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DOCUMENT OF _ARADHYA TUTORIAL /S. RESERVED nage no: t(t4) Computer, ORGANIZATION — Tyee of compres — Opesation oP computes @ ~ Operation of cpy A — SPEec AaTing & — Historical paspective of eo es. oh, GASSED ATE ASO CONDUCTED] for eo ee 26 Bra sonics eansoH¥A TUTOR This Notes Is valid * only for the duration *]} 4° Jan-2014 to Deo-2014 |] ofented raining for final year ‘students and freshers. We also provide immense job ‘opportunites. We have slready placed numerous ‘students ino the sofware industry. To know more, lke out Facebook page “ABC For Java and testing. Also visit our website’. 9845642144 (MALLESUWARAM) 9972731111 QAYANAL ) 997RESIILL (VHIAVANAG ARS onta4yy 44min DOCUMENT OF _ARADMYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED mreieto(ta) Explain ‘the difPerent ‘Types oP computers A computer is an electronic device That is used To Ppaform Complex computation icky 4 accunately . Tr executes SeT of inciauclions Cprognam'] 4 paoduces the Aesult “he pacgnam that The computer execvies — in man memory. we | “these. axe moni Types cf computes th aazts ‘he ‘Type of computer vosiés in size, : 4 The vse Q) ‘Computational y The most Commonly used cog is Peasonal computers oh desktop campyesc~ ay See ee aN Ae ‘tT homes, schools , colleges 4 These computes ate Bool offices ra The smaller bog deskiop computes 1s laplops Nole books ww on The nexT cape ok computer is ssTaTions hese CehrpoTess usitl hove high copachy Enput feoseet TT will also have mone compuiatio nat power Than obes- KEE, - aun) Tgpe of CompuTeis ane | © en eAprise System Seaveas This Notes ' a Supercomputers — * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to De 4 SRAS642144 (MATA RSPAWARANN 9979721111 GEAVANAGARY DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® _RiGHTs RESERVED page no: (a) cot Erilerpaise System is also called ag Moifaames compules. cae vsed fon business dala parce a “jhese “they hove oage Sr capacity 4 moxe@_compytationa powea Than © workstations. | Savas axe low end versions of supercompy These computers axe Special Type of systems Thor leage database stohage units ¢ co execute ‘fpom other compultis- hese axe used at edvceiZional Thst 2 4 offices Supercompuleas ase used Poa wegomnis nomeaieat calevlalions ‘They aae vsed im weatere Yortcasting 4 aincaaht design| have Aeques Ts The opegation of computes plat he computer aces ak Vive in&amaTion in The fram of Progaom data “Tngough an inpot device. “he nee oqaoi 4 dota is stoned im memory ‘the s10f@BS information is fetched mTo CPU 4 executed by Av. once the infosmalion 0A instauclion 1s executed , The Aesult is displayecl at ovlpyl wid. AN The activities of The computes are corftsoled 2 711° | CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED Con Tiel Uri Tete EEE/IT/TC BRAC |AADHYATUTORIALS |}. This Notes is valid * only for the duration | Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 SHWARAM) 9972731111 JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144INDIRANAGAR) 9845642144 (MAL DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® R/GHTS RESERVED eeatlay ‘ABC for Java and Testing ‘Acadnya’sBiliance Centre for java and testing is @ sistor concern of Aradhye tutorials. We provide quality industry oriented training for final year students and freshers. We also provide immense job ‘opportunities. We have already placed numerous s Is vali pani. oh aye res |, _ this Notes Is vata softwar only for the duration * like our Facebook page “ABC For Java and testing’. sees Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 ease teen Also visit our website ‘’ The cPu consists of Q units © Avu- AaithmeTic logic vil @ Cv~ contact unit Atv is used for ApithmeTic 4 logical, dpercttions fox ContaoNing “The activities oP The N The cv 15 used system Apat from These 2 vn Registers Ae eros Thene ore 2Q TYPES ©. registers . | » © Generar pyapete Register lprbece togieter eS VA also consists of fegisters. ip oh CPU. : one The steps ‘Thal Takes place To” “The fou coin 3 ‘msTAvcTion. execuTe ‘an The addxess cf fiasT insTavcTion To be executed gers loaded win progaam counter Tpc3. The same address is copied To Memony Addiess negisler (MARS - The cPu wil? go We thet addiess 4 will Peteh The insTavcTion » SUSERIH(MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 UAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAVANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) bocumENTor ARADHYA TUTORIALS®_grGuTs RES =r RIGHTS RESERVED page no: SUA) the instAvction is a combination of opcode ¢ operand?! once The YnstTavélion is Perched, 1D wilh be Stored in Trstavetion AegisTeA Usrd. Now The