header the steam is supplied to (1) Steam turbo blower for supplying cold blast
to BF. (2) Steam turbo generators for producing power. The high pressure steam is
converted to low pressure steam (15 20 kg/cm2) through PRDS. This low pressure
steam is supplied to Blast Furnace, Power Plant itself, Sinter Plant, and Coke Oven for
process requirements and purging requirements. The high-pressure steam is
condensed after use and recycled. However, the process steam is consumed in the


Rail Network
Plant is having rail network of 16 kms length inside and outside the plant. The
external rail network is connected with Daitary Jakhapura rail line near Sukinda.
The incoming raw material comes through this line from different sources. Also the
finished goods by rail are sent through this line. Hot metal movement is carried out in
ladles with the help of locomotives. Company is having four numbers 700 BHP
locomotives. Two are used in exchange yard traffic movement and two are used for hot
metal movement.



Telephone Exchange
400 lines, fully automated telephone exchange to cater internal communication needs
of the plant have been
installed near PCM. All production units and offices of the
plant are interconnected through this telephone exchange.


Repair Facilities

4.9.1 Central Repair Shop

Company is having a central repair shop equipped with lathe machines, boring
machines, drilling machines and other machining facilities to take care of machining
and repair jobs of all units of plant. Central repair shop is also having 2 mobile tyre
mounted 8 t. capacity (hydra) cranes for carrying heavy maintenance jobs.
4.9.2 Central Electrical Repair Shop
In the same premises of central repair shop central electrical repair shop is
functioning. Electrical motors, welding transformers are repaired in-house here.

4.10 Quality Control Laboratory

Quality control laboratory plays a vital role in maintaining and improving the quality of
products. The essential function of QCL is to impose necessary measures on (i) the
metallurgical and other processes employed and (ii) the material used to ensure
economic production of quality materials.
QCL has three wings:
1) Metallurgical
2) Chemical
3) Physical
All these wings of QCL work in conjunction within themselves as well with production
units as a team of helping observance of technological discipline and ensuring
excellence of quality.
Our Metallurgical wing covers all the quality control laboratories attached to different
production shops like coke ovens, blast furnace, steel melting shops, rolling mills, etc.
Quality control laboratories exercises control on quality of the inputs and production
parameters such as off- grade production, working practices, temperature control,
mechanical properties, chemical compositions, mass & heat balance, etc.

Some of the sophisticated equipments/instruments used for these controls are:

X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF)

Proximate Analyser
CRI-CSR instrument
Visible Spectrophotometer
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
Flame photometer
KF Titrator
Polisher , Pulveriser , Hydraulic Presses, Vertical rotary surface grinder
Jaw crusher, Roller crusher, Reymond mill, Micum drum, Tumbler drum etc.,

The QC laboratory also investigates failed spare parts for causes of failure, so that the
shops are properly guided to procure spares of desired quality.
Chemical sections receives samples from incoming raw materials as well as from the
intermediate products for analysis of chemical composition. There are laboratories
attached to different production units for quick sampling, analysis and control. They
help in controlling quality of inputs from one stage to another in the long process of
metamorphosis from iron ore to steel.
Finally the physical section, which controls the size parameter of the input for blast
furnace , sinter plant and coke oven as the granulometry plays a vital role in the
process and must be care about.
Dispatched samples from each production units are taken to the laboratory for testing
and ensuring that the product confirm to the standards of different specification before
dispatched to the valued customers.
Phase II laboratory for steel melting shop shjall be commissioned shortly & new
analytical facility includes : OES, XRF, C&S analyzer, O-N & H analyzer , Optical
microscope, Micro etching & Sulpher printing, etc.


