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w rhase LL HH UL. C 1 DSS Gentile 2 {Phase one includes testing in a group. hasaa ‘oné through three simulates a hospital a reception desk and tests whether the dog can “be left with someone while the handler has to be briefly absent” to checkin (Therapy Dogs Intemation), The handler gives the command for the ho 7 canine to stay or sit and hands the leash over to a helper. Next they, wifl walk down a hall where “people will try visiting with the dog...must demonstrate that the dog can withstand he approach \ OYE and touching by several people” (Therapy Dogs International). Thishels sh show, dog can handle an interception and be friendly with those trying to visit with fem) Tn stages four through oy whole group of handler/canine teams participate in a group sit/stay/ down activity. In this stage, “The handlers will give the sit command to the dogs. The evaluator will tll the handlers to leave their dogs. The handlers will step out to the end of their 6 ft. leash, turn around and A the J 4! dog(s) and wait for the evaluator’s command to return to their ogee” ae Dogs vy 3 ya see Interantoo), Repeton of tis bit procedure ooepes ‘owning the dog instead of sitting tho doy them. This test insures the capability of staying under control without the handler directly by their” side. Stage seven simulates a visit with a patient and the canines will to visit!) /! Phase two commences with stage eight and tests reactions to unusual simulations such as $ ite “passing a ergon on crutches, someone runing by calling ecuse me, excuse me ca their His dog may be startled “but must recover me?) apy Doge Iniemationd) nas hands Stage nine and ten, known as “Leave it part 1 and 2” includes}the dog handler/team meets a “person in a wheelchair After briefly interacting with the dog, Wey will offer the dog a treat. The handler must instruct the dog to leave it” ¢Fherapy Dogs Internatidnal), The handler should explain to the patient why the dog cannot eat a treat while visiting, For Hi dog handler team comes across food on the floor and the dog must leave it and keep walking. The significance & mer = he\she ov

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