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Name: Antonio Rosales

level 4

course: 3

1) I have that since, not because of anything particular.

2) He were a solid embodiment of , bone, muscle, heart, and mind to be a man.
3) Age more or less in step, proceed from birth along the same great sequence.
4) The wonders and confinements of childhood; the emancipations and frustrations of
adolescense; the empowerments and millstones of adulthood.
5) They become narratives that we can then read and recognize.
6) 6 years ago, a thought leapt to mind.
7) The entirety of that same great sequence.
8) I was prone to meditating on time and age.
9) And besides, growing old only postponed the inevitable.
10) 27 ... a time of sudden revelations.
11) On the page, clear as the reflection in the mirror.
12) Emerging at 30 from the "... wasteland of preparation into active life.
13) And who today is eighty-five (85), all those years.
14) I shared the list with my grandfather, he nodded in recognition.

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