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Heron Lake Watershed District

Regular Meeting
April 19, 2016
1. Call to Order
Jim Buschena called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Managers present: Jim Buschena, Harvey Kruger, Bruce Leinen, Gary Ewert, and Wayne
Staff: Erin Nordquist, Jan Voit, and Catherine Wegehaupt
Others: Rose Schulz, Jackson County; Marv Zylstra, Nobles County; Mona Henkels, Murray
Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD); Kris Sullivan, and Jerry Christopherson
2. Agenda
Harvey Kruger made a motion to approve the agenda. Gary Ewert seconded this. Motion
carried unanimously.
3. Quarterly Meeting with Commissioners
Marv Zylstra informed the managers that the Nobles County Commissioners began a
program called Coffee with Commissioners. The community of Leota was the first
location the event was held. Residents met with commissioners and had an opportunity to
express their immediate concerns and their apprehensions for the future. He reported on
the landowner meetings for Judicial Ditch (JD) #9 and #13 and the work session with the
library, arts, and historical committees.
Rose Schultz provided information about bonding. At their meeting today, the
commissioners initiated the competitive sale process with Shannon Sweeney, David Drown
Associates. The drainage improvement bonds of approximately $3.5 million will be for JD
30 and 35 and County Ditch 124. The bids on the purchase of bonds will be received and
awarded on May 17, 2016. The funds will be wired to Jackson County on June 1, 2016. She
also gave an update on the new county coordinator, bus barn, troubles with the court
house structure and employee health issues, as well as recognition for retiring laypeople
from boards and committees.
Murray County Commissioner Dave Thiner could not be present. He wanted to let the
board know that Murray County has hired former Heron Lake resident Ken Bickner as the
SWCD Manager.
Marv Zylstra asked about administration of the new buffer law. Discussion was held
regarding exemption of private ditches, local control, and the need for consistency
between Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs), counties, and watershed districts.
4. Minutes
Gary Ewert made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 15, 2016 regular meeting.
Wayne Rasche seconded this. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Treasurers Report
Jan Voit presented the treasurers report and bills payable. Discussion was held regarding
the judicial ditch loan, interest rates, bonding, and Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental
Trust. Jim Buschena made a motion to approve the treasurers report. Wayne Rasche
seconded this. Motion carried unanimously.

6. Clean Water Partnership (CWP) Loan Application

Bruce Leinen made the following motion.
Be it resolved by the Board of Managers of the Heron Lake Watershed District (HLWD) to
submit a proposal with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to conduct the
following Project: Heron Lake TMDL Nutrient Reduction Project.
Be it further resolved that Jan Voit, District Administrator be authorized to submit the
proposal for the above-mentioned Project and shall have the authority to represent this
body in all matters that do not specifically require the action of this body.
Be it further resolved that submittal of a proposal does not obligate this body to accept a
grant and/or a loan if so offered.
Whereupon the above resolution was adopted at a monthly meeting of the Board of
Managers of the HLWD.
Gary Ewert seconded this. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Water Management Partners Training
Discussion was held regarding the Water Management Partners Training Session that will
be held with the Heron Lake, Okabena-Ocheda, and Kanaranzi-Little Rock Watershed
Districts. Managers will check their schedules and contact Jan Voit on April 20, 2016
regarding their availability.
8. Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
Discussion was held regarding CREP requirements and the buffer bill. Gary Ewert made a
motion to submit a letter of support for CREP. Harvey Kruger seconded this. Motion carried
9. Community Center Lease Agreement
Discussion was held regarding the costs and what is contained in the lease. Harvey Kruger
made a motion to accept the lease terms. Bruce Leinen seconded this. Motion carried
10. Pickups
Catherine Wegehaupt gave an update on the HLWD pickups. Discussion was held regarding
annual mileage and the possibility of purchasing a used vehicle from another government
entity. Jan Voit will contact watershed districts and SWCDs regarding used vehicle
availability. Jim Buschena made a motion to authorize Catherine Wegehaupt to purchase
tires and have them installed, get the oil changed, and schedule a tune up for the 2002
Ford F150. Wayne Rasche seconded this. Motion carried unanimously.
11. Reports
District Administrator
Jan Voit reported on the Biennial Budget Request, Association of District Administrators
meeting, Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts, legislative reception, breakfast,
and day at the Capitol; North Heron Lake Game Producers Association spring newsletter;
Minnesota Public Radio; CWP low interest loan program; Jackson County JD #19; Civic
Engagement Support Group planning; CWP loan application; Jackson County JD #30
preconstruction meeting; Water Management Partners Training; financial information;

Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) newsletter and Best

Management Practices Site-Seeing Event; CREP letter of support; June meeting date; and
the low interest loan program. She also gave a presentation on the new website.
Wayne Rasche made a motion to approve the septic system loan application for Scott and
Nichole Kruse contingent upon providing the required documentation. Gary Ewert
seconded this. Motion carried unanimously.
Watershed Technician
Catherine Wegehaupt provided information on the cedar revetment projects, Kolander
project, rock inlets, LCCMR grant projects, field day, newsletter, and brochure, Department
of Natural Resources (DNR) shoreline grant newsletter, and possible Heron Lake BioEnergy
pollinator plot.
Harvey Kruger made a motion to provide 75% cost-share for Humphrey and Gentz cedar
revetment projects. Gary Ewert seconded this. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was
held regarding a cedar revetment project that was withdrawn from consideration, DNR
protected waters permit process and cost, and the landowners interest if additional
projects are secured.
Watershed Coordinator
Erin Nordquist gave an update on the Commercial Animal Waste Technician workshop,
Stressor ID training; Cottonwood County Water Plan Task Force meeting; reading historical
documents; feedlot inspection planning for Cottonwood and Jackson Counties;
Cottonwood County feedlot inspections; infographic on Water Quality Standards, and the
stressor ID sampling schedule.
12. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
Harvey Kruger

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