data is fetched one after The another 4 copied on. “to Memony Dolo Registea TopRrd- From MOR, data is copied on to pene Puspose Hegisters TR Raids & once The opcode fF operand 1s available a, the io Aw- instavcTion 1S executed vith The Pe ed © memory voll be. “the AesuiT be fone geting STA copied To MDR AY “S [CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR FCI EEE/IT/TC BRANCH ‘SUBJECTS @ ARADHYATUTORIALS, This Notes is valid * only for the duration * ||_22n-2014 to Deo-2014 3642144 (MALES! y 984564214 ( MWARAM) 9972731111 JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® _gigirs RESERVED pare no: 614 _ Explain SPEC Aating - Evaluation SPEC Stands. fora system Peafoamance Coaponation. This is a non pacht oagon’ ation hat is vsed To determine system Pes formance * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 This Notes is valid is measused as Pol he peatoamance BencH PReggnnt OA A set of Programs known as “ase used SY STANDARDIZED PROGRAMS The computers are made To execute) ‘these Prog nom 4 pertoamance iS detemined using, Nein equation knom as SPEC RATING: ay, | OER, SY The Peete is given by oe (3 Ze SPEC hating = lacing NOR aibo aA compute; Ronelog Time on Compytea uncer Test Ff v3 Paogaams liwe compiler, ee Di PPexent sae database aHpie Tion , asthophysics 4 quantum chemi sTA Pregnoe axe execuTed, on AePerence computer ¢ computer! under Test of 50 means, computes undea Test is 50 The SPEC Adding times faster Than AaePerence The test is aepeated SPEC Aating is pues by Ve 2 sempuTes eomeTaic mean is Computed, oveall SPEC Fattingy = ( BEEG) nay 3 of Progiams:. 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972651111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) -vage no: 114) RIALS _ RIGHTS RESERVED cor DOCUMENT OF _ARADHYA TI tozite anole on historical Perspective oP Computers This Notes Is valid Finst genegaTion compuTer * only for the duration * —— = Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 compuT&ss which wehe invented. The These wae The finst were Concept Known os inTaoduced by Tehn Ven Neumann. Progaom 4 Theis dota yoere Stohed im some reer. $ Assembly language wene used fs prope Sao mochine lel Nes s+ Stoned Parognam concepts Assembly level Phogaams poehe Cony: PAogham by software Known as The cenverted binary program Av execvted The axithmetic operations ado executed within a few milliseconds. were Implemented bsing Vaceum Tubes The logic funcTions Meacvay detay Ti \N tn nctions wee peafoamed by devices sinmlas emonry wee vsed+ Tnpvt ovtput to Type : : Magnetic memories 4} Mognehe “tape Stonage devices were developed. Second genead on computer 2 yong 0 Tronsistos were intaoduced ¢ yaccum Dubersaneol mepladeel Memories wre Magnetic Cohe memories 4 mognetic Storage daums ‘984564214 (MALLESHWARAM) 99727H1111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIFAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) DOCUMENTOF ARADHYA TUTORIALS®_nioHrs gesrnven ase mw: 8(14) High level longuoges Uke FoRTRAN_tovae. ased__fy This Notes is valid * only for the duration * val |} Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 voniting SoPToaaes Compileas wee introduced ‘To Convert PAognams “To binaay - Separate To processors were inTAeduced- he peiframance £ CompuTation was betes Than fasr genckation comput eas. |CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC/EEE/IT/TC BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYATUTORIALS find generation computers : 4 an \ The integnated cidcvit Technology bee ‘intaoduced: This enabled many Taansistoas = 1 Bbbicorea on a. Single chip- The processoas weie i 4 Cost also was Aeduced - Tnvegrated ciscvit renin was indAoduced instead of Mognetic meme Sih emai + Pipelining were introduced. cache + Uidtua) memories were inpacduced.| Fouxth ( cyan. compuTeis Trtegaated cifcuiT a allowed laage main memory To embedded on Single chip: very large Seale Thtegnation was inTsodeced: This allowed Thousands oP TAanhistoas to be placed on Single chip. Concepts like concvanencs , pipelining, cache were \nTaoduced « é 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 99019421440NDIRANAGAR) DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® _R/GHTS RESERVED page no: 9(14) Col Explain functional units of a Compulas en Any computeh world consists of S& fynctional vnire. i = This Notes is valid unit rea © Inport > * only for the duration * \ ur sit NBN Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 } ® OUTPUT Unit : Ree" arabyatechbpes cai, : @ Memony unit @ AsiThmeic 4 logic unit © Contaol_ unit Diagram - Refer re here b | ND %.. . Tnpet unit ose Used fox giving inputs To computes oO of The well known \npot device is Keybooxd ne a key i Phessed on keyboard, The coskes— bohenever : , toinod, sQrvaive is given To Computer Ponding Memon ae used fon sToting Prog som | data. These age & Type of memosy : [CLASSES AME ALS® CANOUCTED © -Paimasy FOR EC/EEE JIT /1C. BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYA TUTORIALS @® secondary. Primany memory is a fast memory opesoting aT high electronic speeds. he Paogasoms gets execored only if iT is present On primaay memory. consists of numexovs lecatien 4 each The memo! location a identified Using address. 