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exemplary damages

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Related to exemplary damages: general damages, actual damages, nominal damages, punitive
action, Special damages

exemplary damages
n. often called punitive damages, these are damages requested and/or awarded in a lawsuit when the def
endant's willful actswere malicious, violent, oppressive, fraudulent, wanton, or grossly reckless. Examples
of acts warranting exemplarydamages: publishing that someone had committed murders when the publis
her knew it was not true but hated the person; anex-husband trashes his former wife's auto and threatens
further property damage; a stockbroker buys and sells a widow'sstocks to generate commissions resulting
in her losing all her capital (money). These damages are awarded both as apunishment and to set a publi
c example. They reward the plaintiff for the horrible nature of what she/he went through orsuffered. Althou
gh often requested, exemplary damages are seldom awarded. There have been major awards in egregio
us(remarkable or outstanding) cases, such as fraud schemes, sexual harassment, or other intentional an
d vicious actionseven when the provable actual damages were not extensive. (See: damage

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