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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: Understanding Heart Rate

Name: Tannya Valadez

Content Area: Physical Education

Grade Level: 5

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

CS. 3:
CS. 4:

Fitness concepts
3.1 demonstrate how to warm up muscles and joints before running, jumping, kicking, throwing, and striking.
Aerobic Capacity
4.8 Identify the heart rate intensity (target heart-rate range) that is necessary to increase aerobic capacity.
4.10 Compare target heart rate and perceived exertion during physical activity.
4.11 Measure and record the heart rate before, during, and after vigorous physical activity.
4.12 Explain how technology can assist in the pursuit of physical fitness

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:
1. Students will know how to take their pulse by themselves and learn how to use a heart rate monitor.
2. Students will learn and understand the concepts and differences of resting heart rate, target heart rate and max heart rate, resting heart
rate and calculations.
3. Students will develop an understanding on what forms of exercises/activities are good to have an increased heart rate and how it affects
the heart.
21st Century Skills:
1. Students will use heart rate monitors to facilitate their understanding.
2. Students will analyze and evaluate their results of their heart rates and be able to critically examine their calculations.
Unit Summary:
In this unit, students will gain an understanding on how to calculate their own heart rate and the different types of heart rate zones that there is
and what different types of activities affect it. Students will then move on by participating in some activities that will raise their heart rate.
Students will have to record their heart rate results by writing them down before and after an activity. Students will also compare their accuracy
on taking their pulse by using a heart rate monitor. Students will learn and understand what kind of activities are best to do to maintain their
target heart rate and the reason why. They will also know how the heart is affected when doing exercise.
Assessment Plan:
Quick write: How does exercise affect heart

-Activity After Lecture: Exercise in stations and
calculate heart rate.

-Written Exam
-Exam part 2: Activity

-Quizlet Flashcards: Definitions

-Webercise: Understanding heart rate
-KWL Chart: How does exercise affect heart

Lesson 1
Student Learning
Students will be able to
demonstrate how to
measure their pulse and
compare their results
with a heart rate monitor
at least 2 times.

Acceptable Evidence
Students will fill out their
guided notes completely
and turn it in with no
errors to show their full
understanding. Students
will also show
understanding of their
knowledge by being able
to demonstrate how to
measure their pulse and
comparing it with a heart
rate monitor to show
they did it right.

Lesson Activities: Students will engage in a Lecture by listening and answering questions.
They will also be able to follow along with the lecture by filling out their guided notes as we
move along. The lecture will start with a discussion on the basic understanding heart rate and
what it is. Then students will learn about how to properly measure their pulse. Following that,
we will explore definitions on different heart rate zones and how to calculate them. Students will
also learn how to use a heart rate monitor to compare their results after measuring their pulse.
Finally, we will discuss why the heart increases when doing exercise and why it doesnt with
sleep. After the lecture is done, students will participate in a physical activity. After the physical
activity is done, students will have to demonstrate how to measure their pulse and compare it
with their heart rate monitor.

Acceptable Evidence:
Students will complete
the webercise worksheet
while using websites to
gather their information.

Lesson Activities: Students will complete a worksheet using a computer to access the
different websites listed in the worksheet. Students will have to use the websites provided and
read the articles to be able to answer the questions effectively. The articles go more in to detail
on the concepts of target heart rate, resting heart rate and maximum heart rate. Students will
also have the opportunity to learn more about vigorous-intense and moderate-intense activities
and how it affects the heart. This worksheet will allow students to participate in small activities
to fully understand the concept on how to calculate their heart rate.

Lesson 2
Student Learning
Students will be able to
define resting heart rate,
target heart rate,
maximum heart rate and
effectively calculate
them before and after
different activities.
Lesson 3

Student Learning
Students will be able to
explain at least 3 ways
on how exercise affects
the heart.

Acceptable Evidence:
Students will turn in their
KWL chart so I can
observe how much they
learned after reading and
if their questions were

Lesson Activities: Students will be given a KWL chart where they will be able to respond to
the question of how exercise affects the heart. They will write what they already know, what
they want to learn, and what they learned. Before reading, students will be able to fill out the
K part and the W part. After the reading is done, they will be able to write on the L part.

Unit Resources:
Graphic organizer:
Quizlet Flash cards:

Useful Websites:

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