VMware Reporting Portal Monthly Reporting Guide - ECAT v4

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Guide to Reporting VSPP through Softcat

Please find below a detailed guide on how to download your usage from your usage meter tool and submit your monthly
usage report via eCAT for processing.
Usage Meter Tool
Service Provider to download and install the latest version of the usage meter tool
Nb. Service Providers must be registered users of the site in order to download the vCloud Usage Meter tool.
Usage Meter Tool must be downloaded in advance of reporting and run through the month to calculate accurate
figures for reporting.
Usage Meter FAQs can be supplied in a separate document.
The vCloud Usage Meter Users guide provides instructions for installation and configuration. The guide is available
for download at
Customer will need to submit all VSPP reports by the 10 th of the month, reporting one month in arrears. Reports to
be submitted via eCAT - https://www.softcat.com/ecat/
How to Report


Launch Usage Meter Tool

Select Monthly Usage from Report Type drop down box
Select Service Provider
Select month of usage
Per-VM Memory Cap is auto-complete at 24
Click browse
Report is generated and is shown as follows:

VMware Reporting Portal Monthly Reporting Guide eCAT/

iasset Single Sign on
1. Login to the eCAT portal https://www.softcat.com/ecat (If you need to reset your eCAT password this can be
done on the same link)

2. Click on My Account, this can be located along the top eCAT toolbar.

3. Select the SPLA Ordering option, this will take you to your order pad page, on the left hand side you will have a
VMware box.

4. Click on the VMware Box on the left hand side of the page. The portal will automatically log you into your iasset

5. Select Monthly Reporting from the tool bar You will need to select Not Opened, this will take you to your live
usage report. If you have previously opened your usage report this can be accessed again under Pending SP, you
can continue to edit your usage report from here.

6. Contract Collection Details window will open. Within this window you will need to enter in the usage details for
each product on the contract in the Utilised Units column. The VMware reporting portal will require you to
report on vGB RAM which is given to you by the Monthly Usage report generated in the Usage Meter tool. If you
have zero usage for the month please select the zero report box.

7. The top line of the Usage Report will update with:

a. The total Utilised Units: this is a total of the utilised units across all products on the contract, which is a result of
the points entered for each product multiplied by the Points Per Unit (PPU) value e.g. 100 points at 7 PPU = total
700 points usage.

b. The Overage Units: any units used above the contracted amounted e.g. 3600 units contracted, 4200 units used in
the month = 600 overage units

c. The Total Points: this is the greater of the total units used in the month or the minimum contracted units.
d. The Total Amount: this will show the total value of the monthly report based on the contract currency and the
configured contract price/overage unit price.
6. You will need to complete the SP PO# field, this needs to be your official PON number, Softcat will invoice you
against this number.

8. Once the monthly report has been completed, click on the Commit button. You will receive a confirmation.
Once your order has been completed on the portal, Softcat will in turn place the usage with VMware and invoice
If you have any questions or feedback regarding the site please contact amych@softcat.com

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