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The Banshee Explanation of Symbols “The Banshee” is played on the open strings of the piano, the player standing at the crook. Another person must sit at the keyboard and hold down the damper pedal throughout the composition. The whole work should be played an octave lower than written. RH. stands for “right hand.” L. H, stands for “Left hand.” Different ways of playing the strings are indicated by a letter over each tone, as follows: @ indicates a sweep with the flesh ofthe finger from the lowest steing up to the note given. ® sweep lengthwise along the string of the note given with flesh of finger. © sweep up and back from lowest A to highest B-flat given in this ‘composition. © biuck string with flesh of finger, where written, instead of octave lower. ©) sweep along three notes together, in the same manner a ®) sweep in the manner of(B) but with the back of finger-nail instead of flesh. @ when the finger is half way along the string in the manner of ®), start a sweep along the same string with the flesh of the other finger, thus partly damping the sound. @® sweep back and forth in the manner of @), but start at the same time from both above and below, crossing the sweep in the middle, © sweep along five notes, in the manner of @ same as(L) but with back of finger-nails instead of flesh of finger. sweep along in manner of (J) with nails of both hands together, taking in all notes between the two outer limits given. © sweep in manser of © with fat of hand instead of single finger. 3. The Banshee Henry Cowell (1928) @ ® <—— Tempo Rubato mn © @ % A) PP a A LE 10,0 :©© 20,0 LOO On © © ©O© OO wo Fast Prest, @ ‘asi % “® epee ® ® oy dim. e © ® On® wall Dy O_ rit, molto ae S — oo Oe anrsent 10 4. Aeolian Harp Explanation of Symbols AA ofthe notes of the “Acolian Harp” should be pressed down fon the keys, without sounding, atthe same ime being played on the “inside” indicates thatthe notes are tobe played nen the center ofthe ‘open strings ofthe piano with te other hand bose inside the steel bar which rune parallel to the key ross the strings. ‘ow. indicates thatthe strings shauld be swept from the lowest tothe “outside” indicates that the notes are tobe played outside this bar, neat highest note of the chord given, of ifthe atpeggio matk the tuning pews given with a downward arrow, from the top tothe bottom Except where indicated, the pedal must Never Be DOWN while the fate of the chord, sng at eg ep at oo a the meey nue he jal should be put dona, and held unui the time i ready ize, indicates the string isto be plucked. Both sweeps and plucks are pedal should be put down, and hel ‘made with the des of te Hager unless ctierse dieses tobegin a new sweep, when it must be released, Henry Cowell Tempo Rubato ony icowe! Pp (ith back af thumb mast) ee eee inside eae ret. _ gP @ tempo Copyright 1990 by W. A. Quinke & Company, Los An Copyright renevred 1938 by Henry Conell

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