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What if your lifespan is determined by how efficient you are?
Wong Shu Jing - 1420973
Theodora Ng Ying Ning - 1433410
Esther Tan Hui Tian - 1420788
Aishah Azri Wong Li Ping - 1420803
Tay Wei Hua Caleb - 1457799

Kalital, the Capital of Kalinaia, in Region 7.

Kalinaia is a world apart a modern city marvel, located in a subregion of what was long ago
the ASEAN region, where a unique civilisation flourishes in the ashes of the old. Now, with a
national next-to-zero crime rate, each of its 10 regions have its own specialised economy that
is interlinked to other industries and businesses in the country.
Having adopted a form of pragmatic Malthusianism, Kalinaians thrive on efficiency. The
friendly citizens of Kalinaia have genetically alterable lifespans, and those who contribute to
the society are rewarded with more time on top of their default 30 years of life.
Through a special system known as the Kalinaian Assessment System (KAS), Kalinaia has
seen an abundance in innovation, thanks to constant streamlining and encouragement of
talents in each specialisation.
Some breakthrough products from Kalinaia include the Foodblock, a full-days meals and
nutrition compressed into a block no bigger than your fingernail, and a panacea, a cure for
diseases like cancer and HIV.
Kalinaia has long been regarded as the economic and technological powerhouse of the world,
but there is far more to discover beyond its soaring skyscrapers, futuristic technologies, and
breathtaking natural beauty. Come visit the safest country of wonder and amazement today!

The map of Kalinaia and its Regions.

The flag of Kalinaia.

The interlocking squares of the flag represent each Regions integral part to play in crafting
Kalinaias cohesive society.
The white background of the interlocking squares represents the purity of our structured way
of life and the great foresight of our founders.
The purple and blue colours symbolise our vision for the future as we strive to push the
boundaries of what we know with our unparalleled efficiency.
National Anthem: Arise Kalinaia
O glory to Kalinaia
Our home and motherland
We sweat for success and prosperity
To be efficient and productive
The highest order of our lives.
The journeys end is far
We live like no other
We thrive with no end
To be efficient and productive
The highest order of our lives.
There are higher peaks to climb
The infinite space above to venture
Were not done with our onward sprint
til we see perfection
To be efficient and productive
The highest order of our lives.
Take us till the end of day
Where Pride and Joy awaits
We choose no other way to live
For this is the day of reward
Efficient success and world renown
Arise O glorious Kalinaia

Kalinaia was founded in 3062, by Amyas Vu and Anjali Aromdee, who were heavily
influenced by Malthusian and Socratic beliefs.
In the years preceding the founding of Kalinaia, the ASEAN region descended from a
flourishing region to a region ravaged by famine.
Significant events in Kalinaias history
- in 2932, the golden age of the ASEAN region, home to 5 billion people, dawned.
- by 2990, the ASEAN region was home to more than 8 billion people. Families were
having 10 to 20 children.
- in 3040, food shortage was rampant. The Great Famine began, and diseases raged.
- in 3050, a strain of drug-resistant Central East Respiratory Syndrome (CERS) spread
throughout the region, and killed 800 million people.
- in 3058, the Great Famine ended, and the population in the ASEAN region dropped to
a mere 2.6 billion, which was largely concentrated in the developed regions. Shortly
after, a war broke out among the then-nations over food supplies.
- by 3060, there were only 500 million survivors in the ASEAN region.
- in 3062, Kalinaias founders Amyas Vu and Anjali Aromdee managed to successfully
alter the genetic makeup of humans to control aging and individual lifespan. They
then took the country into a the new golden age.
- in 3063, a new language was introduced to unite all Kalinaians.
- in 3070, the Kalinaian Assessment System was implemented into society to encourage
With those two final scientific breakthrough, Kalinaia established an individual country
comprising of the former ASEAN nations.

Chaos was prevalent in the 30 years before the foundation of Kalinaia.

Kalinaia has two levels of government: Capital
leaders, which are the executive, legislative, and
judicial branches of government, are located in the
capital, Kalital. Decisions made are applied
throughout Kalinaia.
Regional leaders are enforcers, ensuring that
Capital orders are obeyed. Kalinaias unique
political system, inclusive of Regional and Capital
leaders having to undergo the Kalinaian Assessment System every three to five years
respectively, ensures a continual flow of fresh talent and capable leaders in the government,
and allows for constant innovation of new policies by keeping the most competent people on
Policies like the educational Opportunities for All were successfully implemented through
this political system.

