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17 November 2016



What causes ADHD?

We don't know exactly what causes ADHD, but scientific research
suggests the causes could be largely genetic, combined with some other

ADHD and genes

Scientific research has found there is a strong genetic link in ADHD.
It is not a disorder that is learnt or passed on socially.
Studies have looked at identical and non-identical twins, adopted
children and their non-adopted brothers and sisters, and family
members of people with ADHD.
In identical twins, there is a 72 to 83 per cent probability that both
will have ADHD, but in non-identical same-sex twins the probability
is 21 to 45 per cent.
Research also shows parents, siblings and children of people with
ADHD may be up to five times more likely to have the disorder than

people who aren't related to someone with ADHD. More than half of
all parents with ADHD will have a child with the disorder.
At one time, people thought there could be just one gene that
makes someone develop ADHD. Now experts know that this is not
the case and think the disorder is probably caused by several genes
each of which makes a small contribution.

ADHD and the brain

ADHD isn't entirely caused by genetic factors. Scientific studies
have shown that in people with ADHD some important parts of the
brain are developing more slowly and communicating less well.
One particular part of the brain that has been associated with ADHD
is the prefrontal cortex.
The prefrontal cortex has important connections with other parts of
the brain and is the area of the brain that's believed to control
'executive functions'.

Executive function

Activities controlled by executive function: managing frustration

restraining outbursts
problem solving
memory recall
sustaining effort
Keeping focused.
Executive functions are specific mental activities that allow selfcontrol. The core symptoms of ADHD - hyperactivity, impulsiveness
and inattention - may all arise due to problems with executive
Studies have also shown that people with ADHD can have different
levels of certain 'neurotransmitters', such as dopamine and
noradrenaline. Both these neurotransmitters are involved in
executive functions.
Current thinking suggests that an imbalance of some of the
neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain is important in ADHD.

Brain injuries in pregnancy and birth

Research suggests that when a baby's brain is damaged or
negatively affected before or after birth, this could make the baby

more likely to develop ADHD later on.

If a woman smokes, takes drugs, drinks a lot of alcohol, or is very
stressed while she is pregnant, these things can affect the baby's

Children with a low birth weight seem to be more likely to develop
ADHD. Brain diseases, trauma during birth, head injury and passive
smoking can also increase the chances of a child developing ADHD.

Diet and ADHD

There isn't a great deal of evidence to show that eating particular

types of food or food additives play a major role in causing ADHD.
Many parents of children with ADHD try changing their child's diet or
giving food supplements, but there is little or no evidence this can
benefit children with ADHD.
Some studies have found children with ADHD have lower levels of
essential fatty acids, like omega 3, than other children.
This suggests they may not absorb these fats from food as well as
other people, or perhaps they lack the enzyme that converts the
fatty acids to other substances in the body. However, it isn't clear
what role these fatty acids play in the disorder.

Family and ADHD

Factors of family environment associated with ADHD include:

lack of harmony between parents and in family life
hostile relationships between parents and children
diffi culties between siblings
lower socio-economic status
mental health problems
Criminal behavior.
There are certain aspects of the family environment that are found
more often in children with ADHD. It isn't clear whether these
factors can actually cause ADHD.

It may be the family environment just increases the likelihood of

ADHD developing in a child who is already more at risk because of
other reasons, eg genetic factors. A child's home life can also affect
the severity of symptoms, how long ADHD lasts and how it
It is also the case that having a child with ADHD in the family can be
very stressful and impact.
It's possible that some of the factors linked with ADHD, such as
family conflict and criminal behavior, could be the result of the same
genes that cause ADHD, rather than independent causes of the

ADHD and parenting

It's a common misconception that ADHD is caused by 'bad'
parenting. People who don't know anything about ADHD can be
quick to blame the parents. But many experts think the causes of
ADHD are largely genetic.
Research shows it's far more likely that good parents trying to cope
with the behavior of a child with ADHD sometimes seem like 'bad'
parents, because they can appear short-tempered, stressed,
depressed and poor at disciplining their child.
It is however important to recognize how a child with ADHD is
parented can affect how he behaves.
Children who frequently receive hostile or critical comments are
much more likely to develop oppositional and aggressive behaviors.

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