Chapter 5


Production, Planning & Control (PPC)

Production, Planning & Control (PPC) is concerned with the organisation & planning of
one manufacturing process. The highest efficiency in production is obtained
bymanufacturing the required quantity of product, of the required quality, at the
required time, by the best and most economical method. Production, Planning & Control
is a facilitations service or tool to achieve this target. This function translates the
market requirements/forecasts master production schedule, works out the raw material
and other input requirement and prepares the detailed departmental production
schedule for different time periods (annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily).
The other major of PPC is Management Information System (MIS) .PPC prepares daily,
weekly, monthly ,quarterly , half yearly and annual reports indicating the status of
actual production in respect of schedule . This helps management in taking early
corrective actions where the particular shop or unit is lagging behind the schedule of
The monthly / annual reports prepared by PPC helps in building a data base of
production since inception of the company. This data base helps in analyzing the past
performance vis-a vis the current performance.
Plant control wing of PPC tracks the plant activities round the clock and informs
abnormalities to concerned higher authorities for necessary corrective actions.
The function of Production, Planning & Control is always dynamic not merely a static
one. Designing, Production, Planning & Control depends on the following factors:
Size of Production.
Size of the plant.
Type of Industry or the field of specialisation.


Total Quality Process

Quality may be defined as the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils
requirements. These inherent characteristics may include the following:

Physical (e.g. mechanical, electrical, chemical or biological characteristics)

Sensory (e.g. related to smell, touch, taste, sight, hearing)
Behavioral (e.g. courtesy, honesty, veracity)

Temporal (e.g. punctuality, reliability, availability)

Ergonomic (e.g. physiological characteristic or related to human safety)
Functional (e.g. maximum speed of an aircraft)

The concept of total quality represents the way a company runs its business and it
needs a structure approach embracing:

Quality improvement
Quality control

Just-in-time concept & other business improvement activities to mobilise for organised
creation of beneficial change in the business with outcomes as :

Continuous cost reduction

Elimination of variability
Reduction in plant downtime
Increase in yield
Just-in-time concept and
Improved human relations
Effective utilization of resources

The concept of Total Quality differs from the conventional sense of quality in a way that
total quality aims at the prevention of defects and starts at the beginning of the process
rather than detection of defects at the end of the product line. That is Do the right
things , right the first time and every time. Relying on the cost of nonconformance,
Total Quality engulfs everybody at all levels and at all stages of the process as a user,
as a processor, as a supplier for Quality performance and is with the main objective of
satisfying the needs & requirements of the customer both internal and external. This
customer perception is the essence of Total Quality thinking which directs a project
team for quality improvement to apply Total Quality techniques using all of the
statistical and problem solving, skills in the right environment together with various
behavioral concept just introducing Total Quality is not enough. There must be clear
objectives which are known to all levels of employees. It is the teamwork, which gives
real power to Total Quality.


Total Quality Management

The core of TQM is the customer supplier interfaces, both externally and internally
and at each interface lie a number of processes. This core must be surrounded by
commitment to quality message, and recognition of the need to change the culture of
the organization to create total quality. These are the foundations of TQM and they are
supported by the key management functions of people, processes and systems in the




The tools and concepts used in Total Quality consist of a number of techniques collectively
called Seven Quality Management Tools

Pareto Analysis/Diagram

Cause & Defect Diagram


Check Sheet


Scatter Diagram

Graph & Control Chart

It is the interaction between these which makes Total Quality a real fire arm and which
needs emphasis on the following points

Strive for thorough policy control

Aim at priorities

Aim at problem solving

Coordinate with various departments quality, cost & production

Smooth PDCA cycles

Data cycles and fact finding

5.3.1 Supervisors Role in TQP-


Study the existing cultural pattern

Identify those aspects, which need change

Secure active participation of others involved including customer participation as

well as his active assistance

Start on a small scale and use results to broaden application

Make Quality improvement project by project and in no other way

Make use of available tools

Make studies with application of simple to sophisticated tools of SQC

Provide sufficient for mental change to take place

Training and self-development programmes should be carried out as planned

Avoid surprises

Build Quality into the products during manufacturing

Awareness of ISO Standards

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a world body constituted by 160
national standard making organizations including our BIS (Bureau of Indian
Standards). ISO 9001:2000 is the model for Quality Management System. ISO
9001:2000 standard is the outcome of a need for having world parity in standards for
meeting customer requirements. The need for adapting ISO 9001:2000 by the Indian
industry gains significance with the functioning of the European market and the trust
given by the Government for boosting our export. ISO 9001:2000 defines a bare
minimum of quality standards for products/services being acceptable at international
levels. A better understanding of ISO 9001:2000 is possible by first referring to the ISO
8402, which is a vocabulary of commonly used terms. ISO 8402 defines Quality as the
totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to
satisfy or implied needs.


