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OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for

SAP Solutions
Release Notes
Version 7.5 SP3
Product Released: October 12, 2015

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions .............................................................. 2
Release Notes ....................................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Release Notes Revision History ................................................................................................ 6

Support Package Introduction ...................................................................................................... 8

Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 SAP Prerequisites...................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Prerequisites on Archive Server (VIMI-4180) ............................................................................ 9

New Features ................................................................................................................................ 10

4.1 Automatic Vendor Group Change (VIMI-14220) ..................................................................... 10
4.2 New VAN (VIMI-14314) Data selection with ABAP CDS views ............................................ 10
4.3 New VAN (VIMI-14496) Selection with specific scenario Fiscal Year Changed ................ 10
4.4 New VAN (VIMI-15227) Displaying the attachment list ........................................................ 10
4.5 New VAN (VIMI-15358) Displaying aggregated key figures ................................................. 10
4.6 New VAN (VIMI-11567) Role specific transaction codes ...................................................... 11
4.7 New VAN (VIMI-14098) Keeping selection after refresh ...................................................... 11
4.8 Extended withholding tax rounding (VIMI-15150) ................................................................... 11
4.9 Exits for mapping of custom fields for external tax systems (VIMI-15177) ............................. 11

Enhancements for Vendor Reject Email (VIMI-14800) .............................................. 12


Archive document type for additional documents (VIMI-15371) ................................ 12

Extended Selection Screen for VIM Automation Report and ICC Admin Tool
(VIMI-15264) ............................................................................................................................ 12
Manual and Automated Processing of Reject from Validation in DP Workflow
(VIMI-4060) .............................................................................................................................. 12

Reminder Report: Support of substitutions profiles (VIMI-6386)................................ 13

Support option Distribution by Amount for multiple account assignment
(VIMI-8082) .............................................................................................................................. 13
Direct link to VIM document available in exception analysis report (VIMI12684) 13
Enhancement spot for Process option Change Document Types (VIMI12596) 13

Enhancement spot for vendor download report (VIMI-12867) ................................... 13

VIM-Workplace: Support of Select All function with activated filters for Bulk
Processing (VIMI-15357) ......................................................................................................... 14

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes



Optional check for update task issues before posting in dialog (VIMI-15480) ........... 14

Calculation of due date and baseline date according to SAP logic (VIMI14768) 14

New field Exchange Rate in indexing screen (VIMI-11960) ...................................... 15


Additional Bulk functions in VIM Workplace (VIMI-15546) ......................................... 15


Enhanced VIM Workplace selection (VIMI-14173)..................................................... 15


Additional fields in VIM Workplace (VIMI-14174) ....................................................... 16


Feedback Interface (VIMI-10208/VIMI-15561/VIMI-15746) ....................................... 16


Deletion of Additional Cost Lines with Zero Amount (VIMI-15532) ............................ 16


New BDC ID and posting function for Non-PO invoices (VIMI-14371) ...................... 16


Posting to tax GL accounts for Non-PO invoices (VIMI-7071) ................................... 17


Minimum Amount in Ext. Withholding Tax (VIMI-15423) ............................................ 17


Possibility to Transfer Comments into DP Workflow (VIMI-15447) ............................ 17

Data Archiving Objects /OPT/REP and /OPT/DOC enhanced (VIMI-12501 +
VIMI-15595) ............................................................................................................................. 18
Improve Debugging Possibilities in ICC Dispatcher Focus on Extraction
Queue (VIMI-15618) ................................................................................................................ 18

Scan function in VIM Workplace (VIMI-15465) .......................................................... 18


Inbound Processing on Business Center Inbound Configuration............................... 19

Posting of NPO invoices with different tax codes in the line items (VIMI15786) 20

Changes data element of field VBUND - Trading Partner (VIMI-12356) .................... 20

Customization possibility for the WEB Viewer for the Image in the Detail pane
(VIMI-13416) ............................................................................................................................ 21


Enhancements in VIM extended duplicate check function (VIMI-9696) ..................... 21


Show-Hide functionality for navigation view (VIMI-11475) ......................................... 22


Coding Templates for Web Approval Portal (VIMI-10031).......................................... 22


JCo 3 support in the Approval Portal (VIMI-15594) .................................................... 22

Packaging and Documentation .................................................................................................. 23

5.1 Packaging and Delivery Information ........................................................................................ 23

ABAP Package ........................................................................................................... 23


Language Package..................................................................................................... 23


CDS Views Package .................................................................................................. 23


Non-ABAP Packages ................................................................................................. 24


Business Center for SAP Solutions ............................................................................ 25

5.2 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 29

5.3 Related Documentation ........................................................................................................... 30

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Supported Environments and Compatibility ............................................................................. 31

6.1 Compatibility Matrix ................................................................................................................. 31
6.2 Language Support ................................................................................................................... 31
6.3 Approval Portal Downward Compatibility Matrix ..................................................................... 33
6.4 Supported Web Browsers ........................................................................................................ 34
6.5 Supported Operating Systems for Mobile Devices.................................................................. 35

Fixed Issues .................................................................................................................................. 36

7.1 Document Processing (DP) ..................................................................................................... 36
7.2 Invoice Approvals .................................................................................................................... 44
7.3 Web Approval Portal ................................................................................................................ 46
7.4 Mobile Approval Portal ............................................................................................................. 48
7.5 Incoming Document Handler (IDH) ......................................................................................... 48
7.6 Invoice Exception .................................................................................................................... 49
7.7 VIM Notifications ...................................................................................................................... 50
7.8 VIM Analytics (new VAN) Report and VAN Liability Report ..................................................... 51
7.9 Central Reporting and Other Reports ...................................................................................... 52


VIM Workplace ........................................................................................................... 53


Customizing ................................................................................................................ 53


KPI Dashboard ........................................................................................................... 53


Supplier Self Service .................................................................................................. 53

Post Installation Activities .......................................................................................................... 54

8.1 Activate BC Set /OTEXVIM/VIM75_SP3_CUSTOMIZING...................................................... 54
8.2 Install transport with layout variants (VIMI-14877) .................................................................. 54
8.3 Update customizing profiles for New VIM Analytics (VAN) Report (VIMI-14314) ................... 54
8.4 New BDC ID for posting Non-PO invoices (VIMI-14371) ........................................................ 54
8.5 Posting to tax GL accounts for Non-PO invoices (VIMI-7071) ................................................ 55
8.6 Posting of NPO invoices with different tax codes in the line items (VIMI-15786).................... 59
8.7 Tax amount calculation incorrectly for Brazil/India invoices (VIMI-13835) .............................. 60

Optional Post Installation Activities ........................................................................................... 62

9.1 Configure new feature Process reject from validation in DP workflow (VIMI-4060) .............. 62

Set forwarding option .................................................................................................. 62


Adapt new process option 243 to your needs ............................................................ 62


Distribute new process type 243 to your DP document types .................................... 62


Set background options for automated processing .................................................... 63

9.2 Install transport to remove erroneous entry in /OPT/VIM_SYS_LDT table (VIMI15261) 63

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


9.3 Activating BC Inbound Configuration ...................................................................................... 63

10 Known Issues ............................................................................................................................... 65

Account assignment in parked PO invoices (VIMI-15411) ......................................... 65


Known issues with the Approval Portal ...................................................................... 65


Translation missing or not correctly shown in some screens ..................................... 66


Business Center Solution Integration ......................................................................... 66


Approval of DP NPO invoices with tax G/L accounts (VIMI-15967) ........................... 66


Reversal of NPO invoices posted with new posting function, BDC 42 ...................... 67

11 Documentation Extensions ......................................................................................................... 68


User Guide ................................................................................................................. 68

11.1.1 Change section 3.2 Accessing Workflows Using VIM Workplace .............................. 68
11.1.2 Change section 7.9 Entering Accounting Information (Approval Portal new
UI) ............................................................................................................................... 69

Installation Guide ........................................................................................................ 69

11.2.1 Change section 8.2 Handling Workflow Container Inconsistencies ........................ 69

12 Contact Information ..................................................................................................................... 70

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


1 Introduction
These Release Notes provide an overview of OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3,
including new features, delivery information, and supported platforms. OpenText recommends that
you read these Release Notes in conjunction with the documentation included with the software
package. If any conflicts exist, the Release Notes supersede the other documentation.
We also recommend that you check the OpenText Knowledge Center
( for any patches or documentation updates that may have been
posted after the initial release of OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3.

1.1 Release Notes Revision History

Revision Date

Sections Revised

Description of Revisions



Initial Version


5.1.4 (old) VIM Gateway

component deleted
5.1.4 (new) Non-ABAP
packages changed

Zip File name changed

7.3 Web Approval


VIMI-14675 added

11 Documentation
Extensions added

Packaging and delivery


Added detailed information about locations to

get the BC packages from.




Added Documentation Extension




Provided the reference to VIM Upgrade


OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Revision Date

Sections Revised

Description of Revisions


Center for SAP

Added missing information about BC


OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


2 Support Package Introduction

Welcome to OpenText Vendor Invoice Management (VIM). VIM is a prepackaged composite
application that works with existing SAP ERP systems to streamline accounts payable operations.
Support Package 3 (SP3) contains quality improvements as well as enhancements for OpenText
Vendor Invoice Management 7.5. Therefore the installation of SP3 requires the prior installation of
VIM 7.5 SP2. Ensure that you install new Support Package stacks regularly to prevent problems that
have already been corrected, from recurring in the VIM solution.