These machines run the Kalinaian Assessment System.

Kalinaian Assessment System (KAS)

Every 6 months, all Kalinaians undergo a standard assessment related to their job scope. They
are graded on three areas: Theory, Practical, and Peer Evaluation.
Theory and Practical assessments each make up 35% of the Assessment grade, and are held at
the Ehrlich Academy of each region. These assessments are set and conducted by the System
and are strictly objective.
Peer Evaluation is 30% of the Assessment grade. It is measured by the System from the
memories of the subjects peers over the preceding 6 months before the Assessment. For
politicians, the Peer Evaluation grade is measured from the memories of their constituents.
The System objectively measures each memory, leaving no room for emotional biases.
Extra years of life are an incentive for top-perfoming Kalinaians to maintain proficiency in
their job.


Years awarded

Top 10%

2 years

Subsequent 10% (10%-20%)

1 year

Subsequent 30% (20%-50%)

6 months

Subsequent 25% (50%-75%)

3 months

Subsequent 25% (75%-100%)

1 month

While regular Kalinaians are assessed only in one skillset, Capital and Regional leaders are
assessed on a range of skills, from intellectual ability to social ability.
Kalinaia provides a safe haven for everyone to live in peace and happiness. To ensure the
continual safety of citizens and tourists, crime is punishable by losing life in years or months
depending on the severity of the crime.
This punishment also applies to tourists. In the event that a tourist commits a crime while in
Kalinaia, he or she is tried and judged in Kalinaia, and given a time sentence whereby time
is taken away from their lifespan through genetic modification by Kalinaian scientists.
Because of this, there are no jail sentences.
Any repetitions of the same crime results in doubling, tripling, and so on, of the time
sentence. Kalinaia the safest place on Earth, even without a jail system, which was abolished
in 3074, in favour of the life-shortening punishment. Having no jail system saves resources
and manpower that has been redirected to other aspects of society.

The age-reducing laboratories.

The common currency used among the 10 Regions in Kalinaia is the Doraa. Upon reaching
17 years of age, every Kalinaian is issued a debit card that is required for all transactions
within the country. Tourists are provided a temporary debit card upon entry. The absence of
printed currency ensures that there is no forgery in Kalinaia.
Main goods/services of Kalinaia
Kalinaia adopts an ideal mixed economy system in all industries (primary, secondary, and
tertiary) that is self-sufficient. Capital leaders allocate land and funding for the development
of these industries, and allow the prices of goods and services to be controlled by privately
owned companies. Investments made in Kalinaia are safe and almost always yield returns.
The mixed economy system, coupled with constant innovation ensures the best prices for the
best products and services for the benefit of everyone.
Tourism makes up 20% of Kalinaias gross domestic product. Tourist hotspots include the
entertainment hubs of each Region, and the unique attractions in each Region that showcase
the advanced technologies of farming, manufacturing, and education.

The world-renowned Kalinaian Foodblock comes in more than 88 flavours.

One of the biggest exports of Kalinaia is the world-renowned Foodblock, a compact and
novel way of eating. Made from all-natural food sources, it provides any individual with a full
days nutrition and eliminates the need to sit down for meals entirely. Foodblocks are a
must try for tourists, and are available at every retail outlet in the country.
Import & export of goods
Witness Kalinaias intricate system of industries, where primary and secondary goods are
traded across different Regions. The dependence on industries produces a self sustainable
economy and reduces the cost of living. Imports arrive at Region 9 for inspection before
moving to Region 10 for distribution around and outside of Kalinaia.
The 15 ports of Region 10 are involved in the distribution of goods domestically and
internationally. They facilitate the fastest possible movement of goods around Kalinaia and
the rest of the world.
Primary and secondary industries are built in close proximity such that goods can be
transported between them within a day. Since industries are largely interdependent,
businesses spend minimally on trade tariffs, which produces a highly cost-effective economy.