ISO 9001:2000 thus is concerned in creating a system that ensures that the specified
needs of a customer are met consistently. Having everything documented ensures this
consistency. In its essence ISO 9001:2000 is a first step towards Total Quality.
The standard i.e. ISO 9001:2000 has certain mandatory requirements, which have to be
fulfilled before an organization, can obtain certification. These mandatory requirements
cover the entire gamut of activities in an industry/organization. The first and foremost
is an accepted, circulated quality policy which is duly endorsed by the chief executive.
The responsibilities for the management must also be spelt out and documented. The
other requirements are the systems for ensuring quality of the process product and
incoming materials and above all documentation system. Training of all employees
forms an important requirement, as does the actual documentation of all activities and
set of procedures. In its essence ISO 9001:2000 says Agree with your customer as to
what you will deliver, write down what you will do and do exactly as you have written
5.4.1 Quality Management Principles
There are 8 Quality Management Principles. These are:

Customer focused organization


Involvement of people

Process approach

System approach to management

Continual improvement

Factual approach to decision making

Mutually beneficial supplier relationship

5.4.2 List of ISO 9001:2008 Certified Areas in our plant

RMHS, Coke Ovens , Sinter Plant, Blast Furnace, Power Plant, Technical Services,
CEM, CMM, PPC, RMD, HR Deptt., Instrumentation, QCL,


Quality Circle
In the field of quality, Japanese QC circles have proved to be a great national force in
the spreading of QC movement across the country as well as intensifying the quality
circle activities in every plant. A QC circle is a small group of operatives and working
supervisors who volunteer to help in solving departmental problems within limited

resources. Quality Circles are based on a set of techniques that involve individuals who
work together in the problem solving process. Because no work is perfect, people who
face the specific problems come together to identify, to investigate and find solutions to
those problems.
Problems do not just happen--they are created. Different goals, work schedules, task
and changes can all create problems. Some problems are caused by materials or
methods of machinery and some very complex problems can involve people, materials,
methods and machinery.
For quality circle to work, well it usually has between four to ten people within same
area. Quality circles afford a sense of pride and accomplishment. The opportunity to
have a say in the job, to be the expert, to think and participate with co-workers in
selecting and solving problems in concerned work area brings better job satisfaction. It
fulfills the desire to be recognised along with the co-workers for significant
contributions to quality and productivity improvement.

Chapter 6


Production envisaged out of this project expansion is 918000 tons per year liquid crude
steel from which 897000 tons per year billets and 700000 tons per year bars and rods
shall be produced. Presently facilities upto billet have been installed . Bar and Rod mill
will be taken up shortly. The facilities are expected to commence production by second
half of 2011.
Main Technology suppliers associated with this project are M/s. SMS Semag from
Germany for Steel Melting Shop, M/s. CONCAST for Continuous casting shop, M/s.
Heavy Engineering Corporation for heavy equipment for SMS and Heavy Duty Cranes
etc. M/s. Hindustan Steel Constructions Company Limited has been awarded for
construction of Civil and Structural Works. M/s. MECON is the engineering consultant
and Project Manager for the entire project. M/s. RITES has been given consultancy
award for Railway related works. Design and selection of the equipment, Systems
required for Steel Melting facility has been considered based on update technology
availability in the world market. Continuous Casting Machine being supplied by M/s.
CONCAST is of the type high speed six strand caster, which is the current market
trend. In addition to the above main technological units, suitable supporting facilities
have been envisaged like material handling and Ferro alloy charging system,
compressed air facilities, power distribution system, shop electrics & illumination,
telecommunication system, air conditioning & ventilation system, laboratory etc. 300
tons per day Lime Calcination Plant and 100 tons per day Dolomite Plant are being
installed to cater the needs of Steel Melting Shop. Also, 418 tons per day capacity
Oxygen Plant is being installed.