Read these Release Notes completely BEFORE applying VIM 7.5 SP3 and follow the
instructions given.

Support Package 3 applies to the following versions of VIM 7.5:

SAP ERP 6.0 of OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


3 Installation
This chapter gives some hints for the installation of Support Package 3 for Vendor Invoice
Management (VIM) 7.5. For the detailed installation description read the VIM 7.5 Installation Guide.

3.1 SAP Prerequisites

Make sure that you already have VIM 7.5 SP2 installed.

Any repairs made to the VIM objects will be overwritten by SP3.

3.2 Prerequisites on Archive Server (VIMI-4180)

VIM 7.5 is able to work with any archive that is compatible with SAP ArchiveLink. If you are using the
OCR option or the Approval Portal, you must have a content repository that supports the SAP Content
Server HTTP 4.5 Interface.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


4 New Features
OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 includes the following new features.

4.1 Automatic Vendor Group Change (VIMI-14220)

The vendor group is automatically updated on the indexing screen if vendor number or
company code are changed.
It is also automatically updated during business rule run.

4.2 New VAN (VIMI-14314) Data selection with ABAP CDS views
The new VAN was enabled for data selection with ABAP CDS views. ABAP CDS views can
be used on a SAP system with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.40 SP05 or higher, independent
of the database system.
Data selection based on SAP HANA views is no longer supported but is replaced by data
selection based on ABAP CDS views.

4.3 New VAN (VIMI-14496) Selection with specific scenario

Fiscal Year Changed
In the VIM Analytics (VAN) report, a new scenario is available in the drop down list of
selection field Specific Scenario: Fiscal Year Changed. With this additional scenario it is
possible to select all invoice documents that ran through the year end program of VIM. In
other words: It is possible to select all invoice documents whose SAP invoice documents
were deleted due to a change in the year end posting period.
The SAP status Fiscal Year Changed is no longer available in the drop down list of selection
field Selected Status.

4.4 New VAN (VIMI-15227) Displaying the attachment list

In the case that a VIM invoice has several archived documents linked, it was not possible to display
the list of attachments in the new VAN report. Instead only the main document was displayed in the
Image view. With VIM 7.5 SP3, there is a new button Attachment List
that displays a list of all linked, archived documents. This button corresponds to the Image button in
the old VAN report.

4.5 New VAN (VIMI-15358) Displaying aggregated key figures

The old VAN report provided a button Group Freq. & Stat. to get some aggregated key figures to the
result list. The new VAN provides a more flexible concept to get aggregated key figures to the number
of invoice documents, the processing time, the invoice amount, discount values, and to custom
defined key figures. It is possible to get the total value, the mean value, the minimum, and the
maximum value to any available characteristic. It is also possible to not only aggregate for one

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


characteristic only but for combinations of characteristics as well. Finally, it is possible to expand one
or all nodes to display the associated invoice documents.
For details, see the Reference Guide for VIM 7.5 SP3.

4.6 New VAN (VIMI-11567) Role specific transaction codes

Transaction code /OPT/VIM_VA2 launches VIM Analytics. VIM Analytics comes with a
selection screen with more than 80 selection fields. This is too complex for most end users.
This is why four new transaction codes tailored to specific roles are available now:

/OPT/VIM_VA21 (AP Basic) launches VIM Analytics with a sub-set of selection fields tailored
to an accounting expert. This variant allows searches for specific invoices using invoice data
as invoice numbers, document date, total amount, reference number, etc.
/OPT/VIM_VA22 (AP Advanced) launches VIM Analytics with a sub-set of selection fields
tailored to a higher level accounting expert or special roles as duplicate checker, financial
administrator or tax expert. This variant allows searches for specific invoices using invoice
data as invoice numbers, document date, total amount, reference number, but also process
data, accounting data and due dates.
/OPT/VIM_VA23 (Procurement) launches VIM Analytics with a sub-set of selection fields
tailored to a purchase agent in the procurement department. This variants allows searches for
specific invoices using invoice data as invoice numbers, document date, total amount,
reference number and requisitioner, but also purchasing data.
/OPT/VIM_VA24 (Monitor) launches VIM Analytics with a sub-set of selection fields tailored to
a person who needs to monitor invoices and their processes. This variant allows searches for
invoice data as document date, total amount and reference number, but also accounting data,
due dates, document dates and VIM exceptions.

4.7 New VAN (VIMI-14098) Keeping selection after refresh

When clicking the Refresh button the selection is kept, meaning the detail view will still show the
details of the last selected invoice document.

4.8 Extended withholding tax rounding (VIMI-15150)

The extended withholding tax type SAP customizing offers rounding rule settings. VIM withholding tax
amount calculation reacts to the rounding rule settings.

4.9 Exits for mapping of custom fields for external tax systems
To map custom invoice fields or change line item data before passing it to the tax calculation
functions, a user exit is now provided by VIM that can be enabled with a new Z-constant:
Product Code 005
Constant name - EXT_MAP_LINE_ITEM External Line item Mapping

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


If used, the constant value must contain a function module name. The function module interface must
be the same as that of /OPT/VIM_EXT_LINE_MAPPING.

4.10 Enhancements for Vendor Reject Email (VIMI-14800)

A signature can now be defined in the end of the email (Standard Text maintained in Z-Constant
RTV_SIGNATURE_NAME). Data from user master data can be added to the signature.
Enhancement Spots to implement custom logic and enhance product standard have been added.
Archiving of Email Body as HTM is now possible. The archiving document type is defined in ZConstant RTV_AR_OBJECT.
Please see the Configuration Guide for more details.

4.11 Archive document type for additional documents (VIMI-15371)

Additional documents can be provided in the third party interface and in other input channels by a
table containing archive ID and archive document ID, but the archive document type could not be
passed over. Starting with this SP, the archive document type can be passed as well.

4.12 Extended Selection Screen for VIM Automation Report and

ICC Admin Tool (VIMI-15264)
ICC Admin Tool (/OPT/VIM_ICC_ADMIN_TOOL) and VIM Automation Report
(/OPT/VR_AUTOMATION_REPORT) were extended with date selection.

4.13 Manual and Automated Processing of Reject from Validation

in DP Workflow (VIMI-4060)
Documents can be rejected in the ICC validation client, and three actions can be set:
Mark for deletion, Mark for rescan and Reject. (See ICC User Guide, chapter 2.11 Rejecting a
Up to now, the DP workflow in VIM did not respond to these required actions, and the document
remained in the ICC dispatcher.
Now there are following processing options available in DP workflow:

Manual processing: Manual processing means that the documents have to be processed in
the new exception 243 Check Data After Reject From Validation. To enable manual
processing, the forwarding option must be set for entry RJ Reject from validation in table
Automated processing: Automated processing is possible for documents that have been
rejected with Mark for deletion or Mark for rescan.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


To enable automated processing,


Forwarding option must be set for entry RJ Reject from validation in table /OPT/VIM_RETRY.
Background option must be activated for entry 007 (Obsolete) or, respectively, 008 (Rescan)
in table /OPT/VIM_REJECTV.

See section on post installation activities for details of the customizing.

4.14 Reminder Report: Support of substitutions profiles (VIMI6386)

SAP substitution profiles are now considered when sending out emails via reminder report

4.15 Support option Distribution by Amount for multiple account

assignment (VIMI-8082)
The new option Distribution by Amount that was introduced in EHP4 and can be activated as
enterprise business function LOG_MM_MAA_1 is now supported.

4.16 Direct link to VIM document available in exception analysis

report (VIMI-12684)
The exception analysis report was enhanced to provide a direct link to display the dashboard for
single documents.

4.17 Enhancement spot for Process option Change Document

Types (VIMI-12596)
If you change the DP document type, attachments are moved from their original ArchiveLink
document type to the ArchiveLink document type of the new DP document type.
To enable custom solutions for attachments, VIM 7.5 SP3 introduces the enhancement spot
/OPT/ES_VIM_R1AX1 in the program /OPT/VIM_R1AX1. When changing the DP document type, this
enhancement spot allows implementing a custom logic to reassign ArchiveLink document types of
documents and attachments to other logical archives.

4.18 Enhancement spot for vendor download report (VIMI-12867)

An enhancement spot /OPT/ES_VIM_ICC_IR_DL_VTST with four enhancement points is added for
vendor download report /OPT/IR_DL_VENDOR_TO_STG_TABLE. Please see the Administration
Guide, section Downloading the Vendor Database from SAP ERP for more details.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


4.19 VIM-Workplace: Support of Select All function with

activated filters for Bulk Processing (VIMI-15357)
To improve bulk processing, it is now possible to use function Select All when ALV filters are active.
After database selection using select options, the user can use the GUI-based filter provided by the
ALV result list to further narrow down selections. The result of the filtering can now be completely
selected with the select all button to execute bulk functions.

4.20 Optional check for update task issues before posting in dialog
In system environments where the SAP update task processing is not stable, inconsistency between
VIM and SAP data (that means, invoices are posted, but not registered in VIM) could occur
sporadically, if the user is cancelling the update processing by force.
To prevent such inconsistencies, a new check can be activated if required. It will check the status of
the update tasks before executing a process option calling a dialog posting transaction. If it is enabled
and running updates are detected, a message will be displayed to the user: Update processing is
delayed. Additionally, the inconsistent data situations are avoided in these cases by rolling back the
transaction before the actual SAP posting transactions are started. The check can be activated by
setting Z-Constant 005 / CHK_UPD_TSK_IS_ALIVE to X. Please see VIM Reference Guide for
additional information.

