Idea of Holistic Development For All

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Ramesh Kumar

The idea of holistic development for all stems out from following ancient vedic wisdom
which is a part of most of religious rituals in India :

, ,

May all living being be happy, free from pain and suffering, and may
all see good in others and find peace.
However, we find that contemporary materialistic society has emerged out with more
complex social issues leading to unrest, disharmony, inequality, violent minds, erratic
lifestyle, environmental degradation, and unending internal and external conflicts. The
science and technology development has given us sensory pleasures , added comforts
but no inner peace. Global conflicts, cold war and unrest is rising everywhere with no
definite solution. There is erosion of social values
everywhere. Blind practice of
religious rituals devoid of humanity and ignoring consciousness is also a major factor
for the growing crisis. The need for better education and enriching children with right
knowledge is very important in this industrial and materialistic age.
One world one parliament
problems are resolved.

will remain a distant vision unless above


The article explores holistic Solutions to Global Peace. The key areas where we need
to focus are

Educational Reforms
Economic upliftment to curb inequality
Good Governance and strict accountability
Renunciation of Politicians and administrators
Redefining Science and Technology Areas for a Peaceful world
Shift from ritual based religious practices to humanity
Better life management, relationship, and productivity thru adoption of yoga
Targeted disarmament including nuclear weapons
Isolating violent and terror groups and nations
Globe Peace Forum and UNO

Ramesh Kumar Global Harmony Association (

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Peace starts from within us from the self the eternal soul, but we ignore self
consciousness due to our ego, and run after physical comforts and materialistic world.
Ignoring self consciousness and caring only for physical body comforts ,we create all
type of problems around us whether it is our self , or our family relations or our society,
or our nation or our world . The unrest that starts from self spills over to world due to our
egoism , the centre of which is self consciousness, which once established by all, will
lead to a better world.
Uniform and Free education till High School
Eductaion system should help build peace and sustainable societies. Education must
inspire to address needs of individual (body , mind and soul ) and society and nature
.School Education system in many nations is very expensive. We have elite and luxury
schools for rich and free schools with very poor infrastructure for poor . Unfortunately,
education today is largely a roaring business catering to the rich, giving them the skills
to get richer. It sponsors competition and hence crime.
The school system today is dividing the children from school age into two classes
haves and have-nots. This economic disparity is major reason for unrest and crime in
the nation. The public schools are expensive and a major portion of parents income
goes for schooling cost for children and brings economic strain /stress on parents
leading to life style evils in society .Both female and male parents have to work hard to
earn enough for school education of children . Society cannot change if we continue
with this system which is dividing the society .Only way out is to free the education till
High School for all .No separate schools for elite rich class. Schools can be
nationalized and a uniform schooling system can start in which rich and poor children
sit together and learn and treat other as human beings.This will also lead to equality and
harmony in society. Funds can be arranged by State thru Social Security Funds .
Social Security Funds are created thru contribution of employees and their employer
as students start earning .Such systems are prevailing in Europe and other countries.
Modern children are exposed to violence through childhood by addicting them with
childrens comics, toys and video games, news channels, cinema,TV soaps play it out in
every home and heart. Hence Value Education should be an integral part of school
curriculum. Value Education to include subjects such as democracy , human rights,
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non violence, social and economic justice, gender inequality, Environmental

sustainability, disarmamanent, international law and human security, Peace Science,
self development thru Yoga and dissolving ego ,Conflict management, health
management etc.


Economic measures so far all over world have failed to reduce gap between rich and
poor. So we need to change existing economic systems and make people self
sustainable. Some areas need to be addressed are

Corporate india must strive to bridge gap between rich and poor. Said Naryan
Murthy Infosys in

his book Corporate Gandhi Narayan Murthy . At

management corporate level peace means serving share holders ,employees,

customers ,sales vendors, government and society at large with utmost honesty
,integrity harmony and fare returns. This means reducing the ratio


highest paid and lowest paid. The maximum ratio of ten should be fixed with little
bit of variation.

Model Industries using local resources should be developed on Cooperative

society working where each employee is share holder depending upon his skill
and contribution.

Factory automation should be used for accuracy and quality and not to curtail

Health services to include Naturopathy and Yoga Therapy as these are

Affordable compare to expensive allopathic system.

Government schemes and NGOs should provide freebies like free food, shelter,
cloth etc to disabled or physically unfit , rest poor should be supported by self
sustainable means thru local employment generation schemes .


There is need is to shift development from urban areas to rural areas to decongest
towns and generate employment thru development of agriculture ,local resources,
tourism, etc.

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NGOs in rural pockets can provide support to rural population for better education , skill
development ,self employment schemes and

finding jobs in close interaction with

Government agencies and their projects. Thus NGOs can play a vital role to bridge
gap between local population and Government Schemes and projects.
Spheral democracy should be the structural institutional mechanism for coordination,
balance, proportion and consent (coherence) of political, legal, financial and
administrative processes as a whole, in unity with each other and in harmonious accord
with the SPHERONS (Peace loving people ) interests covering 100% of the population.
India has very poor , slow, and

lethargic judicial system. Bureaucrats have no

accountability . The people in power and politics

often misuse their power to meet

selfish motives. Political rivals use media to negate reforms and positive development
of government in power. In such atmosphere drastic changes are required where law
can be enforced with strictness.Bureaucrats

should be


or given

punishment for non performance.

There are few generic defects of traditional liberal democracy leading to growth of
militarism/ terrorism, inequality, and corruption. Too much democracy is counter
productive and often misused. Human rights and freedom are absolute necessary but
not at cost of disharmony, or causing loss to national integration, counter to national
goals and hurting others.
The political system

worldwide today is most corrupted and root cause of unrest

everywhere. The greed to lust and power makes politicians to commit crimes to beat
rivals in elections. There is need to allow only selfless dedicated persons who vow to
renounce ,does not marry so that they can dedicate their life for betterment of their
respective area, like the spiritual leaders and church priests in ancient times.

