Blend Expert I o Specs

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Technical Note

QCX/BlendExpert-Mill I/O

FLS Automation A/S

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Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of
FLS Automation A/S.
The present documentation from FLS Automation A/S is subject to the content of the ordered, confirmed and
supplied system configuration.
Options specified and described in the FLS Automation A/S documentation as part of the general description but
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FLS Automation A/S assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
Copyright FLS Automation A/S. All rights reserved.

Introduction ...............................................................................................2
Communication Points................................................................................................................2

Weigh Feeders ..........................................................................................3

Principles of QCX Weigh Feeder Control ..................................................................................3
Feeder Set-points ........................................................................................................................3
Actual Set-points ........................................................................................................................4
Feed Rate ....................................................................................................................................4
Feeder Status Points ....................................................................................................................4

Mill ..............................................................................................................5
Sampler ......................................................................................................5
Control and Supervision ..........................................................................6
QCX control ...............................................................................................................................6

This Technical Note describes the signal exchange
QCX/BlendExpert module and the plants control system PLC.


The Technical Note describes only the most commonly used signals. In some
situations minor adjustments to the list may be made on site during the
commissioning phase.

Communication Points
Two types of communications Points are employed: Analog and Binary
Analog Points are used scaled analog input/output data transfer such as
feeder rate and set-point rate between QCX and the PLC.
Binary Points are digital input/output. They are used for transfer of digital
data such as run/stop/start/alarm between QCX and the PLC.

Weigh Feeders

Principles of QCX Weigh Feeder Control

In Figure 1, the principles of QCX weigh feeder control is sketched. As it
can be seen from the figure, the three main components are:
Weigh feeder
Plant control system (including operator interface)
QCX system
The operator primarily controls the raw mill and its feeders from the control
room. For instance, the operator controls the total feed to the mill.
However, the QCX/BlendExpert delivers the ratios between the raw
materials to the plant control system (the PLC). Based on the ratios and the
total feed, the feed rate for each of the feeders is calculated.

Weigh Feeder
Control Room
Total Feed




Set Point
Actual Set

PLC System

QCX System

Figure 1 Principles of the signals between the QCX system and a feeder. R/S

Feeder Set-points
When the operator enables the QCX control, the QCX system will supply the
control system the ratios between the feeders. The ratios are given as
percent, and they are summing up to one hundred percent. Based on the
ratios and the desired total feed, the feed rate to the individual feeder is
calculated by the control system (by multiplication).
Remarks: The QCX system will ensure that the sum of the set-points is
always 100 percent.

Actual Set-points
The QCX system needs to know what the current (actual) set-points are; no
matter if the system is under QCX control or it is under manual control.
The actual set-points are read from the plant control system to the QCX
system by means of analog points. The unit of the Points is percent, and the
sum of all values should be one hundred.

Feed Rate
For each feeder the current feed rate to the mill is supplied via analog
communication points. The unit of the Points is t/hr. The sum of all the feed
rates should be the total feed.

Feeder Status Points

For each of the feeders its status is transmitted to the QCX system by means
of a set of digital communication (binary) points.
If the feeder status Point is in the "normal" or "run" state, the feeder is
assumed to be running and available. If the Point is in "stop" or "alarm", the
feeder is assumed to be stopped, and it will not be included in the
As a result of this, it is possible to have a feeder in running mode even if it is
actually standing still. This situation can occur when a feeder is available
but currently not needed in order to obtain the desired raw mill quality.
In the minimum configuration, the Least Significant Bit (LSB) in the word
gives the state. However, it is possible to add more information for display

The QCX system needs to know if the mill is running or not. To be more
precise, the QCX system needs to know whether material is being produced
or not. This is communicated via Binary Point.
As an example, in the case of a vertical mill, the signal could be created in
the PLC software by the combination:
mill motor running and main feed belt running and rollers

The QCX system needs to know when a sample has been taken from the
sampler, e.g. the SMX sampler. For this purpose it is defined a "Sample
taken" signal. QCX will receive this signal from PLC in order to register a
sample in the system with the correct timestamp.
Normally the signal turns ON when a sample is taken, understanding when
the mixer is opened or when the material is poured in the carrier on
autosampling systems
The signal should be moderated in the PLC software in two ways:

The length of the pulse should be extended to a minimum of 45

The software should prevent a new signal in the following five

The principles are shown in Figure 2.

Minimum 45 seconds
Minimum 5 minutes

Figure 2 Sample Taken pulse minimum length and suppression period.

Control and Supervision

QCX control
The purpose of the following signals is to enable the Central Control Room
(CCR) Operators to enable or disable the usage of the set-points from the
QCX system.
The QCX\BLX will send a "BLX ready" signal when the BLX calculations
find a control solution and the operator enables it at the QCX/BlendExpert
main window at the QCX computer.
The QCX\BLX should receive a "BLX selected" binary information from
PLC (or might be directly on the mimic) to inform that BLX is allowed to
take the control of the feeders setpoints.
While QCX\BLX is on Control, a binary signal will be generated to PLC
indicating "BLX Automatic", meaning BLX on control.
Finally, the PLC should switch to Manual operator control if the
communication between QCX and the plant PLC is lost. Communication
watchdog supervision can be established inside the PLC as QCX BLX will
send a "Hearbeat" signal oscillating with a pre-defined time interval.

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