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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS. UNISA lies: PYC4802 JonuaryiFebruary 2015 PSY481U PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Duration 3 Hous. 100 Marks MSC LAIDLAW MRS PB MOKGATLHE MRS JK MOODLEY MR ER PALAKATSELA DRBC VON KROSISK MS NTHEMISTOCLEOUS DR PAM FERNANDES Closed book examination ‘This examination question paper temoved from the examination venue ns the property of the University of South Africa and may not be ‘This paper consists of 2 pages Question 1 (a) Discuss the aetiology of Acute and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (15) (b) Discuss the Trauma-Related Disorders present in a multicultural context such as South Africa by making reference to De Silva (1993) (10) (25 Marks) Question 2 Read the case study carefully and answer the two questions below Sbu, a 40-year-old man, recently attempted suicide by trying to hang himself while being intoxicated Two months ago his girifnend left him after he was declared bankrupt Sbu appears to be very thin and he appears much older than he 1s He 1s dressed in worn-out, torn clothes and his personal hygiene 1s cleariy neglected He speaks in a slow, monotonous voice and has clearly lost interest in life Since the dissolution of his relationship with this girfriend his appetite has been very poor, he has lost 15ka, he is constipated, easily breaks down into tears and often wakes up at 02 00 in the morning Although he 1s exhausted, he cannot fall asleep again He feels useless and blames himself for going bankrupt without taking the fang economy into account He says that if his girffrend had not insisted on so many iuxunes, he would still be economically fully functioning (TURN OVER] 2 PYC4802/PSY481U Jan/Feb 2015 After his girlfriend left him, Sbu has avoided all contact with their shared fnends due to fearing their frends’ disapproval and has become isolated and lonely (a) In light of the DSM-5 entena identify the key symptoms that constitute the disorder that Sbu presents with 6) (b) The disorder that Sbu is suffenng from is referred to as the most prevalent mental health issue in the world according to the World Health Organisation Discuss the factors that influence whether an adult will develop and expenence this mental disorder dunng therr Ifetime (20) (25 Marks) Question 3 {a) Deine severe Alcohol Use Disorder in adults by referring to the diagnostic cnteria of Alcohol Use Disorder in the DSM-5 (1) {b) Explain why co-dependency and co-morbidity are factors that tend to prevent recovery in adults who are diagnosed with an Alcohol Use Disorder (15) (0 Marks) Question 4 Bnefly discuss Borderline Personality Disorder and its associated clinical features according to the DSM-5 classtfication system Highlight important challenges and obstacles encountered histoncally and contemporanly in making a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder. (20 Marks) TOTAL= [100 Marks] © Unisa 2015

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