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List of Accommodations for Students with Special Needs

1. Visual Aids: include picture and step-by-step visuals whenever possible to assist in new
vocabulary and to clarify directions.
2. Extra time: allow time before hand for students to complete assignments who have
attention deficits.
3. Proximity: move students who get distracted closer to the teacher so they feel the need to
be included in learning.
4. Brain Breaks: allow movement breaks for students to regain focus after sitting for an
extended period of time.
5. One-on-One testing: create an environment with minimal distractions and oral directions
to support student needs.
6. Busy hands: give students a stress ball or large pom-pom to keep their hands busy when
giving directions, this actually keeps them focused.
7. Simplify: use alternative worksheets that are simplified so not to overwhelm the student,
as information processing can be challenging for some.
8. Technology: allow students who have difficulty writing to type their assignments, at least
then they can get their ideas out.
9. Partnership: assign learning partners who can help one another shine in different content
10. Ability grouping: create a group with typical peers who can support the student.
11. Photocopied notes (or study group): to eliminate the students with IEPs frustration
and difficulty with hand eye coordination, requiring copying from the board.
12. Graphic Organizers: help students recognize and correlate information.
13. Checklist: print a tangible list for students to keep themselves accountable of
14. Instructions: give repetition and clarification regularly.

15. Oral response: allow students to respond to exam or other questions orally in order to

assess their content knowledge.

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