Do not be alarmed when a local introduces himself with a long series of numbers it is part
of their name. In Kalinaia, citizens are assigned a name which includes their vocation and ID
number (e.g. Keith Baker 039483, or James Doctor 021849).
At birth, a nanochip containing all information regarding personal identification is painlessly
implanted in the index finger. If the nanochip is lost, another will be implanted in the body.
Relationship between genders
Social norms in Kalinaia differ greatly from other places, like the Ruskinian Empire.
Kalinaians put productivity above all else, and emotional attachment is secondary.
Due to this focus, procreation is institutionalised. Both sexes, upon reaching the age of 21
stop aging and are required to provide their genetic material (sperm and egg) at regional
Health Centres.
The healthiest and best genetic pairs are determined via algorithm and implanted into
surrogate mothers for gestational surrogacy. The newborns are raised together in the regional
Health Centres until the age of 5, where they are sent to regional co-ed boarding schools for
holistic state-funded education until the age of 21.

Some of many facilities available at Health Centres.

Family system
Kalinaians pursue efficiency first and foremost. As the children grow up in boarding schools,
they grow up without their biological parents. While everyone is informed of who their
parents are, Kalinaians are free spirited. They have a great deal of social mobility and
financial freedom without being burdened by the notions of relationships.
They make mutually beneficial connections as they are driven by the collective interest of
performing exceptionally. The Kalianaian system serves as an impressive form of population
control, eradicating the inferior genes and controlling the number of births per year.
Other social systems
In Kalinaia, both sexes are equally respected for their strengths and weaknesses and there
exists only two genders. There is no concept of marriage, but cohabitation is legal.

To celebrate the great progress achieved every day in Kalinaia, there are many celebrations
held throughout the year.
Graduates Day
Every 25th of January is Graduates Day, a day that all new graduates look forward to every
year. The new graduates are given the chance to celebrate the end of their education and
showcase their skills to potential businesses in their respective fields at booths set up at their
boarding schools. Watch as the Kalinaian youths go through this spectacular rite of passage.
Kalinaia Achievement Day
Every 4th of March, Kalinaia breaks out into the joyous celebration of the progress of the
country in Kalinaias largest and most famous festival, Kalinaia Achievement Day. It
embodies Kalinaia and its ultimate goal of encouraging its citizens to strive for perfection.

A grand celebration on the streets on Kalinaia Achievement Day.

In the major cities of each of Kalinaias Regions, there will be an epic display showing the
growth and progress percentages of the Region. If there is an increase of more than 5 percent,
all of the Region's inhabitants are given 1 extra year of life. Visitors will be amazed by the
unique festivities that follow, with activities such as commemorative Orchid planting parties
in agricultural Regions, and the showcasing of the newest electronic advancements like
teleportation ports in technologically-driven Regions.
Kalinaia Innovators Progress (KIPtalks)
Held every 8th of December, prominent leaders and young talents from all over the world
gather to showcase their new inventions and discoveries here in Kalinaia. Only the cream of
the crop can present their accomplishments. Join the Kalinaians as they recognise, celebrate
and reward the hard work of young prodigies.

TEDtalks, the predecessor to KIPtalks.

Ehrlich Academies are the source of the countrys talent, which are built in the ancient capital
cities of the then-ASEAN nations.

The Ehrlich Academies and its classrooms.

Education system
Kalinaians believe in shaping children holistically. They are not restricted in their thinking.
Education begins at 5 years of age at co-ed boarding schools in each Region. They attend a
range of lessons from ages 5-10 to explore their interests and discover what they are good at.
Kalinaia also helps children reach their fullest potential. From the ages of 10-14, the children
undergo training in different areas of learning, a trial and error process in which the child is
given ample opportunity to experiment further in different professions. Children are given the
free will to choose and plan their own schedules, and pick up whatever hobbies, interests and
skills they want.
From the ages of 14-17, they will choose three areas of interest to intern in, where they will
be able to gain experience. During this time, the children may be sent to different regions
according to their chosen fields. There are various specialised education institutions in each
Region, providing every Kalinaian child a focused learning environment.
At 17, youths specialise in their specific field until the age of 21, where they begin to work.
All citizens are allowed to re-educate themselves at any given time and choose again another
field of specialisation at the cost of their own lifespan.
For example, if a youth from Region 7 finds himself interested in making cement, then he
may choose to specialise at 17 in manufacturing materials, and would be sent to Region 3
where he would spend the next 4 years pursuing his area of interest.
Opportunities for All
In Kalinaia, education is available to everyone and everyone is given the chance to do what
they desire. Opportunities are aplenty, and there is no discrimination of any kind. Every
Kalinaian can choose from a variety of industries, jobs and fields. Some of our most
interesting jobs include ice cream taster, scuba diving expert and memory analyst. Tourists
can visit our exceptional educational institutions in the different regions.

Words: 2451
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