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Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

January, 2017

News | Education | Schedule
Did you know?

A Helping Hand


On December 20, 1874, a

special meeting of New
York Lodge No. 330 was
held to exemplify the third
degree for the edification of
a Brother. His Royal
Highness David Kalakaua ,
King of the Hawaiian
Islands, and a member of
Le Progres de l'Oceanie
Lodge No. 124 (Supreme
Council of France)
Honolulu, Hawaiian


After the degree was

exemplified, the Bible on
which George Washington
had taken his oath of office
was displayed. The royal
visitor asked that the book
be opened at the page
where the oath was
administered. He took the
book in both hands and
kissed the page saying "I
thank God for this

Waukegan Lodge 78 has a long history of being

incredibly active. We dont go dark, we meet nearly
every week and we always have things to do. This year
is no different. We have a full schedule this year and
are looking forward to executing our plans for activities,
degrees and other events but, we need your help!

A lodge is only as strong as its members who are willing

to assist. It has been said that only 10% of any
organization is active. Is this true for Freemasonry? Is
this true for Waukegan 78? Brethren, our lodge is the
stuff that success is made of, we need only to tap into

If you find yourself willing, able and ready to assist your

lodge in its endeavors, come on down. Cant remember
all the grips words and what to do? Thats OK, friendly
reminders happen all the time. This fraternity is more
than the Secret stuff. Its made up of good, quality
men like YOU!

We hope to see you at the next meeting!

The Officers of Waukegan Lodge 78

Continued on Pg. 2

Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

January, 2017

Pay Your Dues Online

Continued from Pg 1
On January 15, 1865, the
same royal visitor attended
Chicago's Oriental Lodge
No. 33 which had called a
special meeting. Over four
hundred distinguished
visitors attended.

In the District

1/17 Sequoit 827 Stated

1/18 CLI Class
Libertyville 492
1/19 Millburn 127 Stated
1/27 Libertyville 492
Stated Meeting
2/1 CLI Class
Libertyville 492
2/6 Rising Sun 115
Stated Meeting Ocial

How it works: If you owe current dues only ($120), you can go on to
our website at, click Members and pay via

Masonic Anniversaries! Years since Raised

Robert Ackerman Jr

12 Jay Hulsey

54 Thomas Love


Ted Clavey

61 Dennis Johnson

32 George Marlin Jr


Craig Decker

16 Robert Jones

17 Wayne Motley


Arline Dofita

17 Michael Kennedy

50 Patrick Needham


Alejandro Duran

34 Mark Kirk

16 Torrie Newsome


David Francis

16 Michael Lareau

16 Elmar Nichols


Timothy Henrichs

16 James Lea

59 M.A.P.


Joseph Rajcevich

16 Joseph Rajcevich

16 Shawn Sheets


Robert Randall

15 Robert Randall

15 Roger Shoumake


Timothy Spulak

13 Charles Sullins

41 James Tukesbrey


James Tukesbrey


- Royal Arch Masonry Why wait to get started, Companion? Take that first
step -- today -- and help out your fraternity. Remember,
someone once helped you. Now return the favor.

2/7 Sequoit 827 Stated

2/8 Anchor & Ark 1027
Stated Meeting
2/10 Libertyville 492
Stated & 3

Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

January, 2017

The True Strength of Freemasonry

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Todd E. Creason 33
I've said it many times before. I was telling somebody the other night that I think one of the great
strengths of Freemasonry is that a.) it gives us the opportunity to use skills we wouldn't normally have the
opportunity to use, b.) develop skills we wouldn't normally use, and c.) use skills we already possess to
greater eect, and d.) have the opportunity to improve ourselves as we work together towards making the
world a better place.
I went into Freemasonry with well honed skills in leadership, management and organization which I use
in a variety of ways. From Masonry I've gained skills in writing, researching, speaking, networking, and
fundraising--as well as some refinements in how I conduct myself and present myself (got a lot more work
to do there). And I've been given the opportunity to build on and use some of the skills I have in art in
But I never really appreciated the self-improvement aspect of the Fraternity until recently. I'm aware that
I've changed over the years, and gained a lot of wisdom from my mentors and teachers along with a good
deal of knowledge from my studies. I've always worked to pass that along to new members, and I think
I've done a pretty good job as a mentor and teacher. But recently I saw an example that really showed me
the potential of what Freemasonry is capable of accomplishing in a man's life when properly applied.
I've been mentoring a young man for about a year now. He contacted me through the Midnight
Freemasons with some questions about the Fraternity, thought it sounded like something he could benefit
from, and he's now a new Master Mason. He's very enthusiastic about Freemasonry, and it occurred to
me in talking with him why. This is the first time in his life that he's been able to see what he has to oer,
see the potential of what he can become, and see what the contributions of just one person can do to
make one thing better in the world--and then compound that by joining forces with a group of likeminded men all with that same desire.
The Fraternity has opened his eyes, and there's a good chance he'll never be the same again. His life was
o track when he joined--our original conversations were about whether a Lodge would even want him.
Of course they did, and he joined. Freemasonry helped put him back on the right track. He's contributing
to the work of his Lodge, he's helping out in his community, he's got a new job he loves, replaced a few
bad habits with a few good ones, and is in a new relationship that's much better than the one that got him
o track. He's even begun attending church, which he hadn't done since he was a boy. He's transformed
his life, and it's truly been a marvel to see.
I might get boos for this, but it isn't all about doing Freemasonry--attending events, degrees, meetings,
etc. It's about living Freemasonry, and when given the opportunity teaching Freemasonry. Those of us
who do, who take those ancient teachings and apply them to our life and help others do the same thing
find the greatest strength of Freemasonry--the path to a well-balanced, peaceful and happy life.

Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

January, 2017

Lodge Happenings
Waukegan No. 78
January 16th - Official Visit Stated Meeting
January 23rd - 1 Practice
January 25th - Lake County School of Instruction
Anchor & Ark 1027 (Officers strongly encouraged to
January 30th - 1st Degree
February 6th -TBD

*Just a note, the schedule is

dependent on the return of
catechisms. We will post updates
to the schedule as needed on our
website as well as weekly
announcements through our
call em all phone system and
Facebook page. Waukegan Lodge #78

February 13th - TBD

February 20th - Annual George Washington
Presentation & Stated Meeting
February 22nd - Grand Lodge School Anchor & Ark
1027 (Officers strongly encouraged to attend) - 1st NE
District info and calendar
- Instruction Club

February 25th - North-East Area Education

Symposium at Libertyville 492 - Joseph Wages
Illuminati Rituals
February 27th - Lake County School of Instruction
Waukegan 78 (Officers strongly encouraged to attend)

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