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Science and Technology for Sustainable Development for mankind is required, that
gives abundance of renewable energy like electricity, water and clean air, projects that
generate employment, energy efficient vehicles and machines etc.
Science and technology must be used for better

holistic health services including

Allopathy, Ayurveda , naturopathy and yoga . Science and Technology should do

research on


science and

para science

happiness to mind, society and nations across.

for self exploration that

Research on


Military Science and

war machines has to be stopped.

All religions must respect each others religion and work for humanity and welfare of
society. Religious rituals, prejudice and unique identity should be slowly diluted and
move to humanity.
Adherence to following practices should be adopted universally by all .
i) No one should


diktats of

hardcore religious leaders if they hate other

religions and if their diktats are against humanity and human rights.
ii) Spirituality should be a part of all plannings whether it is science and development
,governance or politics or education.
iii) Adoption of Yoga for purification of mind and body should be an integral part of
society .
iv) Religious processions need to banned if they cause traffic blockage or cause air or
water pollution .
v) Religious Community kitchens providing 24 x 7 food from religious places should
restrict timings. The food should be provided during normal lunch and dinner times and
not 24 x 7 as unlimited

distribution of food is wastage and diversion from most

needed people to non needy people who can afford to buy their own food. The
religious organizations providing food should

also restrict food distribution to those

tribal and rural areas where people need most in place of areas which are in towns
and urban pockets and less needy compared to tribal and remote scary areas.

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Practice of Yoga enables one to have healthy body and purify the mind . Pure mind
leads to pure thoughts

and keeps one away

from evils and one performs satvic

(selfless ) deeds . Pure thoughts kill the enemy within us i.e. ego ,lust ,anger ,greed

and one becomes calm and

humble and respect all

as humans

irrespective of status, caste, religion and culture.

Yoga is science of both body and mind .It is universal and can be adopted by all
irrespective of religion. Yoga can be a common thread

for connecting all people

under one social platform. Imagine a society in which all people practice Yoga. This
will reduce conflicts, ego centric problems, will lead to non violence, develop tolerance
and harmonize the society faster.
Yoga is not just doing exercises it means adoption of ethics (for self character and
ethics for behavior in society ), Pranayama for conditioning of breathing system and
purification of mind, asanas to stay physically fit, pratyahaar / detachment ( control of
sense organs ie control of anger, ego, greed, lust, desire etc), concentration (focused
mind and connecting to supreme god ), meditation and enlightenment.
Evils of the society begin from minds leading to rise of hidden enemies within us which
are rise of ego, pride, greed, jealousy, lust, attachment, anger, selfishness, injustice,
cruelty or violence. Thus practice of Yoga is a MIND CHANGER from Violence to
Non Violence. Yoga means union of soul with supreme soul so called intelligent
designer of universe. Thus world can be united thru umbrella of adopting yoga by
Thus practice of yoga will lead for a better self management ,better family and friends
relations, good character and ethics and productivity .The people will be more honest
,efficient, free from addictions such as drugs, smoking and respect women and
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The world has violent groups such as North Korea, Pakistan which is home to various
terror groups, China which has conflicts on border issues with almost all its border
nations and Middle East Islamic nations where peace rarely descends. One effective
way could be if all nations start isolating above nations like imposing restrictions on
trade, imports, exports ,diplomatic relations etc. Without support of world, such nations
may not be able to sustain long.
Various Global Forums can put pressure on advanced nations to cut down their annual
military budget by 10 % every year and let those funds be used for development of
cheap renewable energy and fighting hunger in poor nations.
Under developed and poor nations should also be persuaded to cut their annual
budgets by 10 % and use funds for welfare of poor .
Future wars are going to be due to scarcity of earth resources such as fossil fuels,
water and Food insecurity. So science and technology must be developed to find
better alternate renewable resources . Budget of nations on Military Science should be
diverted for renewable resources in a phased manner under directions of UNO .
Effective disarmament campaign should be launched at various social platforms over
the globe by existing various global peace forums.
Regional conflict

groups should be formed to resolve conflicts


local social

activities and experts.

World needs a new UNO Body which is unbiased and devoid of western influence. A
new UN body can be developed which will have equal representation from all nations.
The New UN Body will also elect Global Peace leaders for international conflict
resolution, besides framing rules and regulations for international cooperation based
upon Harmony,Humanity and Peace.(1 )
All international peace forums should affiliate with UNO for coordination.The UNO thus
will unite efforts, thinking and ideology of all Peace Loving NGOs and institutions

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under one banner. The recommendations of Global Peace Forum will become goal of
New UN Body for implementation .
The article describes how development on areas like education ,economic inequality ,
disarmament, better governance, adoption of yoga will lead to a better future society
which will be more peaceful ,contented ,stable and healthy. The world society needs
firm action plans with support of UNO for implementation and move towards one world
and one parliament.
.1 Semashko, Leo and 174 coauthors from 34 countries (2016). Global Peace Science or
Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences,
Creating Peace from SPHERONS Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century.
World Textbook. First Edition in English, New Delhi, 616 pages, ISBN 978-5-94422-035-6,
Ramesh Kumar, GHA Executive Director (CEO), India
Global Harmony Association (GHA) ,Trustee GHA Trust India- Global harmony Network Centre
Director, Yog Niketan , Ex DRDO Scientist
Ph 129 4124129, Mob 9971001318 , Email:;
Founder, NGO: Consortium of Social Reforms Organisation
Life Member International Naturopathy Organization,

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