CNC Programming

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CNC Programming

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Peck Drilling and High speed drilling

G83 X_ Y_ Z_ R_ Q_ F_ K_ ;

G73 X_ Y_ Z_ R_ Q _F_ K_;

X Y Hole position data

Z Z-depth (feed to Z-depth starting from R plane)
R Position of the R plane
Q Depth of cut for each cutting feed (depth of each peck)
F Cutting feed rate
K Number of repeats (if required)

Exercise 3

G70 Bolt Hole Circle Format

G70 I J L
I = Radius of the bolt hole circle
(+CCW / CW).
J = Starting angle of first hole (
0 to 360 CCW from horizontal
at the 3 oclock position).
L = Number of evenly spaced
holes around bolt hole circle.

N1 T1 M06
N2 G90 G54 G00 X2. Y-1.5 (Center
position of bolt hole circle)
N3 S1451 M03
N4 G43 H01 Z1. M08
N5 G81 G99 Z-0.45 R0.1 F8. L0
N6 G70 I1. J0. L8
N7 G80 G00 Z1. M09
N8 G53 G49 Z0. M05
N9 M30

G71 Bolt Hole Arc Format

G71 I J K L
I Radius of the bolt hole arc
J Starting angle of first hole ( 0 to
360 CCW from horizontal at the 3
oclock position).
K Angular spacing between holes
(+ or -)
L Number of evenly spaced holes
around bolt hole arc.

N10 T2 M06
N20 G90 G54 G00 X2. Y-1.5
N30 S1451 M03
N40 G43 H02 Z1. M08
N50 G81 G99 Z-0.45 R0.1 F8. L0
N60 G71 I1.0 J15. K30. L7
N70 G80 G00 Z1. M09
N80 G53 G49 Z0. M05
N90 M30

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Fanuc G84 Tapping Cycle

G84 X... Y... Z... R... P... F... K...


Hole position in x-axis.

Hole position in y-axis.

Depth, tapping from R-plane to Zdepth.

Position of the R plane.

Dwell time.

Number of cycle repetitions (if


Feed rate.


Tap tool

Fanuc G85 Boring Cycle

G85 X... Y... Z... R... F... K...


Hole position in x-axis.

Hole position in y-axis.

Depth, tapping from R-plane to Zdepth.

Position of the R plane.

Number of cycle repetitions (if


Feed rate.


Fanuc G76 Fine Boring Cycle CNC Mill

G76 X Y Z R Q P F K



Hole position data

Absolute hole depth position

Position of the R plane

Shift amount at the bottom of a hole

Dwell time at the bottom of a hole

Cutting feedrate

Number of repeats (if required)


Fanuc G72.1 Rotational Copy

G72.1 P... L... X... Y... R...


Subprogram number

Number of times the operation is


Center of rotation on the X axis

Center of rotation on Y axis

Angular displacement (a positive

value indicates a counter clockwise
angular displacement. Specify an
incremental value.)

Commands that must not be specified

Within a program that performs a rotational copy, the following must
not be specified:
Command for changing the selected plane (G17 to G19)
Command for specifying polar coordinates (G16)
Reference position return command(G28)
Axis switching
Coordinate system rotation (G68)
scaling (G51)
programmable mirror image (G51.1)/M70-81

Exercise 1
Main program
N10 G90 G00 X80. Y100
N20 Y50
N30 G01 G17 G42 X43.301 Y25. D01 F100
N40 G72.1 P1100 L3 X0 Y0 R120
N50 G90 G40 G01 X80 Y50
N60 G00 X80 Y100
N70 M30
Sub program

O1100 G91 G03 X-18.301 Y18.301 R50

N100 G01 X-5 Y50
N200 G03 X-40 I-20
N300 G01 X-5 Y-50
N400 G03 X-18.301 Y-18.301 R50
N500 M99

Exercise 2

Fanuc G72.2 Linear Copy

G72.2 P... L... I... J...


Subprogram number

Number of times the operation is


Shift along X-axis

Shift along Y-axis

Exercise 1

O3000 ;
N10 G90 G00 X-30 Y0
N20 X0
N30 G01 G17 G41 X30. D01 F100
N40 Y20
N50 X40
N60 G72.2 P3100 L3 I 90.0 J0
N70 G90 X310 Y0
N80 X0
N90 G40 G00 X-30.0
N100 M30
G91 G01 X20
N100 Y30
N200 G02 X40 I 20
N300 G01 Y-30
N400 X30
N500 M99

Turning (Canned Cycles single cut)

A single cut canned cycle executes a sequence of motions required to
perform a cut rapid approach to the start position, cutting motion,
and rapid departure.
A single block replaces 4 motions - 1 cutting and 3 rapid.
Operations normally involve the removal of material in multiple cuts,
so these cycles are seldom used.

Straight turning/ Plain turning


G90 X_ Z_ F_
X = X coordinate of end point of cut, absolute
Z = Z coordinate of end point of cut, absolute
F = Feed rate


G90 X75.0 Z-50.0 F0.2 (CUT TO DIAMETER 75)
G00 Z2

Taper turning
G90 X_ Z_ R_ F_
X = X coordinate of end point of cut, absolute
Z = Z coordinate of end point of cut, absolute
R = Taper amount, radial.
F = Feed rate
The cut starts at point P1, ends at point P2.
R = (Diameter at start of cut Diameter at end of cut) / 2
R must be specified with the proper sign.