4.21 Calculation of due date and baseline date according to SAP

logic (VIMI-14768)
VIM had its own logic to calculate the due and baseline dates for invoices, but did not support
standard SAP settings for that. The support for SAP logic has been now implemented. The following
logic for the baseline date determination will be applied:
The value for /OPT/VIM_T005-ZFBDT_DET, which can be customized in the 'Characteristic Specific
Document Type Configuration', will determine the default value for the baseline date. A new value T
'SAP Logic' has been introduced here.
As there are payment terms in SAP which do not set a default value by themselves, the setting 'T' (as
well as space) in the customizing may result in an empty value for the baseline date (which may be
the wanted behavior).

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Indexing Screen and DP workflow:

The value for the baseline date will be derived from the payment terms according to SAP logic, unless
the determination procedure is set to manual. The drop down field showing the determination
procedure shows the way how the visible baseline date was determined. So as soon as payment
terms exist, you will see only values 'Manual Entry' or 'SAP Logic'. The other values will appear only
when no payment terms exist, or when they have been selected explicitly.
As soon as you change the vendor or the payment terms, a new baseline date will be calculated and
the determination procedure will show 'SAP Logic'.

4.22 New field Exchange Rate in indexing screen (VIMI-11960)

To support input of the exchange rate to be used in invoices, VIM now provides a solution similar to
the functionality of MIRO. A new field "Exchange Rate" has been introduced in the indexing screen.
The field is visible if the document currency is different from the local currency. It is editable unless the
invoice refers to a PO with fixed exchange rate. Warning messages will be generated like in SAP
standard (for example, if the given exchange rate deviates to a certain degree from the table value).
Translation date (which is used to set the exchange rate) will be invisible.

4.23 Additional Bulk functions in VIM Workplace (VIMI-15546)

The functions Execute, Resubmit/End Resubmission and Reserve/Unreserve work item are now
provided as bulk action in the personal inbox tab of VIM Workplace.

4.24 Enhanced VIM Workplace selection (VIMI-14173)

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


The selection in VIM Workplace was extended by new select option Document ID and Range
selection for date fields and invoice amount:

4.25 Additional fields in VIM Workplace (VIMI-14174)

Several new fields are available in the result list for VIM Workplace and can be activated by
customizing. Please refer to the configuration guide for details.

4.26 Feedback Interface (VIMI-10208/VIMI-15561/VIMI-15746)

The feedback interface to an ICC custom application can be used.

4.27 Deletion of Additional Cost Lines with Zero Amount (VIMI15532)

Additional cost lines that do not have an amount / have a zero amount are deleted if z-constant
ADD_COST_DEL_ZERO is added to /ptgwfi/z_const with product code 005 and value X.

4.28 New BDC ID and posting function for Non-PO invoices (VIMI14371)
To support several specific posting scenarios and to follow recommendations of SAP, a new posting
function for Non-PO invoices is provided, along with corresponding BDC ID. The new function is using
the MM-LIV BAPI functions to post the invoices. It is using the BAPI
(the older BAPI version) otherwise.
The new BDC ID delivered with baseline configuration is 42. We recommend to review the new
supported features and limitations of the new posting function before using it. Depending on your
business processes, you may decide to keep the older logic for some scenarios or DP document
types and use the new one for other cases.
While most commonly used account assignment fields are supported by the new function, there may
be discrepancies in the sets of supported fields, compared the new function and the existing BDC 34
and 41. For the complete list of supported account assignment fields please see the documentation of
New scenarios supported by the new posting function:

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Posting of net vendor invoices (typically SAP document type KN). Discounts are calculated
automatically and posted to separate line items according to the configuration. Note: the
company code setting Tax base net of discount (which may be used for US company codes)
is still not supported in general.
Posting to tax GL accounts (see separate entry for feature request VIMI-7071).

Scenarios that are not supported:

In comparison with the older posting functions, the new posting function currently does not support
the use of gross amounts on line items and also does not support posting of profitability segment
data. Please use the baseline BDCs 34 or 41 for those scenarios.
The Configuration Guide has been extended with an overview of available Non-PO posting functions
to help you to select the right one for your project.

4.29 Posting to tax GL accounts for Non-PO invoices (VIMI-7071)

VIM now supports posting to input tax GL accounts with the new NPO posting function (new baseline
BDC ID 42). If an input tax GL account is used in the line item, you can either provide the tax base
amount manually, or let VIM calculate it by leaving the field empty. Modifications were also made to
the balance calculation functions so that the invoice balance will be calculated correctly if a tax GL
account is used.
The existing NPO posting function (BDC ID 34) has been adjusted to perform the calculation of the
tax base amount to be used during the data validations. It is not recommended to use this function to
actually post invoices with tax GL account used. In case your DP document is set up to use the BDC
ID 34, the posting will stop with an error in a baseline configuration. You can switch this check off to
allow it to proceed with the posting by setting the Z-constant 005 / SKIP_TAXACCT_CHECK to X, but
please note that this is not a supported scenario.

4.30 Minimum Amount in Ext. Withholding Tax (VIMI-15423)

Extended withholding tax calculation does not consider minimum amount configuration. As a small
workaround, the transfer of withholding tax base amount to background posting is checking the
extended withholding tax code minimum configuration. Other configuration checks and prefilling is
postponed to a future SP.

4.31 Possibility to Transfer Comments into DP Workflow (VIMI15447)

A new optional table parameter COMMENTS for the function modules

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


introduced. Using this parameter, comments can be transferred into the DP workflow and can be seen
in the VIM dashboards.
The comments can be associated to log data entries. When the comments are viewed in the VIM
workflow, the original data (user, date, time) are visible.
Comments with logdata reference will be associated to the related entry. If user, date, time are not
filled in the logdata entry, the current time and user will be used.
Comments without logdata reference will be associated to the Workflow Start entry.
Comments with invalid logdata reference will be ignored.

4.32 Data Archiving Objects /OPT/REP and /OPT/DOC enhanced

(VIMI-12501 + VIMI-15595)
New selection field Vendor Number for both archiving reports. New tables were added to the data
archiving objects.

4.33 Improve Debugging Possibilities in ICC Dispatcher Focus on

Extraction Queue (VIMI-15618)
A new Z-constant 005 ICC_WATCHTYPE allows to specify an archive doc type, which can be
watched. Coding was modified to allow selected breakpoints. New log points 95 and 96 have been
introduced to log selections in the extraction queue.

4.34 Scan function in VIM Workplace (VIMI-15465)

Scan functionality from OAWD was included in VIM Workplace. VIM related document types can now
directly be scanned from VIM Workplace.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


4.35 Inbound Processing on Business Center Inbound

VIM 7.5 SP3 and VIM 7.0 SP7 are providing the possibility to use Business Center Inbound
Configuration to receive and handle incoming documents triggering the VIM process.
Inbound Configuration allows you to configure document classification. You can also configure how
the documents are processed coming from different incoming channels.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Each document runs through defined process steps indicated by the inbound handler process.
Process steps consist of a number of service modules. These service modules are integrated
components of the framework that offers the functionality.
Inbound Configuration will replace Incoming Document Handling (IDH) framework and the ICC
Dispatcher framework with the next full version of VIM. Customers doing new VIM implementations
with VIM 7.5 SP3 must use BC Inbound configuration. Customers upgrading to VIM 7.5 SP3 can use
BC Inbound configuration or ICC Dispatcher and IDH. But customers should keep in mind that ICC
Dispatcher and IDH will be discarded in future.
If you plan to use the BC Inbound Configuration, you must activate it as described in the section
Activating BC Inbound Configuration in the Optional Post Installation chapter later in this

Due to those changes, if you have installed the packages for BC, please note that you
might have to adjust the authorizations for ICC users (see ICC/BCC Administrators
Guide, chapter 5.1.2).

Known Problems / Limitations

Rejected documents in ICC validation are not processed within DP process (BOB-624)
Bulk processing in Business Center Workplace for Inbound Administration Workcenter (BOB532 / BOB-623)

4.36 Posting of NPO invoices with different tax codes in the line
items (VIMI-15786)
It is now possible to post NPO invoices with different tax codes in the line items like in FB60, which
means, leaving the tax code in the invoice header empty. This requires changes in the customizing.
The new customizing will be delivered in a BC set for the baseline document types NPO_GLOBAL /

4.37 Changes data element of field VBUND - Trading Partner (VIMI12356)

There is a mismatch of data element for VBUND compared with standard SAP table BSEG. It has
been aligned with SAP.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


4.38 Customization possibility for the WEB Viewer for the Image in
the Detail pane (VIMI-13416)
In detail pane (plugin), the image was shown in the WEB viewer if the FM
'/IXOS/OA_X_OA_OBJECTDISPLAY_01' was available in the system. If not, the normal viewer was
shown and also the standard ArchiveLink customization of the viewer was not fully supported.
Now, VIM offers flexibility to choose the viewer to be launched from detail pane, including the support
for standard ArchiveLink customization of the viewer.
New Z-Constant 005 / PLUG_IN_OBJECTDISP is introduced, with the following 3 possibilities:

SPACE (default) or ON
function module found there (default: /IXOS/OA_X_OA_OBJECTDISPLAY_01).
(Note: Web Viewer integration is delivered in the standard configuration as defined in

Native viewer is launched.
(Note: dont use any Web Viewer function in this case).

