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(D0 NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO) TRG, + DHUP-PICT “Test Booklet Series Serial No. TEST BOOKLET GENERAL ABILITY TEST INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION. YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN, OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE. Test BOOKLET, 2. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS THE CANDIDATE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENCODE AND FILLIN THE ROLL.NUMBER AND TEST BOOKLET SERIES CODE A, B, COR D CAREFULLY AND WITHOUT ANY OMISSION OR DISCREPANCY AT. THE APPROPRIATE PLACES IN THE OMR ANSWER SHEET. ANY OMISSION? DISCREPANCY WILL RENDER THE ANSWER SHEET LIABLE FOR REJECTION. 3. You fave to enter your Roll Number on the Test Boke inthe Box provided alonaide. DO NOT write Atryimang ete onthe Tes Bookie. 4, This Test Bootle conans 120 tems (question) 0 in PART=A ad 60 ia FART Fach Ten ‘lms fr esos Grover) You wl st he apse wich You wat ork ‘onthe Answer Sete nae you fc that thre is more than oe caret espe, mek te ‘eaporse which you consider tr ban any cae, choose ONLY ONE response for cach em You tune Yo mark all your responses ONEY onthe separate Answer Shest provided. See Arections inthe Answor Sheet 6 Allitems cary equal mars 11 Defoe you proceed to mack inthe Answer Sheet the response to vasious items in the Test Booklet, you have toil in rua in the Answer Sheet a9 per instruction Sent {o'you wih your Adnusion Cote = 4% Aficr you have completed filling in all your respanses on the Answer Shest and the ‘Xamiaton hes conrad, you should handover tothe Invilator onl the Answer Sheet SYoatre pemited to take aay with you the Test Booklet 9, Sheets for rouph work are appended inthe Test Booklet a the end. {o, Penal for wrong answers? TIBRE WiLL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG. ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE INTHE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS €) Tate ae for senate fe he enowert ey quo, Por cch qe fer stich wrong answer has ben given by the candidate, one-third ofthe mark assigned Tota question wil be deducted ws penalty a candidate gives more than one answer, i wll be weated asa wrong aaswer even ne of te given anvwere happens to be comect and there wil be same penliy 8s spove to that question (iy ifs question i eft blank, ic, 0 answer is given by the candidate, there will be to penalty for tht esa. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO « Panta SPOTTING ERRORS AF Hn prt tn sn nd oh, ak [pee pine piled pleprerdarsrppenpi peeled fo Ce ee ee eee aes eee min cercopeidioaacg tense | Wenwsinseachofanemgoriun whee wecoud buy lads samen cheaply @ co) 0 Noeroe © 2. Mahara Gandhivas inamest onseverosasiont durnghe fedom avenle © © © @ 3. Apotoftheauiinee became sive and heganto stout oul, Noon @ © @ 4. Ubwetcen faicaly ying t0finda suitable house in Delhi fom the pas six months @ © © @ 5. Peopleinitcl-tereslt eguimiagmesmmsnt ita! bash ost along sesiod @ er @ None @ © Soocchinmostalusle among hefioues —whichmmangosssts. Noro o o @ % Alamecmumbscofpeopls sontinicstobeiliere nour coms, Noon ( ® @ o 8 Adawlitsr therwentabooning inci withlotofmonsy, Noor @ o o @ 9. Whatyovsrdoing washie afirintheannual examinations? Noemoe o ® © io 10. Mawefiowsr ishom whlushunseen, —-Nocnor @ o @ @ Wiese De dosnatitensovbady and soln Bind of ism Gus @ o o ‘Nagao @ n him bviheneck anddealthim asoundthathing Nara. ® ® @ @ 2 (Cone) 13, Spestaion of football match meplesed when agoal stow Noeror @ © © @ 14, Thewholecoumry —willbepershed —_ifpeonledonotwork han. No-enor o o © @ 15, Linowbvexperienss hut badmintoneante avervexcitiggams —Noenor cy o © © SENTENCE IMPROVES Directions: Lock tthe undeied part of each entre. Below each sentence are given thes possible ‘substitutions forthe undelined pat Irene of them (a), (oF) s beter than the undefined par, ‘ndiwte your response onthe Aner Sheot against he corresponding lter (a), 2) or (@)- none of the substitution improves the sentence, indicate (2) as your response onthe Answer Sheet, Thus a "No improvement respoase wil be sgifed by the lete (8) 16, How much ago di ithe? 