Major Technological Facilities

Hot Metal Mixer

1 x1300 t.

Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF)

1 x 110 t.

Ladle Heating Furnace (LHF)

1 x 110 t.

Argon Rinsing Station (ARS)

1 x 110 t.

Continuous Casting Plant (CCP)

1 x 6 Strand Billet Caster

Bar and Rod Mill (BRM)

700,000 t.

Oxygen Plant

1 X 418 TPD.

Lime Calcination / Dolo Plant

300/100 TPD.

Estimated Volume of Work involved

Concreting (RCC)

85,000 m3

Steel Structures

24,000 t.

Plant Equipment including Piping

17,000 t.


6,500 t.

Brief description of the units

6.4.1 Steel Making Shop

Basic Oxygen Furnace shop consists of 1 No. of 110 t. converter with lance system, 1 X
1300 t. Mixer with auxiliaries, bulk material charging system, ferro alloy charging
system, Ladle Furnace, Gas Clearing Plant based on Suppressed Combustion System
type and Gas Recovery Plant along with other associated facilities.The hot metal supply
to BOF from Blast Furnace will be through open top ladles.
6.4.2 Continuous Casting Plant (6 strand Billet Caster 1 Nos.)
Continuous Casting Plant consists of one number 6 strand high speed Billet Casting
Machine, Argon rinsing unit, ladle turret, moulds, tundish transfer car, strand guide
segments, gas cutting unit, automatic mould level control, shroud system, marking
machine along with other associated facilities.


6.4.3 Bar & Rod Mill

Bar & Rod Mill of capacity 700,000 tpy consists of rolling mill proper, billet reheating
furnace with provision of hot charging of C. C. Billets, finishing facilities, controlled
cooling facilities, roll turning shop along with other associated facilities. The Bar and
rod mill will be ordered shortly.
6.4.4 Lime Calcination Plant
To meet the requirement of basic materials of SMS, one no. of lime Calcination / dolo
plant with a capacity of 300 tpd lime and 100 tpd dolo will be installed.
One Air Separation Unit (Oxygen Plant) of 418 tpd capacity for
6.4.5 Oxygen Plant
production, storage and distribution of Oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon.

Chapter 7


NINL has been allotted a mining area at Mithirda- Kriyakudar- Basada Iron ore range
having an estimated reserve of 110 million tons and covering an area of 874 Hectares
in the districts of Sundargarh and Keonjhar of Orissa State. NINL proposes to develop
a 2 million TPA mechanised mine on two shift operation basis to meet its requirement
of iron ore on a sustainable and long term basis. It is estimated that lumps to fines
generation in these mines shall be in the proportion of 40:60. While, the iron ore fines
extracted shall be consumed almost entirely for Sinter production, surplus iron ore
lumps shall be sold to other iron producers. The mining activity is proposed to be done
by Opencast Mining Methods with the help of shovels, dumpers and drills. Post
excavation the ores will be processed through the Ore processing plant which consists
of crushing and conveying to screening plants and then to loading plants. The loading
plant will have facilities to stack the calibrated lump and fines separately. The mines
are well connected to road and rail network.

7.1.1 Present Raw material Procurement

At present NINL is procuring Iron ore and Iron Ore Fines from Orissa Mining
Corporation (OMC), Daitary . In case OMC is unable to meet requirements ,NINL is

procuring it from Banspani , Barbil, Joda sector of Orissa. Limestone and Dolomite is
procured from Biramitrapur , Orissa and Katni ,Madhya Pradesh.
The entire requirenment of coking coal is met through Australia through Paradeep
Port. MMTC , the promoters of NINL arranges raw material for NINL except from

Chapter 8


Marketing of products
MMTC organizes the total marketing of all finished products. Orders are booked by
MMTC and are passed to NINL for loading. Pig Iron of NINL has established its name
in domestic and international markets. NINL is the largest producer and Exporter of
Pig Iron in India since 2004-05.


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