<customer function module name>

Customers can have own implementation for the viewer to be launched, for detail pane. The
Value is considered as name of a function module and will be called dynamically. In this case
only check if the function module exits and dont check TOAEX. Template FM is
(Note: this is an advanced setting for special requirements).

4.39 Enhancements in VIM extended duplicate check function

To make VIM duplicate check close to standard SAP duplicate check functionality, new extended
duplicate check function is provided with the function module /OPT/VIM_CHK_INVOICE_DUPLICATE
1) For NPO invoices, the new implementation of duplicate check will check against the existing PO
invoices as well, in addition to NPO invoices.
2) For PO invoices, the new implementation of duplicate check will check against the existing NPO
invoices as well, in addition to PO invoices.
To make use of this new duplicate check invoice criteria, configure "Duplicate Check Grp" as shown in
the following. Note that it is the same function module for both PO and NPO.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


For Example: PO Invoice as shown in screenshot.

4.40 Show-Hide functionality for navigation view (VIMI-11475)

In the approval portal, new UI, you will now be able to hide and show the navigation view.

4.41 Coding Templates for Web Approval Portal (VIMI-10031)

Coding templates for Web Approval Portal (new UI) is a new feature introduced to save and export
the coding using Microsoft Excel. This feature is currently only partially enabled and developed only
for Simple Approvals (Header Based).This feature is completely configurable at the Approval Portal
Admin console. User should download existing line items using Export Coding as a template to
Excel and update the file. User can then upload the changed Excel file using Upload Coding with
options Add Items and Replace Items. For related administration options, please see VIM
Administration Guide.

4.42 JCo 3 support in the Approval Portal (VIMI-15594)

JCo 3 support enabled from VIM 7.5 SP3, a separate package is released for Installation as Please read Installation and Administration guide
before JCo 3 migration from JCo 2.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


5 Packaging and Documentation

Downloads and documentation for OpenText Vendor Invoice Management are available on the
OpenText Knowledge Center (

5.1 Packaging and Delivery Information

The components and packages updated with this SP are listed below. For a complete list of all
available components please see VIM 7.5 Installation Guide and the release notes documents for
support packages SP1 through SP2.

5.1.1 ABAP Package

To install SP3, you need the following files:
SAP Version

File for Support Package



5.1.2 Language Package

15 languages are included in the cumulative language package for VIM 7.5 SP3:
VIM7.5SP3_15LANS.SAR (provided in the download file

5.1.3 CDS Views Package

The new CDS Views package is for the new component OTVIMCDS, delivered in the file
OTVIMCDS_INST_750_740.SAR. Please see the latest version of the Installation Guide for more

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


5.1.4 Non-ABAP Packages

VIM Approval Portal OAP 7.5 SP3

VIM Approval Portal OAP 7.5 SP3


Please use the files located in,
IM_APPROVAL_PORTAL7_5SP3.sda - either .SCA or
.SDA file should be deployed. - extract this ZIP into standard installation

folder specified in guides.
Please use the files located in,
IM_APPROVAL_PORTAL7_5SP3.sda - either .SCA or
.SDA file should be deployed. - extract this ZIP into standard installation

folder specified in guides.
Please use the files located in

VIM 7.5 SP3 Supplier Self Service

Component (HANA Cloud)


OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


5.1.5 Business Center for SAP Solutions

To be able to use VIM integration with OpenText Business Center with VIM 7.5 SP3, you need to
install the components of Business Center listed below. Please note that the order of this list is not the
necessarily installation order. To find the correct installation order, please check Business Center
Installation Guide.
Business Center Foundation
OTBCBAS - OpenText Business Center Base 10.0
The installation file can be downloaded from Open Text Knowledge Center (KC) under the following
navigation path:
Product -> Patches
Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list
Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions Foundation
-> Business Center Foundation - Installation Package
-> OTBCFND_10.iso (further navigation refers to the CD image paths)
-> 01_BASE
OTBCBAS SP1 - OpenText Business Center Base 10.0 SP1
The SP file can be downloaded from KC under the following navigation path:
Product -> Patches
Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list
Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions Foundation
-> Business Center Foundation - Patches
-> Business Center Foundation Patches
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0 SP1
-> otbcbas_sp01_0700_001.sar
OTBCFND - OpenText Business Center Foundation 10.0
The installation file can be downloaded from KC under the following navigation path:
Product -> Patches

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list

Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions Foundation
-> Business Center Foundation - Installation Package
-> OTBCFND_10.iso (further navigation refers to the CD image paths)
OTBCFND SP1 - OpenText Business Center Foundation 10.0 SP1
The SP file can be downloaded from KC under the following navigation path:
Product -> Patches
Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list
Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions Foundation
-> Business Center Foundation - Patches
-> Business Center Foundation Patches
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0 SP1
-> otbcfnd_sp01_0700_001.sar
Solution Accelerator for Business Center Base component
OTBCSL00 - OpenText Business Center Solution Base 10.0
The installation file can be downloaded from KC under the following navigation path:
Product -> Patches
Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list
Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Solution Accelerator for Business Center
-> Solution Base -> Solution Base - Installation Package
-> otbcsl00_inst_upg_0700_001.sar
OTBCSL00 SP1 - OpenText Business Center Solution Base 10.0 SP1
The SP file can be downloaded from KC under the following navigation path:
Product -> Patches

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list

Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Solution Accelerator for Business Center
-> Solution Base -> Solution Base SP1
-> otbcsl00_sp01_0700_001.sar
Business Center Web Services and Web UI (required for Fiori based approvals)
OTBCWSR Business Center Web Services 10.0
Product -> Patches
Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list
Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions Foundation
-> Business Center Foundation - Patches
-> Business Center Foundations - Patches
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0 SP1
-> otbcwsr_inst_upg_0740_002.sar
Note: do not use the file provided on BC installation CD (.ISO image). Use the one mentioned above.
OTBCWUI Business Center Web UI 10.0
Product -> Patches
Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list
Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions Foundation
-> Business Center Foundation - Patches
-> Business Center Foundations - Patches
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0 SP1
-> otbcwui_inst_upg_0740_002.sar
Note: do not use the file provided on BC installation CD (.ISO image). Use the one mentioned above.
OTBCWUI SP1 Business Center Web UI 10.0 SP1
Product -> Patches
Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list
Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions Foundation

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


-> Business Center Foundation - Patches

-> Business Center Foundations - Patches
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0 SP1
-> otbcwui_sp01_0740_002.sar

Solution Integration Vendor Invoice Management

OTBCSL03 - OpenText Business Center Solution Invoice 10.0
The installation file can be downloaded from KC under the following navigation path:
Product -> Patches
Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list
Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Solution Accelerator for Business Center
-> Solution Integration Invoices
-> Solution Integration Invoices - Installation Package
-> otbcsl03_inst_upg_0700_001.sar
OTBCSL03 SP1 - OpenText Business Center Solution Invoice 10.0 SP1
The SP file can be downloaded from KC under the following navigation path:
Product -> Patches
Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list
Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Solution Accelerator for Business Center
-> Solution Integration Invoices
-> Solution Integration Invoices - SP1
-> otbcsl03_sp01_0700_001.sar
OTBCSL03 SP2 - OpenText Business Center Solution Invoice 10.0 SP2
The SP file can be downloaded from KC under the following navigation path:
Product -> Patches
Select Vendor Invoice Management from the product list

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Vendor Invoice Management -> Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 -> Support Package 3
-> Business Center for SAP Solutions 10.0
-> Solution Accelerator for Business Center
-> Solution Integration Invoices
-> Solution Integration Invoices - SP2
-> otbcsl03_sp02_0700_001.sar

5.2 Documentation
For OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3, the following guides are available.
Document title
(Code number)

Available languages

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions 7.5 SP3 Installation
Guide (VIM-IGD)

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions 7.5 SP3

Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD)

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions 7.5 SP3

Administration Guide (VIM-AGD)

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions 7.5 SP3 Reference
Guide (VIM-RGD)


OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions 7.5 SP1 User Guide
Note: The User Guide is not updated for VIM 7.5 SP3. User Guide 7.5 SP1 is
still valid. For the latest updates of the User Guide, refer to the section
Documentation Extensions later in this document.
OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions 7.5 SP3 Scenario
Guide (VIM-CCS)

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions 7.5 SP1 User Guide is available in
German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Russian and Chinese with VIM 7.5,
Support Package 2.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


5.3 Related Documentation

For additional information about OpenText Vendor Invoice Management, or for supplemental
information about related products, refer to the following documents, which are available on the
OpenText Knowledge Center (

Translation Guide VIM 7.0 which provides general information around translation of VIM product:

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


6 Supported Environments and Compatibility

6.1 Compatibility Matrix
For details on compatibility between OpenText products, refer to the Compatibility Matrix
( ) in the OpenText Knowledge Center.

6.2 Language Support

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management is currently localized in the following languages. Future
releases may add additional languages.













OpenText Vendor
Invoice Management




OpenText Vendor
Invoice Management











UI = user interface only

B = both user interface and User Guide.
UI*: Language SK (Slovakian) is partly available. Components deprecated in VIM 7.5 and all Central
Reports are not translated.
Regarding Web Portal and Mobile, SK is only available for the New Web and Mobile UI.
Together with VIM 7.5 SP3, a cumulative language package is provided. The Language Package can
be imported using Transaction SMLT. It can be imported multiple times for several languages.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes



VIM 7.5 SP3 provides translations in other languages than English only for end
user screens (transactions and reports using in a production system by nontechnical users). Translation is not provided for configuration screens.