2 Many ayoung men wan join the army (3) How ar (@)_ Youngman (b) Honever @ ayoungman (©) How lone seaee 19 Nedopegreot {@)Noimprovement 17, He fcquet his estar 22. Webave meteor, sit? (5) sido vite G@) ditsrwe? (0) looks afer © have we? (©) isthe managerot ©) havent we? {@) Notmprovenet {@)_ No smproverent 18, I shave on aemstive dys 2B. You wil ot sweceed, unless vo do pt (over evel bey work hint (0) alemate dys GG) wes you wil at work hand (©) conseetve dye (0) anes you wil woo hard (3) Novmprovement (as you wk 19, Thereaitoftieccaminaiontucnotknwen NO Eranater bro monhe 24 Risno we ery aoe il ( wlletetaowe (0) epg opiate {0) wilt ow ) inerving over spit milk (6) ill ot be knowing {@) oterying over sik ik (@) No tprovensne (3) Nosmprovement 20, Ram Singh came very close to-win a gold 25. is room is er ager th mine ‘pel for dain he Olympos, i keer beste (2) foe wining (ach lege thn mine (0) whee won (@)_ mor liner than mine (©) ‘ewening Gy Naieprovemmit [a) No improvement (Com) 26. nn. 2. 2. 36. ‘Though twas raining bute went cut (2) and he went out () heweatout (however he went out (@ Noimprovement eis sharpening the pencil bya ki (@) cnakaite () fiom akxite (e wiima nie (3) Noimprovernen ‘We were pleased to sexing het (@) tose 8) fom sexing (© insecing (@) Noimprovement Te became dak after we were walking for ‘hour an hour (@). have ben walking @) have walked (©) had walked No improvement He is ivng in this ity forte last three year a) lives () hasbeen ving © lives (@) Noimprovement 3 3. 33. 3 "Where does you end live? doa’ know where mf ive (does my tend lve (@) helives {Hives my fiend (@) Noimprovement Any ofthe thee offers is acceptable to me. (a) Every (Finer © all (©) Noimprovement We all wea n picnic lst Suna. (@) toapiene () inpienc (© onaplenic (©) Noimprovement tis too caty goo schol (@) veryenry ©) quite esly (© muchextly No improvement A square peg (@) ‘doesnot fit in round ole (©) camot fit around around hole (@) doesnt fi iesde around hole (@ Noimprovement ‘ORDERING OF WORDS IN A SENTENCE. Directions: Each ofthe fllowng items in this section consist ofa sentence the pss of which hve been jmbled. Those jumbled parts have boen labelled P,Q, Rand S which are fllowed by four sequences namely (2) (b), (6a (). You ae required to rearange the jumbled parts o produce the ‘correct sentence. Choose the correct sequence and mark in your Answer Shee accordingly. “The doctor told () ttepatent (Q) to give an injstion to ®) theme (6) atefourhours The comet sequence should be (@ RQPs () RPSQ © PSR (@) PSRQ ¥. ‘The judge @) ted wo te cour (Q) why he tat (R) asked the acesed (S) inspite ofhis cats, “The comet sequence should be () PSRQ_ (©) PSR (©) PROS (@) RQPS (Com) 38. His fither sad, 2. ©) and sop (Q) ontiva ings (%) wasting yourtime (S) now getup The coret sequence shou be (@ sPRQ ©) PSRQ (@) oRsP (@ Ros 38. The strangers movements a ©) andthe potce @ him @ ares (6) roused suspicion The comet sequence shoud be The future (©) isuncertain (Q) career @®) man (8) of this noble Tre conect Sequence should be ( PQSR @) QPSR (@ RPSQ © ase The food () atthe pany (Q) served (8) was detisious (S) but not wholesome Te caret sequence should be (@ SQPR ( PRSQ () ROPS @) QrRs © SPRQ © RSQ (@ REGS (@ QRsP SELECTING WORDS Directions: ni following paseage at cern points you ae given a choice of three words marked {@), and (©), one of which fits the meaning ofthe passage. Choose the best word out ofthe thee ‘Mark the et viz) (b) (rating ois worden your Answer Sheet. Examples K and L have been coved for you K L The (3) boy wasinthe school in Simla. (a) She was home sek. () hone or () doe @ He Explanation: Out of he list given in tem K, only, Poy is the comet answer because usualy a boy nd nota horse ors dog ates school. Soisto be marked onthe Answer Shee for item K.ALboy {Susually refered o a8 he 0 for lem Ly () ede csret aes. Nie that solve te fat item K you have to tea thereat ofthe sentence and then see what fis best Pasage The crow is familiar bind, Everybody must have seen one. With their eawing the crows a2 ‘wake us up early in the morning. The cawing of the crows is very (a) pleassnt. They () ravcous (6) moving (Com) a Tot (3) about men. They know