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Renew America’s Water

Why Our Communities Need Federal Investment in Our Public
Water Systems to Provide Safe Water for Generations to Come
Fact Sheet • June 2010

O ur nation’s public water systems have provided reliable access to drinking water
and safe disposal of waste for more than one hundred years, yet a crisis looms.
When Congress passed the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act to
ensure that our waterways were protected and our drinking water safe, they provided
increased funding for community water systems to meet these more protective
standards. However, since the 1980s, the federal government has been cutting back
funding to communities for water infrastructure, with assistance falling to historic lows
under the Bush administration. At the same time, many of our nation’s water systems
that were built in the early 20th century are reaching the end of their lifespan. Without
dedicated federal funding, communities simply cannot afford to make the necessary
repairs to pipes and water systems that keep our waters clean and safe. This lack of
investment in communities’ water infrastructure poses a danger to the environment
and threatens the safety of our water for future generations.

The campaign to Renew America’s Water will create

a dedicated source of federal funding, which will im-
prove water quality, protect the environment, create
good jobs and ensure safe, reliable water for genera-
tions to come.

Reliable Access to Safe Water Is

Our country’s drinking water and sewer infrastructure
needs dramatically outpace available funding. Ac-
cording to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA)’s latest drinking water infrastructure needs
assessment, public water systems need an average
of $17.07 billion every year to keep our water safe.1
In 2010, the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
Program (SRF), which provides federal funding to
maintain safe drinking water, received $1.4 billion in
federal funding — enough to finance only 8 percent
of what is needed.2

Publicly owned wastewater systems need an average

of $11.6 billion every year to protect water qual-
ity and public health.3 However, in 2010, the Clean addition, analysis of beach monitoring data showed
Water State Revolving Fund program, which goes that 7 percent of samples exceeded national health
toward wastewater infrastructure, received only $2.1 standards. In other words, the contamination could
billion in federal funding — enough to finance about make beachgoers sick.6
18 percent of what is needed.4
Furthermore, leaks in our aging pipes lose water, even
As a result, a gap of approximately $22 billion exists in parts of the country facing water shortages. Ac-
each year between what is available to maintain our cording to the U.S. Geological Survey, 1.7 trillion gal-
water and sewer systems and what is needed. This lons of water are lost from distribution to consumer
funding is necessary to maintain and improve our taps — equivalent to one out of every five gallons of
nation’s water quality. We need to act now to Renew drinking water.7
America’s Water and close this funding gap.
Increased investment in water and sewer systems
Protecting Our Beaches, Rivers and will better protect our rivers, lakes, bays and beach-
es and reduce loss of treated drinking water through
Lakes leaky pipes.
Aging water infrastructure does more than threaten
our future access to reliable drinking water — it also Creating Quality Jobs and Investing in
harms the environment in our communities. Aging Our Future
sewer pipes can burst and spill untreated waste into
our rivers, lakes and streams. This is a problem in Renewing America’s Water will not just provide uni-
communities across the country. According to the versal access to water and an improved environment
EPA’s 2004 National Water Quality Inventory assess- — it will also create hundreds of thousands of quality
ments, 44 percent of the river miles, 64 percent of the jobs at a time when our communities need it most.
lake waters, and 30 percent of the bays and estuaries The national unemployment rate continues to hover
assessed were impaired and too polluted to support around 10 percent with over 15 million people out of
their designated uses.5 work and millions more underemployed.8

Sewage overflows and stormwater runoff can also According to the National Utility Contractors Associa-
cause waters to be unfit for recreational use. The na- tion, for every $1 billion spent on water infrastructure,
tion had more than 20,000 closures and advisories nearly 27,000 jobs are created.9 Fully addressing the
at ocean, bay and Great Lakes beaches in 2008. In nation’s annual water needs would generate 783,000
improve water access in our public schools. Such an
investment would relieve overburdened state and mu-
nicipal governments, create hundreds of thousands
of good jobs, and ensure universal access to clean
drinking water for generations to come.

Take Action
Get involved in the campaign to Renew America’s
Water. Visit us at

• Sign the petition and endorse the campaign

• Join our team of activists who blog or write
letters to the editor about the campaign
• Host a house party movie screening about our
water needs
• Find out more ways to get involved

1 United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water.
“Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment Fourth
Report to Congress.” (EPA 816-R-05-001). February 2009 at i.
2 United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water.
“Distribution of Drinking Water SRF Appropriation. 2010 DWSRF
employment opportunities. That could put nearly Allotment based on 2007 SWINSA Results.” January 15, 1010.
one out of every 20 unemployed people in the na- 3 “Clean Watersheds Needs Survey 2004 Report to Congress.” January
2008 at ix; Sahr, Robert C. “Inflation conversion factors for years
tion back to work.10 Furthermore, every federal dollar 1774 to estimated 2019.” Oregon State University, Political Science
invested in infrastructure yields a $1.59 return to our Department. January 16, 2009. 
4 FY 2010 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Title VI Allotments. Janu-
states.11 Water and sewer infrastructure jobs are typi- ary 15, 2010.
cally filled locally, and investing now in water and 5 United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water.
“National Water Quality Inventory: Report to Congress 2004 Report-
sewer systems can generate solid economic growth ing Cycle.” (EPA 841-R-08-001). January 2009 at 1-2.
and bring jobs into our communities. 6 Dorfman, Mark and Kristen Sinclair Rosselot. National Resources
Defense Council “Testing the Waters 2009: A Guide to Water Qual-
ity at Vacation Beaches.” National Resources Defense Council. 2009
Fixing Water Infrastructure in Schools at v.
7 US Environmental Protection Agency. Water Research Adaptation
Schools across the country have outdated water pipes Program: Research Areas. Available at:
and drinking fountains that have fallen into disre- 8 United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. [Press
pair. As a result, children do not have access to safe Release]. “The employment situation: April 2010.” May 7 2010.
9 National Utility Contractors Association. [Press Release]. “New
drinking water at school. Currently, there is no federal CWC Report Demonstrates Immediate Economic Impact of Water/
funding devoted to updating and repairing drinking Wastewater Infrastructure Investment?” January 28, 2009.
10 Food & Water Watch Calculation27,000 x 29 = 783,000.
water systems in schools. The campaign to Renew 783,0000/29,000,000,000 = .05 or 1/20.
America’s Water would provide grants to schools to 11 Schwartz, Bernard L. and Schwenninger, Sherle R. “A Public Infra-
structure–-Led Economic Recovery Program.” December 4, 2008;
make the repairs needed to provide safe, affordable Zandi, Mark. Chief economist and co-founder, Moody’s Economy.
tap water to students. com. Testimony on Economic Stimulus For Small Business: A Look
Back and Assessing Need For Additional Relief. U.S. House Commit-
tee on Small Business. July 24, 2008.
It’s Time to Renew America’s Water
To Renew America’s Water, we need a comprehen-
sive, long-term solution that fully funds our water For more information:
infrastructure needs. Funds must be dedicated for this web:
purpose and protected from yearly political decisions. email:
Legislation to Renew America’s Water must include phone: (202) 683-2500 (DC) • (415) 293-9900 (CA)
funds to assist rural and low-income communi- Copyright © June 2010 Food & Water Watch
ties, help large municipalities and provide grants to

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