Language packages for the supported languages are available in the OpenText
Knowledge Center in the corresponding patch area.

The installation package for VIM 7.5 SP3 does not contain full language support
except for English and German.

Please see the known issue in the Known Issues section.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


6.3 Approval Portal Downward Compatibility Matrix

OAP 7.5 SP3

OAP 7.5 SP2

Matrix VIM 7.5

OAP 7.5 SP1

The following table lists the supported combinations of the Web Approval Portal (OAP) and the VIM
backend versions.

VIM 7.5
VIM 7.5 SP1
VIM 7.5 SP2
VIM 7.5 SP3

VIM 7.5 OAP is not supported in combination with VIM 6.0. The new User Interface
(new UI) is available since OAP 7.0 SP2 and the same Interface is used in OAP 7.5. It
is using a new web application framework to support HTML5 and the latest web
It is possible, in certain situations, to use OAP 7.5 with VIM 7.0 (ABAP) backend. In
case you need such mixed system landscape for your project, please contact
OpenText to verify whether your specific versions combination is technically possible.
Some of the features are partially supported, recommended to have completely
supported stack.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


6.4 Supported Web Browsers

The following table lists the supported combinations of the Web Browsers and the Web Approval
Portal Versions.
Web Browser
Support Matrix

Supported Browsers and Versions










OAP 7.5

To support HTML5 and the latest web technologies we are using a new web application
framework in VIM 7.5 which doesn't support old browser versions like Internet Explorer 8
and below.
Firefox is supported for version 17 and higher.
Google Chrome is supported for version 22 and higher.
Safari is supported for version 5.0 and higher.
Microsoft Edge:
Microsoft Edge has been tested on SAP standalone WAS 7.4, but not completely tested
on SAP Netweaver Portal 7.4. Please note the general recommendation from Microsoft:
We also recommend that you upgrade to IE11 if you're running any earlier versions of
Internet Explorer. Microsoft Edge lets you continue to use IE11 for sites that are on your
corporate intranet or that are included on your Enterprise Mode Site List. You must use
IE11 to run older, less secure technology, such as ActiveX controls".

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


6.5 Supported Operating Systems for Mobile Devices

OAP 7.5 SP3

OAP 7.5

Mobile Devices Matrix

OAP 7.5 SP2

The following table lists the supported combinations of the Operation Systems for Mobile Services
and the Web Approval Portal Versions.

iOS (5.0 & 6.0)

iOS (7.0)
iOS (8.0)
iOS (9.0)
Android (> 4.0)
BlackBerry BBOS 6.0
BlackBerry BBOS10
Windows 8 Phone
Windows 8 Surface

In general, you can view the Mobile Approval Portal inside the browsers on all kind of
Android devices. Due to the diversity of physical Android devices, OpenText cannot
guarantee 100% compatibility on all functionality that the Mobile Approval Portal offers.
Please consider the list of all supported browsers also.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


7 Fixed Issues
The following issues were fixed.

7.1 Document Processing (DP)

Special Handling Instructions are not highlighted for requester and approver somewhere in the VIM
Workplace/Approval screen.
Baseline date is not populating as maintained in the indexing screen when posting the document in
online mode in the following cases.
1) NPO: The baseline date is configured as Default for a payment term and the same payment
term is maintained for a vendor.
2) PO: The baseline date is configured as Default for a payment term and the same payment
term is maintained in PO.
Field Unplanned delivery cost should allow negative values.
Tax amount calculating incorrectly for Brazil invoices.
See section Post Installation Activities for details.
If withholding tax base amount and WHT code are filled and the WHT amount is empty, it is retrieved
during background posting. It is not transferred to DP document after posting.
Credit memo is being posted with payment terms different from those maintained in vendor master.
When document comes into the DP workflow from ICC/IDH, VIM re-determines the document type
(i.e. PO document type) but the payment terms are not changed accordingly.
Currency reference of field /OPT/VIM_1HEAD-NFTOT pointed to wrong structure.
Unable to approve/save the parked NPO invoice with multiple lines when the GL account entered is
configured to have mandatory input for profitability segment.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


The exchange rate value is not taken from the goods receipt when creating a PO parked document.
PO invoice autoposting fails with error message "You cannot process conditions for delivery costs
(Message M8 524).
Company code data is not populated on new indexing screen after pressing ENTER.
Tax lines in SAP document look different when posting with VIM compared with SAP FB60.
Subsequent debit & credit not working for parked PO with BDC 11 and 28.
If mandatory fields are not populated in the indexing screen, some functions like Obsolete cannot be
executed. Now the following functions can be used in such cases: View Image, Obsolete,
Rescan, Display rescan reason, Help. In comparison with the old pre-7.0 indexing screen, due to
screen design constraints, using any process options (for example Change document type) requires
all mandatory fields to be populated.
When using the Service Entry Sheet button in the dashboard, the PO number from the indexing
screen is not pre-populated in the called transaction ML81N.
Individual payment terms are ignored when ZTERM is empty.
If payment terms are entered manually in the indexing screen (not using a search help), it is possible
to enter values that are not relevant for vendor invoices. No proper validation is made in this case.
In the function module /OPT/VIM_DETERMINE_PROC_406, while doing the tolerance check, it is
adding the tax amount to the gross amount instead of checking against the gross amount only.
Empty withholding tax amounts are posted incorrectly if you post a Non-PO invoice online or in
background (using batch input BDC ID 41). The amount is posted as zero, while it has to be posted
according to customizing.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Enhanced warnings in indexing screen when processing posted invoices. New check function
/OPT/VIM_BL_OPTION_CHCK_POSTED to hide select options in indexing screen for posted
Auto calculate flag is not set, as per Doc Type configuration, when DP is created.
Business rule Validate bank details was not correct for countries where bank key and bank number
are not equal.
Negative value for net amount field causes short dump when displaying DP document.
Balance of DP PO document is recalculated incorrectly on the indexing screen whenever scrollbar (up
or down button) is used, after Match All is done.
No explicit alert to user, when posting fails in background through process option (ex: Post PO
Invoice). Thus, user is confused if posting was successful or failed.
Performance issues while reading from table /ORS/APPR_LOG in the indexing screen.
Function module /OPT/VIM_DETERMINE_PROC_165 (Business Rule Wait for GR - Enhanced
Check (PO)) is considering the G/L account lines when checking the document data.
Document type determination did not work correctly, when check type F (PO related) was used, and
a delivery number was given as input, but not a PO number.
Payment terms specified in the input screen of the OCR simulation tool (Tx /OPT/VIM_7AX2) get
Posting of service POs is not possible, because there is a mismatch between LFPOS and
SHEET_ITEM fields. This may happen in scenarios without service based IV depending on line item

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Default posting date is overwritten when document status changed from Extraction completed (i.e.
73) to Ready for validation (i.e. 74).
When obsoleting a DP document that was used to post a valuated GR resulting into GRs FI
document number to be recorded in the DP document (bug VIMI-13559, fixed in VIM 7.0 SP5, 7.5
SP1), the DP document status is not set to Obsolete but to Posted.
The Edit OTV button is active in the indexing screen even if the vendor field is set to display in the
index screen fields configuration.
The obsolete reason text "Vendor sent in replacement vendor" should apparently read as "Vendor
sent in replacement invoice" in English.
The Submit button should not be available for invoices opened in display only mode.
Performance optimization for PO BAPI. Additionally, a new Z-Constant 005/
NR_ALLOWED_LINEITEMS is introduced to restrict the number of line items for background posting.
This can avoid workflows stopping in status Create Document due to background posting time outs.
If the number of line items exceeds the customized value, the workflow is sent to the processor and
can be posted manually.
Old indexing screen line items are getting duplicated after changing them while pressing the Enter
Baseline date is not updated in /opt/vim_1head table for old indexing screen.
It was not possible to set the VAT_AMOUNT field to Display Only using the index header screen
IBAN number passing from ICC is overwritten.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Posting a document in background for a CPD vendor via BDC infrastructure (for example BDC 41)
fails with error message 00 347 'Field INVFO-ZFBDT is not an input field'.
In some scenarios of PO processing with multiple accounting, the line items in /OPT/VIM_1ITEM were
overwritten after posting with wrong amounts and quantities.
Workflow runs into error state when one removes company code and applies business rules.
Logic module for payment terms determination did not consider credit memos.
Changed By / Changed On" history is missing in comments log.
Parking an NPO invoice with BDC 14 (Batch input) failed with error message 00 349 Field INVFOLZBKZ does not exist in the screen SAPMF05A 1100.
SES partial invoice is not posting in background by using BAPI (BDC ID 6).
When a CPD vendor is used in an NPO invoice and vendor language key is entered in CPD data,
background posting fails with the error ISO code XX has not been assigned a language key.
When trying to capture an indexing line item field using Single Click Entry, the captured value is not
transferred to the corresponding screen field.
Country specific fields (NFe data) are not displayed on the Basic Data indexing screen.
The button Display vendor uses transaction FK03 to display the vendor, so the purchasing
organization data are not available. This was changed now and XK03 is used when appropriate.
Table /opt/dt_br_wait is not getting updated properly when new wait process option has triggered.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Enabled data dictionary Log Data changes flag for table /OPT/VIM_2HEAD causes performance
Negative withholding tax amounts are showing for credit memos and SAP documents are posted with
wrong posting key.
System shows the error message like Error: Characteristic value XXXXX does not exist for
characteristic Profit Center even when the correct profit center is entered in the profitability segment
pop up in approval portal.
If an invalid WBS element is entered in the indexing screen, an error message is displayed and it is
possible only to exit the dashboard correcting the value is not possible.
Down payment net amounts are posted incorrectly.
When a DP document is referred to some role other than the initial actor of the current exception, and
the rerun rules job ends the work item, the document is sent to the initial actor role and not to the role
to which it was referred to.
If the currency conversion from some currency to the local currency is not maintained in SAP and that
currency is entered during ICC process, system is not allowing to open the indexing screen.
When posting an invoice online in VIM via MIRO, the proposal line is not highlighted for items where
no quantity is needed (limit POs, service POs without S-based invoice verification).
Comments entered when bypassing business rules are displaying without the date, time and user
name entered by the comments.
Display scheduling agreement with ME33L does not work properly when the order number is less
than 10 digits.
If company code is set up to use net amount as discount base amount and NPO invoices are posted

