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Kong 1

Olivia Kong
Mr. King
English 1
21, September, 2016
The world works in abounding skeptical ways, we all know this. The universe is filled
with unimaginable scenarios that us ordinary humans cannot seem to grasp. Psychic readings,
mediums, and ghost encounters are just mere examples of what our world may contain. My
experience with all three of these have been extreme and overwhelming, especially when one
almost threatened my life.
I remember the year 2011 as clear as a freshly cleaned window pane. I was going into my
third year of school and tears threatened to fall , Do I really need education? Id ask my mom
but to my dismay, shed threaten me with a whoopin. Rain fell, sweat dropped, school neared its
break, and winter was born. My family decided it was time to go back to our hometown,
Kontum, Vietnam, to learn the authentic culture instead of the westernized concept that was in
the US. The village weve stayed at since my grandmother was an infant, greeted us with the
heavenly scent of pho and rice. My family, friends, and distant relatives reach euphoria,
practically dancing for our return.
Because of our arrival, the village threw my family a welcoming back party with food
that couldve served an entire city. The event took place in the villages school and although it
was school, there wasnt many kids who attended it because a man had killed himself there. The
man was assumed to be the attendance keeper and roamed the halls, he hadnt any family and no
one knew his actual name. As the day reached its endpoint and darkness took over the blissful

Kong 2

sky, I stumbled upon the only closed door and although curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction
brought him back.
Whilst entering the room I noticed an unpleasant amount of dirty napkins in a small bin
near the immense grandfather clock, discombobulated I noticed the grandfather clock was made
of cheap plastic. The muscle of my eyebrow moved in a forward manner and confusion seemed
to have finally settled in. I blinked about three of four times and realization hit me like a truck,
there was a man in front of me. He couldnt have been taller than 4 feet and was as stubby as a
tree trunk. His skin was a sickening purple, and his teeth were oddly white. I hadnt noticed it
right there and then but he was grinning. A vast, vivid, venomous, villainous, vicious, victorious,
violent grin plastered on his face like hed won something, he looked pleaded, and thats when I
knew everything that was about to happen, would change me forever.
I couldnt move, it was as if time had stopped and in a matter of seconds everything
would crumble to pieces by endless corruption. I swallow my petrified screams and my mouth
begins to taste like metal. My legs grow heavy with fear crying out for freedom, and Im so
terrified that I forget how to think. I was unable to react when he winked and waved at me after
my grandmother found me in the dim room and grabbed my arm leaving bruises on my wrist,
because I had known that I was the mouse, and he was the cat, and this was reality.
After the third week, the comfort and delight of being in the village started slowly fading
away, and what was left started belittling my existence one day at a time. My skin crawled in
terror and the hairs on my neck stood up as quick as lightning. Every time I took a deep breathe
my chest was filled with pain, and my throat had been drier than the Sahara Desert. I was getting
sick until the point where my fever would reach 106 degrees and brief headaches.

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After countless prayers my grandmother came to a proposition, shed make a deal with
the villages ghost. My grandma would have the village bring something valuable and bury it
behind the school. Because this wasnt the first encounter of the ghost, theyve also grown a fruit
tree next to his window In order to keep him satisfied. A week before I left my grandmother
traveled to the main city, Ho Chi Minh City, and visited the Catholic Church in asking for our
Five years later and I havent heard or seen this ghost while visiting. It baffles me that
people think the supernatural only happens in movies or books, and is fiction. There are so many
articles of paranormality that we may not have certain explanations and hold our doubts for.
Although this was my first experience with paranormal activity, and definitely wasnt my last,
but if there is one thing ive learned from finding myself in these situations, is to not be skeptical
about everything you dont believe just because you didnt witness it yourself, but that doesnt
mean you should be naive to everything you bypass as well.

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