Set of Problems #2

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Set of problems #2

1. The results of Rutherfords experiment which fired -particles at a thin metal film were?
Please select all that apply.

All the -particles passed straight through.

Most of the -particles passed straight through with only minor reflections.
A small number of -particles where deflected through angles greater than 90.
All of the -particles were deflected through angles greater than 90.

2. Which of the following frequencies corresponds to light with the longest wavelength?
a) 3.00 1013 s1
b) 4.12 105 s1
c) 8.50 1020 s1
d) 9.12 1012 s1
e) 3.20 109 s1
3. From the following list of observations, choose the one that most clearly supports the
conclusion that electrons have wave properties.
a) the emission spectrum of hydrogen
b) the photoelectric effect
c) the scattering of alpha particles by metal foil
d) diffraction
e) cathode "rays"
4. From the following list of observations, choose the one that most clearly supports the
conclusion that atoms contain electrons.
a) the emission spectrum of hydrogen
b) the photoelectric effect
c) the scattering of alpha particles by metal foil
d) diffraction
e) cathode rays
5. The frequency of radiation used in a typical microwave oven is 1.00 1011 Hz. What is the
energy of a mole of microwave photons with this frequency?

6. Light has a wavelength of 6.0 102 nm. What is the energy of a photon of this light?
7. Given that the work function for an aluminium surface is 5.66 1019 J, determine what
wavelength of radiation will be required to eject an electron from the surface?
8. What is the wavelength of light that is emitted when an excited electron in the hydrogen atom
falls from the n = 5 level to the n = 2 level?

9. A line from the Pfund series (n1=5) has the frequency 8.02 1013 Hz. What value of n2
generates this line in the spectrum?
10. On a planet where the temperature is so high, the ground state of an electron in the hydrogen
atom is n = 4. What is the ratio of IE on this planet to that on earth?
11. An electron is travelling with a wavelength of 246 pm, what is its velocity?
12. Consider an atom traveling at 1% of the speed of light. The de Broglie wavelength is found to
be 3.31 103 pm. Which element is this?

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