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


in background through BDC ID 34, the discount base amount has an incorrect value. This patch
disables the setting of calculate tax (BKPF-XMWST) in the posted document by the posting function
used by BDC 34 in a standard configuration. The flag should not be used when posting through BAPI,
but in case your process requires that flag at all times, please set the Z-constant 005 /
SET_TAX_CALC_FLAG to X (Note that it results in incorrect value of the discount base amount if its
set to net).
Short dump BDC_ZERODIVIDE happens in FM /OPT/VIM_BDC_NPO_FILL_WT_DATA when there
are more than one line items in the document and you try to change the vendor number in the
indexing screen.
You have set up some processes to wait/rerun mode. When you execute the rerun rules report
/OPT/DR_BR_WAIT, the waiting work item ends and shortly after the workflow runs into an infinite
loop creating many process control steps and finally stops with an error.
When the DP document type is changed, withholding tax is not re-calculated.
The new extended recipient selection screen used in DP "refer" type option does not work correctly
when the "Override Resolved Actor" option is selected in the process option configuration.
Wrong ISR reference number can be posted in background.
Missing timestamp / user for the comments entered before upgrade.
A document could be imported for training at the ICC only if it had been validated at an ICC validation
Some of the SEPA-related check in business rule Validate bank details were not appropriate and had
to be modified or removed.
Posting of an invoice in background fails in the following case.

Posting date setting should be current date. Invoice process stopped with an exception in the
The exception is cleared without touching the invoice so that the posting date will be in the
past date itself.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Execute the report /OPT/CR_RERUN_RULES_JOB, background fails if the period is closed

for the past date.

Old customer sort interface for validation queue delivers documents, if it is called for a validator who
has no documents assigned.
Missing authorization checks allow displaying vendor data or changing a vendor in DP dashboard
when it should not be allowed (with authorization object F_LFA1_BEK).
Auto Calculate tax flag is not set by default while it is maintained in document type settings in case
of Non-OCR scenario.
Updating the /OPT/VIM_2HEAD table is spending much time on a select in EKKO.
The new DP document ID is not created when process option delete and re-enter is used for a
parked NPO invoice and the document is posted immediately (while re-entering).
The invoice image is not copied to the newly created DP document when process option of deleting
and re-entering a parked NPO as PO is executed.
The image and the Expense type is not copied to the newly created DP Doc ID when the process
option Delete and Re-enter as Non-PO invoice is used and a credit memo is posted instead of an
The Requisitioner ID is not updated according to the email ID when the email ID is changed on
validation stage.
The posting date is not assigned as per the characteristic specific attributes, when processing an
invoice through ICC channel.
You are processing an invoice created with a service PO, which has the flag SR-IV set but does not
have GR-IV flag set and does not have SES entered. When VIM attempts to post the invoice in

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


background with standard VIM BDC ID 6, it fails with the error message Service number entered
(0000000000) does not exist.
When you park a document (through MIRO, MIR7) and the Z-constant for default DP document
type (005 / DOCTYPE_PO) is not maintained, a short dump is generated by the system.
Valid extended withholding tax lines are prefilled with withholding tax type. If you entered a
withholding tax amount in empty lines (with no withholding tax type filled), a dump could occur.
ISR number in wrong format is ignored.
Invoice referring to a service PO with multiple account assignment cannot be posted in background,
when SR-IV check box is not enabled in the PO.
Tax amounts are not correctly posted in NPO invoices if currency with no decimals is used and
automatic tax calculation is enabled.

7.2 Invoice Approvals

A short dump is generated in the method 'get_approver_list' (class /opt/cl_iap_usermap_bl) because
of a time out, when there are huge number of entries in the table /opt/bl_appcoa.
Performance issue with reassignment transaction /ORS/UMREASSIGNED.
VAN report Update date field is not updated after Refer Back action.
If an invoice is sent to an approver who has a substitute with deletion flag in VIM user map set, the
approval workflow goes into error state on the workflow step "get approver list".
When trying to approve an invoice that does not require tax code or tax jurisdiction code, the error is
shown: Calculation procedure TAXUSX and tax key not in table T007A.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Tax amount is not displayed in the format according to user preferences.
A short dump with exception CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_NUMBER could occur, when coding was
done with amounts using more than one formatting characters (decimals or thousands separators).
Incorrect comment icon in approval history log.
When user enters * in the last line to automatically generate the remaining amount for that line, the
balance amount is entered instead.
Short dump CONVT_OVERFLOW occurs when performing a custom action during invoice approval, if
the invoice amount is very high.
When doing approvals with a parked NPO invoice that has multiple line items, balance and batch
input related errors are being displayed when attempting to approve.
In the PO Approval dashboard balance amount is not displaying in proper currency format for
currencies like TWD, JPY.
In approval notification mail, the standard text is not aligning in HTML format.
When the user is added in COA from /OPT/AR_COA and this user already has SAP substitutes, the
SAP substitution entries for that user are getting deleted.
Extended withholding tax is wrongly calculated if vendor has several withholding tax types assigned
and at least one withholding tax type is tax based and document contains no tax.
When a requester (as a coder) enters line items for a DP document that had no lines originally and
tries to approve, next approver is not determined correctly due to incorrect entries in

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


COA change history is not showing all the changes, when selecting a line in COA tab and clicking on
the button Display Changes".
Buffer option of level based approvals is not working with combination of Skip COA and Substitutes
inherit COA.
Item amount for PO invoice doesnt show up on approval screen.
Chinese translation in indexing screen for Refer Back is missing, translation for Add Comments is
wrong (cut off). Note: please see also the section Known Issues regarding translation problems.

7.3 Web Approval Portal

VIM Down Payment Processing - Line item tax amount not filled in WEB and MOBILE
Magnifying Glass disappears after all invoices were processed.
The comments and attachments that are entered by a substitute are not shown correctly in the history
as on Behalf of but they are shown as if they had been entered by the original approver.
Content of some CUSTOM* fields is not displayed in the portal even if properly configured for display.
Web Approval Portal RFC Interfaces are now extended to support all existing CUSTOM* fields. The
VIM 7.5 SP3 Configuration Guide, section "Configuring Fields for the Invoice Detail
Page", "Approval Portal: Supported static custom fields" sub-section, contains the list of all supported
static custom fields.
A comment entered by user is stored and later shown twice.
Invoice Details should not open automatically. Introduced a new check box Select First Work Item at
the Start of Application which provides an option for the Web Approval Portal user to disable the auto
load of first invoice details on the launch of the application. By default, this check box is selected and
the first invoice details is loaded on the launch of the application (which is the existing behavior of

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Approval Portal). If this check box is cleared, the first invoice details are not loaded automatically on
the launch of the application.
Web Approval Portal screen does not use full available screen space.
History, Search-Pop-Up too big for lower resolution.
Next Approver displayed in all lower case characters.
Email ID is truncated in search help.
Using lower case company code in OAP leads to the error Entry XXXX XXXX does not exist in
SKB1 or Entry XXXX does not exist in T001 (check entry).
Referral Pop-Up hangs.
Tax jurisdiction code is not being determined from work order.
The functionality of maintaining the account assignment for parked PO invoices is missing in the
Approval Portal (7.0 and 7.5 versions), compared to the older VIM versions.
To use the new function, the following fields must be maintained in the item fields configuration with
proper COBL sequence and length settings in VIM approvals customizing:
NOTE: also, see the list of known problems in the Known Issues section.
Approval Portal - Disable or allow different servers for cross-site scripting (CSS)
Introduced a new option in Admin Configuration tab to enable/disable the security features
implemented to prevent security vulnerabilities like CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) and Click
Jacking. Note: By default this option is disabled.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Forward Invoice - First / Last-Name not separated by space after selection
Approval Portal new UI, value of business area of invoice header cannot be displayed.
Approval Portal now supports the field GSBER (Business Area) in Invoice Header section.
After upgrade to VIM 7.5 SP2 (both ABAP and portal) approval not working correctly. Invoices are
routed to wrong approvers (coders/requesters).
Invoice posting to a VAT GL account - enhance portal screen
Approval portal now supports the field TAX_BASE_AMT in Cost assignment section.
When a cost center is entered in lower case, it is not converted to upper case after saving or
performing balance check.
Tax Code - Technical name is not displayed for RMRP and DP PO invoices.
PO Approval in Web Approval Portal - not possible to show fields & values only in detail view
When forwarding an invoice in Approval Portal, list of "recent users" in dropdown box is always empty.