9845642144 (MALIFSHWARAM 9972731111 GAVANAGAR 9972851111 (VAVANAGAR) 9901942144 INDIRANAEAR DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED page no 10l14 location consists of numetous biITs . The bits Each Bytes ate grovped To grovped To form a byre. ahe word insTavelion is Stored . foram wond~ In a E RAM, Rom etc This Notes is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 | “The secondaay stohage is Permanent Stohage “Magnetic using Secondasy storage, large amount of Seconds y Storage devices Phimaay StoAD ge” devices Tope device. dota can be stored. Howeves axe Slow when Compared To Hogd disk . is used fon execotin Asithmetic &£ logic unit Tarey ide ‘The compuTes's Alv is paesenT, i Phogzams . cenTaal Pao cessing Unit Output unit is used) fox digpia ing The aeavlt of compytaTion “The swell Known ovutpur devices ase printer 4 Mon}reA The ovrpur units ase very slow compared To Pphecessod. \ Contac pnt is sed fon coosdinating The operation of Aemoining units, Ir 3s used fon nerating cenTrol + Signak. Data Tsansfes bl Memozy 4 lo on Timiny is CorTsolled using contse) unve. Patocessoa 4 Flo 9845609144 (MAL LESHWARAM DOCUMENT OF _ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED page no: (14) cot Explain how To improve Peafoamance oP a computer. Refex class Notes. write a note on stored Program To instauct The compuTts, a competes hagTe,"be A Phognam consists of numbiods incTAucTions | command “That Programed : Tnstayctions are : Specify osiThmeTic 4 logic opedotions To be Pea foamed ” Tr “algo goveans 4 lo devices. Teens Pes of data blo compute Oo) “he paogaom, ig Ww ‘has Te get execured , iT should be stored im yiiemoay ‘The paocesso3 Then PeTohes one insTaucBioh,» artes ome, 4 Performs desined operation <.. This is Known a8 sTored prognom. This Notes is valid |. * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 JOLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC/EEE/IT/ TC BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYA TUTORIALS DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RGHTS RESERVED | cia waite Explain Bus _stavcTvre Al) The fonctional units psesent in The Computes system must be witedrconnected To wor Psopealy. AN The fmcTional units are connected using a Single Bus - Diagaam’ Re fea class NoTes. a The Bus can be vsed fos only one TaansPés at a time, as a nesvlT only Q vnits can aN (the Bus ar an given Time. The moin advan Tage <¢="oP Single Bus fs " less expensive. The device connected To oe vasy in The operaciona? cther words, fost devices “lime Paocesson 4 Phintess axe connected To same Rus. rod wnt data Taansfex mechanism speed: In slo devices like As a fesutl must be ae one of me) mechanism is To use bvffeas segisters aa exonaple\ if The Processo% has To send The dota To paipte_, ir wovid send i To psintes buPfex. once The buffer is loaded, The printer begins To paint This ensuses ThaT Pfocessor 'S net wasting its Time for a slow device like PsinTer. ate sain This Notes is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 RISEN MALLESHWARAMY 9077711111 1AVANACAMY OOTIeSIEET CURFEW Th oO @ @ cock. Aare © @ © U 13(u Cor DOCUMENT OF _ARADHYA TUTORIALS® giGuTs RESERVED pave The fictoss which are vsed To Judge The What aae peahoamance of a Computer? Explain any Thaee of them e tactoss which affect peafoamance of compuTer we CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED ProcessoA Cleck FOR fC /EEE/IT/TC BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYA TUTORIALS Basic .Peifoamance equation Pipelining, Instavction ser cache — Memoag. m Explain — pkocessoA clock, Basic peafowmance equation) 4 cache from — Notez | | | | his Notes is vali ||* only for the duration * || jan-2024 to Dec-2014 Ecdeeaeecad u DOCUMENT OF ARADWY A TUTORIALS® _giGHTS RESERVED page no VALA CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR eC EEE! IT! TC BRANCH GUQJECTS @ ARADHYA TUTORIALS fi This Notes is valid | * only for the duration * |] | Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 |! i biog aW 2lchotut 6 oi faemnMNTeA GN

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