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Amanda Bakke

cell: 206-914-4334 | email:


My focusto direct a successful arts program. Build new, strengthen current, and reinvigorate old
relationships in order to strengthen the companys stance in the community. Im a creative and resourceful
people-connector with a passion for building community by leveraging online and offline communication
strategies to amplify proactive solutions. I design brave and cutting-edge programs targeted at select
audiences in order to grow public interest and maximize return on investment. I build comprehensive
programs deemed to put any company at the forefront of their given scene, both locally and internationally.
I thrive when working in collaboration with passionate and results oriented individuals. Ultimately, my goal
would be to create a major success story where peoples lives are touched to their soul and individuals
are brought together for the betterment of all.

Areas of Expertise:
Community Engagement Campaign Management Donor Stewardship
Volunteer Management & Outreach Advocacy & Outreach Social Networking
Sharp & Persuasive Writing Communications & Marketing Operations
Database Implementation & Management Website Design

Highlighted Experience:
Annual Fund and Marketing Manager, Evergreen Childrens Assoc., dba Kids Co., 2011 present
Nonprofit childcare organization serving both early learning and school-aged children in Seattle and Mercer Island.

Created comprehensive and integrated development and marketing plan that has increased the ROI by 66%.
In FY16 raised $104,000 for childcare scholarships through grants and sponsorships, direct mail,
online events, social network outreach, and individual gifts. The FY17 goal is $160,000 in order to give
more children access to quality and affordable childcare.
Design creative, integrated, and financially fruitful brick & mortar and virtual fundraisers. From 2012-2016
increased online fundraising revenue by 300%.
Direct all marketing endeavors for 13 childcare centers and staff of 100, including advertisement design
and placement, digital marketing, branding, web updates, and all collateral material.
Integrated digital marketing in order to generate income, recruit new staff, and promote child care
Developed an advocacy campaign designed to mobilize the community to speak up on the importance
of keeping designated childcare spaces on Seattle Public School campuses.
Re-visualized and grew social media presence 10-fold. Continually resourcing new methods that integrate social
media into Kids Co.s mainstream development efforts.
Continually recruit and manage first-class volunteer committees and staff personnel.
Developed, managed, and implemented Kids Co.s 25th Anniversary events including a family-friendly (and
free) community event for 500 at the Woodland Park Zoo and a high stakeholder gala fundraiser. The latter
raised $91,000 (from a $75,000 goal).

Managing Director, ARCADE, 2008 2011

Nonprofit organization created to incite dialogue about design in all its manifestations. Its main vehicle of
communication is ARCADE Magazine; a staple in the Seattle design community since 1981.

Directed business operations, advertising sales/management, client negotiations, budgeting,

fundraising, and board/staff/volunteer recruitment, onboarding, and community relations.
Saw a hole in company outreach endeavors so conceived and developed outreach programs, such as panel
discussions, tours, and special events to grow and engage a wider community.
Recruited and managed first-class volunteer committees and staff personnel. Kept the board and
volunteers up-to-date with monthly reports.
Identified, cultivated, solicited, and stewarded all public and private funders including individual and
corporate giving, grants, and foundations. Secured NEA and other government grants.
Launched an online writing contest with a two-fold goal: engage new donors and grow the email list.
Managed staff of 2 part-time employees, 2 contractors, and intermittent interns.

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Amanda Bakke

cell: 206-914-4334 | email:


Vice President Operations, The China8 Project, 2007

Small start-up designed to launch two products: Erudite, a state-of-the-art container tracking system, and
GBoards, which could place advertisements on the side of said shipping containers. Had a $5 million budget
and worked closely with the Chinese Olympic Committee in order to launch at the 2008 games.

Responsible for every aspect of operations including staff structure and hiring, operational plan and
implementation, team communication, community outreach, event planning, sponsor cultivation and
procedures of a start-up company.
Established a multilingual process for communicating with stakeholders about assignments, updates,
and relevant issues with the team based in China.
Cultivated prospects for capital backing for both research & development and general operations.

Associate Director, American Diabetes Association, 2005 2007

International organization with a mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people
affected by diabetes.

Built relationships with individual and corporate donors to secure sponsors and major individual gifts (up to
Along with Uwajimaya (largest Asian grocery store on West Coast) and the Moriguchi family, created
and implemented the Asian Flavors recipe contest to engage the Asian community in diabetes-related
healthcare efforts.
Envisioned, designed and implemented the Seattle offices major donor event, The Gala Auction.
Annually grew event by 15% in attendance and 20% in revenue. Managed auction committee
comprised of board members, community members, and select staff. Recruited and trained a gala
volunteer pool of 50.
Created and managed diabetes awareness programs at local events and major corporations in order to
educate and advocate on behalf of families affected by diabetes.

Additional Experience:
Capital Campaign Manager, University of Washington, College of Engineering, 2002 2004
Executive Assistant to the VP-Electronics,, 2000 2002
Production Manager, PONCHO, 1991 1995 and 1997 2000
Stage Manager, Marlboro School of Music, Summer 1992
Executive Assistant to President/CEO, Big Brothers of King County, 1995 1997

Sample Online Campaigns:

Kids Co., Where Kids Grow virtual fundraiser
Kids Co., Get On The Bus virtual fundraiser
Kids Co., Virtual BBQ promo video

Sample Writing:
Kids Co., 2015 Annual Report
9-Word Story Contest

Education and Ongoing Professional Development:

Oregon State University, BA Political Science, 1985
University of Washington, School of Drama (emphasis, theatre production), 1987 - 1989
Providence Hospice & Home Care Auction Committee, 2016 to present
Edmonds Yacht Club Commodores Committee, 2016 to present
Bren BrownThe Power of Vulnerability online workshop, 2015
Operations Management online workshop, 2015
Happiness Symposium, 2015
Emotional Intelligence for Leaders workshop, 2016
Fun Fact: Completed 3-Month African Safari and featured in National Geographic, November 2001
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