7.4 Mobile Approval Portal

Mobile Approval Portal - loading issues on Safari / iOS 8.x

7.5 Incoming Document Handler (IDH)

It was not possible to use the indexing type 'Online Indexing' for documents coming in through IDH
standard processing module 'PROCESS'.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


User exit to provide data for ICC metadata does not work for documents coming in through IDH
standard processing module 'OCR'.
Email channel with OCR does not work. DP Documents are created but have the wrong status 56
Sending data to ICC dispatcher instead of 01 Scanned.
Archive document type is not getting passed on from PDF rendering into the index data.
Field ACTION_TIME within the table /opt/vim_1head shows wrong value if XML timestamp stored in
Brazilian NFe documents that have an additional time zone.
ICMS, IPI and additional taxes not getting extracted in the XML channel for Brazilian NFe documents
and therefore cant be mapped to the VIM item table.
IDH document in status Mapping Error could not be processed in the IDH admin tool. Now the
options Discard Image and Change Status are possible.

7.6 Invoice Exception

Transaction /PTGWFI/M_LIST_PO (program /PTGWFI/0000000002_P012) used to display
purchasing documents for material is not working properly because the parameter ID BUZ is not set
by the calling dashboard.
Performance issues with /OPT/VIM_TRIGGER_HEADER_WF.
When processing multiple invoices in the blocked dashboard, a wrong image is displayed for the
second invoice.
Payment terms are missing when posting a parked document.
The new DP document ID is not created when the process option delete and re-enter is executed in
the NPO parked dashboard and creating the new NPO parked document.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Process option Pay-As-Invoiced is not displayed for some blocked invoices.
Problems with confirmation popup after executing the process option Submit for Approval in
NPO/PO parked dashboard:

Clicking the CANCEL button still keeps the work item with the AP_PROCESSOR inbox.
Now the confirmation popup does not appear when approvals are started.
Due to uncleared memory variables work items are not getting completed randomly.

If a user with the assigned role Info Provider enters the parked dashboard and executes any
process options other than Refer, then exits the dashboard and enters it again, all Refer process
options are missing.

7.7 VIM Notifications

VIM Reminder report was showing a generic error message /OPT/VIMN_MESSAGE 005 when
sending the notification. Now a specific message will be shown in case of problems.
Field DISCOUNT_1_DAYS is displayed as zero in the notification email, while it should have non zero
Reminder report is not selecting records according to the work item creation date selection on the
selection screen.
Referee substitute is not determined correctly in reminder program.
If the original owner is excluded in the notifications configuration in transaction /OPT/VIM_8CX51,
emails are not sent to substitute.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


7.8 VIM Analytics (new VAN) Report and VAN Liability Report
Up to VIM 7.5 SP2, SAP HANA (graphical) views have been the means of choice for the new VAN
report running on a SAP HANA database. In case of mass data, this proved not to be an appropriate
approach. This is why the new VAN was now enabled for ABAP CDS views. Data selection based on
ABAP CDS views support all types of databases, not only SAP HANA databases, and is supported for
SAP systems with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.40 SP05 or higher.
Note: Data selection based on SAP HANA views is no longer supported but is replaced by data
selection based on ABAP CDS views.
Performance improvement of VAN Initialization report
Field Invoice Type Text in the result list was empty if field Invoice Type was not displayed.
Wrong status in new VAN report for cancelled invoices (NPO scenario)
VAN Initialization report runs into endless loop if test mode and extended display options are checked
when running in background.
Run time was lost on selection from EKKO table if a purchase order related field was displayed in the
result list (purchase order number, purchasing document type, purchasing document category,
description of purchasing document type, purchasing group, description of purchasing group).
Field block_pa is not updated if block is changed outside of VIM Workflow (Ex: FB02) even after
running SYNC_JOB.
Selection field Transaction/event was moved down to avoid issues with mouse wheel scrolling after
opening VIM Analytics.
Depending on the SAP basis version, CDS view /OPT/VVA2_USFB_V could not be activated
because of error message Select lists with unions must have the same name; insert aliases.
In new VAN report Paid on field is not displayed for PO invoices.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


New VAN report is triggering a short dump when choosing layout from the selection screen when
layout contains sort and filter options also.
When selecting by accounting data, as for example the G/L account, together with the Document
Processing Number, deleted PO based invoices were not found.
The result list of the new VAN report provides two output fields Transaction/Event and
Transaction/Event Text. Both fields were empty in case of down payments.
Fixed error Object Name is too long when trying to implement enhancement spot
PREPARE_OUTPUT_DOC_HDR for VIM Analytics (7.5).

7.9 Central Reporting and Other Reports

When you clear the Invoices with goods receipt option in the liability report, the output is not as
expected in case of a PO having multiple lines, some of them having goods receipt and some of them
having no goods receipt.
Running /OPT/VR_A_AGGREGATION and /OPT/VR_CLEAN_TABLES on DB2 need commit
Performance issues in KPI Collection report.
Delete statement affects performance for report /OPT/VR_COLLECTION_REPORT on DB2.
In summary report configuration unable to maintain the statues other than 50, 51, 52, 54.
Running /OPT/VR_COLLECTION_REPORT on DB2 lacks commit statements.
Summary report shows an extra entry for (nonexistent) logical system QW3CLNT800.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


/OPT/VR_A_AGGREGATION lacks proper commit handling for large data volumes.

7.10 VIM Workplace

Multiple agent field empty in Workplace and usage of it not clear.
The document comments are not displayed properly in VIM Workplace. The comments popup is too
small and cannot accommodate the content.
If one satellite system is not reachable, the selection of work items of the other backends does not

7.11 Customizing
Exception Validate Bank Details was placed at the end of the sequence of processing types, which is
not appropriate. Baseline setting has been changed for NPO_GLOBAL/NPO_75 from 445 to 125, and
for PO_GLOBAL/PO_75 from 565 to 165.

7.12 KPI Dashboard

After making a multiple selection of any of the selection screen fields in KPI report, or after pressing
Enter in the selection screen, the report starts executing without giving a chance to enter other data in
the selection screen.

7.13 Supplier Self Service

3S - On-Premise - Payment data & PO/DN Reference missing on Lean result page

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


8 Post Installation Activities

This BC set contains table content changes of the VIM baseline customizing. If you are using the
standard baseline VIM customizing, you can activate the BC set without any concerns. In case you
have changed the VIM baseline customizing, make sure the BC set will not overwrite any

8.2 Install transport with layout variants (VIMI-14877)

Due to limitations of the BC set technology, the entries for layout variants cannot be transported in BC
sets. Therefore copy the transport EW3K900855 into the transport directory and install the transport
using STMS. You have to install the transport to every client, as the transport contains client specific
The transport is available as an additional file in the directory of VIM 7.5 SP3 (similar to the language
The rest of this chapter describes post installation activities that are delivered with the BC set.

8.3 Update customizing profiles for New VIM Analytics (VAN)

Report (VIMI-14314)
With VIM 7.5 SP3, the data selection with SAP HANA Views for the new VAN report is no longer
supported. SAP HANA Views have been replaced by ABAP CDS views. All customizing profiles that
have been created with selection mode HANA Views have to be re-created with selection mode
Use ABAP CDS Views:

8.4 New BDC ID for posting Non-PO invoices (VIMI-14371)

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


In VIM customizing, DP Process configuration BDC Procedures, create a new BDC ID 42 that is
using the function /OPT/VIM_NPO_POST_VIA_LIV with options as shown below.

8.5 Posting to tax GL accounts for Non-PO invoices (VIMI-7071)

To add the new field Tax base amount to the indexing screen, open VIM customizing and navigate to
the document type configuration:

Mark the standard document type for NPO invoices (NPO_GLOBAL for VIM 7.0 and NPO_75 for VIM
7.5, and possibly other document types that you use) and add a new field record in the index item
configuration as shown below:

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Save your changes.

To add the new field to the approval screens (SAPGUI, Web and mobile), navigate to the invoice
approval configuration, approval flow settings:

Mark the standard AFS ID 10, and click Maintain Invoice Detail Fields:

Add a new entry for tax base amount field as shown below:

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Add two more entries with the same content for devices SAPGUI and WEB, but with field status
Input. Save your changes.
Note: Translated texts for those fields labels are provided in the translations transport delivered with
this SP. If you are using your own AFS IDs, you need to create similar mapping entries and create
your own translations for languages other than English.
Double click Maintain Coding Fields Mapping at the left. Add two new entries for field
TAX_BASE_AMT and TAX_BASE_AMT_D as shown below:

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Save your changes.

Navigate to the User Experience node in approval customizing and click Maintain Invoice Detail

Mark all three existing entries for field TAX_BASE_AMOUNT_B (with AFS ID 10) and create their
copies for AFS ID 0. Example:

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Save your changes.

Navigate to the Financial Processing node in approval customizing and click Maintain Coding Fields

Mark two entries with field names TAX_BASE_AMT and TAX_BASE_AMT_B (with AFS ID 10), and
create their copies with AFS ID 0. Example:

Save your changes.

If you are using custom AFS IDs, consider doing similar configuration changes for them too.

8.6 Posting of NPO invoices with different tax codes in the line
items (VIMI-15786)
To support this, two customizing changes are necessary.

Check the document type configuration for your NPO document types.

In the index header configuration, set the field status for the field TaxCode to Input.