that men throw (a) in much ro) (sy © (©) over rubbish which is food (e) them, 30 they are very watehful, They © yo, (@) jump around te pick up worms and (a) leaves, They ean get very bold, 40 ©) come () crumbs (@) hop (©) feathers (@) when they come close to your (a) feet if you have any food to that, ) hand 50 31 (4) present them, They have sharp eyes to (a) check their cunningness, ) throw (o) watch (e) offer 6) show They are also very (@) mild and will come imo the house (a) on anatch up food ©) courageous ®t (impudent 6) fo n summer they (a) all fy about with theie pointed beaks (a) closed in search ) some oe (©) bot o) tamed 56 7 of wate (a) thirst at public baths or om the (a) banks () hunger ©) Door (c) desire (©) slope ss or rivers. Ir 48 wonderful to (a) know them washing themselves in small ponds, (©) sich (©) look (a) dashing noisily. They are fond of siting (a) frequently on he backs of bulfuloes inthe (by splashing () shaboly (©) throwing (©) auiety shade of ees. They presenta beautiful sigh when, inthe evening, he tum to thei nest in tiling speometi formations, (Con) a. a. 6. PART Which oe ofthe folowing I indigenously built nuclearpowered sbmaine? (@) INS Anant () INS Sindhuakshak (© INS Vit (@) INS Vikramadina fist ‘The Constitution of India was adopted by the Consttaat Assembly 0 (@) 264 January 1950 (6) 15 August 1957 (©) 30%aruary 1948 (264 November 1989 Which Nasional Highway connects Uta Pash nd Tamil Nad’? (@ Nae @ wus (@ NHS @ Nar ‘Which ne of the flowing counties isnot ‘member of ASEAN? (@) Indooesa (0) South Korea (©) Thea (Vitor The te Bali Action Pai sometimes ‘cn one in he comet (@) Glotelelimate change (©) Gloalterosism (©) Global wii racking () World rade (46, Who of he fllowing is known as heron ‘Mar of nis? o. o © © © ‘allah Patel Bin Chandra Pal ‘Gopal Kvshna Gokhale Bal Gangadhar Tak Bardoli Sutyapraha, 1978 was peasant rmoverent launched aginst the © © © @ alse ate ofa bythe Goverment Failure of Round Table Confeanee ‘ist of Simon Commission Lai charge on Ua Lapa Ra Consider the following pies Well known lake Sate 3 Chika ke + Odisba Kollew Lake: Kerala Palle Lake: Karmataks Which ofthe pairs given above is/are conecty matched ? ® » © ® only 2and 3 only | ad 3 ony 1, 2and3 ‘Which ne of the flowingisnora member of SAARC? @ © © © Myanmar Maldives tuean Afghanistan (Com) 7. n. In the Union Goverment, the Council of Mints is collectively responsible to (Prime Minister (©) Lok Sabin (©) Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Seba (© Union Cabinet te anual Union Budgets nt passed by Lok Sabb (@). ThePresentottnaass the Finance Minster to eign () The Prime Minster asks the Finance Miniter to eign (©) The Finance Minister modifies it and presente i again (© The Prime Minister submits the resignation of his Cabinet Which ofthe following ire wed as both esr as wll as explosive? 1. Ammonium nlsate 2 Calum elite 5. Poasium permanganate Selet the comet answer using the cde sven below (@ Lonly (©) 2and3 only (©) Cand 3 only @ t2and3 ‘The expenditure whch can be charged on the Consolidated Fund of nia (@) is discussed and voted by the Plant (@) canbe discussed but isnot puto vote before Parliament (6) ean nether te eiscuset nor voted by the Patient (@) is discussed and voted by the Lok Sabha only, 1%. 8 1%. ‘What is NEOShield, sometimes seen in (4) Aniterationa consort adéess ‘he asteroid threat to Earth () A geo-enginering projet of OECD ‘unties find the ways to save te Ean fom global warming (©) NASA's projet to fad the ways 1 rad off th ffs of solar flares on (® A baltic missile defence system ‘eveloped by poup of counties Consider the following plants 1. Cyeas 2. Date palm 3. Pinus ‘Which ofthe above ire lowering plats? (and? ony (©) 2and3 only © 2ealy @ t2end3) Recently, between which ofthe ellowing countries has » $34 kan ong ans pipeline eon proposed to be casted? (@) France end Hungary (6) Germany and aly (Poland and Lithuania (@) Greece and Turkey Conse he elowing stems 1. Soke re bvays atthe end of fod cain 2, Some snkes ae viviparous “Which ofthe statment given above ve comet? @) Vony (6) 2only () Beth and (8) Neither nor2 (com) 1”. a. ‘An eastward waveller fom India essing the International Date Line, n order to get the conect day and time of the lesa should tum his watch (@) forward (@) forward and should move his day calendar backward ( beckvard (® backward and should move is day mente fore, Consider he following satements 1. Red pandinitnatral habitats ound in Easter Himalayas. 