Raw material is a cylinder of 80 diameter.

--------G00 X67 Z1
G90 X65 Z-50 R-2.5 F0.25
--------Note that the R value has a small approximation here
since the cut is starting at Z1 instead of Z0.

Straight facing
G94 X_ Z_ F_
X = X coordinate of end point of cut
Z = Z coordinate of end point of cut
F = Feed rate


--------G00 X122.0 Z1.0 (RAPID TO INITIAL POSITION)

G94 X70.0 Z-3.0 F0.25(FACE TO Z-3)
Z-6.0 (FACE TO Z-6)

Taper facing
G94 X_ Z_ R_ F_
X = X coordinate of end point of cut
Z = Z coordinate of end point of cut
R = Taper amount
F = Feed rate
The cut starts at point P1, ends at point P2.
R = Z coordinate of start point Z coordinate of end point.
R must be specified with the proper sign.


--------G00 X122.0 Z1.0

G94 X70.0 Z-6.0 R-2.0 F0.2

G02 / G03 - Circular interpolation

Motion along a circular arc at a programmed linear speed, the feed
G02 moves along a Clockwise (CW) arc, G03 moves along a
Counterclockwise (CCW) arc.
An arc can be programmed using its radius or the coordinates of its
center point.

Format (Using arc radius):

G02/03 X__ Z__ R__ F__
X, Z are the destination
R is the radius
F is the feed rate

Using arc center coordinates:

G02/03 X__ Z__ I__ K__ F__
X, Z are the destination coordinates
I and K are the relative distance
from the arc start point to the arc
I = X coord. of start point - X coord.
of center
K = Z coord. of start point - Z coord.
of center
I and K must be written with their

Arc radius programming:

Motion from P2 to P3, then to P4
G02 X25 Z-10 R5 F0.25
G03 X39 Z-17 R7
Arc center programming:
Motion from P2 to P3, then to P4
G02 X25 Z-10 I 5 K0 F0.15
G03 X39 I 0 K-7

G32 Threading motion

G32 X__ Z__ F__
X, Z are the destination coordinates
F is the lead of the thread.

G00 X19.6 Z2
G32 Z-8 F2.0
G00 X22

G00 X19.2 Z2.0

G32 Z-8 F2.0
G00 X22
G00 X18.8 Z2
G32 Z-8 F2.0
G00 X22

TNRC (Tool radius compensation)

--------G00 G42 X20 Z2

G01 Z0
X40 Z-15
G00 G40 X60

Axial drilling / grooving cycle - G74

G74 R_
G74 Z_ Q_ F_
R = Retract amount at each peck
Z = Z coordinate of hole bottom
Q = Peck depth, in microns
F = Feed rate
To drill the hole in a single pass (without pecking), set Q equal
to the depth of the hole.

--------G00 X0 Z2
G74 R0.5
G74 Z-30 Q6000 F0.15
G00 X50

Radial drilling / grooving cycle - G75

G75 R_
G75 X_ P_ F_
R = Retract amount after each
peck, radial distance
X = X coordinate of groove bottom
P = Peck depth, radial distance in
F = Feed rate


--------G00 X54.0 Z-20.0

G75 R0.5
G75 X30.0 P3000 F0.1
G00 X100.0 Z50.0

Turning Cycle - G71

G71 U (d) R (e)
G71 P (n) Q(n) U(u) W(w) F(f) S(s) T(t)
N (n) _ _ _ _
N (n)_ _ _ _
d = Depth of cut
e = Retract amount
n = Number of the first block of the shape
n = Number of the last block of the shape
u = Finishing allowance in X
w =Finishing allowance in Z

f = Feed rate
s = Spindle speed
t = Tool number

Facing Cycle - G72

G72 W (d) R (e)
G72 P (n) Q(n) U(u) W(w) F(f) S(s) T(t)
N (n) _ _ _ _
N (n) _ _ _ _

d = Depth of cut
e = Retract amount
n = Number of the first block of the shape
n = Number of the last block of the shape
u = Finishing allowance in X
w =Finishing allowance in Z
f = Feed rate
s = Spindle speed
t = Tool number

Multipass Turning Cycle - G73

G73 U (i) W (k) R (d)
G73 P (n) Q (n) U (u) W (w) F (f) S(s) T (t)
N (n)_ _ _ _ _
N (n)_ _ _ _ _
i = Relief in the X axes direction
k = Relief in the Z axis direction
d = Number of cuts
n = Number of first block of the shape
n = Number of the last block of the shape
u = Finishing allowance in X

w = Finishing allowance in Z
f = Feed rate
s = Spindle speed
t = Tool number

Axial Drilling Cycle -G74

G74 R (e)
G74 X (U)_ Z (W)_ P(i) Q (k) R(d) F(f)
e = Retract amount
X = X component of point B
U = Incremental amount from A to B
Z = Z component of point C
W = Increment amount from A to C
i = Movement amount in X direction
k = Depth of cut in Z direction
d = Relief Amount of the tool at the cutting bottom
f = Feed rate

Thread Cutting Cycle - G76

G76 p (m) (r) (a) (d min) R (d)
G76 X (u) Z (W)_ R(i) P (k) Q(d) F(L)

m = No. of idle passes

r = Chamfering amount
a = Angle of tool tip
d min = Minimum thread depth
d = Finishing Allowance
i = Taper value
k = Height of thread
d = Depth of cut in first cut
L = Lead of thread

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