Check the transaction data for your BDC procedures for NPO posting.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


The step for field INVFO-MWSKZ should be as follows.


Tax amount calculation incorrectly for Brazil/India invoices


To solve the problem of incorrect tax and balance calculation in specific situations for Brazil and
Indian invoices, VIM now provides a user exit that can be used depending on project needs. A
standard implementation is provided as the function module /OPT/VIM_GET_TAX_AMOUNT.
Maintain the function module in the table /PTGWFI/Z_CONST as shown in the following screen

In case you would like to implement your own logic, please use the following function module

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


9 Optional Post Installation Activities

The post installation activities described in this chapter are optional and not delivered with the BC set.

9.1 Configure new feature Process reject from validation in DP

workflow (VIMI-4060)
9.1.1 Set forwarding option
If you want to use the feature, select the Forwards check box for call point RJ Reject from Validation
in maintenance view /OPT/VIM_RETRY. To maintain the table, use transaction /OPT/VIM_RETRY or
If you activate the forwarding option for Reject from Validation, the option will work on all documents
in status 90 Rejected in Validation. This means it will also work on existing documents.
If you want to avoid that old documents will be moved you have two possibilities:

Change the status of the documents to Discarded using the Discard Image option in the
IDH admin tool (Transaction /OPT/VIM_7AX8).
Use the new Z-constant ICC_VA_RJ_FWD to set a start date for the move. Documents older
than this start date will not be moved. You can edit the constant value in the Advanced
Configuration node or using the transaction /OPT/VIM_ICC_ADV_CFG.

9.1.2 Adapt new process option 243 to your needs

The documents forwarded from Reject from validation will be handled in exception 243. Please
check if the assigned roles and screen options are reasonable in your environment and adjust if
Configuration for the baseline document types PO_GLOBAL, NPO_GLOBAL and DWN_GLOBAL is
contained in the BC set for SP3.

9.1.3 Distribute new process type 243 to your DP document types

You can use a tool program /OPT/VIM_DISTR_DP_PROCESS to distribute the configured process
type to other process types. Process type 243 should be contained in every document type as the
document type for rejected documents may vary.
The program allows to distribute a process type from one DP document type, called template, to other
DP document types, called targets.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


The program creates a transport, and you can use the transport to distribute the changes to the other
You can use the program to distribute the new process type from template

PO_GLOBAL to your PO related document types

NPO_GLOBAL to your NPO related document types
DWN_GLOBAL to your DWN related document types

9.1.4 Set background options for automated processing

If you want automated processing of documents rejected as Mark for deletion or Mark for rescan,
please use the maintenance view /OPT/VIM_REJECTV using transaction SM30 or /OPT/SPRO.

9.2 Install transport to remove erroneous entry in

/OPT/VIM_SYS_LDT table (VIMI-15261)
In the BC sets delivered with earlier SPs, an erroneous entry for table /OPT/VIM_SYS_LDT table was
delivered. To clear this entry, a transport is provided. Therefore copy the transport EW3K900745 into
the transport directory and install the transport using STMS. You have to install the transport to every
client, as the transport contains client specific data.
The transport is available as an additional file in the directory of VIM 7.5 SP3 (similar to the language


Activating BC Inbound Configuration

If you want to use BC Inbound Configuration, please make sure that you have installed the necessary
components (see 5.1.5)

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


To activate the BC_INBOUND configuration, add the Z-constant 005 / BC_INBOUND as follows:

For more information on BC Inbound Configuration, see VIM Configuration Guide.

Please note that ICC / BCC cannot access the ICC application store in your VIM system anymore,
after you have switched your system to BC_INBOUND. This means that you have to do a new export
of all your ICC/BCC applications.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


10 Known Issues
The following known issues exist in this release.

10.1 Account assignment in parked PO invoices (VIMI-15411)

The following problems are planned to be fixed in the next SPs:
If some account assignment lines are deleted, which are not at the end of the list, the account
assignment line numbers are not consecutive after saving. The line numbers are assigned on the
basis of SAP numbering, and they are not enumerated again when saving via MIR4 batch input. This
problem does not affect the saving functionality and is only a visual one.
Selected Tax Code information from Account Assignment window is not reflected in the Cost
Assignment section.
If absolutely all account assignment lines are deleted, they still remain in the invoice after saving.

10.2 Known issues with the Approval Portal

Currently implemented 'Show/Hide Additional Accounting Data' functionality needs to be improved.
VIMI-15471 (mobile approval)
Previously seen image icon is still appearing in the page when an invoice image is seen with Web
Viewer + PDF.
Errors are displayed on executing Approval action when the Account Assignment window contains
more than 8 added line items.
Comments generated at SAP with Date and Name are shown on the Web Approval Portal comments
table twice.
Assigned Delegate Row not able to delete at Delegation screen of Web Approval Portal, workaround
is to delete the delegate from SAP.
ABAP RFC Interfaces changes delivered in a Correction Instruction or Support Package require
restart of the SAP NetWeaver cluster for Approval Portal with JCo3.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


Auto Forward functionality is not working.

10.3 Translation missing or not correctly shown in some screens

Even when the translation is available in the language package and the language package is correctly
installed, the translation is still missing or not correctly shown in some VIM screens, especially in the
Approval screens (screens 2000 and 3000 of function group /ORS/000007_APPR_SCREEN). Please
ensure to do the following actions after importing a new language package to refresh the runtime
translation buffers:

Run program "RSLANG20" with your language "XX".

Afterwards run transactions /$CUA, /$DYN, /$SYNC.

If it does not solve the problem, the following trick can help: Open the affected screen in Transaction
code se51, menu Goto -> Translation. Check if correct translations are available for the affected
strings. For each affected string do the following:

Go to the string, capture the translation into the clipboard. Be sure to capture only the
characters, no additional spaces.
Make the line empty, save with translation fields empty.
Insert the text again. Save.

Do this for all strings that are not correctly presented. After that, return from the translation sub screen
and activate the screen.
If it does not help, please refer to SAP Notes 1307719 and 1508122 or create an OSS to SAP
(component BC-CTS-LAN).

10.4 Business Center Solution Integration

Check on the Known Issues chapter of the Release Notes of Business Center Solution Integration
for VIM version 10.0 SP2 to be informed about Known Problems / Limitations on (VIM) applications
that are based on the Business Center Foundation.

10.5 Approval of DP NPO invoices with tax G/L accounts (VIMI15967)

If you are posting NPO invoices using tax G/L accounts (see the feature request VIMI-7071 earlier in
this document), on latest SAP EHP levels for ECC 6.0, you will not be able to approve such invoices
because of an error, typically looking like this: Entry of tax for VA 002 1000 0000476904 < is not
possible because of tax base 0. This happens because of new checks introduced by those EHPs.
OpenText is working on a solution for this problem.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


10.6 Reversal of NPO invoices posted with new posting function,

BDC 42
Invoices posted with the new standard BDC ID 42 (that is using SAP LIV BAPI) cannot be directly
reversed with transactions like FB08 or /OPT/VIM_INV_REVERSE. You have to find the
corresponding MM LIV invoice from the FI document and reverse that LIV invoice. The corresponding
FI documents can be subsequently cleared.

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


11 Documentation Extensions
11.1 User Guide
The User Guide will not be updated for VIM 7.5 SP3. The User Guide VIM 7.5 SP1 is still in use.
However, there are some changes necessary. Please see them in this section.

11.1.1 Change section 3.2 Accessing Workflows Using VIM Workplace Scan
Add the following to the Application toolbar actions section:
Scan - Scan an invoice directly from the VIM Workplace interface.
To scan an invoice:
1. In VIM Workplace, in the application toolbar, click Scan.
2. In the Scan Invoices dialog box, double-click the document type in the tree.
The standard OAWD dialog box Storing for subsequent entry opens.
3. Scan as in SAP standard. Select all for bulk action
Add the following to To perform bulk actions: after step 1:
You can use the Filter
(in the ALV result list) to further narrow down your selection. Using Select
all for bulk action
, you can select the result of the filtering to run bulk actions. Further possible bulk actions
Add the following to the list of bulk actions in step 2:

End Resubmission

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


11.1.2 Change section 7.9 Entering Accounting Information (Approval Portal

new UI)
Right before Profitability Segment, add the following:
Coding Templates
Coding templates enable you to export (download), update, and upload the coding using Microsoft

This feature is only available for simple approvals (header based). For the level based
approval workflow, the feature is not available.
You can upload a maximum of 50 line items. More than 50 line items are not supported.

User notes

For an invoice, a user should only upload the coding template that was downloaded from that
The 1st row of the downloaded coding template is hidden. It contains the column metadata.
The 2nd row displays the column titles. To properly upload the coding template, users should
not edit or delete these two rows. Users should only do the coding from the 3rd row on.
The coding templates feature is applicable only for coders.

To download and upload coding templates:

1. Click Export Coding to download existing line items as a template to Excel.
2. Update the coding line items in the Excel file.
3. Click Upload Coding to upload the Excel file, with the options Add Items or Replace Items.

11.2 Installation Guide

11.2.1 Change section 8.2 Handling Workflow Container Inconsistencies
The second bullet point in the Notes needs to be replaced by the following:
For more information about upgrading, see the VIM 7.5 SP3 Upgrade Guide, available in the
Knowledge Center:

OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


12 Contact Information
OpenText Corporation
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OpenText Vendor Invoice Management 7.5 SP3 Release Notes


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