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Action No.

Provincial Court of Alberta

Civil Division




Third Party

Third Party Notice by

Name and
address of
the Third


The Plaintiff has sued the Defendant(s) as set out in the attached Civil Claim. This Defendant has denied the
claim as set out in the attached Dispute Note.
If the Plaintiff succeeds in this claim, this Defendant claims against you


Write out the
reasons you
are suing the
Third Party

Write in
your name,
for service
and phone

Relief in respect of any judgment or costs in this action given against this Defendant in favour of
the Plaintiff, and
Costs of the Civil Claim and of these Third Party proceedings

on the following grounds:

Filed by

Issued by the Provincial Court of Alberta,


, Alberta

Clerk of the Provincial Court

Note: You have been sued by the Defendant. You are the Third Party. You have only 20 days to file a Dispute Note
to this Third Party Notice. You must file your Dispute Note to this Third Party Notice in the Court office located at

-Choose Court Location

Warning: The Defendant may note you in default if you do not file your Dispute Note to this Third Party Notice. If
you file a Dispute Note to this Third Party notice, it should in addition to denying your liability to the Defendant, set
out whether you deny that the Defendant is liable to the Plaintiff.
CTS2776 (2010/03)

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How Do I Serve the Documents?

The Third Party Notice and form of Dispute Note to the Third Party Notice must be served by
one of the methods listed below. You may serve the documents on any day of the week.
Someone else may serve the documents for you.
If you are unable to serve your documents by one method, an alternative method should be
attempted. If you are unable to serve the documents by any of the approved methods, contact the
Court office where you filed your Third Party Notice for further instructions.
How do I serve a Person?
You may serve the documents on a person:

by giving the documents to that person; or


by leaving the documents at the person's residence with a resident who is apparently 16
years or older; or


by mailing the documents by registered mail to the person's last known address. The
Third Party, or someone on the Third Party's behalf signs an acknowledgment of receipt.
Keep your postal receipt and contact the Post Office for a Copy of Signature or Certificate
of Confirmation of Delivery document.

When you serve more than one Third Party you must use separate envelopes for each one.

How do I serve a Corporation?

Obtain a corporate search from Corporate Registry to prove to the Court that you have properly
served the registered office of the corporation (this might be at a law firm).
You may serve the documents on a corporation:

by giving the documents to the president, chairman, or other head officer or a director of the
corporation, or


by giving the documents to a manager, agent or officer acting on behalf of the corporation
where the Third Party Notice arose, or


by leaving them at or sending them by registered mail to the registered office of the corporation.
Keep your postal receipt from the Post Office.

If service is done by registered mail it is considered to be served 7 days from the date of mailing to
an address in Alberta and 14 days if mailed to an address in Canada, outside of Alberta.

What do I do with the Affidavit of Service?

After serving the Third Party, the person who served the Third Party Notice and form of Dispute Note
to the Third Party Notice must:

fill out the Affidavit of Service provided by the Court office.


take the Affidavit of Service in person to a Commissioner for Oaths to be sworn/affirmed. This
may be done at any Court office.


give the Commissioner the postal receipt and Acknowledgment of Receipt documents if
served on a person by registered mail. The Commissioner will attach and mark the receipts and
documents as exhibits.


give the Commissioner the postal receipt from the Post Office if served by registered mail on
a corporation. The Commissioner will attach and mark the receipt as an exhibit.

It is your responsibility to notify the Court office of any change in your address.

Affidavit of Service
Print Name and Address

make oath and say / solemnly affirm and declare that I served

Cross off and initial all

non-applicable sections

Personal Service on an

with a true copy of the Third Party Notice/form of Dispute Note to the Third Party Notice/Order by:


delivering the copies on

personally to the Third Party at

write out the full address

Service by Registered
mail on an individual


mailing the copies to the Third Party at

write out the full address

Attached and marked Exhibit A is the receipt from the Post Office and attached and marked Exhibit B is the
acknowledgement of receipt from the Third Party or a person receiving it on the Third Party's behalf
Personal service at the
most usual residence of


date from acknowledgement of receipt

leaving the copies on



write out the full address

the Third Party's most usual place of residence, with

a resident, thereof, who was apparently 16 years of age or older.
Personal service at
Registered office of
Corporation only

Service by Registered
mail at Registered office
of Corporation only


leaving the copies on

named corporation at


at the registered office of the above


write out the full address

mailing the copies on

by registered mail to the registered

date from postal receipt

office of the above named corporation at

write out the full address

Attached and marked Exhibit A is the receipt from the post office.
Personal service on
President, Head Officer,
Director, Manager,
Agent or Officer of the


leaving the copies on

a / an

Service on a Partnership



write out the full address

leaving the copies on


of the above named corporation



a partner of the above named partnership

As directed by the Court
(Stipulate date and

write out the full address


Sworn / Affirmed before me


, Alberta.


Commissioner for Oaths for Alberta

Print Name and Expiry

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