2. hari in its natural habitats found in Bhitarkanika mangroves. Which ofthe statements given above ire (@) Lonly ) only (©) Both 1 and2 (© Neither 1 nor 2 ‘Who among the following was the fst Govemor. Genera of Independent India? (2) C.Rajagopalachari (Rajendra Prasad (©) Lord Mountanen @ S.Redhakistoan “With reference to carbon dioxide, which of the following saemens ie cect?” 1. Tis released from the intcor ofthe Earth during vleanc eruption. 2. Meomodes metal surices. 3. Wis reuied forthe green plats for thei save Select the correct answer using the code sven below (@) Vand2only ) Sonly (@) 2and3 only @ 120083 2. 8. A group of countries called Gi is often mentioned inthe news as contenders for & permanent membership in the United Nations Security Couneil. Which of the followings mot one of therm? (@) Brazil (©) Germany (© Japan (@ South Afics ‘Tuskey, which is Frequently in the news, does not have a order with which of the following? (@) Romania © tan (Georgia (@ algae Consider the following 2 Fay acids 2. Hormones 4. Vitamins Which ofthe sbove can be the sources of celular energy in a human body? (@) Vand? only () Zand only (©) Band only (®) 12,3and4 What causes wind to dfs towards let in the southern hemisphere? (2) Atmospheric temperature (©) Eamhs magnetic ld (©) Rotation ofthe arth (Atmosphere resure (Contd) 86. 7. “Which one ofthe following statements bout Earths diameters re? (@) Polardiameteris sigh less than the ‘equatorial dame. () Polar snd equatorial diameters are equal (©) Polar dismeter is longer than the ‘equatorial diameter. (0) Pole dante in iof te equatorial diameter Recently, the Interim Secretariat ofthe International Solar Alliance was ‘inaugurate at (@)Gurgson () Panipat (©) Vadodara () Vioakhapatmam ‘With efirencetoLokak lake, consider the following statements: 1. Lokak va freshwater lake in noih- aster Indi. 2. Loktak ake carries oating islands that are made up of decaying masses of Yepetation, sol and organi mater ‘Which ofthe statements piven above ifare (@) J onty © 2only (©) Both 1 and2 (@ Neither 1 noe2 Manama Gandhi suspended Non- Cooperation Movement et: (0) aking vole um (©) lnadequte cooperation tom people (©) Disapproval of Congress (@) Mah of Madama Gandhi 9%. OL 2. 9%. ‘A warm-blooded animals one which (a) has Muctuting body temperature depending on its suroundings (©) doesnot lose heat te surroundings (0) absorbs het from soundings (@) bas constant body temperature Which of the folowing statements ire conecr? 1. Shale gas is extensively produced in Saudi Arabia and Kuvait 2 Pracking toehnology used in the ‘exaction ofthis gos requires lrwe quantities of wate. Select the correct answer using the code ven below: (@) lonly () Dooly (©) Both 1 and2 (© Neither 1 nor 2 "TAPT gas pipeline, somtimes mentioned inthe news, planned tbe nid in: (@) Turkey—Afghanistan Pakistan Ini (©) Tatkmenisian~Ajrbijan Pakistan in (©) Tukey —Ajarbaijan~Pakisin—Iran (@)Tishoenistan~ Afghanistan — Pakistan — india Consider the following 1. Palm civet 3. Cheetah ‘Wich af the ave sre foun in India in their atralbabita? (@) Vonly (©) 2nd 3 only (©) Vand 3 only (@ 1,2and3 (Cond) 94 os, 7 ‘Who ofthe following ded of ange strike inprson? (2) Bhagat Singh (6) Bhupendranath Sanyal (©) Chad Shekhar Azad (@) Satin Dss| Consider the following ttements 1. Governorafa Statecan reserve cenain bills passed bythe State Legislature fer consideration ofthe President of india 2. Governorafa State can make theres to conduct the business of State Government Which ofthe statements given above ise (@) Lonly () only (©) Bown ang 2 (Netter 1 nor 2 Trereisa growingconeem about therleae ofa parcular gasint the aunospere fom {he pelos of Arete gin. Which one ofthe following i that gat? (@) Carbon monoxide () bane (©) Matbane @ Satur dioxide -RuP ay recently inthe news i the mame of (@) Debitcant (©) Dia eurency (©) Supercomputer (6) Tax bene 9. 9. Which of the following istare among the main objectveobjectives of G20 group of counties? 1. Discussing key issues inthe global sconomy Promoting international Financial stability Selet the correct answer wsing the code jen below (@ Lonly (©) only (Both 1 and2 (@) Nether | nor2 With reference wo 'Sesbachalam Biosphere Reserve’, which ofthe fllowing statements ise cones? 1, hie loeaed inthe Eastem Ghats 2. isa unique topical ain forest. Select the caret answer sing the code sven below (@ Lonly ©) only (@) Both} and2 (@) Neither 1 noe 2 100, Which one ofthe following is located 101 between France and the United Kingdom? (2) Cook Strait () Davis Sait, (©) Stait of Dover (@) Seait of Gibralar Which one ofthe following is associated With the issu of conto! and phase out of the use of azo depleting substances? (Breton Woods Confrence () Dobe Development Agenda (©) Geneva Conference (Monreal Protea (Comé) 102, 10s, Consider the following statement 1. Headquarters of World Trade COrganiaton (WTO) ae in Doha. 2, Work velloctal Propet Ongization piled agency of WTO. ‘Which ofthe statements piven above sare (@) Vonly only (©) Both tana? (Neither 1 vor? ‘What is Faleon 9 cel seen in news? (9) Aroskot to dliversuelites into orbit (©) A short range missile Iunched fom swaships (6) Anunmanned fighter sreralt (@ Anasuonomical space observatory Consider the following statements: 1. arth reeives the Sun's energy ony at the infared end ofthe spectrum. 2. Earth erates the Suns heat ony as ltavolet energy. When ore stamens given above nine @ lonly © 2only (©) Both and? (Neither 1 nor2 105. Consider the following erp lens: 1. Banana 2 Potato 3. Tumerc Which of the above ifare propagated by ‘vegetative methods? © benly () end only (©) 2end’3 only @ 1.20003 106, The Polavaram Ingaion Project, ecently inthe news is located in (9) Avra Pradesh (6) Karnataka (©) Kerala (@) Tamil Nadu 107. At which of the following places is the Marine National Park lest ? (©) Chandiparon-sea (©) Jamnagar (©) Poduchery (@) ViseXbapatrara How many nonh-estem States of India (West engl movincluded) shart boder with thre other counties” (@) One ©) Two (©) Tree (@) None Contd) 109. "Fy as, wbich an be used in making 112, Which of the following is/are World rik emit from Heritage Properties as per UNESCO? 1, Bihan National Pack (0) Burning of acuta waste aac 2. Bandhavgch National Park (©) ning of mniipl oi waste 2 eee (6) Mining of sina nd on cs Set he comet snewe xg the ode (3) Tera power ae shen tao (@) and nly 1, Caner he owing stents ©) Sealy 1. Showineoecasatuipherainein ©) 2and3 ase ialyuimine Ween) 2and3 inal 113, Which folowing lass have melee 2 Mangere fin insncerisong etn te coutal mem of Wet Bengland aug niles 3. Ratan Which oft iments given sboveivie 4, Vakupiam const Selec te cone never ing the ede siventelow a (0) Vand onty 2 2and3 only (0) Both a2 (© t3and only (Neer ne? @ 1234 114 Woift6te recently innews.rerstowan Wc one among the lowing aw te chee pobelaston the large prodcerof sl nthe wer? sent recently (@) Acsteala (&) Asteroid that New pest the each © Chine sera (6) Galaxy lose our galany aes (Exoplanet in the Goldilocks Zone (© Sout Korea round ard dwar iar 3 (Coma) 115, Consider the following countries: U6, 1. Namibie 2 Syria 3. Morambique Recently in which af the above connie hasalkof displacement fitter ctzens been eaused due to civil waeterorist voles (1 and2 only @ 2only (@ 12and3 @ None “Which one of the following iver ses ear Matbaleshas? (@) Godavas (© Krishna (9) Kaveri © Toi 7. Reset, India made a dal with Jan to inuoduee India's fst high speed ral let. ‘ein between (@)Anmedthad and Mumba () Pane and Mumba (6) Atmedabad ané Des (@) Chennai and Hyderabad 118:in GandharaSotoo! of Ant, the image of which ofthe following dies isa prominent feature? (0) Bitahe (by Keisha (9 Mahavira @ Shiva 119, Which one of the Following, considered carcinogen, soften secretively used by sone fr afl frit ripeing () Calsium carbonate () Casio caride (©) Soka borzute @ Soin slfie 120. Which ofthe following nov member of ‘group of eounes known a6 7? (@) Avs (©) Canada (erence @ Japan SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

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